Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1248: 2 more messages

Hei Ying took over the portrait of the old man surnamed Xiao and said, "It will be easier to have a portrait in the Fuzhong realm than those in the four golden body realm."

The Rune Realm is rarer than the Golden Realm.

Zhou Fan felt fortunate for a while. Those people did not disguise themselves when dealing with their parents. He thought that this could be done easily, and it was impossible for ordinary people to see their faces, otherwise he would just find those people. Not so easy anymore.

"Do you really want to know all the information about them from birth to the present? In this case, we need to spend a lot of effort and the price will be even higher." The shadow reminded again.

"Is that so?" Zhou Fan raised his eyebrows slightly, and he pondered for a while: "Then I just want to know where they are now and who they are working for, remember, they may have other identities on the surface, but secretly maybe Another identity, I want to know who they are really doing? Can this be done?"

"Do you mean that they secretly do things for the same person or force?" Sombra asked in more detail.

"I guess so, but I don't know the actual situation. I hope you will find out for me." Zhou Fan shook his head.

"Okay." Hei Ying tilted his head slightly again to evaluate the price. After a while, he raised his head and said, "According to your request, we need 20 million profound coins for the information of the five people."

20 million Xuan coins... Zhou Fan twitched, it was really expensive, but he remembered what Chen Yushi said, the Secret Pavilion does not allow bargaining, he nodded and said, "Yes."

Of course, he can also check only one, but what if the Secret Pavilion can't find it? So check all five together.

"What if one or two cannot be found?" Zhou Fan asked again after thinking of this.

"This kind of situation is rare, but it's not that it never happened. We didn't charge you for the Fu Seed Realm. If we can't find one, we'll refund you four million profound coins. What do you think?" Hei Ying said slowly.

"Very reasonable." Zhou Fan nodded.

"Since you think it's reasonable, if there are no other requirements, then we have to collect money before doing things." Hei Ying looked at Zhou Fan and said.

"Don't worry, I still want to buy two pieces of news." Zhou Fan wrote another word 'Zhou' on the table, he tapped it and said, "Have you ever heard of a family surnamed Zhou in the history of Great Wei in the Secret Pavilion? Da clan? It may have something to do with the Dawei royal family, it may have been very brilliant, and then gradually disappeared."

Zhou Fan has been thinking that the Zhou family, who deserves to be targeted so by the fierce Zhou family's mortal enemy, shouldn't be a nameless person in the past. He speculated and disappeared from the history of the Zhou family.

As for the speculation that it has something to do with the Great Wei royal family, that is because the Zhou family's mortal enemy has a close relationship with the royal family, and the Zhou family may also have something to do with the Great Wei royal family.

"It's simple, I'll ask for you." Hei Ying tilted his head slightly again, and he muttered softly.

Zhou Fan couldn't hear what Hei Ying was muttering even if he turned on his ear consciousness, but he guessed that Hei Ying was communicating with someone.

After a while, the shadow stopped muttering, and he said, "Guest, unfortunately, our news database does not have the Zhou family that meets your requirements. There are sixty-seven Zhou families that have disappeared in the history of the Wei Dynasty, but these They are all just small and medium-sized families, do you need the information of these families? We can package and sell this information to you for ten million yuan.”

Sixty-seven houses did not meet his requirements. How could he have so much time and energy to investigate them one by one? Zhou Fan was silent for a while and said, "Will your Secret Pavilion betray the news of the guests?"

"Yes." Sombra said frankly: "We only do business, we don't have enmity, but the rule is not to take the initiative to sell the information of the guests, but if anyone is willing to spend a lot of money to ask if anyone is investigating him in the Secret Pavilion, we will tell He, and provides certain information."

"Your Secret Pavilion is really good at doing business." Zhou Fan sighed a little: "Is it possible that the Zhou family I asked you to investigate was something that your Secret Pavilion did not know?"

"This possibility is not ruled out. If you think so, our Secret Pavilion is willing to check whether there is this Zhou family, but for this kind of news investigation that may not exist, we need to charge five million Xuan coins for the investigation. Five million is non-refundable, and we will add more after we find out..."

Sombra paused and said, "Add another five million, and you can accept that we can conduct an investigation for you."

"It's too expensive, I can provide you with another piece of news to reduce the difficulty." Zhou Fan said: "That Zhou family is a family with a kind of self-healing ability of deceitful blood. By the way, you can check it out for me, then Among the sixty-seven aristocratic families, is there a Zhou family with a self-healing bloodline?"

"An aristocratic family with self-healing ability to deceive people?" Sombra said: "If there is this premise, it is indeed much simpler. Then guests, please wait a moment, maybe there may be some in there."

The shadow turned his head again and seemed to communicate with someone.

"Unfortunately, still not." After a while, the shadow turned around and said.

No, the disappearing sixty-seven aristocratic families surnamed Zhou would not have much connection with his Zhou family. Zhou Fan thought to himself that luckily he thought of this, otherwise he might waste money and time on this kind of thing. .

"Guest Since you have provided more precise conditions, we can only charge one million for the investigation fee, and the information fee to be charged remains unchanged. What do you think?" own conditions.

"Okay." Zhou Fan thought for a while and agreed: "The third news I want to buy, you can find out the whereabouts of a woman, her name is Li Chungniang, who was admitted to the Class A class in Gaoxiang County, this is her look."

Zhou Fan took out another portrait, handed it to Hei Ying, and said some characteristics of Li Chungniang.

He wanted to find her for a long time.

If you find her, you should be able to find Li Jiuyue, so you don't need to look for Li Jiuyue.

Since so many months have passed since the events of that night, he has been trying to find a way, but he has no choice. Now that he knows the existence of the Secret Pavilion, of course he has to try it.

Zhou Fan was a little scared. He was afraid that he would find the worm girl, who appeared in front of him with a big belly...

When he thinks of this, his face turns pale. This is very possible. Zhou Xiaomao said that as long as the worm girl thinks, she can accomplish pregnancy in her dream.

If in his world, let a woman get pregnant out of wedlock and don't marry that woman, she would definitely be a scumbag!

But he felt aggrieved because he was designed and this was not the situation he wanted to see.

Li Chungniang and Li Jiuyue, who might be involved, were really too much, he felt unspeakably aggrieved.

"Do you just know this little information?" The shadow interrupted Zhou Fan's thoughts and asked.

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