Weird Wizarding World

Chapter 377 Disadvantages

"There have been no traces of the Frost Phantom in the city for several days. The law enforcement team has recently speculated whether the Frost Phantom has left the city of Neustadt..."

On the way to the Loen Kingdom, Fabole was talking to Buz.

Due to the long distance, even two third-level wizards cannot simply use teleportation to get there, let alone five second-level wizards with them.

At this moment, all the wizards are moving forward quickly in a huge fusiform light shield - this is Buz's group flying witchcraft. The speed is extremely fast, and they can reach the Kingdom of Loen in up to an hour.

"In addition to the Frost Phantom, I heard that there are some weird phenomena happening in the city..." Buz said. He and Fabole can be considered old friends. Although they are just acquaintances, they can still exchange a few words.

"Are you talking about those wizards who frequently fall into madness?" Fabol shook his head. "I have heard about some, but I don't know much about them. I am mainly responsible for the Frost Phantom incident."

The so-called Frost Phantom is the code name given by the law enforcement team to the monster that has frequently attacked and killed wizards in Neustadt City recently, but has disappeared and only traces of frost left at the scene can be seen.

"If the traces just discovered are finally confirmed to belong to the Frost Phantom, then the law enforcement team's speculation may be correct - the Frost Phantom has left the city of Neustadt."

Fabole continued, his face gloomy, and he emphasized in a deep voice, "But no matter what, even if it is chased to the end of the world, the law enforcement team will completely eliminate the Frost Phantom!"

Buzz nodded, "I hope I can find some clues later."

Having said that, Butz didn't have high expectations, and there was a high probability that Fabole would not gain anything from this trip.

But just as he had agreed to Yves's proposal before, although the deaths of Colin and Gnabal were most likely not related to the Frost Phantom.

But as long as there is suspicion, it must be eliminated.

In fact, this was the reason why Fabole followed them to the Kingdom of Loen.

after an hour.

Kingdom of Loen, Golden Wheat Ears.

Buz met Colin in the wizard tower in the middle.

"Excuse me, sir, why do you want to see me?"

Colin asked with just the right amount of doubt on his face as he hurried over from a house he had just bought.

"Don't be nervous, I'm here to ask you some questions this time." Buzz said calmly.

Wilbur was standing next to him, his face respectful.

Before summoning Colin, Buz first asked Wilbur, the wizard who had contacted Colin that day, and also checked the exact time Colin arrived in the Loen Kingdom.

It was precisely because of this that Buzz's tone was so gentle.

According to the time recorded in the Messaging Ring Tower, Colin arrived at the Kingdom of Loen at approximately 11:52 noon on May 19th in the Anam calendar.

According to previous investigations, Colin had left Neustadt around 7 o'clock.

In other words, it took Colin about five hours to arrive at the Loen Kingdom from Neustadt City.

According to the flying speed of a first-order wizard, this time is very reasonable. At least from a time perspective, there is indeed no way for Colin to return to the Kingdom of Loen after killing Gena and Baal.

As for whether Colin had hidden strength, Buzz had already denied this possibility when Colin first walked in.

Whether it's spiritually or magically, Colin is an out-and-out first-order high-level wizard... Perhaps the only special thing is that his body is extraordinarily powerful.

But this doesn't mean anything. At most, it can only prove that Colin has done a good job in strengthening the foundation of the body.

Colin nodded slightly and asked, "What questions do you want to ask, sir?"

"On May 19th in the Anan calendar, when you left the city of Neustadt and headed for the Kingdom of Loen, did you encounter anything special?"

"Something special...I was attacked on the road."

Buz nodded slightly, which was the same question he asked in Wilbur's mouth, "Can you tell me more about the attack? Where was it?"

"Okay." Colin nodded and recalled: "At that time, I was taking a rest in a forest near the Kingdom of Fapu, which is about three hours away from the Kingdom of Loen..."

After listening to Colin's description carefully, Buzz nodded slightly and asked again:

"Do you know Gnar Hidos and Bar Bunir?"

