Weird Wizarding World

Chapter 376 Frost

"Your Excellency, this is..."

The capital of Loen Kingdom, Golden Wheat Ear.

The wizard tower building complex next to the palace is in a golden spire wizard tower.

Wilbur, the first-level high-ranking wizard who received Colin, looked at his embarrassed appearance with surprise on his face.

"We encountered some trouble on the way here." Colin replied, with a vivid lingering fear in his eyes.

Wilbur understood immediately and said sympathetically, "That's really unfortunate. Although the war has stopped now, the world is still in chaos... It's not easy for you to come all the way here."

Having said this, Wilbur looked at Colin and said: "Do you want to rest first? The Kingdom of Loen is very peaceful. You can do other things such as reporting later. I can take you to a safe place first." A place to rest.”

"No, let's report to the school first." Colin shook his head and insisted.

He tried his best to come here as fast as possible, not just to rest.


Seeing Colin's insistence, Wilbur nodded and said without saying anything more, "Come with me, Sir Colin."

As if thinking of something, he paused for a moment, then turned back and said: "By the way, my name is Wilbur Matthew, you can just call me Wilbur."

"Well, Colin Leonard." Colin nodded slightly and followed Wilbur to the fifth and top floor of the Wizard Tower.

In the center is a familiar silver ring-shaped device - the Communication Ring Tower. It is the same as the one seen in the Far North camp before, except that it is a few circles larger and almost occupies the entire top floor of the Wizard Tower.

Colin took off the school badge and the golden feather nameplate and handed them to Wilbur. The latter's eyes were slightly startled when he saw the Jin Yu nameplate.

"Just use the badge."

"Really?" Colin said calmly.

"Yes." Wilbur only picked up the badge and left the golden feather nameplate in Colin's hand. He turned around and began to report. The silver communication ring tower slowly rotated and made a slight buzzing sound.

"Okay, Your Excellency, the report to the school has been completed."

After a moment, Wilbur turned around and returned the badge to Colin, his tone obviously warmer than before.

He really didn't expect that the wizard who came to guard this time turned out to be a golden feather! ?

"Thank you." Colin took the badge, paused, and asked with a smile: "Can you help me find a place to rest temporarily?"

"Of course it's no problem." Wilbur nodded with a smile on his face, "You may not know this, but in the Kingdom of Loen, there are only two of us official wizards from the Xisheng School. Please take good care of us in the future."

Colin raised his eyebrows... Are they the only two wizards from the Tin Sage School?

With his mind turning, he said with a polite smile: "I don't deserve your care. I have just come to the Kingdom of Loen. As a first comer, I should thank you for your care."

No one dislikes hearing good words. Although Wilbur knew that this was just polite, he could still tell that he was in a happy mood.

"Your Excellency, you are Jin Yu. I am just an ordinary wizard. At most, I just have more experience..."

The two complimented each other again. With the blessing of Colin Jinyu's identity, Wilbur was in a good mood and almost made Colin a confidant - although it was only superficial.

However, the wizarding world has serious factional concepts. If, as Wilbur said, there are only two official wizards from the Tin Sage School in the Kingdom of Loen, then at least it will not hurt to have a good relationship with them.

About ten minutes later, Wilbur took Colin out of the wizard tower area and came to a villa very nearby.

"This is one of my properties. You will have a good rest here for the time being and recover from your injuries. Tomorrow or later, I will take you to buy a residence. The Kingdom of Loen has special subsidies in this regard. Just choose the place. A place to live usually doesn’t cost anything.”

"Yes." Colin nodded and slowly sat down on the sofa, pretending to be very weak and in need of rest.

But Wilbur didn't know whether he didn't see his hint, or he came to talk, and he didn't leave, but continued to preach like he was pouring beans:

“Actually, the Kingdom of Loen originally built a unified residence for us resident wizards from various schools, but it was hard to reconcile, and eventually it was changed to the current house purchase subsidy.

