Weird Wizarding World

Chapter 396 The power of will

There were two experimenters who broke through the Great Knight. One was Alcott, who was already a Great Knight.

In fact, among the first batch of testers, he was the only one who survived, and he had not yet used the burrow factor.

The other one is a trainee knight named Abner - basically he can be treated as an ordinary person.

Alcott first practiced the Nameless Breathing Technique, and then re-cultivated the Giant Mountain Breathing Technique to the level of the Great Knight.

The main reason why Abner was able to advance to the rank of Grand Knight so quickly was because of the crypt factor.

The effect of the cave factor specially extracted by Colin in assisting the practice of Jushan Breathing Technique is amazing.

Abner was originally mediocre in talent, but he successfully advanced to a great knight in the past six months. This speed is already comparable to Colin who had the support of gold paper!

In the silver-white room, Colin was checking Abner and Alcott one by one.

"The blood energy is basically the same, there is not much difference, and the same is true for the physical body..."

Not long after, he completed the inspection. After pondering for a moment, he ordered to Alcott:

"Go to the side and practice the Giant Mountain Breathing Technique."

Alcott was startled for a moment, then walked to the corner and silently followed the instructions.

Colin continued to observe Abner.

This knight who practices an improved version of the Giant Mountain Breathing Technique and uses the cave factor to assist has not shown any physical abnormalities until now.

There was no purple-red skin like O'Neill's, nor was there any bloodthirsty desire. Overall, he looked very healthy.

It seems that the improved breathing method has got rid of the negative impact of the cave factor?

But Colin still did not dare to take it lightly, and continued to conduct some inspections on Abner.

After all, whether it was O'Niens or Alec, they only gradually began to have abnormal reactions in the stage of the great knight.

At present, Abner has just broken through to become a great knight. Whether he has gotten rid of the negative influence of the burrow factor is still unknown and needs to continue to be observed.

After the inspection, Colin pondered for a moment, and then said to Abner in front of him: "Practice the Giant Mountain Breathing Technique again."

The original Giant Mountain Breathing Technique had a fatal flaw when one reached the stage of becoming a great knight - the practitioner would eventually collapse and die due to the unlimited growth of his body.

Usually this process will become shorter as the practitioner's practice speed becomes faster.

Therefore, generally speaking, when they reach the stage of great knight, members of the Wood family usually choose to stop practicing the Giant Mountain Breathing Technique in order to extend their lifespan.

But even so, their bodies will not stop growing, but will continue to grow larger, expand, and eventually collapse and die.

It's as if the Giant Mountain Breathing Technique has broken through some limitations of the human body after breaking through the Great Knight stage.

So he wanted to see if the improved version of the Giant Mountain Breathing Technique would still have the same flaws as in the past during the Great Knight stage.

Abner nodded and started practicing on the spot.

This was also the first time he and Alcott had practiced since they were now Grand Knights.

After about an hour, the two of them finished practicing.

Colin called them over and continued to examine the body.

And this time in comparison, there is indeed a clear difference between the two!

Alcott's physical body was obviously improved more than Abner, who had been taking the crypt factor for a long time, but it was also more chaotic.

According to Alcott's description - "The body is as if it has been covered with a layer of gauze, or as if it has been filled with mercury. Although the strength has increased, the body will feel more sluggish than before."

Abner, on the other hand, used one word - "difficult" to describe this practice.

During this training process, he obviously felt that the efficiency of training had dropped significantly. If it was running before, then this time it is equivalent to crawling, and it is still in a glue pool full of resistance!

He even felt that he had not improved at all!

At the same time, Abner also felt that there was a hot breath coming from his heart towards his brain, making him upset. While I couldn't concentrate, I also had a vague urge to smash things around me!

After hearing the descriptions of the two, Colin couldn't help but frown. He thought for a moment, took out two bottles of crypt factor potion, and handed them to the two of them.

"Drink it and practice again."

"Okay, sir." Abner quickly reached out and took it. Over the past six months, he had basically taken a bottle of crypt factor every day.

The benefits this magical potion brought to Abner in his breathing practice made him want to stop.

He was originally not taken seriously in the Wood family and was not even taught advanced breathing techniques. Now every time he practices, he feels as if he is a rare genius!

Alcott also took over the crypt factor silently.

He didn't know what would happen if he took this bottle of potion, but he had witnessed Abner's crazy cultivation speed under the blessing of the potion for more than half a year.

