Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1544: reason

In the evening, Zhou Fan appeared on the boat after falling asleep, and he told the little boy on the Golden Throne of the strange things that happened in the practice today.

After listening to this, the little boy had a look of surprise on his face, "I don't know much about the anti-wheel body, but according to what you said, I guess it's the reason for immortality."

"It has something to do with the immortal state..." Zhou Fan's face was a little subtle, but he actually thought so too. If it wasn't for the relationship between entering the immortal state, the Pluto chakra body wouldn't have erupted for no reason.

But what does it have to do with immortality?

"The Immortal Realm is a stage for refining the body, which enables the body to have a certain ability of self-healing, rebirth and immortality, and your Pluto chakra anti-chakra body also has a similar ability, both of which affect your physical body."

"So as soon as you enter the undead realm, the Pluto chakra body is also awakening at an accelerated rate, and emerges power to feed back to the physical body," the little boy explained.

I have to say that this explanation is very reasonable, and Zhou Fan accepted it.

"You have entered the late stage of the undead realm in one fell swoop, but it's best not to think about stepping into the spiritual realm so quickly." The little boy said again: "The realm is rashly unstable and rushing to break through will only be devoured by it."

Even if the little boy didn't say Zhou Fan, he knew it, but he still thanked the little boy.

The little boy known as the emperor of all kingdoms sits high on the throne. He rarely speaks, let alone getting off the throne, but it is not difficult to get along with. Seeing that Zhou Fan has nothing to ask, he closed his eyes.

Zhou Fan guessed that the little boy closed his eyes and pondered some powerful secret technique, otherwise, would he really be dozing off?

Zhou Fan didn't think much about it, but just like his three sons, he worked hard to cultivate.

A few days after entering the Immortal Realm, Zhou Fan's mind for cultivation has faded, and he is concerned about more important things.

According to the agreement, Momo should be sent back in the next few days.

One evening, a **** light finally appeared in his room.

"Zhou Fan." Long Feijia's voice came from within the blood light, "Is it convenient for you now?"

"Convenient, can I send Momo back?" Zhou Fan said hurriedly.

If it wasn't for worrying about Momo's cultivation, Zhou Fan would have already sent the boat to send Momo back for him. He made an agreement with that side that Momo could only be sent back after taking a rest.

"That's ok." Long Feijia said.

After Long Feijia finished speaking, the **** light disappeared, Zhou Fan silently called in his heart, and asked the boat to bring Momo back.

The gray fog floated in the air. When the gray fog faded, the little black dragon flew out from the gray fog, and she spread her black wings and flew into Zhou Fan's arms.

"Momo." Zhou Fan grinned.

He had no choice but to send Momo away. Even with the guarantee of the ship, he was still worried. Now that he saw Momo, he was very happy.

Xiao Ling and the younger sister are equally happy.

On the contrary, the three brothers Zhou Xiaobai had a dull expression.

Mo Mo raised his golden pupils, and there were sparkling tears in them, "Father, Mo Mo misses you."

Her voice was crisp and sweet.

Zhou Fan was startled for a moment and said, "Momo, you can speak human language?"

Momo tapped the little dragon's head.

Xiao Ling opened her mouth wide, "Momo, I thought you could only speak little girl language."

Zhou Fanxi smiled and said, "That's great, I will be able to chat with you every day from now on."

He could communicate with his assistant on the boat. He didn't expect Momo to speak human words, otherwise he should have contacted his daughter earlier.

"Dad, who are they?" Mo Mo and Zhou Fan said a few words before turning their attention to the three brothers Xiaobai.

"The three of them are your younger brothers, Xiaobai, Xiaolan, and Xiaohei, please call me sister." Zhou Fan said with a smile.

"Sister." The three Xiaobai shouted at Momo.

Mo Mo blinked her golden eyes, she froze for a moment and said, "I've only been away for more than a month, how come there are three more big brothers like this?"

Zhou Fan: "..."

Zhou Fan tried his best to explain, and Momo finally understood.

"Momo, you can talk, have they bullied you?" Zhou Fan asked.

"No." Mo Mo said, "The elders and Uncle Feijia are very good to me, but they are very strict and always make me study, saying that if I fail the assessment, they will not let me come to see my father..."

Zhou Fan listened to Mo Mo, and only then did he realize that Mo Mo's first month in the Dragon Holy Land was all about studying, learning the control of the Dragon God's language and other things, so that he could speak so quickly.

He listened and nodded lightly. It seemed that the decision to send Momo to the Dragon Holy Land to study was not wrong.

Only the Dragon God clan knows how to teach their own clan.

Mo Mo could only stay for one day. Zhou Fan did almost nothing on this day. He took out the Shenyin Heptapod utensil that used to make Mo Mo invisible. After Mo Mo became invisible, he took Mo Mo to play in the academy. for a day.

Now all the forces in Jingdu know that he has arrived in Jingdu, and the Zhou family's mortal enemy must also know.

It is impossible for him to take Momo to adventure outside the academy. The academy has its own square, the environment is elegant, there are many places to play, and there is no need to go outside.

Of course, if Momo wasn't there, he's now in an immortal state, and he was really thinking about going outside on purpose to see if he could lure the assassins of the Zhou family's mortal enemy, but he had to plan carefully.

A day passed quickly, and when the time was almost up, he reluctantly sent Momo away.

After Momo left, he felt a little lonely in his heart. His daughter was not around, which made him feel a little sad.

As for the sons... Zhou Fan glanced at the three sons who were working hard again.

He sighed in his It's not that Xiaobai and the three of them are not filial, but that the son is not as caring as the daughter...

Except for a small number of students who came from other places to study in Jingdu Academy, most of the students came from Jingdu.

Jingdu is very big, and there are many teenagers who enter the academy every year. If the Jingdu academy hadn’t occupied a square, I’m afraid it wouldn’t be able to accommodate so many students.

The academy requires students to take literary and art courses such as poetry, calligraphy, ritual, music, classics, and righteousness, but it does not require the two major courses of bizarre and martial arts, and only wants to learn.

Because not all students can or want to become martial artists. If they want to cultivate martial arts, they need a lot of resources and enough hard work to achieve success.

Of course, this world is so dangerous, learning martial arts has to face many difficulties, and there are still many students who want to become martial artists.

Among the students of Jingdu Academy, the number of warriors still accounts for 70%.

A martial artist's enemy is nothing but human beings.

The academy is a strange subject. Every time a lecture is held, an academy is often full of people, and few people are willing to miss such a course.

The students jokingly refer to the Strange Section as the Life-saving Section, because the Strange Section tells about the more common dangerous ghosts. Maybe they will encounter such ghosts in the future. Knowing how to deal with the ghosts can save their lives. .

If you don't study well, you may lose your life.

There was silence in a school of the Weird Division at the moment, because the teacher Xi on the podium was telling a dangerous story that they had never heard before.

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