Weird Wizarding World

Chapter 392 Cave Factor

Colin was surprised, calmed down, and opened the research notebook numbered 2 again.

The pages made of animal skin rubbed against each other, making a slight rustling sound.

Except for the breathing method section, on the first few pages of the note is a diary-like self-narration:

"October, 3256 Ayr."

According to the current time calculation, 331 years have passed since the time when this research note was written...

"By learning from the special 'Silver Blood Qi' in the Silver Flow Breathing Method, the seventh edition of the originally unpromising Breathing Method has been greatly improved, and the Eighth Edition of the Breathing Method has taken shape."

"Compared with the previous version, the improvement of the eighth edition breathing method is a qualitative change. Not only has it successfully broken through the original seventh edition breathing method, it has also reached the upper limit of advanced knights in terms of practice and advancement, and can practice to the great knight stage! At the same time, it is also the same as the previous version. , perfectly inheriting and strengthening the characteristics of Gulen’s Nameless Breathing Method——

It can directly bring about qualitative changes in the weak human body, or in other words, it can reactivate the potential hidden in the human body! "

"However, which of the above two conjectures is correct is still unclear based on the current evidence."

Colin read silently carefully, pausing slightly on keywords such as 'date', 'silver flow breathing method', 'Glen's nameless breathing method', etc., and memorized them in his mind.

After chewing on the so-called characteristics of Gulen's nameless breathing method, he pondered for a moment with a deep brow before continuing to look down:

"You really can't look down on anyone, Cumberland, you have to remember."

"The mortal named Gulen was able to create a genius nameless breathing method just by observing the knights and thinking about it secretly!

If he were not born as a slave, even if he was born into an ordinary knight family, he would surely have accomplished something! "

"Of course, I'm not bad either. Originally, the Nameless Breathing Technique created by Grant could only be practiced to the intermediate knight level, but now it has been improved to the point where it can be practiced to the great knight stage!"

"And compared to Gulen, whose lifespan is only a hundred years old at most, his lifespan is much longer. He is only three hundred years old now, and he still has hundreds of years to continue to improve it."

"Perhaps in a few decades or a hundred years, relying on this nameless breathing method, which is a new way to strengthen the body rather than the blood, we can really blaze a new path after the Great Knight!"

"Remember, the body and the soul complement each other. When the time comes, it is not impossible to use the power of the knight to feed the wizard's cultivation and break through the third level barrier in one fell swoop!"

"However, it is worth noting that although the new version of the breathing method can finally break through the Great Knight stage, the specific effect requires further practical research."

The opening narrative ends here, and the following part is the specific content of the eighth edition of the breathing method.

Colin quickly compared it with the Giant Mountain Breathing Method. There is no difference between the two, even the layout is the same.

"Sure enough, the Wood family's so-called Giant Mountain Breathing Technique is the eighth version of the breathing technique. The name of Giant Mountain should have been randomly chosen by Alec later."

Close the research note and put it away carefully.

Colin secretly lamented that he never expected that the Giant Mountain Breathing Technique that he got by chance last year would have such a twists and turns.

That slave named Glenn was able to create a knight's breathing method as a slave, which is really amazing!

I just don’t know what the nameless breathing method is like...

'The Lord strengthens the flesh... directly causes the weak flesh to undergo qualitative changes... without cultivating the flesh and blood...' Colin secretly chewed on the words written by Cumberland.

No wonder I always feel that Jushan breathing method is weaker than other breathing methods in terms of blood energy.

He frowned and thought for a moment, and gradually came to an inference in his mind——

Could it be that the nameless breathing method created by Naglen actually had no content in blood energy cultivation at the beginning. And the content of the blood energy part of the Giant Mountain Breathing Technique was actually improved and added by Cumberland later?

Colin shook his head. Maybe it was true, but after all, there was too little information to make a conclusion.

After gathering his thoughts, he turned to look at Alec again.

Compared with these, Colin has a more pressing doubt in his heart:

"Tell me more about how you got this note." Colin said solemnly.

