Weird Wizarding World

Chapter 390 Wilderness Underground

Below the cave.

Colin had successfully controlled the huge purple-black mountain of flesh at this moment.

Upon seeing this, the remnants of the Wood family under the Bone Mountain charged towards him angrily, but they were all knocked to the ground in the blink of an eye.

"O'Niens, come down and help me guard them, and rescue the people in the iron cages by the way." Colin shook his arm slightly, raised his head and shouted.

"...Yes." O'Niens' expression on the cave was stunned, and he turned around after a while.

The mountain of white bones, the dirty iron cage, the reactions of Elder Dennis and those great knights, and Colin's words... all of this gave him a terrifying association -

‘If that purple-black mountain of flesh is indeed Alec’s ancestor, did he eventually become like this because he ate cave plants like himself? ’

O'Niens subconsciously touched his left chest, as if he could feel the strange touch of the purple-black skin through the hard armor.

‘But why did Alec’s ancestor eat people? ’ But soon, new doubts and... fears arose in O'Niens's heart.

O'Niens' throat moved slightly, suppressing the nausea surging in his stomach, and walked toward the bottom of the cave, thinking silently.

"Have you degenerated into a beast and lost the ability to communicate?"

After knocking the remnants of the Wood family to the ground, Colin turned around and came to the controlled Alec and asked a tentative question.

This huge mountain of purple and black flesh has a strong body, but is extremely weak mentally.

Although it is already equivalent to an ordinary junior and intermediate level wizard apprentice in comparison, when combined with a body that is close to the first level, or even far beyond the first level in some aspects, it has an incongruous and deformed feeling.

It was like the meatball we had seen not long ago, with hair-like slender roots hanging down fist-sized knots.


The purple-black meat mountain showed no reaction to his words and was still trying to struggle, its eyes trapped in the layers of fleshy waves full of red.


The next moment, the invisible aura spread from the huge body again like a tide.

The remnants of the Wood family who had been knocked to the ground seemed to have been beaten to death. Although most of them could no longer stand, they continued to crawl towards Colin even if they were crawling.

"Humph!" Colin snorted coldly!

The mental power quickly spread to the surroundings with the sound, instantly cleaning away the bewitching atmosphere floating in the air.

He had long felt that something was wrong with those Wood family members - they were too fanatical, as if they were under some kind of mind control.

And the aura that Alec exuded just now undoubtedly proved his suspicion.

What surprised Colin was that he was unable to dispel or even detect the traces of bewitchment on the Wood family.

And this ability to confuse seems a bit familiar...

It is not just spiritual, but more like the physical body...or the ability produced by the combination of blood and spirit.

Kind of like...a knight halo?

Colin was stunned for a moment, surprised by his inference.

But thinking about it carefully, this reasoning seems to be very reasonable.

After all, the mountain of purple and black meat in front of me should...can barely be called a knight?

At this time, Colin suddenly raised his head.

The mountain of meat in front of him seemed to have undergone some kind of change. His eyes passed through the purple and black flesh folds and found Alec's eyes with difficulty.

Colin suddenly discovered that the originally red eyes had turned into a slightly turbid dark green without even realizing it.

Even the struggling movements gradually stopped, and this purple-black mountain of flesh was particularly peaceful at the moment.

"Alec Wood?" Colin said tentatively.

Zihei Roushan was silent for a moment, and finally responded, saying in a hoarse voice: "The day has finally come..."

Compared with the crazy and terrifying voice before, Alec's tone now sounded more like a tired old man, vicissitudes of life and weakness.

For more than a hundred years, Alec has been hiding in a dark underground cave. Although he is alive and getting stronger day by day, the loneliness and fear in his heart are growing like weeds.

If it weren't for the existence of his descendants, he would almost forget his human identity.

Especially as crazy time takes up more and more.

"If you don't want to suffer any more, it's best to tell me everything you know."

Colin's heart did not waver at all, and he just asked coldly.

He didn't emphasize it deliberately, but it didn't mean he didn't see the white bone mountain not far away, as well as the men and women trapped in cages like cattle and sheep waiting to be slaughtered.

Whether it is Alec in front of him or those members of the Wood family, as long as they are insiders, they all deserve to die!

Alec seemed to understand this and just remained silent.

"Sooner or later you will speak."

Colin was not annoyed, he said something coldly and waved gently.

He just suffers from the fact that he has not learned the witchcraft of interrogation. After a few days, he will go back to Neustadt to learn some witchcraft of interrogation. Alec will only have the mental strength of an intermediate wizard apprentice at best, and he will only be able to easily manipulate him.

The light blue cold air gushes out like a fountain, and in a few breaths, the entire Alec is frozen.

On the surface, it seems to be releasing frost witchcraft, but in fact, it is the shadow of frost secretly acting.

In the battle just now, Colin discovered that unlike his vulnerable strength, Zihei Roshan's vitality was exceptionally tenacious. It had almost caught up with him, who had the gift of strong life, and even seemed to be even worse in some aspects. One chip.

It can only be said that Alec's huge body is not in vain.

