Weird Wizarding World

Chapter 395 Black Mist


Colin tossed the rubbings of the Nameless Breathing Technique to Alcott and Chesta next to him.

"From today on, I need you to practice this breathing method."

Alcott is one of the surviving Grand Knights of House Wood.

Chesta is an ordinary member of the Wood family.

He is responsible for finding suitable people to eat on the street - mostly outsiders with no resources, beggars that no one cares about, or lonely orphans.

"Yes... sir." Chesta took the rubbing timidly.

Alcott was silent for a moment and then reached out to take it.

He is now wearing ordinary gray linen clothes, his face is pale and tired, and he is completely different from the high-spirited knight before.

"very good."

Colin turned his head again and said to the other two members of the Wood family:

"You also do the same, practice this breathing method."

"But at the same time, you must take this magic potion every day in accordance with my requirements."

He threw the remaining two unnamed breathing rubbings to Chester and Andrew, and then shook the light black potion in his hand with sparkling silver spots.

Andrew didn't know much. Although he was a little scared, he took it immediately. However, Chester looked at the potion in Colin's hand and his face turned pale.

There is nothing wrong with practicing the Knight Breathing Technique, but you have to take this unknown magic potion...


However, as Colin made a suspicious nasal sound, Chester suddenly felt his heart being clenched by invisible hands, and soon large beads of sweat appeared on his broad forehead, making him almost unable to breathe.

He quickly stretched out his hand to take over the breathing method and said in a hoarse voice:

"Okay sir!"

Colin withdrew his gaze and said, "O'Niens, take them to the four separate rooms, and then bring two ordinary people over."

"Yes, sir."

Although Colin was not targeting him, O'Niens could not help but feel frightened at the moment and found it difficult to look directly at Colin.

Colin watched them go away, carefully put away the cave factor extracted from his hand, turned around and walked towards Alec who was frozen again.

At the same time, he quietly put away the knightly aura that diffused around him.

During this period of research, he was inspired by Alec's unique bewitching ability, and the ability of the Knight's Halo was further improved.

However, perhaps due to bloodline and other reasons, Alec is not as weird and powerful as he appears to everyone in the Wood family.

But instead of being more of a deterrent and pressure than before, the knight's halo now has some ability to shake people's hearts.

At least now, everyone in the Wood family is extremely obedient under the influence of the knight's halo.

Under the soft white light, the acrylic in the transparent ice crystal looks like a huge prehistoric monster sealed in amber, which is shocking and terrifying.

Colin had a headache looking at it.

Alec's research value is indeed very high, but in recent days, in order to maintain his sobriety, the remaining members of the Wood family have been reduced by half, so that he had to freeze them to reduce consumption.

‘When there is a breakthrough in research, destroy it completely. ’ Colin thought to himself.

"Sir, I've brought you here."

At this time, O'Niens had sent off Chester and others and returned with two new remnants of the Wood family.

"Yeah." Colin retracted his gaze, turned around, and took out a copy of the Giant Mountain Breathing Method and a rubbing of the Unnamed Breathing Method from his body, and threw them in front of the two of them.

"From today on, you need to learn these two knight breathing methods respectively, and take the magic potion every day as I require."

Colin said calmly, but his thoughts drifted to hundreds of years ago.

In the spring of 3233 AD, Grant was 65 years old. It was the 33rd year since he became an intermediate knight, got rid of his status as a serf and became an ordinary guard under Sir Duke of Into City.

At that time, Grant was just an ordinary old man. His extraordinary deeds of crossing classes from serf to knight had been blurred by time... equally blurred were his inner ambitions.

At the same time, that year was also the tenth year that the second-level wizard Cumberland fell into a semi-mad state.

Then in the fall of the same year, Sir Duke was seriously injured in an attack. The murderer fled far away and finally disappeared near the cave area. After investigation, people found that the missing murderer was actually Duke's loyal bodyguard Grant!

People remembered the extraordinary story of this once-hot-lucky man who transformed from a serf to a knight, and at the same time wondered why he would do this.

Sir Duke was eventually seriously injured and died. While people were criticizing this ungrateful serf, an unknown breathing method that could only be practiced by intermediate knights began to be circulated in the streets of Degas City.

And rumors began to spread that this was the reason why the serf could become a knight. This was his own knight's breathing method!

At the same time, on a dim winter day a few months later, the second-level wizard Cumberland Rune disappeared.