Of course, if you are willing, you can also apply to rebuild a house in a suitable place, and the Kingdom will also provide subsidies. "

"Although we are resident wizards, we are not subject to many restrictions on weekdays. Strictly speaking, our residence can only be within the Golden Maisui City area.

However, if you have the habit of studying witchcraft, you can also choose to build a laboratory further away, but you need to ensure that you can be contacted as soon as possible. "

"I understand, thank you for your explanation." Colin nodded.

Now it seems that the stationing mission in Loen Kingdom is more relaxed than I imagined.

But we came to a good place... Colin smiled in his heart.

"Then I won't disturb you. You can stay here as long as you want. If you like it, just tell me and the villa here can be given to you."

Wilbur continued, paused and then added, "I see that you have a maid, so it seems that I don't need to arrange a special servant for you.

However, since you are new here, I will ask a steward to wait outside later. If you need anything, feel free to ask for him. "

"Okay, please excuse me." Colin said.

"Well, your Excellency, pay attention to rest, then I won't disturb you."

Colin watched Wilbur's back gradually leaving, feeling slightly relieved.

Wilbur was simply a little too enthusiastic, and I don’t know if it was because of his personality or for some other reason.

But no matter what, as Mentor Atbold said, the strongest wizard in the Kingdom of Loen is just a second-level wizard.

In a place like this, even if there is danger, how big can it be.

Compared with this, what he needs to worry about now is killing Gena and Baal.

Both Genna and Bald came from pure-blood families and were second-level wizards. Their deaths were not a small matter.


As Colin expected, the disappearance of Gener and Baal soon attracted the attention of the family.

Unlike the previous Joyce, the latter deliberately concealed his whereabouts, and even told people around him that he would be in seclusion for a period of time before setting off.

It was not until half a month later that the Hiddos family initially announced that Joyce was missing. Since then, until now, Joyce has not been confirmed dead due to insufficient evidence.

But Gener and Barr were different. Although they slightly concealed their whereabouts, the next day, when acquaintances around them discovered that the two people they used to see every day suddenly disappeared, they immediately noticed something unusual.

Especially under the current complicated situation in Neustadt City, the Hitos and Bunir families responded extremely quickly, and soon each sent wizards to take the lead in investigating the matter.

Since two second-level intermediate wizards were involved, even the slightly weaker Bunir family sent three second-level senior wizards to investigate.

The Hitos family also sent a team of three, but just in case, the leader was a third-level wizard!

However, even so, it was already two days later when the place where Gena and Baal were killed was found.

Border of the Kingdom of Neustadt.

The investigation team of the Hidos family and the investigation team of the Bunir family gathered here.

"I'm afraid Genna and Baal have been killed." After careful inspection, Buz, the third-level wizard of the Hitos family, said with a gloomy expression, "This should be the place where they were killed."

The investigation teams of the two families did not know in advance that each other encountered the same situation, but they were inevitably in contact during the investigation. So after a little discussion, the two investigation teams chose to merge, led by the third-level wizard of the Hitos family.

"Already killed?!" Yif, the second-level wizard leading the Bunir family, also looked gloomy.

The wizards in the family all have a community of interests. Although their feelings for each other may be good or bad, under such circumstances, they will all share the same hatred.

"It seems that Colin is indeed very suspicious!" Yves thought for a moment and frowned, "According to previous investigations in the city, Gener and Barr had secretly ordered wizards to monitor Colin for unknown reasons. 's whereabouts.

On May 19th of the Anam calendar, Golden Feather Colin left the city of Neustadt for a mandatory mission and went to the Kingdom of Loen. Coincidentally, Gena and Luen also started disappearing at that time. "

In fact, the reason why their group was able to find this place was because they speculated that Gener and Barr might have followed Colin and left the city of Neustadt.

So they tentatively searched along Colin's route to the Kingdom of Loen. Unexpectedly, they finally found the traces left by the two of Gena here!

"If I remember correctly, that Jin Yu has just been promoted to a first-level senior wizard." Buz turned his head and said slowly, "It is absolutely impossible for a first-level senior wizard to have the strength to kill two Second-level wizard."

