Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1774: But err

The six primordial spirits were fighting in the air like six rounds of blazing sun.

The power of the primordial spirit continued to erupt, and the mountains under the sky had long been crushed by the power of the primordial spirit, and huge potholes appeared underneath.

The elders of the world watching the battle from a distance all held up a round of defensive masks and watched the duel of the two pure-yang monks. This kind of opportunity to watch the duel of the pure-yang monks is rare, maybe it has something to do with them. help.

Different from Lin Haoqian, Zhou Fan's three primordial spirits used long swords.

Swords and swords are all transformed from the power of the primordial spirit. At this level, the weapon used does not matter much. The key is the competition between the power of the primordial spirit, martial arts, techniques, and Taoism.

But at present, the two are fighting fiercely, and it is difficult for the elders of the world to tell who has the upper hand.

"Elder Qin, look at them..." Mr. Youjie couldn't help asking about Mr. Qin.

It's just that Old Qin narrowed his eyes and didn't answer, and Old Tang did the same.

Lin Haoqian, who was fighting with Zhou Fan, was astonished in his heart. This week, Zhou Fan's Primordial Spirit was as powerful as him, and he was probably in the late stage of Pure Yang Realm.

No wonder he dared to challenge him!

Lin Haoqian's thoughts changed, the three primordial spirits all waved their long swords, and round after round of huge sword beams raged.

Zhou Fan's three primordial spirits slashed out countless gray sword lights, crushing the huge sword lights.

But Lin Haoqian's three primordial spirits returned to Qingta's body.

His natal magic weapon is very extraordinary. Under the impact of the power of the primordial spirits on both sides, he has not suffered any damage. Every time he fights with others, he will release his natal magic weapon first and protect his body first.

If there is any danger in this way, his three primordial spirits will be able to return to the body in an instant. It can be said that he is invincible from innate position. The function of this magic weapon is comparable to that of a Taoist monk.

Zhou Fan's three primordial spirits slashed down with their knives. It looked like one slash, but they slashed out tens of thousands of knives in an instant.

Countless gray sword lights smashed into the Qing Pagoda, and the sound of chi chi continued to sound.

The blue pagoda emits blue light, so many Taoist styles can't help this blue pagoda.

"If you can't break my natal magic weapon, you can only wait to die." Lin Haoqian's voice spread out from the tower like thunder.

"What did you rely on to kill me?" Zhou Fan sneered, "Just to hide in this blue pagoda and be a tortoise and shout a few times?"

"What's the use of being quick with your tongue?" Lin Hao said coldly, "You will soon know that there is a big gap between the pure Yang realms."

The huge blue light surged out from the blue tower and condensed into a blue light giant, and the blue tower was inside the blue light giant.

The blue-light giant clapped his palms together and shouted, "Feng!"

The blue light spread rapidly, shrouding Zhou Fan's three primordial spirits in it.

This is Lin Haoqian's Primordial Spirit Skill. His Primordial Spirit Skill is combined with the Magical Treasure of Life, which can ban everything.

Zhou Fan's three primordial spirits moved slowly in the blue light.

The azure giant's hands were condensed with huge azure lightsabers, and they slashed towards Zhou Fan's three primordial spirits.

The three primordial spirits were slashed horizontally by the blue lightsaber.

"What a powerful Primordial Divine Skill, is it over?" Elder Youjie exclaimed, if so, then Zhou Fan might not be the shortest-lived Elder Jie among all the Elders of the Elders Association this week.

Lin Haoqian in the Qingtao let out a wild laugh, "It's nothing."

"But it's okay." Zhou Fan said the same.

Lin Haoqian's laughter stopped abruptly.

Zhou Fan's three primordial spirits wandered out of the void without being affected at all.

Lin Hao was stunned for a moment, and the azure giant shouted again, "Feng!"

The blue light spread and spread, Zhou Fan's three primordial spirits slowed down again, and the primordial spirits were shattered by the blue light giant sword.

It's just that Zhou Fan's three primordial spirits wandered out of the void again.

The elders of the world looked at each other in dismay.

"Is this an illusion?" Someone asked suspiciously.

"If so, why can't Fellow Daoist Lin see it? Why can't we see it?"

For them, illusions shouldn't be hard to see.

The azure giant no longer banned, but chopped out the third sword, which also smashed Zhou Fan's three primordial spirits into pieces.

However, the three primordial spirits that were shattered immediately condensed out of their original positions.

"Nothing." Zhou Fan said again.

"Just an illusion, you can never hurt me." Lin Haogan almost roared, he was a little irritable, because he really couldn't see through Zhou Fan's illusion, so how would he win?

But fortunately, he has a magic weapon to protect his body, how could Zhou Fan hurt him?

"Your magic weapon is really good." Zhou Fan nodded slightly, "So can you lend it to me?"

Zhou Fan gently stretched out his hand, and a blue light condensed in his hand, turning it into a small blue tower.

There is no doubt that the eight-story cyan tower is the same as Lin Haoqian's.

"It's fake." Lin Hao was stunned and said, of course it's fake, but what does Zhou Fan want to do?

The small blue pagoda in Zhou Fan's hand kept getting bigger and bigger, and Zhou Fan's three primordial spirits flew into the blue pagoda, and then a blue light burst forth.

The blue-light giant that Lin Haoqian transformed into slashed the small blue-colored tower with a sword, but with a humming sound, his blue-light giant sword was bounced back.

"This defensive power, this is impossible..." Lin Haogan exclaimed.

The blue light on Zhou Fan's side quickly condensed into an identical blue light giant, and the blue light giant also had an extra long sword in his hand.

All the elders of the world are confused, don't know how Zhou Fan did it?

"It's impossible." Lin Hao shouted angrily, and the azure giant strode towards Zhou Fan's azure giant.

"What's impossible?" Zhou Fan chuckled softly.

The two blue-light giants fought together, and the same banning ability canceled each other out. Every time the sword collided, the power of the great primordial spirit exploded and spread.

Lin Haoqian was gradually unable to hold on anymore, this kind of primordial spirit technique would have consumed the power of primordial spirit very could not last for long.

His azure giant was crumbling, but Zhou Fan's azure giant still did not change, maintaining the same rhythm as before, with the long sword constantly chopping out.

With a bang, Lin Haoqian's azure giant shattered, revealing the azure pagoda.

The azure giant that Zhou Fan transformed into slashed on the azure tower with a sword, and the piercing sound of slashing could be heard thousands of miles away, and those who didn't know thought that something terrible had happened here.

A crack appeared in the Qingta.

"Wait, I surrender." Lin Haogan's fearful voice came from the Qingta, "Everything is negotiable."

"I don't accept surrender." Zhou Fan's voice came out, and the long sword in the blue light giant's hand suddenly slashed.

Ka, the blue pagoda was shattered, the magic weapon of life was destroyed, Lin Haoqian's primordial spirit was shocked, a mouthful of blood spurted out, and two primordial spirits in his body flew out in different directions.

The other primordial spirit also fled in a different direction with his fleshly body.

"Forbidden!" The blue-light giant moved faster, emitting blue light from his body, shrouding Lin Haoqian's body and primordial spirit in it.

Lin Haoqian's physical body and Yuanshen's quick escape movements became slower.

"Elder Qin, Elder Tang, save me!" Lin Haogan shouted loudly.

Qin Tang's expressions changed slightly, the corners of their mouths moved, but nothing was said.

The blue giant sword in Zhou Fan's hand slashed three times, and three huge sword beams smashed Lin Haoqian's fleshly primordial spirit into pieces.

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