Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1973: Questioner

Zhou Fan listened to Zhou Liang's supplementary explanation of the guessing questions, and his doubts became bigger and bigger. This rule still does not limit the scope of the questions. If this is the case, the questioner has an absolute advantage, will Zhou Liang not be clear?

Could it be that if he randomly asked a question, Zhou Liang could also guess it?

He was suddenly shocked. He felt that this might be very big. There must be some traps in it. Gamblers will never be as shrewd as opening casinos. These rules are set by Zhou Liang.

"That's probably the case." After Zhou Liang said it again, he picked up the glass to drink again, "Are you going to choose to play this game with me?"

Zhou Fan restrained his thoughts and said: "I haven't thought about it yet. I bet that cheating is not allowed to use any laws and techniques. Guess you didn't seem to have said that there are such restrictions."

Zhou Liang smiled and said: "There are really not so many restrictions on guessing, laws and techniques can be used casually, otherwise it is not easy to guess the answer to a question, of course you and I can use it, I think it is fair. "

"You are higher in realm than me, I don't think it's fair." Zhou Fan said.

"Of course there is no absolute fairness in this world. If you think it's unfair to guess, you can play with me by gambling." Zhou Liang laughed.

Zhou Fan always felt that the smile on Zhou Liang's face was a little fake. Of course, this is not the most important thing now. The key is to figure out what is going on?

Zhou Liang said this, it means admitting that he has mastered some kind of ability that is helpful for him to guess the answer. This may be a deduction technique or some special rule.

However, he felt that the possibility of deriving magic methods is not large, but a special law has a greater possibility. Could it be some kind of law that can read the thoughts in the heart?

Reading the mind is against the rules of the ship, so what are the rules?

"Is there a time limit for guessing the answer?" Zhou Fan asked, this Zhou Liang didn't mention just now.

"It depends on the time limit given by the questioner." Zhou Liang smiled and said: "In order to avoid the questioner deliberately giving a very short time to make things difficult for the guesser, we will agree on a shortest time for answering the question, and the shortest time is Do you have any comments until you leave the Grey River space that day?"

"Can I change my opinion?" Zhou Fan asked.

"Well, if your opinion is reasonable, of course you can change it." Zhou Liang said with a good face.

"I have no opinion for the time being." Zhou Fan thought for a while and said, "The stakes for guessing and betting should be the same, if I want to get you to guide me from the Celestial Vision Realm to the Tong Xuan Realm, how many gray worms do I need to lay down? Is it equivalent?"

"I have always paid attention to fairness." Zhou Liang said with a contemplative look on his face, "You said that the Bronze clan kid gave you guidance, then you can tell me what kind of guidance he gave you, and I will remove his guidance first. Repeat the section and estimate the price again.”

"Of course, as long as you don't think I'm using the knowledge you got from the Bronze Race kid, it's fine. If you think I'm using the knowledge you got, then I can't do anything about it."

Without hesitation, Zhou Fan explained the two theories about entering the Profound Opening Realm mentioned in the Bronze Book.

After listening to Zhou Liang, he was surprised and said, "I didn't expect that the **** from the Bronze Clan said that it is quite complete. If so, I can only give you some practical suggestions. Well, it is equivalent to 10 million big gray worms for you. A one-time bet."

Ten million grey worms? Zhou Fan took a quick measure and found that the price is not expensive. After all, 80 million worms are needed for a single bait on the river. To be able to exchange 10 million worms for a guide to guide him to speed up the progress is absolutely It is cost-effective, even if Zhou Liang can't guarantee the effect, as long as he does his best like Bronze Book, it is enough for him.

Of course Zhou Liang refused to exchange, otherwise it would be fine to exchange directly. His rule is to guess and gamble, so use 10 million big gray worms to test his rules, even if he really loses, it is not unacceptable.

The question is which form of guessing or betting is more appropriate?

Zhou Fan thought about it seriously, and then he said, "I'm willing to take 10 million big gray worms as a bet."

"Wise choice." Zhou Liang smiled and said, "Then do you want to guess or bet?"

"I choose to guess." Zhou Fan said slowly, "I guess if you come up with a question."

Zhou Liang's face showed a look of surprise, "Why did you choose me to give the question? It's obviously the one who gives the question more advantage."

"Because I don't think it's that simple." Zhou Fan said frankly: "And I also want to know what kind of questions you will ask."

"There are not many boarding people who made your choice for the first time." Zhou Liang smiled slightly: "But this is your choice, then I have a question, guess who I am? The time limit for this question is the shortest. Time, you can guess."

"The rules told you just now that you only have one chance to give the answer. You can only say it if you think about it. The answer cannot be modified."

Who is he?

Zhou Fan raised his eyebrows, Zhou Liang's question seemed a bit strange, he tentatively answered: "You are Zhou the little girl with the nickname."

Sometimes don't complicate simple questions. He only has this answer to choose from. After all, he only saw Zhou Liang for the first night. If this is not the answer, he doesn't know what the answer is.

"The answer is wrong." Zhou Liang reached out and touched the glass ball and took away 10 million large gray worms from the glass ball.

The person who asked the question could not distort the answer, indicating that this was not the answer in Zhou Liang's heart. Zhou Fan was silent for a while and asked, "Why is it wrong?"

"Because it's fake." Zhou Liang said with a chuckle, "I'm not Zhou Liang, I've been lying to you from the moment I said Zhou Liang's name. In order to increase the authenticity, I also added a nickname, in order to Wait for this moment."

"Then who are you?" Zhou Fan asked calmly, it was useless to be angry if things were like this.

Zhou Liang picked up the wine glass and said with a smile: "I can't tell you this, you can't answer it, as long as you ask me to ask a question, I can ask you this question. Questions, like gambling money, can be repeated. Before you know who the real me is, you can still call me Zhou Liang."

"If that's the case, then I wouldn't dare to ask you to ask questions again." Zhou Fan sighed, "I can't guess who you are."

"You're wrong again." Zhou Liang shook his head and said, "I don't like to ask too difficult questions, I always like to leave a chance for guessers. Although I dared to wake up not long after, but based on my understanding of you, you Most likely you've heard of me."

"This can be regarded as a hint I gave you."

Zhou Liang drank the wine in the glass, and the smile on his face became more and more false.

Chances are you've heard of him?

Zhou Liang was talking about what he knew about me, and thought that I had probably heard of him... Zhou Fan thought it was interesting to hide the information, but he quickly said: "How do I know if you are lying to me again? ?"

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