Weird Wizarding World

Chapter 378 I need compensation

"Be careful!"

"Sir, is this where the sofa is placed?"

"Yeah." Colin came back from his thoughts and nodded slightly.

How to solve the daily practice... I can't think of an answer for the moment, but there must be a way to the mountain. At worst, I quietly go out of the city every day and find a place to practice.

"Okay!" The foreman nodded enthusiastically, then turned around and continued to direct the workers to move the huge leather sofa.

"Sir Colin, do you still lack any furniture here?" Wilbur walked into the living room on the first floor of the villa with him and asked.

"Everything is almost done." Colin smiled, "Thanks to your help."

This is not just a courtesy. In the unfamiliar Kingdom of Loen, if you want to decorate this newly purchased villa to your liking and be able to move in within two days, it is not something you can do with simple wealth. Arrived.

Wilbur contributed a lot to it. Of course, these things were trivial to them, and Wilbur didn't actually pay much attention to them.

He thought for a moment and then looked at Colin and asked: "Your Excellency... what are you going to do next?"

Wilbur's tone was curious and hesitant.

"Plan?" Colin was confused. The workers next to him were too noisy, so he walked towards another side hall that had been arranged.

"It's..." Wilbur reminded vaguely, "a pure-blood family."

Colin's mind was spinning and he stared at Wilbur for a few seconds. Then he suddenly reacted. He suppressed the surprise in his heart and pretended to be calm and asked:

"You mean, those two pure-blood wizards attacked me?"

Wilbur nodded, with curiosity in his eyes.

In his opinion, as a golden feather, Colin was attacked by two pure-blood family wizards for no reason, and it was obviously impossible to just let it go.

In fact, he was more curious about why the two pure-blood family wizards attacked Colin.

But this question had already been asked by Mr. Butz who came before, and Colin answered that he didn't know.

Naturally, it’s not easy for him to ask too many questions now.

"I will go back to the city of Neustadt after a while." Colin said vaguely after pondering for a moment.

Wilbur nodded, the curiosity on his face lessening. In his opinion, Colin's words obviously meant that he was going to Neustadt City to seek justice.

But Colin hadn't thought it through yet. In fact, he hadn't even thought about it at first!

Thanks to Wilbur's reminder, he suddenly realized that he was actually a victim.

Although the matter has been settled now, he has been freed from suspicion, and even Gena and Barr are dead. Logically speaking, there should not be any more trouble.

But it was a fact that the two Genas attacked him. As a victim, if he didn't react at all, it would be somewhat abnormal.

'It's still not thoughtful enough...'

Colin was secretly alert, but as his mind turned, the corners of his mouth curled up slightly.

"Yeah, I almost forgot that I am the 'real' victim!"

After pondering for a moment, he made a decision.


The next day.

Neustadt City.

Colin looked at the familiar city gate and let out a soft breath. Although he left not long ago, when he returned now, he felt as if he was in another world.

This is probably because Neustadt has changed from a previous residence to a distant city.

After returning to the city, he did not go to visit his mentor, but went straight to the Black Castle of the Xisheng School.

When there was a fight like this within the school, it was obviously wrong to find the law enforcement team. What Colin needed to find was the Black Fort inspector who arrested them during the Axi incident.

Of course, Colin today is no longer the ordinary first-level wizard he was back then. Even though Jin Yu has not yet joined the faction, his identity is enough for him to be taken seriously.

And just in case, Colin also chose to find an "acquaintance."

“Your Excellency Nancy, this is what happened.

Mr. Buz of the Hidos family and Mr. Fabole of the law enforcement team can both prove the authenticity of what I said. "

In an office, Nancy looked at Colin in front of her and nodded slightly, indicating that she knew.

Although under the instruction of that adult, she helped Colin rescue his mentor and senior sister from the Black Castle inspectors.

But the adult clearly only said that he would help Colin solve this matter, and later did not say that he would take special care of him... She guessed that the favor had been used up, and no special treatment was needed.

Meeting Colin this time was just for Jin Yu’s sake.

I thought that this wizard wanted something of his own and was ready to refuse, but he didn't expect to encounter such a troublesome thing.

Nancy pressed her brows and said carefully, "What do you want?"

Attacking members of the same faction is not a trivial matter, not to mention that the attacker was a Jin Yu.

But the troublesome part of this matter is that Colin's life was not in danger when he was attacked, and there were no serious injuries. More importantly, the murderers of the attack, Gener and Barr, were even dead. …

How to characterize such an incident and how to solve it really gave her a headache.

