Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1194: chubby

Dare to step into the **** grass tomorrow?

Obviously, the three-headed fat giants did not appear on the blood grass once. Otherwise, the blood grass would not be what it is now. If the three fat giants regard the blood grass as its domain, no creatures are allowed to enter...

The question raised by the old ghost Gong expressed the concerns of many people.

It's just that if they don't enter the blood grass, they have already seen it during the day, and the blood grass can't see the end at all. It is difficult to get around the blood grass. First release https://https://

"It didn't attack us tonight, so as long as you are careful, there should be no problem." Wei Yun thought about it and said, "It may not appear during the day."

The crowd did not answer, but returned to the camp with a heavy heart.

In fact, they all knew in their hearts that what Wei Yun said was just words of consolation, and no one was sure whether the three-headed fat giant would appear, but if they gave up like this, it would mean nothing, and they were not reconciled.

If it is Zhou Fan's idea, he may not consider continuing to take risks. After all, after he has come down one day today, the longevity cloud fruit and the closed eye group will make him quite rich, but he still has to see if the wind ghost general exists. In the team, so he was also a little hesitant in his heart.

After returning to the camp, everyone dispersed and went back to their respective positions to rest. Tomorrow's affairs can be discussed in the morning. No one is in the mood to discuss this topic now.

Zhou Fan talked to Tang Wenkang, and instead of continuing to practice, he activated the corresponding formation and lay down to sleep.

After falling asleep, what he saw when he opened his eyes was the very familiar gray fog.

Zhou Fan glanced at Momo beside him, Momo spread his wings and flew towards the boat kitten.

Zhou Xiaomao was sitting on the table eating fish bones, she didn't lift her eyelids, she picked it up with chopsticks, and caught Momo's little head, "You little guy, didn't I tell you not to bother me? "

Zhou Momo clapped the chopsticks with her own paws, but she couldn't break free, so she could only bark. She was not angry, thinking that the little cat was playing with her...

Zhou Xiaomao reluctantly let go of the chopsticks, Zhou Momo's face showed excitement, and she landed on Zhou Xiaomao's shoulder.

Zhou Xiaomao ignored Zhou Momo, looked at Zhou Fan with bright eyes and asked, "Where did you get so many gray worms?"

She waved her hand, and the three colored glass **** were transformed from the gray fog, but Zhou Fan's transparent colored glass ball was the most exaggerated. It seemed to be the size of a grass house, and there were dense gray worms swimming in it.

Zhou Fan asked with a smile on his face, "How many gray worms are there?"

He had already predicted, but when he actually saw it, it was another matter.

"One hundred and fifty-three thousand two hundred and seventy-nine." Zhou Xiaomao reported the exact number.

1.53 million... Zhou Fan grinned, this is three times more than what he got from his younger sister last time, this number should be no problem, after all, killing a Baisha-level monster can at least get it He killed more than 10,000 closed eyes out of more than 100 large gray worms, so that should be more than one million large gray worms.

He always felt that the problem should be the generous gift given to him by the younger sister. It stands to reason that the number of the blue-green monsters, plus the twelve-winged monsters and the huge blue-green monsters, add up to their strength. It is already close to the unknown level, and it is really not right to only have half a million large gray worms.

Zhou Fan guessed that there might be a problem with the ship's judgment because the little sister was not an assistant, or because she turned those monsters into beads for him to kill.

The key is that the calculation of the ship is too complicated, and even the guide does not know how to calculate it, but in any case, it is definitely a good thing to get so many big gray worms!

"I met a closed-eyed group of Baisha-level." Zhou Fan explained.

"Close the eye group?" Zhou Xiaomao snorted coldly: "You are really lucky, the younger generation of the dog, if you encounter a powerful or large number of Baisha-level monsters, you may have to run for your life. portion."

Although the closed eye group is special, its attack power is too bad.

"Actually, my luck is really good. I encountered tens of thousands of closed-eyed groups this time. If I hadn't happened to have some helpers, I wouldn't have dared to fight them all by myself." Zhou Fan laughed.

Zhou Fan didn't talk to Zhou Xiaomao again. He turned around and passed the good news that he had obtained more than 1.5 million giant gray worms to Chifu through the gray fog. Chifu over there was also very happy for Zhou Fan.

Zhou Fan earned so many big gray worms, and he was very proud to spend 100,000 big gray worms to exchange the kung fu and resources of the pulp washing section from Zhou Xiaomao.

However, out of the 100,000 giant grey worms, 80,000 giant grey worms were actually paid by Chefu, and Zhou Fan helped to give 20,000 giant grey worms...

No, I used little girl's more than 20,000 big gray worms before, which means that I still didn't spend a penny for the little girl... Zhou Fan thought with a guilty conscience.

But this is also impossible. The little girl has grass seed swarms and mushroom demon swarms. She diligently sweeps the wilderness all day long, and asks her subordinates to catch the monsters back or beat them half to death for her to kill. The speed can be said to be fast.

If it wasn't for my luck this time and I met a suitable group of Baisha-level monsters, I'm afraid my old father's face would not be saved... Zhou Fan silently thought He washed the pulp through the gray fog. After the effort and resources were given to Chefu, she had a conversation with Chefu before disconnecting this time.

Zhou Fan looked at Zhou Xiaoxiao and said, "I encountered a very strange and strange thing tonight..."

Zhou Fan told Zhou Xiaomao in detail about the three fat giants.

If he wants to step into the **** grass tomorrow, he must learn about the origin of the three-headed fat giant.

With Zhou Fan's permission, Zhou Xiaomao took out 500 large gray worms from the glass ball as a reward for answering the question, and then thought for a moment, "It sounds like a fat scorpion."


Zhou Fan asked for a while, only to know what those two words were. He frowned slightly and said, "What level of weirdness is this?"

"In my time, it was still a little farther from the unknowable level. I wonder if its strength has increased after so many years." Zhou Xiaomao shook his head: "But this is difficult, and it should still be in a quasi-agnostic state. level."

"What's the difference between quasi-agnostic and unknowable?" Zhou Fan asked.ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

Zhou Xiaomao raised his eyebrows and said, "If you really want to know what the difference is, the difference is that it is not difficult for a quasi-agnostic-level existence like me to kill it, but an unknown-level is difficult to kill. die."

"But after all, it's an artificial division of the monks, and it may not be accurate. Sometimes, quasi-unknown-level monsters are more dangerous than unknowable-level monsters."

"But whether it's quasi-agnostic or unknowable, it makes no difference to you."

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