As for the nameless breathing method that was all the rage, it gradually disappeared because almost no one could get started with it, and the highest it could only reach an intermediate knight.

What grudges existed between Sir Duke and Grant have been settled with the death of one and the disappearance of the other, and Colin has no way of knowing.

But he saw a connection between Cumberland and Gulen's life.

It is also worth mentioning that most of the fields controlled by Sir Duke, whom Grant once served, are located south of Into City, which is very close to the catacomb area.

In other words, there is a high probability that Grant had contact with cave creatures during his lifetime. After the assassination, he finally disappeared into the cave area.

This gave Colin reason to believe that there must be some connection between the nameless breathing method and the cave creatures.

However, the above discoveries can only help him further understand what happened hundreds of years ago.

But his strength is not very helpful.

What really made Colin rush to the wilderness laboratory overnight and spend several days capturing cave creatures and extracting cave factors was the unexpected discovery of the nameless breathing method!

Through the nameless breathing method, which was extremely difficult to practice and was once widely circulated but later disappeared, Colin accidentally discovered——

The eighth edition of the breathing method left by Cumberland is actually missing one of the most critical parts!

This couldn't help but remind Colin that the reason why he came to Yintuo City in the first place was because he vaguely noticed something strange about the Giant Mountain Breathing Technique, thinking that it still had a stage after the Great Knight!

Thinking about it now, I felt that I was right at the time!

What was slightly different from his feeling was that the Giant Mountain Breathing Technique did not have a stage after the senior knight, but a pre-stage before the junior knight!

This preparatory stage is called Knight Meditation by Colin.

To put it simply, it is to sharpen the will first, and then start the physical practice through spiritual will.

This is an extremely difficult step, even a bit mysterious, and the description in the nameless breathing method is very vague, and there is not even a separate chapter to describe it.

However, after practicing so many knight's breathing methods, Colin is now a master in this field. He can easily detect the anomalies and refine them into knight's meditation.

If the nameless breathing method was described previously, it would be difficult for people like the Wood family, even O'Niens, to practice it.

After all, what is mostly described in the nameless breathing method is that before practicing, you must be exposed to the sun in a cultivated field until you can no longer bear it, or you may fast and drink nothing, feel hungry for a day, and then start practicing again.

Ordinary people would just think it was nonsense. Perhaps it was for this reason that this breathing method finally basically disappeared.

On the other hand, it is not known whether Cumberland did it intentionally or whether it was an accident caused by improvements.

The Giant Mountain Breathing Method is not like the Nameless Breathing Method. It is difficult to get started without doing Knight Meditation first. Instead, you can completely ignore the steps of Knight Meditation and practice it normally like other breathing methods!

It's just that when you reach the stage of the great knight, you will have the flaw that your body will continue to expand and eventually die...


He took out his pocket watch and looked at the time. The hands had already reached six in the morning.

Colin thought for a moment that there was nothing more that needed to be arranged, so he called O'Niens and told him to supervise the research materials he had just picked out and practice them carefully, and then returned to Golden Wheat Sheaf.

It has been a week since the Chasai Chamber of Commerce sent the information. During this week, he not only went to the cave to capture cave creatures and extract cave factors, but also perfected the giant mountain breathing method and the nameless breathing method, and added knight meditation. part.

The breathing method rubbings he just distributed to those in Chester were the improved versions.

What he needs to do next is to continue to improve the knight's breathing method on the gold paper and break through the limit fusion.

At the same time, we are waiting for Chester and others to practice and see what role the burrow factor plays in the practice of breathing methods.

There is also the perfected Giant Mountain Breathing Technique. Will the same flaws still appear in the Great Knight stage?

Waiting for the Wood family's research materials to practice the breathing method is a long and tedious process.

Because the crypt factor cannot be preserved for a long time, Colin would secretly go to the crypt at night after chatting with Shelley every evening to capture crypt creatures and prepare new crypt factor potions.

Then at about dawn, he returned home with his body hidden, slept briefly for a few hours, and then went on duty at the South Tower as usual.

Spring more than half a year later.

It has been almost two years since Colin came to Loen Kingdom.

The night was dark in the evening, and the winter chill had not yet receded. Colin walked calmly in the cave.

Over the past six months, the unfamiliar cave in front of me has gradually become as familiar as home.

Of course, only in shallow areas.


There were faint sounds of footsteps coming from ahead. Colin paused for a moment, but did not stop. He just moved slightly to the side.

