Weird Wizarding World

Chapter 391 Giant Mountain Breathing Method Original

As the shadow of frost moved in the dark, the huge blue ice crystal surrounding Alec in front of him began to slowly disappear.

It's just that this kind of disappearance is not from ice to water, but directly from solid ice crystals to dense cold air, just like the reverse process of using cold air to condense Alec into ice crystals.

Such a shocking phenomenon that goes against common sense is probably only possible with the power of a wizard.

O'Niens, who was wearing regular clothes, couldn't help but feel a little emotional.


At this time, Colin suddenly frowned and waved his hand quickly, dispelling the cold air in front of him and pushing O'Niens far away.

O'Niens looked puzzled, and then his hair stood up.


The purple-black flesh mountain in front of him, his eyes almost dyed red, was waving his palms to grab Colin.

"Hmph, haven't you suffered enough?!" Colin shouted lowly, and without dodge, his mental power rushed towards Alec like a tsunami!

"Roar!" Alec was in pain, his arms dropped weakly, and the redness in his eyes seemed to fade slightly.

"Give me human food...Give me...Give me human food...HOAR!!"

However, this clarity only lasted for a short moment, and Alec in front of him returned to the appearance of a beast that was unable to communicate.

Human food... Colin frowned slightly and waved his hand to use the Temple Ring Restraint.

A pale white halo appeared out of thin air on top of the purple and black meat mountain. The latter suddenly became stiff and could not even move his eyes.

"Go and bring Commons...well, and Alcott." Colin ordered O'Neill behind him.

"...Yes." O'Niens nodded quickly and left quickly.

Colin's new laboratory opened underground in the wilderness is not small. In addition to the huge hall used for research and detention of Alec, there is also a living space next to it.

That's where the O'Neills and Wood families lived on death row.

Not long after, O'Neill took Commons back to the hall.

Commons and Alcott were wearing special shackles on their hands and feet, and even the knights could not break free.

"What on earth do you, a dirty and evil wizard, want to do to our great ancestor?!"

Commons began to roar as soon as he saw Colin.

Alcott on the side did not hesitate to give in, angrily scolding O'Neill who was escorting him next to him:

"You bastard with no blood or family ties, do you know what you are doing? The person you are serving is the executioner who just destroyed your family!"

O'Neill pursed his lips tightly and turned a deaf ear.

After taking off his armor, except for his tall stature, he was no different from an ordinary boy.

He didn't have much sense of belonging to the Wood family in the first place, and now after learning about the tragic things the family had done, he had no nostalgia at all.

Colin didn't even care about the noise of the two dying people.

He raised his hand gently, considered it, and took the picture of Commons first.

"What do you want to do!?" Commons struggled desperately, his voice was shrill and panicked.

Especially when he saw Colin lifting the confining witchcraft on Zihei Roshan, his pupils shrank suddenly and his expression became frightened and panicked.

Colin blessed it with silent witchcraft and threw it to Alec, who had regained his freedom.

Thanks to the silent magic, there wasn't much movement next, only some crunching sounds could be heard.

" is this possible, ancestor Alec..." Alcott's legs softened and he knelt down on the ground, muttering with a pale face.

O'Niens on the side was also startled, his face turned pale and he was also a little surprised.

"What's the matter, O'Neill?" Colin asked calmly.

"It's nothing, sir. I'm just a little surprised." O'Niens came back to his senses and shook his head:

“But I still remember those iron cages and that bone mountain, and the screams of those innocent people echoed in the cave for hundreds of years.

People like Commons deserved their punishment, and if they could make some more contributions before they died, it would be considered atonement. "

Colin nodded slightly.

This is also what he thinks. Commons, who has helped Alec devour countless humans, can no longer be treated as a human being.

At this time, Alec also finished devouring Commons.

His eyes became clear again, and he looked at the thigh bone he was holding in his hand, his expression a little ugly.

"Are you awake again?" Colin asked softly.

He also now understood why Alec wanted to devour humans.

After carefully observing the eating process just now, he discovered that Commons' body was just an appearance, and what Alec really swallowed was Commons' soul.

At this moment, there were still some soul fragments scattered around Alec, and then they were quickly contaminated and eliminated by the dirty words.