And by simple calculation, it is easy to know that the purple and black meat ball in front of you has survived for more than three hundred years.

You must know that many first-level wizards can only live for three hundred years at most!

Therefore, the mere freezing can only temporarily trap Alec. If you want to kill him, you may not be able to do it.

"How are they doing?"

After confirming that Alec could not break free from the ice crystal, Colin turned around and came to O'Neill's side.

O'Neill has opened all the cages, and he has tied up the remnants of the Wood family with their clothes.

At this moment, O'Niens was taking care of a thin girl.

"Not good." O'Neill glanced at Colin with a downcast expression.

The remaining people in the cages are still alive - during the rescue, O'Niens found that although each cage was simple and dirty, there was sufficient water and food.

But it’s just alive.

These survivors basically all look the same - their faces are numb, their eyes are dull and dull.

O'Neill tried calling Martina's name, but she barely responded, only moving when she heard a drink of water.

"Send them out first." Colin sighed.

Let alone an ordinary person, even if a wizard apprentice is imprisoned in such a place, it may be difficult to maintain his mental health.

In addition to the environmental factors of the cave, the influence of the purple-black meat mountain like a knight's halo is also one of the important reasons.

Thinking of this, Colin suddenly noticed something, and he carefully observed Martina in front of him.

The latter has stayed in the cave for so long, but there is no sign of the cave disease... This is obviously also Alec's influence.

There are many special things about this purple-black mountain of flesh.

By the way, there are also O'Neills... Colin suddenly thought:

"Don't you get catacomb sickness, O'Neill?"

When he came in, he forgot to distribute the magic-killing potion to O'Niens, and the latter didn't mention it either, showing that he didn't care about the contamination of the cave.

O'Niens shook his head: "I feel like it will happen, but if it's just a short stay for a day or two, there won't be any discomfort."

Colin nodded lightly. Just one or two days is very surprising. You must know that as a second-level wizard, he feels that the longest time he can stay in the cave without being affected is one or two days. .

That kind of purple-black pollution seems worth studying.

"grown ups……"

"Huh?" Colin turned around and looked.

O'Niens was half-hugging Martina, turning his head and staring blankly at the purple-black meat mountain in the distance.

"Lord Colin, why don't you kill me now." After a while, he suddenly turned around and said, "I don't want to become that kind of monster...let alone be like it...eating people."

O'Neill's tone was calm, but his slightly trembling fingers could still tell that he was uneasy inside.

"I have already answered your question, O'Neill." Colin paused and said calmly.

Not everyone can make such a choice in the face of death. The disgusting purple-black mountain of flesh behind him is the best example.

This illegitimate son from a lowly background has a character like gold.

"You are not the same as your ancestors, let's go." Colin finally said:

"Perhaps I can help you restore it to your original state after researching it later."

O'Niens remained silent for a long time, staring at Martina's dull face in his arms, and finally stood up slowly and followed Colin.

In the next three days, Colin brought the Wood family incident to a complete end.

The Wood family was accused of murdering his own servants.

Then under his guidance, the Lord of Into unexpectedly discovered that the Wood family seemed to be hiding some deep sin.

Maid, slave, groom, even married foreign wife or husband...the frequency of their accidental death is too high.

After some in-depth and careful investigation.

A still incomplete but already extremely large death list made the Lord of Into, with a livid complexion, sentence most members of the Wood family to hanging overnight.

The only ones left were children under the age of six, and they were all demoted as slaves and scattered throughout the kingdom.

The Wood family, one of the best in Yintuo City, was suddenly destroyed. Under the deliberate suppression of Yintuo City Lord, their destruction did not even cause any waves.

Colin did not pay attention to the news of the final trial. The members of the Wood family he left behind have been confirmed by him to be uninformed.

As for the remaining members of the Wood family, he and Zihei Roushan had quietly transported them to the wilderness on the south side of the cave.

Colin has opened up a huge underground space here. For this reason, he went back to Neustadt City to upgrade the Silver Chamber, spending another two hundred thousand magic stones.

Of course, the two hundred thousand yuan also includes the cost of learning new interrogation techniques.

Alec has just moved underground in the wilderness and has not yet had time to thaw.

But based on the information pried out from the mouths of the remaining members of the Wood family using interrogation witchcraft, Colin finally figured out all the details.

First of all, the mountain of purple and black flesh was indeed the first ancestor of the Wood family, Alec, as he thought.

In addition to his extraordinarily large body and unique bewitching ability, Colin also learned from them a new special ability of Alec - planting special seeds of life for descendants of the same bloodline.

This special seed of life can guarantee that the person who is seeded can at least become a high-level knight, and there is at least half a chance of breaking through into a great knight.

The only drawback is that it takes at least several years for Alec to plant a life seed.

In addition, Colin also asked about the iron cage.

But the Wood family didn't seem to know why Alec needed to eat people, only that it was Alec's request.

‘It seems...more information must be obtained from Alec. ’

In the silver and bright underground hall, Colin stood in front of the mountain of purple and black meat and relaxed his neck.

He prepares to thaw Alec.

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