Weird Wizarding World

Chapter 397 Second level knight!

The black number drops to 0 as the limit is broken.

The characters of the Nameless Breathing Technique and the Giant Mountain Breathing Technique on the gold paper gradually blurred, and finally reunited into a line of small characters under Colin's thoughts -

"Will Breathing Method (Golden))"

After Alcott successfully broke through the first-order knight, Colin continued to experiment with the rest of the people.

After confirming the feasibility of knight's meditation, he no longer hesitated, concentrated his energy, and merged it into gold.

Today's latest will breathing method is far more perfect than the previous nameless breathing method and giant mountain breathing method.

Colin also has a deeper understanding of the process of will generation, and has a clearer understanding of the help the crypt factor plays in the formation of will.

In fact, the crypt factor is more like a risky shortcut.

If you want to activate the power of will, you don't necessarily need the burrow factor.

As long as you practice knight meditation, cultivate the flame of will, and give yourself enough stimulation, such as life and death crises, you can successfully activate the power of will.

It's just that other methods are obviously more risky and more difficult to control than using the burrow factor.

As for who has stronger will power in the end between the two, they are actually evenly matched.

Whether it's the burrow factor or other factors such as life and death crises, they are essentially the same.

They are just keys to help open the door, and the specific power of the will behind the door depends more on the practitioner himself.

After Colin concentrated on understanding the latest will breathing method, he gently exhaled and took out the magic stone again.

A moment later, as he thought again, the characters in the Breathing Technique column on the gold paper were all blurred, and finally merged into a single line - "Unnamed Knight's Breathing Technique (0/100)".

‘Finally, we can start practicing. ’ Colin smiled softly, with a happy face.

There are two ways to improve the progress of projects on gold paper. One is to practice, and the other is to conduct theoretical research and study.

The improvement of the progress or even breaking the limit of the Will Breathing Method relies on the latter method.

Strictly speaking, Colin is actually the same as Alcott who was captured at the beginning. He has not taken any crypt factors or performed knight meditation.

The purpose of doing this is mainly to maximize yourself.

After all, Colin is now a first-level senior knight, and he is just minoring in the Will Breathing Technique. The improvement may not be as great as imagined.

So he waited until now, after confirming the feasibility of the Will Breathing Method and integrating it with the original Knight Breathing Method, before he was ready to officially start a thorough reconstruction!

Without resting, Colin couldn't wait to check the latest breathing method carefully in his mind.

The new breathing method not only redistributed the order of compressing blood energy and opening up will, but as he expected, a new stage appeared.

Only there are not one, but two new stages.

According to the New Breathing Method, when practicing, the body is strengthened and the blood is improved in parallel. The two are in a mutually reinforcing relationship. This two-pronged approach produces the effect of one plus one greater than two!

So much so that before the first level, it easily broke through the shackles of the great knight and opened up a new realm between the great knight and the first level knight - Colin named it a quasi-extraordinary knight.

At the peak of the quasi-extraordinary knight, the cultivator will achieve a qualitative change by compressing blood energy, thereby advancing to a first-level knight.

Then, when you reach the peak of the first-level knight, it's time to develop the power of will!

After opening up the power of will, it is the second brand-new stage of the new breathing method!

Colin realized that there was no doubt that this was what he had dreamed of, the new stage of the knight's path!

Second level knight!

Suppressing his joy, Colin almost couldn't wait to start practicing!

In this way, less than ten days later, with the help of the original foundation and the golden paper, Colin successfully rebuilt himself to the peak of a first-level knight!

With the help of the almost perfect quality breathing method, he could clearly feel the fire of will bred in his mind.

Perhaps because he has been trained to the peak of a first-order knight, and because he is a second-order wizard, Colin feels that the fire of will in his mind is unexpectedly clear, and it is even close to catching up with Alcott, who has become a first-order knight. The strength of will!

You must know that this is just the fire of will, just like the strongest seed cannot compare with the weakest mature crop. It should be very different from the real strength of will!

Obviously, the power of will is probably related to the strength of one's own soul.

Because of this, Colin's eyes became extraordinarily bright and oppressive, forcing him to temporarily use witchcraft to cover them up.

‘The next step is to collect the cave factors so that you can officially activate your will power. ’ Colin thought to himself.

There were few stars in the moon tonight, and the clear moonlight fell, making the entire cave area seem to be covered with a thin layer of white frost.

Compared to the spooky and terrifying days of the past, the cave area seems to be a bit more peaceful today.

As usual, Colin used witchcraft to hide his figure and quietly chose a most frequented cave to enter.

Before taking a few steps, a baby-sized black human-faced beetle appeared at the corner ahead.

Colin didn't stop, walked around it and continued on.

This most common burrow creature contains very little burrow factor.

Even an ordinary knight like Alcott would need at least hundreds of human-faced beetles to extract enough cave factors to open up his will.

And he only needs more cave factors than Alcott to activate his will.