Not long after, two first-level wizards appeared in front of him, and they were talking melancholy:

"I don't know what's happened to this cave recently. Hide beetles, flail beasts, multi-eyed banshee spiders... There are fewer and fewer of these higher-level cave creatures. I haven't even seen one since dark tonight. Never encountered it before!"

"Oh, yes, the harvest is not as good as before. I can't even make back the money for the magic elimination potion." The companion next to him agreed.

"Do you think this is a bad sign?" The first-level wizard on the left lowered his voice and frowned deeply.

"You mean...what happened inside the cave?" The wizard on the right paused for a moment.

He stopped right next to Colin but didn't notice it.

"I don't know, but there have been some abnormalities in the caves in recent years. The number of creatures coming out of the caves every day has been decreasing, and it has dropped off a cliff in the past six months... Especially tonight, this cave is so clean. It seems as if a mysterious wizard rushed to clean up the monsters in the cave before everyone else."

Colin paused for a moment and unexpectedly glanced at the first-order wizard on the left.

"How is it possible? There are no wizards who are so idle, and cave creatures are worthless, so we wandering wizards are the only ones who make a living from this. And you also said that the number of cave creatures has been declining in the past ten years, and the number of cave creatures has been declining recently. The cliff-like decline in half a year is probably a normal phenomenon.”


The two first-level wizards gradually moved away.

Colin continued to move forward and met several wizards who came to explore the crypt.

However, as he goes deeper and deeper into the cave, the pollution in the surrounding environment will become stronger, and the possibility of encountering wizards will become smaller and smaller.

About ten minutes later, Colin stopped at a fork in the road.

The pollution in the caves here has turned into a substantial gray-black mist, forming distinct zones in the air.

This is the dividing line between the shallower levels of the cave and the deeper levels.

Colin took out a bottle of magic-killing potion, drank it, and then moved on.

Traveling through the gray fog, vision is no longer reliable.

Of course, that's only for ordinary people, or ordinary wizards.

Colin's heart moved slightly, and the gray-black vision in front of him suddenly changed its appearance.

Gray fog and darkness are no longer obstacles. In the infrared vision brought by the white light breathing method...or the brown gold breathing method, the object changes into another appearance and appears in front of you again.

More than half a year has passed, and with Colin's hard work day after day, he has integrated all the breathing techniques he had learned before, except for the giant mountain breathing technique.

Since the original cyan fighting energy in his body turned into a brown-gold color, he took this as the name of his new breathing method.

The improvement in strength brought by the new breathing method is actually not as much as the improvement brought about by just learning all the breathing methods half a year ago and simply breaking the limit once.

But it gave Colin all kinds of weird abilities.

In the dark, he has infrared vision. Under water, he can move freely like a fish. At the same time, he can be as light as clouds. He can leap hundreds of meters with his body alone. He can also be as heavy as a mountain and easily astral. The wind cannot shake the figure at all.

And all of this can be done without relying on the wizard's abilities.


At this moment, Colin's eyes suddenly lit up. With just a slight step, without any fireworks or even making any sound, he came to a cave monster that looked like an earthworm.

Then, he punched lightly!


A dull sound sounded like a drum.

There was a faint ring of ripples spreading where Colin's fist came into contact with the earthworm's head.

Invisible power was like a surge, starting from the earthworm monster's head and passing backwards. The earthworm monster couldn't even make any sound, and then lost its life.

The corpse of the earthworm monster lay limp on the ground. The skin was not damaged at all, but the inside was already a puddle of mud.

Colin put it away gently.

The whole process was like taking a leisurely stroll in the courtyard, and it did not produce any fluctuations in magic energy at all, making it extremely concealed.

The integration of breathing methods is also the integration of power.

Although Colin's current knight strength has not been substantially improved, it can no longer be described as a first-level advanced level.

Relying on the strength of the knight alone, it is just a piece of cake to deal with several first-level high-level wizards at medium and close ranges.

It's a pity that if you face a second-level wizard, you are still powerless.

"But it's coming soon. Those research materials will soon reach the Great Knight."

Colin silently thought that it was at this time that the Frost Shadow in the Wilderness Laboratory sent him good news.

‘Has someone broken through the Great Knight? ’ Colin was pleasantly surprised, no longer hesitated, turned around and walked outside.


But after taking a few steps, he suddenly turned back!

He suddenly felt a faint malice coming from the gray-black mist behind him.

The gray and black mist behind him was billowing, deep and quiet, as if it was just an illusion.

Colin frowned and stood there for a moment, then turned and left.

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