Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1214: unknown origins

"Black and white Chi? Black and white god?" Zhou Kitten raised his eyebrows slightly: "What do you ask it to do?"

"I met it." Zhou Fan sighed and told Zhou Xiaomao the matter seriously.

After Zhou Xiaomao heard it, her eyes brightened slightly: "You want to escape from its hands, right? I'll help you, you let me possess, this time I'm not doing my own thing, I'll help you escape , you have to give me half a million giant grey worms."

"If you don't do your own thing, you want to accept me 500,000 gray worms?" Zhou Fan shook his face and said, "As long as you help me escape its control, I beg you to do your own thing."

500,000 giant gray worms are too expensive, which is equivalent to one-third of Zhou Fan's large gray worms, which is literally killing him.

"I don't have the time left to do my own thing if I want to escape from the hands of Heihe Chi." Zhou Xiaomao said with a cold face, "That's why I only want 500,000 gray worms."

"Is that... 50,000 gray worms okay?" Zhou Fan asked tentatively.

"Go away." Zhou Xiaomao's lungs almost exploded, what kind of person does this dog junior think she is? When did she become so cheap?

Zhou Fan also knew that 50,000 gray worms were absolutely impossible, he coughed dryly: "Let's not talk about this, I want to know the origin of the black and white chi?"

The cost of this kind of inquiry is extremely low, and Zhou Xiaomao is very reluctant, but Naihe made an agreement before, she said with a stern face: "Five hundred big gray worms."

"Of course there is no problem." Zhou Fan agreed with a smile.

Zhou Xiaomao took another 500 big gray worms, and she sneered: "Without my help, you want to escape from the hands of Heihe Chi, but it is not so easy. Knowledgeable and weird."

Quasi-agnostic level of weirdness... Zhou Fan's eyelids jumped violently.

"I don't know how it was born, but it is not accommodated by the laws of heaven and earth, so it seldom comes to the real body between heaven and earth. Generally, it only walks between heaven and earth as a clone, but even a clone will not easily appear in the outside world. Most of the time , is to stay in one's own black and white realm."

"Because once it comes, it is destined to not be able to stay in the world for too long, and it will take a long time to wait for it to come, which is why you will be invited into its realm." Zhou Xiaomao explained: "You are not the first The human beings invited by it are approved, the black line vortex you mentioned is caused by the manifestation of its power."

"It doesn't lie about this. With those black vortexes, it can pull you into its domain at any time. Once you enter its domain, unless you are a monk of my level, even a monk of the next level is not. its opponent."

Zhou Fan secretly exclaimed fortunately, fortunately, he maintained restraint and did not fight it in its domain, but even if he was not in its domain, he was not a bizarre opponent of this level.

"Of course it doesn't want to pull anyone into its domain." Zhou Xiaomao continued: "Some powerful cultivators can immediately find out when it has signs of making a move, and use various methods to deal with it. "

"I haven't noticed the erosion of those black vortexes in my cultivation consciousness." Zhou Fan interrupted helplessly.

"If the six senses of the martial artist's cultivation can also detect its erosion, then it is too weak." Zhou Xiaoxiao said with disdain: "And this method of pulling living beings into its domain is just a way of hunting for food. It's just a skill, even if it's just a clone, once it comes out of its own domain, it will really show its power."

"Its power contains a peculiar law of life and death. It cannot be controlled freely. Once it arrives, it will turn all the creatures around it into dead souls, and let the dead souls become living creatures for a short time. As for other abilities, I don't know very well. But it shouldn't be as good as this life-and-death transformation ability, which is its most powerful ability."

"Anyway, as soon as it comes, you basically have no possibility of living. Even if I help you at that time, it will be very difficult for you to survive, so if you want to escape, you can only escape in advance."

Zhou Fan's face changed slightly. He had heard Heihe Chi mention that it has some life and death abilities, but it was obviously more terrifying than he thought.

"So Heihe Chi didn't even think about letting us leave alive, right?" Zhou Fan said with a solemn expression.

"What's so strange about this?" Zhou Xiaomao said indifferently: "It doesn't care about your life and death, but it wants you to do things for it, isn't it normal to lie to you? But if you have the ability to escape when it comes, I don't think it bothers to pay any attention to you."

"It's designed to be fat, after all."

"Why does it target Fattou? Is it really Fattou's mortal enemy?" Zhou Fan adjusted his mood and asked.

"Deadly enemy?" Zhou Xiaomao glanced at Zhou Fan and said, "Before I entered the boat, I had never heard that Fat Tuo and Heihe Chi were mortal enemies, unless after such a long period of time, they gradually became one with you and no me. A hostile relationship, but I think that's less likely."

"I prefer another guess."

Zhou Fan listened carefully. Not many people knew about this quasi-agnostic secret.

"The black and white chi is aimed at the clones of Chubby, obviously want to eliminate the clones of Chubby one by one, which can weaken the power of Chubby, and then the next step is to devour and fuse the chubby." Zhou Xiaomao said slowly: "What it sees is The power of the chubby."

"Will it be swallowed by the strange? If it swallows the power of the fat tau, will it be able to enter the unknown level?" Zhou Fan guessed slightly.

Zhou Kitten was silent and did not answer, her face became solemn and serious, and she looked up at the huge blood sphere in the sky.

Zhou Fan also became silent and did not rush to ask questions. He rarely saw Zhou Kitten with such a serious I don't know. Zhou Kitten lowered his head and didn't look at the blood **** made of corpses, and shook his head: "Unknown grade is the rating made by our monks for those who stand at the peak." "

"Because they are not only weird and powerful, but most of them can't tell the origin, so this level is called the unknowable level."

"With the exception of a small number of unknowns, they cannot communicate with us. Those who can communicate with us will not tell us their origins."

"The quasi-agnostic level is similar. The Black and White Chi is a quasi-agnostic monster that rarely communicates with intelligent creatures, but no one has ever known its origin or what it wants to do."

"It's not that there are no top-level cultivators trying their best to figure out their ideas. After all, this may solve a lot of unknown mysteries, but none of them have failed."

"Have they all failed?" Zhou Fan's heart twitched faintly.

"At least that's what I know. It seems that no one has succeeded." Zhou Xiaomao sneered: "I have also made such an attempt, and found an unknowable monster that can communicate with living beings, but it can't say no to death. Know how he appeared in this world, and then accidentally let it escape."

Zhou Xiaomao felt a little regretful about this.

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