After a while, Colin came to the shallow boundary of the cave again.

The gray and black fog-like pollution is layered here as usual, half light gray and half dark gray.

Colin slowly crossed the dividing line, turned on his infrared vision, and his expression became alert.

However, more than an hour passed.

He found nothing.

Everything was quiet in the gray-black mist, and all the normally active cave creatures seemed to have been swallowed up by it.

Another half hour passed, but still nothing.

‘Could it be that the killings have been too harsh in the past six months? ’

The cave creatures are not completely devoid of intelligence. Generally speaking, the more powerful the cave creature is, the smarter it will be.

For more than half a year, this cave has been where he comes most often... Could it be that he sensed an invisible hunter hunting wantonly here, so those slightly higher-level cave creatures chose to stay away from this place?

Colin thought for a moment, but to no avail, so he entered another cave.

But this time, after more than half an hour, he finally found a suitable cave creature and successfully hunted it.

After that, everything returned to normal. Although there seemed to be fewer monsters in the other caves than before, after five days, Colin still collected enough cave factors needed to open up his own will.

Colin didn't know what would happen if a first-order knight developed the power of will.

Just in case, he asked Wilbur again to help take care of him.

Then I came to the wilderness laboratory alone, ready to advance!

The soft white light shone steadily. Colin stood in this independently opened silver-white secret room, took out the huge cave factor potion, and tilted his head.

The dark brown crypt factor potion looks a bit like Coke from the previous life.

But the taste is completely different, not sweet at all, but a bit like bitter almonds, as if drinking poison.

Colin couldn't help but frown slightly. Due to the huge amount of cave factors he needed to take, the uncomfortable feeling lasted for a long time before finally ending.

However, the bitterness in my mouth subsided, and a new discomfort followed.

Strictly speaking, although what Colin drank was not real poison, it was actually not much different from poison.

Compared to the original Alcott, his perception was obviously sharper.

Before those burrowing factors reach the stomach, they penetrate the oral mucosa and spread along the blood to the limbs and bones.

There was a feeling of soreness in the muscles, and the joints seemed to be mixed with fine sand, tingling slightly.

Colin took a deep breath and began to practice the part of the new breathing method dedicated to will.

As the breathing exercises progress.

The blood began to surge like a wave, like the eve of a storm.

Gradually, Colin felt that he had fallen into a mysterious and inexplicable state, and his brain seemed to be empty and tense at the same time.

A flickering flame gradually emerged, and then became clearer and clearer. First it was as small as dust, and then it was so huge that it almost occupied Colin's entire mind and thinking.

boom! !

Finally, at a certain moment, as if some kind of shackles were broken, the flames suddenly surged!

In an instant, a power different from blood, magic, and spiritual power suddenly flowed out.

Under the wash of this power, the body and blood have undergone earth-shaking changes!

The muscles have become denser, the blood has become more surging, and the quality has once again reached a new level...

Of course, the final important improvement is the power itself!

"Is this the power of will..."

Colin opened his eyes and his feet suddenly left the ground.

He didn't use any witchcraft or rely on anything, he just floated quietly in the silver secret room.

This is completely different from witchcraft or other forms of flying ability!

It seemed like he was stepping on some invisible plane, but Colin felt like he was anchored here.


With a slight thought in his mind, Colin's figure arrived at the other end of the silver secret room in an instant.

This is not teleportation, but extremely fast flight!

Colin looked shocked. Such speed has almost reached the level of the strongest second-level flying witchcraft he has mastered so far!

You must know that he has just advanced to the second level knight!

'However, the burst is powerful, but the durability is not as good. ’

Colin tested it again and came to a conclusion.

At medium and short distances, the speed of flying with the power of will is about the same as the second-level high-level flight witchcraft.

When the knight's power goes further, it should be improved.

At that time, this may become another trump card for him in the mid-range and short range.

In addition, the power of will not only gives him the ability to fly, but also strengthens his attacks and forms a unique layer of will armor.

Colin estimated that he could kill an ordinary second-level intermediate wizard simply by relying on the strength of the knight!

Even though he had just become a second-level knight, the quality of the knight's breathing method he practiced was surprisingly high.

Not to mention, after the second level, the characteristics brought by the original knight's breathing method have been further strengthened, and are now no less than some ordinary witchcraft!

And if you add the power of wizards, Colin can't imagine any wizards who can be his opponent in the entire second stage.

If we have to dig deeper, I am afraid that only a super genius who has mastered the third level of witchcraft can barely compete with him.

But third-level witchcraft is not that easy to master.

Once you reach the third level, you can be called a high-level wizard. The difference in strength between you and the second level is comparable to the gap between a formal wizard and an apprentice.

Colin continued to familiarize himself with the new power he gained after becoming a second-level knight in the Silver Chamber.

At a certain moment, he suddenly let out a light sigh.

‘The knight’s halo…seems to have become different? ’

There will be another chapter later!

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