"Okay... sir." Alec replied quickly, his huge and terrifying body and his cowering expression looked particularly funny.

Alec, who has been in the dark cave for a hundred years, is weaker than imagined. Perhaps his weak spirit does not match his strong body. In addition to his weakness, he also has a weak willpower.

"At that time, I was on the front line with Grand Knight Gena to defend against the incoming cave monsters. After an impact, I was scattered, so I hurriedly fought and retreated towards a safe place.

At this time, a strange cave creature that looked like black and gray mud and stone appeared in front of me. It had a body and head as slender as a dragonfly, but there were no transparent wings on its back, but slender spider-like wings on its back. Leg-like limbs. "

"I was shocked by its appearance, and its speed was very fast. When I came back to my senses, it was already close at hand. At the critical moment, I shouted, raised my sword, and went down squat"

"I cut the arthropod monster's abdomen open from the middle, and the smelly blood rolled down and poured on my head. In a hurry, I accidentally drank several mouthfuls of it - this is how I later learned that the creatures in the cave are beneficial. Due to the practice of breathing method.”

"Then, I felt something hit my head. I stretched out my hand and found it was this...note."

'A weird dragonfly-like cave creature...'

Colin nodded slightly, glanced at Alec after a while, and waved gently.

The light blue cold air dispersed, but this time, he did not freeze Alec again, but built a huge cage around him, just like the iron cage that held human food in the cave.

After doing this, Colin asked O'Neill to take care of the remnants of the Wood family, and then went to the quiet room alone to meditate.

He had some doubts in his heart.

What Alec said was obviously not a lie. He had asked it many times and there was no inconsistency. He had also checked it with witchcraft.

But... in Cumberland's research notes, there was no mention of any information related to the catacombs.

Why is eating cave creatures beneficial to practicing the Giant Mountain Breathing Method?

Could it be that this is just a coincidence? Is it a characteristic that neither Gulen nor Cumberland could discover back then?

This is not impossible, after all, Alec and O'Neill discovered this characteristic only by chance.

But after careful consideration, Colin still felt that this was not a mere coincidence. The breathing method modified by Cumberland was probably somewhat related to the cave creatures when it was designed.

After all, this research notebook was eventually found in the body of a cave creature. This may be because Cumberland's research site in front of him was located near the cave.

However, what the real facts are is still uncertain due to the lack of information.

‘There is still too little information. ’

Colin sighed. Apart from the previous description, the notes did not contain much other content. There was not even research data on the Giant Mountain Breathing Technique.

This may be because Cumberland had just improved the eighth edition of the Breathing Method at that time, and the research on it was still on paper and no substantive experiments had been started, so he just sorted it out and recorded it in writing.

If we can find follow-up research notes and get more information, I am afraid we will be able to know whether Cumberland has discovered some connection between cave creatures and giant mountain breathing methods, and whether there have been some substantial research successes. .

However, I can only think about these now.

Although it is not certain whether Cumberland is dead or alive, Colin speculates that he is probably dead.

Otherwise, if he were alive, it would be absolutely impossible for such important research notes to escape to the outside world, let alone appear in a cave creature.

Being dead was obviously more troublesome than living, and he didn't think he would be as lucky as Alec to be able to discover the rest of Cumberland's research notes.

Pressing his eyebrows, Colin considered his next plan.

The goal of coming to Yintuo City this time, although there were twists and turns, was basically completed.

Although he failed to get the possible follow-up of the Giant Mountain Breathing Method, Cumberland's words and Alec's experience can be regarded as pointing the way for him next.

After all, the reason why he came to Yintuo City specifically this time was because he noticed something special about Jushan Breathing Technique.

A year has passed, and those who have been screened for the Knight's Breathing Technique have basically experienced a limit break.

Some of them turned into gold after breaking through the limit once and merged together, while some failed to become golden after breaking through the limit twice.

But to say that the most helpful thing to improve the knight's strength is the Giant Mountain Breathing Technique!

Colin's understanding of it was not thorough enough before, so Cumberland improved it eight times. The eighth version already looks no different from the ordinary knight's breathing method.