But now that the magical potion has been placed in front of him, what Alcott has in his heart is not expectation, but more fear.

He understands that any gift given by fate will not be free, but he has no more choices.

Silently suppressing the complicated thoughts in his heart, Alcott pulled out the cork on the potion bottle, drank the crypt factor in one gulp, and then began to practice.


Colin took out his pocket watch. He went to the underground cave in the evening and arrived at the wilderness laboratory not long after, so the time was just 12 o'clock and there was still plenty of time for research.

Putting away his pocket watch, he stood aside and waited quietly.

However, this time it was not more than an hour, just half an hour, when a change suddenly occurred.


Abner, who was on the right side of the hall, first slowed down his training movements, and big drops of sweat came out of his forehead. Then he stopped for a moment and suddenly roared.

He seemed to be desperate for his life and rushed towards the nearest Colin. His opened eyes were red, with bloodshot eyes like nematodes all over them, and his whole face was also red!

Colin's expression changed slightly, and he immediately released Temple's ring restraint!


Abner's forward pounce movement suddenly froze, and he fell heavily to the silver floor. He slid forward a certain distance without losing strength, and came to Colin's feet.

"He seems... to be in a state of bloodthirsty?" O'Niens said uncertainly.

In the past six months, although he has never been exposed to any burrow factors, he still falls into madness every one and a half months or so.

Abner is no stranger to his current performance.

Colin lowered his head and looked at Abner at his feet, his eyebrows knitted together. Like O'Neills, he was no stranger to Abner's current state.

This is clearly a state of being contaminated by the burrow factor.

Such a shocking change made Alcott on the side couldn't help but stop his practice and looked over in surprise. His expression was also a little dazed at the moment.

The changes brought about by taking the potion given by Colin were more intense than he imagined.

"You continue." Colin raised his head and glanced at him, saying in a deep voice.


At this time, there was a slight movement suddenly from his feet.

Colin lowered his head. At this moment, the red color on Abner's face had faded unconsciously, and the bloodshot eyes had disappeared, returning to his normal appearance.


He raised his eyebrows slightly and waved his hand to release Abner's restraints.


The latter coughed violently for a moment, then pushed himself up and climbed up.

"Describe to me what you felt just now." Colin asked calmly.

Under the influence of the knight's halo, Abner in front of him did not hesitate. He carefully recalled his feelings just now and said:

"After taking the miraculous potion, I started practicing normally. At first, just like before, I could clearly feel that my physical strength was constantly improving.

"But then at a certain moment, everything suddenly changed. It was like a spring was compressed to its limit and then rebounded, or it seemed that a certain limit was broken."

"A hot breath rushed from the heart towards the brain, destroying all reason like a torrent. The violent emotions dominated me in an instant, and then I threw forward, and the next moment I was controlled by you."

"I have to say, my lord, your power is really..."

Colin raised his hand to interrupt Abner's useless narrative.

‘After I advance to the level of Grand Knight, will I be negatively affected by the crypt factor if I take it again…’

He thought for a moment and began to examine Abner's body in front of him.

The situation was worse than Abner felt. Purple-red spots had begun to appear on the skin at the heart of his chest.

However, Abner's strength has indeed improved significantly compared to before.

But this improvement is undoubtedly negligible compared to the disadvantages.

To this day, Colin still has not found any effective way to treat or improve the sequelae caused by taking the burrow factor.

Every time O'Niens had an attack, he could only tie him up just like he did with Abner and wait for his natural recovery.

After a while, Alcott completed his training, with surprise in his eyes.

Without waiting for Colin to ask, he took the initiative to describe:

"Sir, I feel like I have shrunk a bit..." As he spoke, he waved his fist. "But my strength doesn't seem to have declined at all. On the contrary, it has improved greatly."

"What about intellectually? Do you feel any hot or violent impulses?" Colin continued to ask.

"No." Alcott shook his head decisively, "I feel that my mind is very clear and my will is still strong."

Colin raised his eyebrows and ordered: "Come here and let me check it."

Alcott's body had shrunk significantly as he described it.

Before this practice, Alcott was about 2.5 meters tall, but now he was about 2.4 meters tall.

It is worth mentioning that despite such a huge change in body shape, Alcott's weight has barely changed.

"Sir, in addition to this, I feel like I can see inside my own body, and I seem to have gained some kind of strange ability."