"But it is undeniable that the two Gena were indeed attacked and died on the way to follow Colin." Yves said, "In any case, that Jin Yu must be suspicious... Perhaps, he hid his own strength .”

Buz didn't answer. He slowly closed his eyes and concentrated on feeling any traces that might remain in the space in front of him.

The third-level wizard's qualitative change in mental power allowed him to quickly capture more new breaths.

"There is chill...the power of frost." Buz opened his eyes and asked Eve, "Is there anything related to frost in the witchcraft that Jin Yu is good at?"

"Not sure..." Yifu shook his head.

"Lord Buz, I know." At this time, a member of the Hitos family behind Buz suddenly said,

"That Jin Yu, if I remember correctly, his best witchcraft is a second-level low-level summoning fire element witchcraft.

As for frost witchcraft, I have never heard of it being used. "

Buzz nodded, indicating that he understood.

He had already ruled out most of Colin's suspicions.

He didn't know much about the Jin Yu recruited by this family, but he also knew that Colin had just advanced to the first level of advanced wizard not long ago... There shouldn't be much difference in strength now.

Moreover...the power of frost made my mind vaguely connect with another possibility.

"Lord Buz, the Kingdom of Loen is not far away. I think we can go directly to ask that Jin Yu."

However, Yves of the Bunir family still had doubts and suggested that his intuition told him that Colin was very suspicious.

Butz did not refute it. Although the possibility was unlikely, it could not stop him from investigating.

"Okay." He nodded, paused and said, "But I have to wait a moment. I need to go back to the city first. I'll be back in about half an hour. You guys wait here first."


As soon as he finished speaking, a white light lit up, and Buz's figure suddenly disappeared.

Yves had doubts in his heart, but it was difficult to ask any questions. After all, Buz was a third-level wizard, and he was only a second-level wizard.

If the Bunir family hadn't sent him as the investigation leader for this investigation, he would have no qualifications to discuss with Butz what to do.

"Yif, do you think Barr was really killed by that Jin Yu? Isn't he only a first-level senior?" a wizard from the Bunir family asked in a low voice.

"Gner and Barr had no trouble earlier or later, but they happened to have an accident when they were following Colin... Even if Colin didn't do it, he couldn't get away with it," Yves emphasized.

"Speaking of which, that Jin Yu is also quite evil. Not only will he not join the faction, but he also personally killed our family's second-level wizard Axi."

Another wizard from the Hitos family said, "At that time, I heard that he had just advanced to the first level of advanced level and had not yet registered in the school."

"More than half a year has passed now. Who knows what his specific strength is now..."

"I don't think it's possible to advance to the second level. It's not like everyone doesn't know how difficult it is to advance to the second level." Someone else retorted.

This makes sense. Yifu remained silent and did not continue to participate in the discussion.

Not even half an hour, but only ten minutes later, another white light lit up, and Buz's figure appeared again.

Before Yifu and others could speak, they saw a new golden light light up, and another wizard appeared in front of them.

The black witch robe of the law enforcement team on this wizard showed his identity.

"Your Excellency Fabole, look, I noticed some unique frost atmosphere here." Buz said.

"Yes." Fabol nodded, "The law enforcement team will remember the kindness of the Hidos family."

Buz smiled.

Fabole turned his head, with a calm expression, and began to carefully examine the space in front of him.

After a while, his expression changed, and he frowned slightly and said:

"It's been too long, and the remaining frost breath is a little weak, but there are indeed some similarities... It's just that if we want to be sure, further investigation is needed."

Buz nodded seriously, and immediately understood what Fabole meant. He turned to Yif and others and said:

"Let's go to Loen Kingdom."

Yves was full of doubts, but he didn't hesitate to ask more questions, so he just followed Buz.

As a result, six investigating wizards from pure-blood families, plus a third-level wizard from the law enforcement team, headed towards the Kingdom of Loen together.

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