Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1249: 1 half

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"Is so much enough?" Zhou Fan asked with a frown.

"This woman named Li Chungniang is not a Taoist cultivator. Even if you have her portrait, it is not easy to find her, even if the name is not common." The shadow said, "Can you guarantee that there is no problem with her name?"

"It shouldn't be fake." Zhou Fan recalled: "Oh, by the way, there is a Taoist monk named Chen Bopi next to her. There is a shop called Wanbao Pavilion in Gaoxiang County. It is said that she A shop at home..."

Zhou Fan recalled these details one by one, and Hei Ying carefully recorded them while listening.

Zhou Fan also drew the general appearance and characteristics of Chen Bopi on the desktop, because the name Chen Bopi doesn't sound like his real name.

"Enough, with so much information, as long as she is not isolated from the world, it will not be difficult for us to find her." After Sombra confirmed that the information was sufficient, he said, "We need seven million profound coins to find this woman's whereabouts. ."

It was more expensive than finding the four golden monks, and the Secret Pavilion didn't know how to price it, but Zhou Fan nodded and agreed.

Zhou Fan took out 33 million silver notes from the talisman bag and put them on the table.

Thirty-three million profound coins are difficult for ordinary cultivators to get out of Yuan Liquid Realm. Zhou Fan also felt very heartbroken. Money can indeed make ghosts push the grind, but the premise is that there is enough money.

"How long will it take to complete?" Zhou Fan asked.

None of the three things he wants to investigate can be done in a short time.

"Come back in half a month, whether it's finished or not, we can give you an explanation. Of course, if you're not in Xiaolei Prefecture, you can go in and tell them what you want to investigate as long as you are in any place where you can see our secret pavilion. , they will be able to tell you the news you want soon." Sombra said.

"I came here in disguise, how do you recognize that I am me?" Zhou Fan asked.

"No need to identify, only you and the Secret Pavilion know these things. If you ask us, we will know it's you." Hei Ying said with a smile.

Zhou Fan asked a few more questions, and after getting a satisfactory answer, he stood up and left the strange house.

Zhou Fan looked at the closed secret pavilion. He couldn't help but admire the magic of the secret pavilion. There are too many secrets here. As long as you have money, you will generally not be disappointed.

But the Secret Pavilion also has things that you can't know.

Zhou Fan was actually hesitant at the time, hesitating whether to ask about the color river when he met the boat, but he was cautious not to ask.

At first, he was afraid that this would touch the secret of the ship, and he did not forget the previous warning from the fog, that doing so might be erased by the ship.

Even though the ship never expressed its malice, Zhou Fan did not dare to anger the ship.

Second, he was worried about the big secret hidden in the color river, and the secret pavilion might attack him.

Of course, it is more likely that the Secret Pavilion does not know the existence of the Color River. After all, an existence like Zhou Xiaoxia has never heard of such a strange place.

Half a month passed quickly. Zhou Fan had been cultivating hard for the past half month, but he also guarded against those people who would attack him again.

But for half a month, Zhou Fan never left the prefecture too far to carry out his mission. Occasionally, he went out secretly and went hunting with Momo. He didn't encounter any assassination, which made him feel a little pity.

If he was assassinated in Xiaoleizhou City as the envoy to the north, then he could justifiably use the power of the Yiluan Division to investigate those people.

Every night when he entered the Grey River space, he would communicate with Chifu and care about the situation on his parents' side.

In addition to these things, even if he borrowed Yuanjing to cultivate, he still has a long time before entering the late stage of Yuanli Realm.

There is also news that the ghosts and ghosts of the living corpses have been caught one after another, but the corpse owner of the living corpse has never been able to find his whereabouts. Lost some people.

But on the whole, it's worth it. If the living corpse is tossed like this, even if the corpse owner recovers from his injuries, it will probably take a long time to return to his original peak.

After half a month, Zhou Fan was full of expectations again, and after disguising, he came to the secluded street where the secret pavilion was located.

He looked at the house of the Secret Pavilion and had some doubts that even though he had disguised it, the Secret Pavilion might have already known who he was.

But it doesn't matter. Zhou Fan observed it for a while before letting the little sister stay outside. He knocked on the door alone, carved a talisman on the door, and then the door opened.

After Zhou Fan walked in, the heavy wooden door closed, and a faint blue light lit up in the dark room.

The dark blue rune line on the floor quickly rose, turning into a dark blue round table and chairs.

Black Shadow sat on a chair, he looked at Zhou Fan and said calmly, "You're here."

"I thought you didn't recognize me." Zhou Fan smiled while sitting on another chair.

"How could I not remember? In a place like ours, after a year, there are actually not many guests here in Xiaoleizhou Mansion." Hei Ying smiled and said, "Wait a moment, I will ask for you, see if you want to ask. How are you preparing for the news?"

The shadow disappeared on the chair, and Zhou Fan didn't know how he disappeared. He doubted in his heart that the house was actually filled with all kinds of talismans and utensils, protecting the secrets of the secret pavilion.

After a short while, the shadow reappeared on the chair, and he said solemnly: "Guest, it's a pity that the three pieces of information you want to check are only half completed. Now I'll give you two choices. First, we All the money will be returned to you, you don’t need to ask for these information, of course, all the money does not include the one million investigation fee of the agreed family.”

"The second option, we will refund half of the money to you, and then tell you all the news we know."

"How do I know if the half of your news is worth the price?" Zhou Fan said solemnly, "Can't you check it out for me?"

"I'm afraid it won't Soi Ying shook his head and said, "We've done our best, and we can't find any news if we check further. As for whether the news is worth the price, we have our own assessment, but because of the content of the news Can't say it, so you have to weigh for yourself whether to accept the second option. "

"You can also accept the first option."

33 million profound coins deducted 1 million profound coins, if you choose the second one, you will have to pay 16 million profound coins.

"Your Secret Pavilion is so disappointing to me. I choose to refund half of the money. Tell me what you found." Zhou Fan snorted dissatisfied.

He waited so long, and it was impossible for him to return empty-handed. Even if he didn't know how far the so-called "half completion" of the Secret Pavilion was, he was willing to gamble.

Hei Ying stretched out his hand from the darkness, put the 16 million Xuan coin silver note on the table, and pushed it to Zhou Fan.

Zhou Fan put away the bank note.

"The first thing you want us to check, the four golden monks and the rune monk surnamed Xiao, we found information about the four golden monks, and their names are more accurately..." Four names were written on the blue round table, namely Qiu Qifu, Qi Xiuyong, Hao Yu, and Chang Gaoping.

The shadow lightly patted the blue round table, and the name was transferred to Zhou Fan.

Only then did Zhou Fan really know the names of the four of them.

"These four are all loose cultivators." Hei Ying said again.

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