So he only thought that this knight's breathing method was of excellent quality.

But now it seems that it is clearly because this breathing method, or the nameless breathing method, is taking a new path!

The rest of the Knight's Breathing Techniques follow the same path as the Knight's Breathing Technique that originally broke the limit many times.

Colin has already walked the same path, and has already reached the first level of advanced level. Those knight breathing methods that can only reach the stage of great knights will naturally be less helpful.

On the contrary, the new path brought by the Jushan Breathing Method is naturally larger.

After thinking about this, Colin didn't waste any more time and waited until dusk before taking O'Niens to the catacomb area.

Only three Frost Shadows were left stationed in the wilderness underground laboratory.

After some collection and fighting, Colin returned to the wilderness basement with the harvested cave creatures before dawn.

He planned to first figure out what was affecting the efficiency of the Giant Mountain Breathing Technique in the cave creatures.

Half a month passed quickly, and the progress of the research was much faster than Colin expected.

After grabbing some samples of cave animals and plants.

Through screening and comparison, it didn't take long for Colin to successfully discover the parts of them that affected the practice of Jushan Breathing Technique!

It was a special energy that existed in the cave creatures, and Colin named it the "cave factor."

The burrow factor is basically present in most burrow organisms. The reason why O'Niens mentioned some plants was because he had only eaten those types of burrow plants.

But Alec was different. Over the course of hundreds of years, he had eaten almost all the cave creatures that were common in the shallows of the cave, and basically all of them were helpful in practicing the Giant Mountain Breathing Technique.

This is consistent with Colin's research results.

According to tests, the burrow factor is not only extremely difficult to detect, but is also inert and does not react with magic, spirit, or even blood or fighting spirit.

If an ordinary person eats a cave creature, the cave factor will enter the human body, but it will only be temporary and will slowly disappear over time.

But in the knights who practice the Giant Mountain Breathing Method, it does not behave like this - the burrow factor will stay in the body for a long time and gather towards the heart!

The specific reason is still unknown, but Colin speculates that this may be related to the fact that the Giant Mountain Breathing Method directly strengthens the body, rather than indirectly strengthening the body through blood.

Generally speaking, for ordinary knights, most of the physical enhancement is indirectly brought about by the continuous nourishment of blood. This situation becomes more obvious in the later stages.

After all, ordinary exercise can easily strengthen the external muscles, but it is difficult to bring about internal improvements, such as vision, five senses, and even digestion.

The reason why the knight's practice can be regarded as an extraordinary path is because the improvement that blood nourishment can bring about is in all aspects, which cannot be achieved by simple physical exercise.

However, even if the blood nourishes, the improvement of the physical body is limited, and the upper limit will usually be reached at the stage of the great knight.

At that time, everyone will be competing on the accumulation of blood and combat experience.

However, this is not the case with the Giant Mountain Breathing Technique. It directly strengthens the body, rather than indirectly strengthening the body through blood, and it can continue to strengthen during the Great Knight stage.

Due to practicing too many knight breathing techniques and his own physical strength, Colin had not discovered this before.

And even if he noticed it now, he still couldn't find any difference between the body directly strengthened by the giant mountain breathing method and other bodies indirectly strengthened by the knight's blood.

However, since the burrow factor will show different reactions to the two, this means that the two are indeed different, but further research is needed.

It's a pity that time is never enough, half a month has passed.

When he left, he only allowed Wilbur to cover for half a month - although the latter said that even two or three months would be no problem.

But to be on the safe side, Colin still planned to go back to Jinmaisui first.

Moreover, he had to find a way to solve the duty issue and devote as much energy to knight research as possible.

Although according to the current progress, in more than half a year at most, all the knight's breathing techniques on the gold paper will be integrated to break the limit.

But it will probably take several more years to practice the new fused breathing method to the point where it breaks the limit, and to be able to take a further step on the path of knighthood.

And if there is a breakthrough in the research on Jushan Breathing Method, it might be possible to greatly reduce the time required.

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