From this point of view, the reason why Alec devours humans is obviously to maintain his sanity.

"How long can you stay awake after devouring your soul once?" Colin continued to ask.

However, Alec in front of him remained silent as before.

"I originally wanted to make you feel better." Colin sighed softly, and then had a thought in his mind.

A ray of pale golden light suddenly shot toward Alec's head.

A trace of panic flashed across Alec's face, and he quickly stretched out his hand to block it. However, the golden light seemed to be illusory, passing directly through Alec's palm and reaching between his eyebrows, dyeing his eyes with a layer of gold.

"How long can you stay awake after devouring your soul once?" Colin asked again.

"It's half a day now." Alec replied dully.

Answer all questions - this is Colin's newly learned second-level interrogation witchcraft.

Although the real effect is not as powerful as the name and has many limitations, it is still enough to deal with Alec who is mentally weak.

"It's half a day now..." Colin raised his eyebrows slightly and continued to ask: "To be more detailed, how long could it last before?"

"At first, one person could stay awake for a month after eating it. Later, it became shorter and shorter, and now it can only last half a day."

Colin nodded slightly, and then asked slowly:

"Tell me about everything, how you got the Giant Mountain Breathing Technique, and how you became what you are now."

Under the influence of witchcraft, Alec revealed everything.

It turns out that the Wood family records were not false, and Alec did not lie in his autobiography.

He really discovered the Giant Mountain Breathing Technique from a strange cave creature!

And like O'Neill, he once ate cave creatures in order to survive.

But it's not a plant, it's an animal!

According to Alec, basically most of the cave animals are beneficial to practicing the Giant Mountain Breathing Technique!

And just like O'Niens, at first he only thought it was a gift from God. He devoured all kinds of cave monsters without restrictions, and even concluded which ones were more delicious and which ones were easier to catch.

But the gifts of fate always have a hidden price, and Alec later tasted the bitter fruit, and madness eroded his mind.

Then, one day when he was going crazy, he accidentally discovered that eating humans could suppress his crazy state.

So in order to heal himself, Alec embarked on the path of devouring humans without hesitation.

Relying on the sobriety brought by devouring humans, Alec has maintained a normal life on the surface.

Until he was more than one hundred and twenty years old, he suddenly realized that he had no signs of aging at all. The shock was followed by ecstasy.

But because his size was still growing at that time, his purple-black skin also continued to spread.

So in the next twenty years of his 'living life', Alec gradually reduced his appearance due to his old age and frailty, and began to prepare various arrangements for his 'death'.

Finally, at the age of 142, Alec announced his death.

The Wood family held a grand funeral, and everyone lamented the end of a generation of talented knights. His legendary counterattack from the common people was an enduring topic even for many years to come.

But in fact, Alec quietly went to the underground villa built in the suburbs to continue his luxurious and comfortable life.

At that time, he was already over three meters tall, and his purple-black skin had spread to his face, like some kind of evil monster.

Alec thought that days like this would last for a long time.

As his size increases, he can also feel his strength increasing, and devouring humans can perfectly solve the drawbacks of madness.

He even fantasizes about being able to be on equal terms with powerful wizards one day.

However, the good times did not last long. At the age of 182, Alec suddenly discovered that the effect of devouring humans dropped off a cliff, from about one month to about half a month at a time!

At first, Alec thought there was something wrong with the "food", so he urged his descendants to find human food again.

As a result, not only was the problem of human cannibalism not found, but the rough-and-tumble descendants almost exposed the biggest secret of the Wood family!

The furious Alec devoured the descendant directly, and the Wood family was temporarily cast in a cloud of fear.

But at the same time, Alec was also surprised to find that he had acquired special bewitching abilities.

The cloud of fear over the Wood family soon dissipated, and they became extraordinarily united.

In the nearly two hundred years since then, there has never been any accident in the tribute of human food.

A few more years later, at the age of 190, Alec's body was already six meters tall.

Due to the huge increase in body size, the originally designed underground villa could no longer accommodate him even if there was room for it in advance.

Moreover, Alec's demand for burrow animals is getting higher and higher - if he does not ensure the intake of burrow animals, he will obviously feel that his body is rapidly weakening, and there is even a risk of death.