But the only thing that is certain is that as long as Colin is willing, he can still ask the Black Castle Supervisor to investigate the matter thoroughly and seek justice from the Hitos and Bunir families.

"As a victim, I hope to get some compensation." Colin tried hard to overcome the strangeness in his heart, and carefully said the words he had already thought about.

... His skin is still not thick enough. Feeling the waves in his heart, Colin sighed silently, and then began to mutter silently, 'I am the real victim... I am...'.

But fortunately, he never expressed much, so he didn't show any flaws in front of Nancy.

Hearing Colin's answer, Nancy was a little surprised, and looked at Colin with a more pleasing look.

This Jin Yu is somewhat measured.

She understood Colin's subtext and wanted some compensation, that is, she didn't have to delve into it any further.

The murderers who directly attacked Colin - Gener and Baal are indeed dead, but this does not mean the end of the matter.

There are still many unclear aspects in the whole incident, such as the motives of Gener and Barr's attack on Colin, whether it was the family's instigation, whether there were any undiscovered accomplices, etc...

As long as Colin, the golden feather, is willing to investigate deeply, in the face of such irrefutable facts, according to the rules of the school, even if it is just a pretense, he must continue to investigate.

After all, rules are the bottom line and the foundation of the school's existence.

The higher the level, the more vested interests the person has, and the more they will maintain their existence and authority... even on the surface.

So if we dig deeper, they Black Castle supervisors will inevitably have to be busy for a while.

But now it is easiest for Colin to take the initiative to ask for some compensation.

The victims didn't care, so naturally their supervisors no longer needed to spend a lot of effort investigating the underlying reasons behind the incident. They only needed to connect Colin with the two families.

As for whether the talks can be settled, that is a matter between Colin and those two families.

But there is a high probability that we can reach an long as Colin's conditions don't go too far.

It can even be said that the Hidos and Bunir families are more willing to do this.

Although they are not necessarily related to Gnabal's attack on Golden Feather, you must know that these two families are not without enemies in the school.

It would have been easier if Colin had been directly killed by the two Genas - no one would speak up for a dead Jin Yu.

But the problem is that Colin is still alive, and it's Jin Yu, as long as he is willing to dig deeper.

Those factions that are not dealing with the Hidos and Bunir families will definitely provide them with help.

——They will not miss the opportunity to use Colin's spear that is strong enough to let the two families of Hidos Bunir bleed.

Of course, as for whether the spear will break during this process, this is not something they will consider.

So Nancy felt that those two families would most likely agree to compensate.

Especially the Hidos family, this is the second time, and the victim also involves Colin!

Last time, everyone thought that Atbold and his team would not be able to make any trouble at the hands of the Hidos family, so no one took advantage of the opportunity to attack the Hidos family.

But this time it was different, and even the last time, the Hidos family suffered a lot later. Many members involved were punished, and some even died...

Converging her thoughts, Nancy smiled and said:

"Smart choice, I will contact the Hidos and Bunir families for you, and I will inform you of the results when the time comes."

"Okay, thank you, Lady Nancy." After Colin said this, he stood up and left, with a strangely calm expression on his face.

Nancy didn't find it strange, she just thought Colin was suppressing his anger.

After all, when Colin asked for compensation, it meant that he bowed his head and gave up the right to delve into the matter.

This is a sensible choice, but it is not an enjoyable one.

Of course, what Nancy didn't know was that Colin was even more unwilling to have the Black Castle Supervisor investigate the matter in depth than the two families, the Hidos and the Bunir families.

It was still morning when he walked out of the Black Castle. Colin walked in a hurry and walked to a place where no one was around before he rubbed his cheeks and smiled softly.

He thought for a while and went to visit Atbold first, and Lillian happened to be there too.

After chatting for a while, he briefly mentioned the matter to the two of them.

"No wonder you came back so soon." After hearing this, Atbold felt a little surprised and even a little angry.

Lilian on the side clenched her fists even more: "Those pure-blood wizards are so abominable!"

Atbold thought for a while and asked: "Do you know why those two wizards attacked you?"

Colin shook his head.

Altbould frowned and thought for a while, wondering if there was something old about him that had implicate Colin.

But after thinking for a while, he still had no answer, so he thought for a moment and took out a silver leaf pendant from his neck and handed it to Colin.

"This is a silver leaf barrier. It can temporarily block attacks from second-order lower level. Take it, you are in danger out there alone."