"...I don't know." Colin said with a slight frown.

"Have you heard or seen them? They two look like this." Butz handed the portraits of Gener and Barr to Colin.

"no impression……"

Buz looked at Colin's expression carefully and saw nothing unusual, so he put the portrait away with a smile:

"Okay, these are the questions I want to ask. You can leave. Well, you too."

Although there were still some doubts, he probably already figured out what was going on.

"Okay, sir." Colin and Wilbur responded, and then walked out of the wizard tower together.

When he opened the door, Colin paused for a moment.

Outside the door, Fabol walked in with five other wizards.

Colin sidled slightly out of the way.

"Sir Fabole, have you done it over there?" Buz asked.

Before coming, they briefly assigned tasks, and he was responsible for questioning Colin.

Fabole was responsible for leading the rest of the wizards to conduct a brief inspection of Golden Wheat Sheep City, focusing on Colin's residence and other places to see if any special traces could be found.

"Yeah." Fabole nodded, then shook his head, "Nothing was found."

Colin closed the door and paused for a moment. Suddenly he understood what the new third-level wizard was going to do, and he was slightly shocked.

Fortunately, he had anticipated the occurrence of this situation. The six frost shadows were still in a wilderness a hundred miles away and were not brought to the Loen Kingdom by him.

Butz nodded without any surprise and added: "I have also ruled out Colin as a suspect. I'm afraid Gener and Barr are just unlucky."

Hearing this, Colin outside the door finally relaxed and left the wizard tower with Wilbur.

In the room, Butz continued to talk.

"I have checked and found that Colin is indeed only a first-level senior wizard and has no hidden strength."

"I have roughly figured out the whole thing. In terms of time, it should be like this - on May 19th in the Anan calendar, Colin was the first to leave the city of Neustadt, and both Gener and Baal I don't know what the purpose is.

Then Colin was suddenly attacked in a wilderness forest in the Kingdom of Fapu. After that, Gener and Barr returned to the city of Neustadt, and accidentally encountered the Frost Phantom and died. "

Fabole nodded in agreement. Although there were still some doubts, all the evidence pointed to this conclusion, so he had no reason not to believe that this was the fact.

"But, he couldn't explain why Gena and Barr were targeting him..." After hearing this, Yves subconsciously raised another doubt.

"I think... maybe we should ask Gener and Barr about this." Buz smiled and continued patiently: "I have also confirmed that Colin does not know Gener and Barr."

Fabole's face was gloomy. He didn't care why Gener and Barr dealt with Colin.

These two wizards are dead, and there is no point in worrying about it anymore.

What he is even more worried about is the Frost Phantom... This monster that has not appeared for a while has really left the city of Neustadt?

Although I told Buz just now that even if the Frost Phantom ran to the ends of the earth, the law enforcement team would destroy it.

But in reality, once the Frost Phantom chooses to leave the city of Neustadt, it will not be easy to find it again in the vast world.

"The wizard who died this time in your Hitos family was called Gena?" Fabol suddenly asked Buz again.

"Yes, Gena Sidos, a second-level intermediate wizard." Buz replied, "What's wrong, Mr. Fabole?"

As if thinking of something, Fabole nodded slightly, raised his head and looked at the confused Buz and said:

"I met this wizard some time ago... when I first discovered traces of frost monsters in the city."

"If I remember correctly at that time, Gena killed a mad wizard who attacked him, and in the mad wizard's basement, we found such traces of frost for the first time."

Buz raised his eyebrows, "There is such a thing. Now it seems...Gner's death at the hands of the frost monster may not be an accident."

"Perhaps." Fabol sighed, then looked at Butz and said, "I'm busy with official business, so I won't go back to Neustadt with you. I'll go first."

"Okay." Butz nodded.


Fabole also nodded towards him, and then his figure disappeared immediately.

In order to return to Neustadt City as soon as possible, he prepared to alternately use teleportation and flight.

"Let's go too." Buz finally turned back to the wizard behind him and said, and left the Kingdom of Loen.


