Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1473: Emotional ancient characters

"Because the ship attaches so much importance to you, as long as I can kill you, then I will win the ship." Ying Jiuxie gave the answer with a smile.

This person's brain is really sick, it's unreasonable... Zhou Fan showed vigilance and took a step back. Even if he was on the boat, Ying Jiu should not be able to do it, but he had to prevent this lunatic from dying.

"Don't worry, on the boat, I think it's impossible to kill you directly." Yingjiu said slowly, "So I won't do this."

Zhou Fan breathed a sigh of relief, as long as Yingjiu didn't shoot directly, he wasn't very worried.

"You will soon learn that there are many ways to kill people, so you don't need to do it directly." Yingjiu added: "You told me about so many ships, what do you want to ask me?"

"Where I met the boat, do you know where it is?" Zhou Fan asked.

The color river impressed him deeply.

"I don't know." Yingjiu shook her head and said, "Why should you care about those things? Maybe it's just the illusion of the ship."

Zhou Fan raised his eyebrows slightly, Zhou Xiaoxiao also said the same, he thought for a while and said, "Do you recognize the nightmare world I experienced?"

"I don't know." Yingjiu still shook her head and said, "If your next question is what is on the last floor of the round tower, then you don't need to ask, and I can't guess it."

"..." Zhou Fan felt a little nervous, this fellow didn't know anything, so he asked in vain.

"Then you can tell me something useful?" Zhou Fan thought for a while.

"Really." Yingjiu snapped her fingers and said, "I'm very interested in the unique words you saw in the tower. Maybe I can know what happened to that nightmare after seeing those unique words?"

"But I can't remember those words." Zhou Fan frowned slightly.

"You really can't remember those changing words, but if you read it, your memory will remember a small part. I can extract your small memory and study it for you." Yingjiu replied. .

"If those are really ancient characters, can you recognize them?" Zhou Fan said in surprise, Zhou Xiaoxiao couldn't recognize it.

"There are also many types of ancient characters. Although they look similar, they are completely different. I have to read it before I know if I can understand it." Yingjiu smiled and said, "I used to have a deep understanding of these things for a while. Research."

"In that case, let's take a look." Zhou Fan thought for a while and said, "But no matter what you see from the above, you must tell me every word."

"Okay." Seeing Zhou Fan's agreement, Yingjiu flicked her fingers, and a black light shot out from her fingertips and flew into Zhou Fan's eyebrows.

Zhou Fan just felt a burst of pain in his head, and then a golden light shot out from his eyebrows.

The golden light appeared in the air and turned into a golden bubble. The bubble was the gray-white round tower that Zhou Fan had dreamed about, and the walls were densely populated with ancient characters.

It's just that the words are a little blurry, because he can't remember the shape of the words.

A faint smile appeared on Yingjiu's face, she waved her hand, the golden bubble burst, and the ancient words flew out of the bubble and became clear.

Zhou Fan's face changed slightly. Could Yingjiu still have the ability to reproduce the ancient texts of his dreams?

However, he soon saw that those ancient words did not have any sense of agility, nor would they move.

The ancient characters once appeared on the third, fourth, and fifth floors. On the fifth floor, he just glanced at it a few times, but didn't look at it carefully, but as long as he glanced at it, it was engraved in his memory.

Yingjiu just looked at the dense black text in the air, and she waved her hand from time to time to change the position of the blocky text.

Zhou Fan waited quietly by the side. He was very concerned about this nightmare world of the gray and white round tower, but the boat didn't say it. He didn't have time to ask, and now he can only hope to know something from Ying Jiu.

After a while, Yingjiu waved her hand, and all the dark words disappeared.

"How?" Zhou Fan looked at Yingjiu and asked.

Yingjiu rarely showed a hint of exhaustion, and it seemed that it took a lot of effort to interpret these ancient words, "The origin of ancient words is mysterious, and some of them can't even be expressed in our words, as if you feel the fear conveyed by these words, in fact, this is the The meaning of the ancient script, at least its most superficial meaning."

Zhou Fan was slightly startled, "You mean that this is a text that can express emotions, and we can only feel the emotions in it?"

"That's understandable." Yingjiu nodded and said, "But this kind of emotional expression may contain hundreds of layers of emotions. If you can decipher all of them, you can also convert them into our words."

"I have come across a lot of emotional writing before, and I can read some of it, but unfortunately your memory is not complete. Even if I am completely proficient in this ancient writing, without seeing it with my own eyes, I cannot interpret it too much. lots of content."

Such a weird text... Zhou Fan asked, "How much did you decipher?"

"Very few." Yingjiu scratched her head and said, "I only deciphered three emotions, the first one is the fear you feel, but I see more, it is a kind of hopeless fear. "

"The fear of despair? What is the person who left the letter afraid of?" Zhou Fan asked inexplicably.

"This is not clear, anyway, they are extremely frightened and desperate." Yingjiu said.

"They?" Zhou Fan said sharply: "You mean these words were not left by one person?"

"It's three." Yingjiu smiled: "But it's not necessarily a human being, it may be a creature we don't know yet."

"How do you confirm that there are three?" Zhou Fan asked in surprise.

"Because of If you have studied the ancient characters of emotions, you will know that emotions are very subtle, and the creatures who leave the emotions of ancient characters will be very different, just like the characters you write are very different from other people's. It’s the same reason.” Yingjiu shrugged and said, “Of course, it’s not ruled out that they can imitate emotions, but I’m not sure if there is such a way.”

"But I think it's so desperate and fearful that they don't need to imitate each other to deceive those who read the words, right?"

"Since it's written by three different... beings, why is the surface layer of despair and fear?" Zhou Fan was a little puzzled, because Yingjiu said that they were all extremely afraid, so Zhou Fan would say this.

"This shows that they are desperate and afraid for the same thing." Yingjiu explained: "The second and third emotions I deciphered came from different floors. The second emotion came from the text on the third floor. This emotion comes from the text on the fourth floor, the fifth floor only sees the most superficial emotions, you are walking too fast, the fifth floor text is the most indistinct." Yingjiu said with some dissatisfaction.

Zhou Fan looked helpless, he didn't recognize it at the time, and of course he didn't want to look carefully, "What's the second emotion?"

"It's worrying about the future." Yingjiu said.

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