Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1472: don't go up

He touched his neck, but he couldn't feel anything. The feeling of scratching his claws had spread from his neck to his back, and the claws seemed to be able to cut open his body at any time.

The high fever continued, burning his forehead hot.

He shook his head, ignoring the abnormality of his body, and decided to ascend to the last floor.

He will most likely die on the last floor, but his curiosity has flooded, floor after floor is different, and he wants to see what's up there.

He turned around and walked to the gray and white stairs, trying to climb to the last floor, but he stopped quickly, and he could see the face in the dark.

It was a face that was exactly the same as his, pale face, cold eyes, and the human face quickly converged into the darkness.

His corpse, his face... He suppressed the fear in his heart, it was really a strange thing, because of the high fever, his forehead was dizzy.

Will you burn into an idiot and get lost forever in this grey and white round tower?

He didn't want to delay any longer on the eighth floor, so he lifted his foot and continued to walk.

"Don't go up." A woman's voice sounded in his ear.

There were some familiar female voices, but he couldn't remember where he heard them with his head dizzy, so he subconsciously turned his head and looked back.

What she saw was a girl wearing a pink and blue palace dress, and she looked at Zhou Fan with a faint smile.

"Ship..." Zhou Fan blinked, confirming that he had no dizziness.

"Didn't expect me to be here?" The girl smiled and flicked her fingers on Zhou Fan's forehead.

A cool feeling spread from his forehead, and his drowsy consciousness became sober. He looked at the girl silently, thinking in his heart whether this could be fake?

"I'm not a fictional dream." The girl smiled and said Zhou Fan's thoughts, "This dream will not be so boring."

Zhou Fan also felt that the boat should be real. He was silent for a while and asked, "Why don't you let me go to the last floor?"

It's not a strange thing for the boat to appear in his dream, so Zhou Fan didn't ask why the boat appeared in his dream, but was more concerned about why the boat prevented him from going upstairs.

The girl's smile subsided, she looked up at the gray and white stairs and said solemnly: "The things above are not dangerous now, but if you go up and be seen by it, it will become very dangerous, you will die, not in a dream, but Die in the outside world."

Dying in the outside world... Zhou Fan's face was stunned. He didn't expect the ninth floor to be so dangerous, "As long as I don't fear it, the human soul will not disperse. How can it kill me?"

"Because this is not an ordinary dream world, it doesn't mean that you are not afraid." The serious expression on the girl's face dissipated, and she smiled sweetly: "I will tell you later, I didn't expect that God's will in the underworld' will not last for the last time, causing you to enter such a dangerous nightmare."

"What the **** is going on with this nightmare?" Zhou Fan's doubts grew more and more in his heart, "Wouldn't it be you who spoke to me last time in Black Light World?"

"It's me." The girl nodded and said, "Time is running out. This nightmare is very complicated. I can't tell you. I have another very important matter to discuss with you."

"What's the matter?" Zhou Fan felt a subtle feeling in his heart. The boat actually said that he had something to discuss with him?

"Didn't you meet Master Yunyan?" Chuan chuckled lightly: "It is of some use to me, so I hope to use your body to hunt it, are you willing to help me?"

The boat is going to hunt Yunyan Lord... Zhou Fan was stunned, "Can you tell me what it can do to you?"

Before he encountered so many unknowable monsters, the boat didn't say a word, why did he become interested in Yunyan Lord?

"It's a secret." The boat winked his left eye playfully. "It's good for you to help me hunt it, isn't it?"

"But if you lend me my body, will it cause any harm to my body..."

"Of course not." Chuan interrupted with a smile: "Don't you still trust me?"

Zhou Fan was slightly silent: "If I don't agree, you can also possess me directly, right?"

"How is that possible?" The boat said with some regret: "If you don't want to, I can only give up hunting Yunyan Lord."

"If you want, just call me when you go out, and I will be able to possess you... Oh, by the way, you don't have to take the time to rush to the vicinity, I can get there quickly."

"Master Yunyan has been around for a while, why did you start now?" Zhou Fan asked in confusion.

"Why are you doing it now?" The boat said with distress: "It is an unknowable and weird, I have to prepare and give it a little face..."

Having said that, the boat looked up at the gray-white stairs leading to the ninth floor. She smiled and said, "The guy above noticed something was wrong. We are going out. Remember, call me if you want..."

A gray fog emerged, wrapping Zhou Fan, and the feeling of the world spinning again came.

When Zhou Fan opened his eyes, what caught his eye was Xuelin, he really came out of that nightmare.

His face became a little subtle, and he was able to come out of the nightmare so easily, indicating that it was really a ship, then what she said...

He didn't even bother to think about his own entry into the late stage of the pill robbery realm. He thought about what the boat said in the dream realm back and forth several times before standing up and walking outside the snow forest.

Of course Zhou Fan would not be in a hurry to call the boat, he had to think about it before he knew what to do.

The Lord of Yunyan in Bingji Prefecture happened to enter the state of digestion today, and would not eat people for several days.

At night, he told Yingjiu in detail about his encounter with the ship in his dream.

Yingjiu was really interested in this, she stared at Zhou Fan, "Are you sure it's a boat?"

"It should be, this is not the first time I have seen the Zhou Fan raised his eyebrows slightly, and said the same thing about the last time he saw the ship, he told Yingjiu about the deep memory. , but the thing about seeing the ship is not mentioned.

He knew that the boat never cared about such things, so he could tell Yingjiu generously that he wanted to hear what Yingjiu had to say.

"The ship really values ​​you." Yingjiu's eyes burst into a fiery look, "You are the first person I've met to see the ship, even if it won't be the body of the ship. "

"But it's enough...enough..."

Yingjiu was in a very excited state, her eyes became greedy.

Zhou Fan felt goosebumps all over his body when Yingjiu looked at him like this. He coughed lightly, "So you guide should help me wholeheartedly..."

"No, you are wrong." Yingjiu smiled strangely: "I don't want to go out, why should I help you, on the contrary, I want to kill you."

"Forget it if you don't want to help me, why did you kill me?" Zhou Fan was slightly startled, feeling that Yingjiu was indeed a lunatic, unreasonable.

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