Alcott continued to add, while demonstrating his newly acquired abilities to Colin.

I saw him stretching out his index finger, and then swiping it towards the raised right forearm.


The nails that had not been trimmed for a long time were like sharp knives, quickly cutting across the arm under the power of the knight, but leaving no trace.

This is a very common behavior - if Alcott has the blood armor.

But he didn't.

Colin keenly observed that when Alcott's nails crossed the upper part of the forearm, they did not really touch the forearm - there seemed to be an invisible layer of substance that hindered the cutting of the nails.

Alcott withdrew his right hand and stabbed his left forearm with his index finger.

This time, the phenomenon Colin could see was more intuitive.

Alcott's translucent nails were bent under the tremendous force, but the skin of the forearm of his left hand did not react at all, not even a dent!

A strange layer of substance blocks the nail's progress!

When Colin wanted to continue observing for a while, Alcott retracted his arms panting, his face full of exhaustion, as if the brief cover-up just now had exhausted him.

"How did you do it?"

This power is not witchcraft, nor is it blood, nor is it even the same as spiritual power.

Alcott took a few deep breaths, thought for a moment and said, "Concentrate, concentrate, just like in knight's meditation."

"Knight Meditation..." Colin nodded slightly.

This is the stage that the Jushan Breathing Method lacked at the beginning. A simple description is to sharpen the will first, and then guide the physical practice through spiritual will.

‘Could it be that...this is the power of will? ’ A conjecture suddenly popped into Colin’s mind.

"Did this power exist before? For example, when the knight was meditating?" Colin continued to ask.

Alcott thought carefully for a moment and shook his head, "No, it just appeared. To be more specific, it appeared after I drank the bottle of potion you gave me."

"Although the feeling of knight meditation is somewhat similar to now, the essence is still very different. If the previous feeling was just the air that could not be grasped, the current one is more like holding a hard wood in the hand."

'It only appeared after drinking the cave factor...'

‘Could it be that taking the cave factor after advancing to the Great Knight can help practitioners of the Giant Mountain Breathing Technique unlock the power of will? ’

Colin subconsciously guessed.

Perhaps his intuition helped. In the next half month of more detailed research, Colin successfully verified the correctness of his conjecture!

The connection between the cave factor and the Giant Mountain Breathing Method allows practitioners who have advanced to the level of Grand Knight to gain a unique power of will, named by the current Colin!

And he also completely understood the practice system of Jushan Breathing Technique.

To sum up, it is - will first, then body, then blood.

Knight Meditation is an extremely critical step. It is not only the basis for practicing the Giant Mountain Breathing Technique, but also the basis for developing will later on.

Knight meditation can cultivate the seedlings of will. When you break through the great knight, it is the time when the seedlings take shape.

The burrow factor is an important factor in turning the formed seedlings of will into true will power!

The reason why it can promote the formation of will and speed up the Jushan breathing method is because of the special stimulation it produces on the body.

This special stimulation is actually a kind of pollution and damage, somewhat similar to the radiation from previous lives.

However, at the stage of the Great Knight of the Giant Mountain Breathing Technique, it can stimulate the potential of the cultivator and allow him to unlock the power of will.

Alcott is lucky. According to Colin's current research, even taking the burrow factor cannot guarantee 100% activation of willpower.

Moreover, if the cave factor is used wantonly before the great knight, it will also kill the seedlings of will. Just like Abner, he can only stay in the great knight stage.

However, Alcott did succeed, so not only was he not contaminated by the burrow factor, he also solved the shortcomings of the Giant Mountain Breathing Method in the Great Knight stage!

When the Giant Mountain Breathing Technique advances to become a Great Knight, the practitioner's body will lose its physical limitations. While gaining ever-increasing power, it will also lead to the abyss of destruction.

But will can solve this kind of power. It can bring the out-of-control body back under control, while still retaining its ever-growing ability!

It is equivalent to breaking the original limitations of the body and then putting a variable and flexible restraint on him!

The puzzle of the Giant Mountain Breathing Technique has been completely completed by Colin.

There is no doubt that this is obviously a new knight's path!

The successful Alcott showed power far beyond that of the Grand Knight just half a month later, and had already entered the first level!

This is a new extension on the path of knighthood, and the changeable effect of willpower even makes Colin feel that this is a path that is even better than the way he originally compressed his blood!

Moreover, it can be perfectly integrated with his current knight system!

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