Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1215: obtrusive question

To be able to force an unknowable monster to run for his life... Zhou Fan twitched the corners of his mouth, Zhou Kitten is too strong.

And it sounds like the unknowable monster hides a great secret, and top cultivators like Zhou Kitten don't know what the secret is.

"Some cultivators have found that when there is a conflict between quasi-unknown and unknowable monsters, if one party dies, it will be swallowed and merged by the other party." Zhou Xiaomao said calmly: "But not all of them are absolutely impossible. Knowing or unknowing are **** for tat, and they only occasionally clash.”

"Even after some devoured the other party, they did not become stronger, but weaker, so it is difficult to tell their motives, and I don't know why Heihe Chi did this."

If devouring and fusion can really become stronger or it is an instinct of them, then they will definitely fight endlessly, but occasionally there will be conflicts and killings... Zhou Fan also can't understand why they do this.

I always feel that these quasi-agnostic or unknowable are weird and can't be understood by human thinking.

"I want to know how to get rid of the black line vortex on my body?" Zhou Fan asked while thinking about it.

He was not afraid that Zhou Xiaoxiao would not answer, because this also belongs to the question of Black and White Chi.

"It's simple, as long as you master the rules, you can remove those black line vortices." Zhou Kitten said with a relaxed expression.

Mastering the rules... Zhou Fan's eyes jumped and he hurriedly asked, "I don't know if Dragon God's language is feasible?"

Dragon God language is also a kind of law.

"Dragon God's language is not impossible, but you are too weak. At most, you can resist the black line vortex." Zhou Xiaomao thought seriously.

"The most resistance is to prevent the black line vortex from happening... Then I don't know what to do next?" Zhou Fan asked.

"This has nothing to do with Black and White Chi." Zhou Xiaomao sneered: "I won't answer your question. What I agreed with you is only a common sense question. I taught you, how can I still make money?"

"..." Zhou Fan took a deep breath and said, "Then I want to ask if I run farther away when the black line vortex is on my body, can Black and White Chi still control the black line vortex to kill me?"

"I am now in a special space with it. Is it because I am out of this special space that its black line vortex can't function as it should?"

This is a method that Zhou Fan had previously imagined that he thought was more reliable.

After all, no matter how powerful that Black and White Chi is, if it can pull the distance, it can't be thousands of miles away, can it still deal with him?

Of course, it still depends on what Zhou Kitten has to say.

Zhou Xiaomao frowned slightly, she was thinking about whether this was a common sense problem, but she quickly realized that this was still the category of the question she wanted to answer, she thought about it: "If the distance is too far, the black line vortex should not be able to rise again. It works, but I'm not too sure, after all, if it adds a kind of power to the black line vortex, like the prohibition used by our monks..."

"Then if you run out of a certain range, the black and white chi may not be able to control it, but the black line vortex may occur automatically and kill you."

Zhou Fan's complexion changed slightly, then the way he wanted to use the Dragon God's language to resist the black line vortex and run out of the giant pit of thousands of machines to escape the control of Black and White Chi might not be useful.

As long as the black and white chi is not stupid or lazy, he will definitely do something on the black line vortex.

Zhou Fan was not reconciled, and turned around to ask various questions about Black and White Chi, in order to verify whether the methods he thought were effective one by one.

Sweat quickly oozes out of his forehead, because it is too difficult. Black and white Chi is a quasi-agnostic monster after all. Even if he is facing a clone, it is not so easy.

Some unknowable and strange clones are very weak, such as the Yingui he encountered in Tianliang City, the clones are pitifully weak, and they are easily cleaned up by him.

But the avatar of the sound gauge was just summoned in a hurry. The avatar of Black and White Chi was prepared by it. Even if the avatar of Black and White Chi was only quasi-agnostic, such a avatar would be stronger than imagined.

He felt a little helpless.

"Just give me 500,000 big gray worms..." Zhou Xiaomao said with a proud face, "I'll save your life."

"You're raising the price on the ground. In the past, only 150,000 gray worms agreed to possess and help." Zhou Fan said angrily.

Even if the ship is moving forward, it can't be so expensive.

"I didn't say that 150,000 giant grey worms are fine. 150,000 giant grey worms are the price that I want to attach to you and escape from the ship's control." Zhou Xiaomao calmly said: "You want If I help, then half a million big gray worms are needed, and you can't afford it."

Even if I can afford it, I don’t want to give it, do you take me as a scapegoat... Zhou Fan thought silently in his heart, he glanced at Zhou Xiaoxiao and said, "You know I can't give you so much, I will give you a maximum of 200,000 yuan. Big gray worm, do you agree to help?"

"Half a million big gray worms, not a lot." Zhou Xiaomao said with a cold face: "You are trying to save your own life, even if I want a million large gray worms, wouldn't you give them? I don't believe you want the big gray worm to die!"

"There may be people in the world who want money but not life, but I am not." Zhou Fan shook his head and denied: "But I am not the only one who can help. If you are unwilling to help, then I will ask the boat if you are willing to help. It's a big deal. Send 200,000 grey worms to the ship."

"Even if the boat refuses to help directly, maybe the fishing rod can catch something that solves this problem!"

Zhou Kitten's eyes flickered, and she quickly sneered: "Then ask."

She also wondered what the boat would say!

Zhou Fan's face was cold, and he quickly lowered his head to ask the boat. Fishing here only requires 130,000 large gray worms. If fishing can be solved, he doesn't want to let the boat kitten knock his bamboo pole for nothing!

It's a pity that the redemption money can only work when it is fatal. Zhou Fan still dare not gamble, because if he Who knows if Heihe Chi will have enough time to drag him into the realm?

The methods he came up with have many flaws, and now it depends on the ship.

After Zhou Fan finished speaking, he patiently waited for the ship's reply.

Zhou Xiaomao is also waiting. She has always been curious about the relationship between the boat and Zhou Fan. This is a secret she really wants to know.

Soon the boat gave a reply, Zhou Fan's face became a little weird, he looked at the boat kitten.

"What did the boat say?" Zhou Xiaomao knew that the boat must have replied to Zhou Fan, but what was Zhou Fan doing looking at her?

Zhou Fan said with a serious face: "I'll ask you again, do you really not like me?"

Zhou Fan asked once before, and now he is more serious and serious than the last time.

Zhou Xiaomao was stunned. She didn't expect Zhou Fan to suddenly say such a thing. Is there something wrong with this person's mind? How did she turn the topic to this kind of thing? The turning point was too big, and she couldn't turn her head around.

But soon the boat kitten growled: "You son of a bitch, is there a hole in your head? I like you when I'm blind!"

The roar was incessant on the boat.

Weird world of immortality

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