Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 1974: Question 2

If it's just a misleading lie, Zhou Fan feels that he doesn't need to analyze it. He has fallen into a pit once. This week, Zhou Liang is not an honest guide, and there are many lies.

Zhou Liang smiled and said, "I can guarantee that I didn't lie this time."

After speaking, he really made an oath on the spot.

After Zhou Fan confirmed that Zhou Liang had not lied, his mind turned quickly. Zhou Liang's understanding of him was that the guide could see the basic information of the boarding person. Could his basic information hide Zhou Liang's true identity?

But how is this possible?

The guide can see his realm and the exercises and martial arts he has learned. This was originally meant to be convenient for the guide to teach the boarding people, but later it evolved into something else.

He quickly recalled his basic information, but he had too much basic information, which made it impossible to obtain effective and accurate information, and Zhou Liang also said that it was highly probable, why can't he be sure?

"Why can't you be sure if I have heard about you?" Zhou Fan asked tentatively.

"Guess what?" Zhou Liang took a sip of wine, "I can't tell you too much, or you'll guess it easily."

"Is your surname really Zhou?" Zhou Fan asked again, he thought of a possibility, that Zhou Liang might be Zhou Xiaoquan this time, even if Zhou Xiaoquan left a suicide note, he could not confirm that Zhou Xiaoquan was really dead.

Even though the letter said that the boat let Zhou Xiaoquan go aboard, the Emperor of All Nations also analyzed that the boat allowed Zhou Xiaoquan to see the future of his own mortality, but what if the boat changed its mind and let Zhou Xiaoquan board the boat?

It's not impossible.

It's impossible for Zhou Liang to make up a name casually, right? This name may have a special meaning. Zhou Liang also said that he has heard his name with a high probability, so it is very likely that Zhou Xiaomao mentioned his name. After all, he is the Zhou family who has a Pluto chakra body. Descendents, wouldn't it be reasonable for Zhou Kitten to mention Zhou Xiaoquan's name?

"My surname may or may not be Zhou." Zhou Liang said with a smile: "It seems that you have a new answer in your heart, so do you want to guess again? Anyway, you have a lot of grey worms."

Zhou Fan shook his head, "I'm not sure, so I won't try it. If it doesn't, I'll lose another 10 million gray worms."

"Besides, I can completely try to win you in a different way, so why bother with this question?"

Even if it is Zhou Xiaoquan, but it seems that he is unwilling to help him for free, what is the use of Zhou Xiaoquan?

Of course, if he can confirm the answer, he doesn't mind winning once, but the key is that he is not sure, the ship will change his mind and let Zhou Xiaoquan board the ship is just his guess, he has set too many conditions, it is best to observe first , wait for confirmation before answering.

Zhou Liang said: "Then what are you going to do to win me?"

"The bet remains the same." Zhou Fan said, "This time it's my question, you can guess."

Even if he guesses that there may be a hole in the questioner, he has to try it, because if he succeeds, he can continue to use this question to get rich rewards from Zhou Liang. Zhou Liang said that for fairness, he set the rules, Then Zhou Fan could choose his own way, and Zhou Liang couldn't refuse.

"Please come up with a question." Zhou Liang's smile did not diminish.

Zhou Fan thought for a while and said, "I once saw a corpse in a place called Mizang Forest. Who is the identity of that corpse? The time limit is before I leave the ship."

If possible, Zhou Fan would even want to hide the name of the forest, but there are restrictions on asking questions. The question must be clear and the direction is clear. He can't say that he has seen a corpse in the forest. There are too many corpses, so the direction is not clear.

But what if Zhou Liang knew the name of the hidden forest?

The Hidden Forest is in Dawei, but it is a little dangerous place. He doesn't believe that Zhou Liang has heard the name of Hidden Forest and knows the identity of the corpse!

There are no such coincidences in the world.

He wanted to see how Zhou Liang would answer this question? He is not Zhou Liang, he will deliberately leave some clues to give a chance to solve it, and he hopes that Zhou Liang can't solve it.

He thought about whether to let Zhou Liang guess what he ate for dinner today, but he felt that the question was not safe, because Zhou Liang might infer what he had eaten from his physical condition, so he couldn't easily answer it. ?

So I tried my best to figure this out.

As for some science questions such as advanced mathematics... He also doesn't know the answer, it won't work.

Zhou Liang didn't answer immediately, he was drinking slowly, and he didn't use any magic to calculate.

Zhou Fan kept observing Zhou Liang, and he found that Zhou Liang's eyes became darker.

Zhou Liang smiled after drinking the glass of wine: "It's a really difficult question, but I still guessed that the corpse is the Daozi of the Scarlet Ghost Sect, right?"

Zhou Fan's pupils slowly shrank, how did Zhou Liang know this?

"Don't lie, don't forget, you made an oath." Seeing that Zhou Fan didn't answer, Zhou Liang chuckled again.

"You're right." Zhou Fan took a deep breath.

Zhou Liang raised his hand and touched the transparent glass 10 million giant grey worms were taken away.

Just like that, 20 million big gray worms disappeared... Zhou Fan felt a little heavy, of course, the more important thing was that he didn't know how Zhou Liang did it.

Mind reading? This is impossible.

Deduction spells? This is also impossible, he is a lifeless person, Zhou Liang should not be able to deduce the answer by deriving the technique.

"You seem confused?" Zhou Liang was pouring himself wine again: "But the confusion is not surprising, you can try to guess how I did it, if you guessed, you might guess who I am. ?"

Zhou Fan looked at Zhou Liang, and he suddenly thought of a possibility, could this be a boat?

The ship had read his memory. With the power of the ship, it is not surprising to know the answer to the question, but the question is why did the ship do this?

This prank is not too boring.

No, this guessing question can't be guessed any longer. It's whether he is bored or the other party's question, and he has no chance of winning for the time being.

Zhou Liang glanced at the gambling equipment on the table, "If you don't want to guess, you can try to bet with me. I, who can't use magic laws and other means, are just ordinary people like you. Whoever wins depends on whoever is lucky. already."

Who knows if there are any traps I don't know about in this gambling method? Zhou Fan shook his head and said, "No, I won't play this game of guessing and gambling with you for the time being."

He needs to think about it and not be too anxious. He lost 20 million large gray worms in one night. This is equivalent to the 20 days of hard work by the three sons in vain, and there is still no gain. He has never eaten such a thing. deficit.

"That would be a pity." Zhou Liang shook his head and said, "I thought I could win more."

Win more... Zhou Fan twitched the corners of his mouth and said, "You are so confident, have you never lost?"

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