But the number of cave creatures captured by the Wood family is limited and can no longer meet his needs.

Alec had to do it himself.

Although the underground villa originally built was not far from the cave area, it was right next to it.

But Alec, who was huge and unusual in appearance, stood out even under the cover of night.

So in the end, after being discovered by a wizard apprentice and killing him with difficulty, Alec made up his mind and moved to the previous cave.

The years that followed became a little dull, with nothing major happening. Alec grew larger and larger, and a mountain of white bones gradually built up in the dark cave where he lived.

By the time Alec finished telling the story, the effect of the answer-to-answer witchcraft had almost disappeared, and a sign of struggle gradually appeared in his eyes.

It was very quiet in the silver-white hall.

O'Neill is still immersed in the past told by Alec.

Alcott's expression on the side was complicated, dazed and a little incredulous, and he murmured with pale lips:

‘Have I always been controlled? ’

"Ah!" Alec finally broke free from the control of witchcraft and gasped violently. He had a splitting headache and seemed to have had a devastating nightmare!

"What did you do to me..."


Colin's face was expressionless, and he waved his hand to add witchcraft again.

Alec was confused again.

After thinking for a moment, Colin continued to ask:

"Where is the true origin of Jushan Breathing Technique now?"

"In..." This question seemed to touch Alec's taboo. Even under the spell, his voice was obviously delayed for a moment.

Fortunately, witchcraft is not a vegetarian. After a pause, Alec still gave the answer——

"In my belly."

Sure enough, the Giant Mountain Breathing Technique has a real origin!

Colin raised his eyebrows slightly, and then lowered his gaze to Alec's huge abdomen.

This abdomen alone is at least the size of an ordinary house.

Colin couldn't help but have a headache. Answering questions can only allow the subject to truly answer his own questions, but it cannot control the other party.

He was able to keep Alec so honest by using it in conjunction with the Temple Ring Restraint.

After thinking about it, Colin canceled the question-answering question first and said in a deep voice to Alec who looked in pain:

"Are you going to spit out the Giant Mountain Breathing Technique yourself, or do you want me to get it myself?"

After being hit twice in a row and answering all questions, Alec felt as if his brain had just been violently stirred by a red-hot steel drill!

Dizziness, pain, nausea... so many negative feelings that he couldn't even hear clearly what Colin said.

If it weren't for his tenacious vitality that nourished his soul, just answering these two questions would have caused permanent damage to Alec's soul.

"Do you need me to say it again?"

"Are you going to spit out the Giant Mountain Breathing Technique yourself, or do you want me to get it myself?"

Colin's voice grew colder.

Alec finally heard Colin's question clearly and fell into hesitation.

However, Colin did not have so much patience.

Alec only heard a cold snort, and then felt a biting chill coming from his abdomen, followed by severe pain!

Looking down, he saw a wide and thin blue ice blade cutting into his abdomen, and the strong cold slowed down the speed of self-healing.

Seeing that the wound was getting bigger and bigger and the pain was getting stronger and stronger, Alec suddenly panicked and shouted quickly:

"Wait, I'm vomiting, I'm vomiting myself!"

After speaking, without waiting for Colin to answer, he controlled his stomach and spit out the true original of the Giant Mountain Breathing Technique.

But Alec was startled again, and he forgot that he was still unable to move.

"Sir, you must first let go of your restraints on me!"

Two minutes later.

After Alec's long rumination, a pale golden book fell into his hands, and then he handed it to Colin carefully.

The latter frowned slightly, waved his hand to perform a golden cleaning technique, and then reached out to pick it up.

Holding the Giant Mountain Breathing Technique in his hand, the first thing Colin felt was its special material.

‘It seems like... some kind of animal skin? ’

Suppressing the doubts in his heart, Colin continued to observe.

Although the material of Jushan Breathing Technique is animal skin, the binding is not rough, but rather very neat, in a regular rectangular shape.

There is no text on the cover, only a number - "2".

"2...could there be another 1?"

Continuing to open the Giant Mountain Breathing Technique, after reading it carefully, Colin finally understood——

This so-called Giant Mountain Breathing Method book is clearly the research notes of a certain wizard!

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