Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1545: combined bone


"Hehe bones." Xi Jiaoxi patted the podium and said, "Don't think its name is a bit strange, but it's a strange thing to be rated as a white gangster."

The students under the podium were in an uproar, complaining fiercely. Only the Qi Gang fighters can deal with the Bai Ru-level monsters. They are not the perverts of the Class A class, and none of the students below have reached the Qi Gang rank.

In the past, the silver-haired teacher Xi would talk about some low-level and relatively common weirdness. Today, he made an exception to tell them a white-brutal-level weirdness, which made the students all look excited.

The hearts of the teenagers are always full of curiosity about those strange and dangerous rumors, and some people dislike the previous rumors for being too low-level and boring.

Jiao Xi pressed down with one hand, signalling the students to be quiet, and after they were quiet, he said, "Hehe bone appears as a bone, but its shape is different, both human bones and animal bones are possible, and many times Not a complete bone, maybe just a part."

"Then how can we tell if the bones are combined?" a student asked.

"It can't be confirmed beforehand." Jiao Xi shook his head and said, "Only if it shows a specific ability, can we tell whether it is a joint or not."

The students were all afraid for a while. If He He Gu showed his specific abilities, at the level of He He Gu, it would be very difficult for them to survive, but they could not be identified beforehand.

Everyone was talking in a low voice.

"Actually, it's not impossible." A student said: "Outside the wilderness, if you encounter a bone, stay away, regardless of whether it is a joint or not, if you encounter it, just run away from it."

What the student said was recognized by many students.

Xi Jiaoxi didn't say anything about this, and he continued: "The terrible thing about the joint bone is fusion, it can make the same thing within three feet of it move closer to it and fuse together, so it is called Hehe. bone."

"The same kind of thing means...for example, the rabbit is the same kind of thing. It makes the rabbit move closer to it and is fused by it, so it can't fuse with other things."

"Mixed together?" Someone showed a blank expression, and he didn't understand the meaning of these words.

"It's a fusion without any gaps." Xi Jiaoxi explained: "What is fused will become a strange-shaped monster, and this monster can continue to fuse the same kind of things."

"Can everything be fused?" Someone asked aloud: "If so, it only needs to fuse things like land, rocks, and the like, and no one will be its opponent."

"What I'm talking about refers to living creatures." Xi Jiaoxi added: "Trees, rocks, and the like cannot be integrated. More accurately, the same kind of things should be the same species or the same kind of creature."

"Teacher, this doesn't sound like a savage delusion." A student laughed: "It can only make creatures of the same species within a range of three feet move closer to it, so the martial artist only needs to stay away from it, what kind of climate can it become? "

"That's right, this is a disadvantage of Hehegu, but it can move and can chase warriors who are approaching and fleeing." Teaching Xi did not deny: "But it's not fast, but it has so many flaws, it can still be There is a very important reason for being rated as Bai Rui."

"The reason for this is that the strength of the monsters formed by its fusion will continue to grow stronger with the fusion of the same kind of creatures. The more the same kind of creatures are fused, the stronger it will be. If there are enough things fused together, it will make the Qi Gang martial artist even stronger. Difficult to deal with, even Dao cultivators will find it difficult."

"We have never tested the upper limit of the joint bone. It seems that there is no upper limit. In my opinion, its characteristics are rated as white, so I should underestimate it."

The voice of Professor Xi's calm narration reverberated in the academy.

Synthetic bones with no upper limit?

The students looked at each other in dismay. If this is the case, then the combination of bones can indeed be rated as Bai Rui.

"About the situation of combining bones, that's probably the case, and then it's practice time." Professor Xi pointed to a student closest to him and said, "Come up and help me."

The student didn't understand a little, but he still stood up and went to Teacher Xi.

Everyone in the room was watching Teacher Xi and the student.

Jiao Xi raised his left hand, and everyone found out that Jiao Xi's left hand was holding a sharp yellow bone.

Teacher Xi swiftly waved his left hand down, and the yellow bone was inserted into the student's forehead, and bright red blood spurted out from his forehead.

The student let out a shrill cry, stumbled back, and knocked over several desks.

All the students were stunned for a while. They never thought that Teacher Xi would do such a thing. Some people exclaimed, some rushed to help, and some fled outside the classroom.

There was chaos in the academy.

Jiao Xi's face was calm, he just raised his right hand, his right hand was holding a black and red demon mask, he put on the mask.

Following his action, the chaotic school suddenly came to a standstill, and the students who had already fled to the door also stood still.

All the students in the room suddenly ran towards the injured student, all of them gathered together, their bodies intermingled, and only vaguely exposed hands, feet, and heads.

With a ghost mask on, Ji Xue's body radiated a pitch-black light, and he looked at it indifferently.

The fused flesh and blood grew taller and taller, bursting the entire school.

The collapse of the is just the beginning. People within three meters of it are still running towards it uncontrollably, and merged with it, it makes a low and haunting cry .

"This is a practice class of Hehegu, what do you think?" The black and red demon mask asked lightly.

On the other side of the academy, a huge dark green creature appeared. The creature was elongated, like a three-foot-tall cylinder. Thousands of tentacles grew out of this cylinder.

The tentacles are different, some are slender only as long as a human arm, some are more than ten feet wide, some are densely covered with sharp barbs, and some are so smooth that there is nothing.

A thousand tentacles wrapped around a lot of people, and they were crushed with force. The blood was scattered like rain, dyeing the broken walls red.

On the edge of the vast academy, there were people wearing masks of different colors of evil spirits standing on all sides of the vast academy.

They put the clay pots in their hands on the ground and unlocked the lids. Someone whispered, "Winter is gone, but winter will come again."

The four clay pots spewed white ice mist, and the ice mist quickly spread to both sides, and a huge ice wall rose up, covering the academy.

In the academy, which was covered by the rising ice wall, there were many people wearing white ghost masks and black clothes. They were quickly harvesting the lives of students who were fleeing for their lives. Some students gathered together to try to resist. But such resistance was quickly defeated.

For the academy, great chaos began.

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