Gusui neighborhood.

This street with a simple name is actually one of the most luxurious residential areas in Jinmaisui City.

The area here is huge, but there are very few buildings. At the same time, the green area is astonishingly large. There is at least a hundred meters between each single-family villa.

On the wide avenue of the block, Wilbur was accompanying Colin towards the villa he had just purchased.

When Buzz and his wife arrived, Colin had just completed some formalities for buying a house and was buying some appliances for the home with Wilbur's help.

Now that Buz and others had left, he needed to go back and deal with the matter.

Wilbur looked at Colin next to him, hesitated several times and couldn't help but said:

"Sir Colin, I really didn't expect that those who attacked you would be two second-level wizards from pure-blood families!"

"Those are second-level wizards, and you can actually survive in their hands!"

There was a sense of wonder in Wilbur's tone, but he soon realized that there seemed to be something wrong with his wording, so he quickly added:

"What I mean is that your Excellency is really powerful. You can survive two second-level wizards... You must know that the strongest wizard in the Loen Kingdom, Your Excellency Erwin, is only a second-level wizard."

"I didn't expect it either. I can only say it's good luck... Is there only one second-level wizard, Erwin, in the Loen Kingdom?"

"Yes." Wilbur nodded subconsciously, "I have been in the Kingdom of Loen for a year. Except for Mr. Kelvin, the other wizards from the school like us are all first-level, and most of them are first-level seniors. , a small number of them are first-level intermediates.”

"Isn't Mr. Erwin from a school of thought?" Colin raised his eyebrows.

"No." Wilbur shook his head, "Your Excellency Irwin is a member of the Loen royal family."

Colin nodded.

Erwin is the second-level wizard who officially manages these resident wizards - although until now, he has not been able to meet Erwin.

The two walked in the forest-like neighborhood for five minutes and finally arrived at Colin's latest large villa.

Not counting the underground floor, the villa has only three floors in total, but the area of ​​each floor reaches an exaggerated nearly 300 square meters. This does not include the huge yard attached to the villa.

At this moment, there are some carriages parked outside the villa, and workers are moving some things inside.

"It's a pity that the villa next to me has been bought, otherwise maybe we can still be neighbors." Wilbur sighed as he walked inside.

The luxurious nature of the Gusui neighborhood determines that the people who live here are the top-level people of the Loen Kingdom, which of course includes resident wizards like them.

According to Wilbur, more than half of the wizards in the Loen Kingdom own real estate here.

As for why Colin chose this place, it was mainly to keep a low profile.

For ordinary people, living in such a mansion is undoubtedly an extremely high-profile event.

But for Colin today, it would be a conspicuous thing if he chose to live in an ordinary house.

In fact, Colin originally planned to find a relatively remote place to live in Golden Wheat Sui so that he could practice witchcraft and do some research.

But as a resident wizard, his residence cannot leave the city of Golden Wheat Sui. As the prosperous capital of the Loen Kingdom, Golden Wheat Sui has a huge population density.

So after choosing, it turned out that this most upscale neighborhood was more "deserted".

Every other place is really too crowded.

If he lived in a place like that, he might make a mistake in controlling the attack in the basement one day and shoot an attack directly into the basement of the neighbor's house next door. No matter how unlucky he was, it was not impossible to hit the next door neighbor's basement.

Of course, even now, the basement of this high-end villa in Gusui Street can only withstand some ordinary witchcraft research at best.

It was still too much to endure the daily witchcraft practice of a second-level wizard, and he needed to find some solutions.

Maybe... rush out of the city to practice every day?

Colin thought silently in his heart.

With practice, there will be progress. Although the effect of the gold paper is powerful, it still brings some inconvenience to him to some extent.

After all, the exercises recognized by Gold Paper require you to do your best every time.

If I had to pick out a shortcoming of gold paper, I'm afraid this would be one.

However, if you think about it carefully, it seems that not having a suitable place to practice is not the shortcoming of Jinzhi, but my own shortcoming...

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