Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1195: Golden Fungus Baby

There is no difference... Zhou Fan's expression condensed, because Zhou Xiaomao made a lot of sense, quasi-agnostic and unknowable are both monstrous existences to him.

He didn't expect that the three-headed fat giant on the prairie would be such a level of weirdness.

"But you don't have to worry too much, what you have encountered is just an illusory projection of Fat Tu." Zhou Xiaomao glanced at Zhou Fandao.

"It's just an illusory projection?" Zhou Fan showed a look of astonishment: "But the blood is real, is that blood just our illusion?"

"Even if it's just a projection clone, it can also make the illusion affect reality. Otherwise, how can it reach the quasi-agnostic level?" Zhou Kitten wrote lightly.

"The origin of the fat tau is mysterious. If it is not an illusory projection, then what you see will not be just ordinary blood, but the strange blood that will kill everything around. Few people can escape those strange blood. hunting."

Zhou Fan shuddered, if what Zhou Xiaomao said was true, the fat chubby who could affect reality with just an illusory projection is really beyond his imagination. Fortunately, what he encountered was just a projection, but even if it was projection……

"I don't know if its projection will affect us creatures other than the blood..." Zhou Fan hurriedly asked, it was related to whether he would enter the blood meadow tomorrow.

"The blood spewed out by the phantom projection of the fat scorpion does not have any special effects. As its blood accumulates over time, it will gradually allow the place to have its breath. Once it has its breath, it is equivalent to being marked, and it can be used at any time. Use this mark to come to that place." Zhou Xiaomao sat down and picked up his chopsticks.

"Then how long does it take for it to complete the marking?" Zhou Fan asked in a daze. He was worried that Fat Tau had already completed the marking, and then it would land directly in the Thousand Machines Giant Pit, and then Bai Fan... would not be able to stay.

"I don't know about this either, but it's definitely not finished yet, otherwise it wouldn't be like what you saw last night." Zhou Xiaoxiao said: "As long as it's not marked, you haven't interfered with its work, generally speaking. There will be no danger."

"And the time it appears is fixed. If it appears at night, you won't be able to see it during the day."

Only then did Zhou Fan breathe a sigh of relief, then entering the Blood Grass tomorrow would not be a big problem.

Zhou Fan asked several more questions about Chubby, and Zhou Xiaomao answered them one by one. He could be considered to have a preliminary understanding of Chubby, but even a person of Zhou Xiaomao's level would not understand this kind of weirdness. Know how deep, otherwise this can't be called quasi-agnostic.

"You have so many big gray worms now, do you want anything?" Zhou Xiaomao asked very rarely.

Zhou Fan was silent for a while, but still shook his head, because he was still a while away from the golden body, so he was not in a hurry to ask, these big gray worms should be kept for now.

After all, the Great Grey Worm can be exchanged for other resources or help, but these resources cannot be exchanged for the Great Grey Worm in reverse. Until a critical moment, he will not easily use his own Big Grey Worm.


When the morning light penetrated the mist of the grassland, the people in this special team got up one after another, and no one mentioned the debate about whether to enter the **** grassland last night.

No one proposed to leave either, obviously everyone planned to gamble again.

After all, they spent so much time here, it is impossible to return empty-handed before seeing the definite danger.

Zhou Fan felt relieved when he saw this. He knew that the Blood Grass was not in danger, but these people didn't know that if the man in black brought by Wei Yun or the man in mask brought by half of Liao wanted to give up, it would be a shame for him. A headache.

But no one gave up, and Zhou Fan was also a little surprised. Are these warriors and cultivators in the Land of Hundreds of Thrones daring?

He didn't think that was necessarily the case. Maybe they were confident that they would be able to cope with danger even if they encountered danger. If so...

Zhou Fan had various thoughts in his heart, and his face was calm.

With no one objecting, the team maintained a silent atmosphere and began to enter the blood grass.

Walking on the blood grass is no different from walking in the green grass outside, and they soon discovered that the blood grass also has strange creatures living here.

Seeing the human beings, these monsters rushed towards the team without hesitation. The crowd easily cleaned up these monsters, and some people in the team also showed a relaxed expression on their faces.

Zhou Fan smiled secretly when he saw it. If there was a problem in the team, whether the fat scorpion from last night would bring danger or not, I am afraid there is no clearer answer than him.

But even if there is no fat tau, there may be other dangers in the blood grass... Zhou Fan put away the contempt in his heart.

In the boring progress, the speed of everyone is not fast. Those who have cultivated eye consciousness will open their eye consciousness and scan around to see if they can find anything.

Some people in the team began to find some materials that were only considered good. Of course, whoever shot these materials first, the others would not fight for it, because there was no need to fight.

Gong Laogui also has eyesight. He is in a bad mood, because he only collected two materials of low value, and these two materials are not enough to make up for the loss of a big disciple who He has always suspected that someone in the team killed his apprentice, and after observing for so long, he also has doubts in his heart, but because there is no evidence, it is because there is no right time. If there is a right time, people like them have never needed evidence. ...

While thinking about such a thing, he glanced at the blood-colored grass, and suddenly his pupils shrank.

Because on the grassy **** a hundred feet to his left stood a golden baby the size of a human hand.

The baby's whole body is golden, but its face has mesh-like ferocious silver tendons, and its eyes are also silver.

Jin Junying... Gong Laogui's heart seemed to have stopped, and he rushed forward without hesitation.

He can see it, and so can the rest of the people, it's impossible to hide it.

Golden Fungus Infant is a kind of spiritual plant that the monks in the golden body are most eager to get. Taking it will not only make the monks in the golden body free from the hard work and break through a small realm, it is also said that the golden body of the monks in the golden body can be cultivated. become flawless.

Compared with the five-year life expectancy of the longevity cloud fruit, the golden fungus baby has a higher practical value, because the longevity cloud fruit can only be taken once, and the monks who can afford the longevity cloud fruit may have taken it, and will not want it again. The cultivation base is still low, and they are not willing to spend a lot of money just to increase their life expectancy by five years.

Unless it is a short-lived species with a very short lifespan, it will so desire the longevity cloud fruit. New 81 Chinese website updates the fastest computer: https://

But the golden fungus baby can make the monks in the golden body fight frantically because the golden body is so important!

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