Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1773: Strength speaks

The speculation that the mortal enemy of the Zhou family is someone else, in fact, after Zhou Fan read the letter left by Zhou Xiaoquan, he had such a guess.

Now, considering the matter of Sect Master Mu, he understands that this conjecture is not wrong, and Sect Master Tailing just wants to kill the Zhou family for the sake of profit.

But what he didn't understand was that since the Zhou family's mortal enemy had the strength to make Sect Master Mu go further, why didn't he take action directly?

Are you also afraid of the Tongtian Mirror in the hands of Emperor Taizu of the Great Wei Dynasty?

What's also strange is, why after such an order was given, there was no follow-up method when it was obvious that the weeds and roots were not cut down?

He knew from Xiao Yewang's three families that the story of the escape of the Zhou family was told to the Tailingzong...

Could it be that Sect Master Mu of the Tailing Sect was afraid that he would say that he was ineffective and would not help him advance, so he boldly concealed the truth?

Just as Zhou Fan's mind was turning, Lin Haoqian asked, "Is there anything else you want to ask?"

Zhou Fan restrained his thoughts, he pondered for a while and said, "Let me read his record on this matter in detail."

He wanted to see if there was any missing information.

"Read it to him." Lin Hao said dryly.

The person on the side of the sound transmission started to read it, but it was only a record of more than 100 words, and he finished reading it quickly.

After listening to Zhou Fan, he couldn't get any useful clues from it, and he asked again: "Your Tailing Sect also gave Xiao Yewang the three families of prophecy blood sand to hunt down our Zhou family, do you have such a thing in your sect? "

"I remember that it did exist in the past, but it was gradually used up, and the method of sacrifice and refining was lost." Lin Haoqian said frankly.

Zhou Fan asked a few more questions. If Lin Hao didn't know anything, he let the subordinates over there answer them, but some of those subordinates also said they didn't know. He shook his head, indicating that there was nothing more to ask.

Lin Haoqian put away the sound transmission jade talisman, glanced at Zhou Fan and said, "You know the matter, what do you think now?"

"What happened three thousand years ago, since that Sect Master Mu died, and even the descendants didn't stay, I don't plan to pursue it." Zhou Fan said, "But there is one thing I want to ask clearly."

"Let's hear it." Lin Haoqian said calmly.

"Did you want to kill me and take action for it?" Zhou Fan asked slightly with two eyebrows.

After that three-character **, Lin Haogan, as the chief officer of the Prison Division, probably knew of his existence as a cultivator from the Great Wei Dynasty. Since then, he has been wary of Lin Haogan's methods.

Now he doesn't have to be afraid of Lin Haoqian, so he has to ask.

"No." Lin Haoqian denied.

"Then make an oath." Zhou Fan said.

Lin Haogan's face immediately turned cold, "Do you think I would accept your humiliation? I am so tolerant towards you because of your relationship as Jie Lao, don't you think I'm afraid of you?"

Wanting to force a Jie Lao to make an oath is indeed a bit humiliating. This requirement is indeed a bit excessive. Zhou Fan pondered for a while and said: "But if you don't make a oath, how do I know if you have done it? If you are willing Make an oath to prove that I have not done it, and I can take out a spiritual treasure as compensation."

"No need." Lin Haoqian sneered, "I admit that I ordered someone to kill you if they found an opportunity, but so what?"

"Who told you to hide your realm? If you are just a traveling monk from the Great Wei, if you have the opportunity, of course I don't mind to avoid future troubles."

Lin Haoqian didn't bother to hide any more, and simply admitted that he didn't think he was doing anything wrong. Besides, his people didn't find an opportunity before, what kind of big deal was this?

In his opinion, it's just a trivial matter. If Zhou Fan is going to be entangled with it this week...

"I can't say that if I'm just a travel cultivator, I'll die in your hands." Zhou Fan sighed, "Since you admit it, then we can only have a fight and speak with strength."

Lin Hao's face sank slightly. He glanced at Zhou Fan coldly, then stood up, opened the door and walked out.

All the elders of the world soon knew that the two of them had collapsed, and they were going to a life-and-death duel.

"Have you really made up your mind?" Old Qin asked while looking at Zhou Fan and Lin Haogan with white brows.

Neither of them answered, and Lin Haoqian didn't want to back down at this time. It was Zhou Fan who was going to duel, and he couldn't back down any longer.

If he retreats again, he will be a joke.

"Alright then, go to the wilderness." Old Qin said solemnly.

If two pure-yang cultivators fight in the barbarian heaven, maybe even the barbarian heaven will be destroyed.

A group of people quickly passed through the teleportation array, left the Heavenly City of the Barbarian Realm, and appeared in the desolate mountains.

"This battle is only to resolve personal grievances. No matter who wins or loses, who lives or dies, they must not take anger at other people, understand?" Mr. Tang described the rules of the Jie Laohui.

Zhou Fan and Lin Haoqian both nodded slightly.

Mr. Tang didn't say much, but flew away from the mountain with the other fifteen elders, standing in the distance to prepare to watch the battle.

"Who do you think will win?" Old Youjie asked with flickering eyes.

"Fellow Daoist Lin is in the middle and upper reaches of our elders in the world, but Fellow Daoist Zhou dared to provoke a life-and-death battle. He must have something to rely on. I just don't know how much he knows about Fellow Daoist Lin?" Meng Tianlu said aloud.

"Fellow Daoist Zhou really shouldn't insist on doing this. If they both lose, it will be a big loss for our Jie Laohui." An Jie Lao sighed.

"He originally joined the Jie Laohui for Daoyou Lin. If he wants to retaliate against Daoist Lin, how could he give up?" Jie Lao, who is familiar with Lin Haoqian, snorted coldly, "We shouldn't let him join the Jiejie. old meeting."

"Would you be able to stop him from taking revenge if you don't let him join the Jie Laohui?" Zi Xiaozi sneered: "Fellow Daoist Zhou launched a life-and-death is a good thing for Tailingzong. Joining the Jie Laohui and sniping at the Tailingzong outside, the Tailingzong suffered heavy losses."

"Don't forget, where does Fellow Daoist Zhou come from?"

Many elders of the world have changed their expressions, and Zi Xiaozi does not say that they are not aware of this. Zhou Fan is from the Great Wei Dynasty, so he cannot threaten his relatives. If Zhou Fan cannot be killed, then the Tailingzong will only have Been beaten.

But this is a cultivator of the Pure Yang Realm, and it is not that easy to kill.

Zi Xiaozi is right. Zhou Fan joined the Jie Laohui and asked for a fair duel. It doesn't seem to be a bad thing for Tailingzong. Of course, the premise is that Lin Haoqian did not die in this duel. If he did, Tailingzong would be It's miserable.

When everyone was talking, Zhou Fan and Lin Haoqian flew up and suspended in the air opposite each other.

Everything that should be said has been said. Lin Haogan didn't have any nonsense. A cyan light flew out from his body, and the cyan light turned into an eight-story blue pagoda.

The Qing Pagoda has grown from small to large, becoming as big as a mountain.

This is his natal magic weapon. He flew into the Qing Pagoda, and soon three primordial spirits flew out. The three primordial spirits all radiated golden light and showed the power of primordial spirits.

Zhou Fan's three primordial spirits came out of his body, but his body suddenly disappeared into the air.

Lin Haoqian's spiritual thoughts swept away recklessly, but he couldn't find where Zhou Fan's body was hiding, which made his heart sink a little, and he didn't hesitate any more. Zhou Fan's primordial spirit was killed.

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