Colin was slightly startled, then waved his hand quickly when he was moved, "No, mentor, I am safe in the Loen Kingdom and I don't need this."

After pushing it off for a while, he finally gave up Attbold's idea.

"You are right to just compensate this time." Atbold said again while putting away the silver leaf barrier.

"The two Genas robbed you, most likely because they wanted to get something from you. This should not be a task ordered by their family.

If you dig deeper, I'm afraid you won't get a good result... In other words, no matter what happens to the Hidos and Bunir families in the end, if you dig deeper, you may have to be careful about their revenge from now on. "

Colin nodded honestly, chatted with his mentor for a while, then declined Lillian's invitation to lunch, and then came to the Zhenzhihui without stopping.

When he returned to Neustadt City this time, he had specially prepaid vacation in Loen Kingdom. There were only three days in total, so he had to make good use of it.

The Shinchikai Castle was as deserted as when he left, or more deserted.

Colin spent most of the day here alone, and in the evening, he finally broke the limit of level 0 witchcraft that could be used to make money every month.

Rolling his neck, Colin planned to go to Copper Rose to exchange the newly broken witchcraft for magic stones. On the way back, he would stop by Darren's Commission to see if there were any suitable money-making tasks.

But the notice from Black Castle was delivered through the school badge first.

Ten minutes later, in a good mood, he arrived at the Black Castle.

In a small conference room, Colin met representatives from the Hidos and Bunir families.

The representatives are a man and a woman, both with friendly faces.

"Good evening, Sir Colin."

"We are sorry that such a thing will happen, but please believe that the actions of Gena and Barr this time are purely personal actions and have nothing to do with the family."

As soon as they met, the two wizards got straight to the point and talked about the most critical point.

Colin was not surprised and walked over to sit opposite the two wizards.

His handsome face is calm, but this calmness is like a silent volcano, with suppressed anger brewing inside.

After staring at the two representative wizards for a long time, Colin said in a deep voice with a hint of suppressed anger:

“I still remember the pain of being plundered that day, and I also remember that Gurnar was a member of the Hidos family and Baal was a member of the Bunir family.

They were the ones who, regardless of the friendship between classmates, brutally attacked me and took away my storage ring containing 100,000 magic stones! "

The two representative wizards were silent. This was the key point. There was conclusive evidence that Gena and Baal attacked Colin, which was inexcusable.

When Fabole and Butz returned to Neustadt, they both went to the forest where Colin was attacked and confirmed the authenticity.

As for the storage ring... Genna and Barr couldn't even find the complete body, let alone the stolen storage ring!

Seeing Colin's angry expression, the two representative wizards could not question the authenticity of Colin's words, and also realized that the other party was difficult to deal with.

So the two representative wizards looked at each other and asked slowly:

"So, how do you want to deal with it now?"

Colin's eyes lit up imperceptibly, and he continued to speak with an angry expression.

Three days later.

Colin returned to the Loen Kingdom in a bright and good mood.

The anger in his heart towards Gena and Baal for attacking him has completely disappeared, and he is even a little grateful now.

Without him, the Hidos family and the Bunir family gave too much, a million magic stones!

If I could come back a few more times, I might be able to make a fortune directly!

But this kind of thing is just a thought...

Getting back to the topic, plus the one million magic stones he got from the Hidos family this time, he still has about 500,000 magic stones left in his body.

That's right, I've already spent more than half of the magic stone I just got.

Such a large amount of magic stones allowed Colin to obtain a series of witchcraft formations and witchcraft tools that can cover up witchcraft fluctuations, absorb energy, and strengthen buildings.

Thanks to the final effect.

Colin called this set of things - the Silver Chamber.

He stood in the basement, touching the wall in front of him that, with the blessing of witch formations and witch tools, could withstand the aftermath of third-level or lower witchcraft, and nodded with satisfaction.

The place for cultivation has been settled. Although he can't wait, there is one more thing he needs to do before starting the peaceful cultivation in Loen Kingdom.

Colin had a thought in his mind.

Anando's dice!


A rotating golden dice fell from the sky, and finally settled on one point in front of him.

At the same time, a place also emerged in my mind.

Ah, it’s not easy. In reality, I have finally been busy for a while.

I am the only one in the family who has no sheep, so I can be said to be the perfect choice to be the cook, housekeeper and nanny.

I wish you all good health. When I finish the details in the past two days, there should be more updates...

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