Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 802: silver grey figure

"it is good."


There were constant voices on both sides of Xuelin responding to Wang Yi's order.

Their surrounding was a triangle, and Zhou Fan, the prey, could only go in one direction.

But Xuelin itself is not big, and if Zhou Fan retreats, he will be forced to withdraw from Xuelin.

Once he exits the snow forest and runs out of the snow without any shelter, what awaits Zhou Fan will be a siege from a large number of people.

Two fists are no match for four hands, not to mention Zhou Fan who has to face twelve people?

Wang Yi's approach was obviously correct. Leng Jian only shot a few arrows, but he didn't shoot any more.

The twelve people saw that they were about to leave the snow forest, and they sneered in their hearts.

In order to prevent Zhou Fan from hiding in the trees to avoid their encirclement and suppression, they did not even let every tree be searched.

And their hunch can always sense Zhou Fan's direction, and they are not afraid that Zhou Fan will break through.

In their perception, Zhou Fan is staying away from the snow forest.

Wang Yi shouted: "He left Xuelin, let's chase after him."

The twelve rushed out of the snow forest. Sure enough, they saw a figure running on the snow, so they shouted and chased after them.

The chase on the snow lasted for a long time. The physical strength of the two sides was similar, but Zhou Fan had consumed too much before.

In this comparison, there is still a big gap between Zhou Fan and them.

Zhou Fan's face was cold, he couldn't see any hope of winning, but it didn't mean he had to give up.

He could only keep running forward, and if he stopped, he would die.

The twelve were unable to go back and retrieve the horse. They chased behind Zhou Fan and shot arrows while running. Several arrows almost hit Zhou Fan.

The mood of the twelve people relaxed a lot, because they saw that Zhou Fan was already at the end of the shot, and now he was just struggling to the death.

They have seen this in many prey, so they are not in a hurry. If Wang Yi hadn't urged them to stop being careless, they would definitely play this hateful prey that made them suffer a lot.

Zhou Fan reached the limit. He took a breath and felt a slight pain in his internal organs. He couldn't lift his limbs. He knew that he couldn't escape if he tried to escape. an arrow.

call out!

The arrow that turned around hit Wang Ba's left leg, Wang Ba grinned and pulled out the arrow, with a hideous smile on his face.

Seven of the twelve bowed their bows, and the arrows were aimed at Zhou Fan.

After Zhou Fan finished shooting his arrows, he threw away his hunting bow and spit, holding a hunting knife in his left hand and an axe in his right hand, and rushed towards the twelve men.

This kind of bravery made the seven people who were about to shoot arrows all stagnate. They had never seen such a fierce person before.

Of course they thought so, but they were not going to let Zhou Fan go, the arrow still had to shoot.

It's just that their arrows still didn't shoot. Go out.

Because of the silver-gray ripples spreading from Zhou Fan's body, everything around him stopped.

The silver-gray ripples turned into a fat human-shaped outline, and the human-shaped outline turned slightly to glance at Zhou Fan, and then all converged into a complicated rune, which was printed on Zhou Fan's forehead.

The runes are complicated and emit a faint cold light.

Zhou Fan's eyes lit up, and he felt that his tired body was full of energy. This kind of energy was very familiar to him.

At this time, the still picture also returned to normal.

Seven arrows shot towards Zhou Fan, covering the vital points of his body.

It was just that Zhou Fan laughed, and the hunting knife in his left hand suddenly turned, splitting the seven arrows into two pieces at an unimaginable speed.

Twelve people were stunned, they didn't expect this dreamer to have such abilities.

Zhou Fan suddenly ran and rushed, he was as fast as a beast.

Twelve people knew that it was too late to shoot the second arrow. They threw away their hunting bows, picked up their weapons and rushed towards Zhou Fan.

Zhou Fan's face was indifferent, he just threw the axe casually.

The spinning axe spun rapidly, splitting Wang Twelve's head off, splashing blood on the snow.

Wang Shisan's spear was the first to stab Zhou Fan.

Zhou Fan slashed with the hunting knife in his left hand, and split the spear into two pieces. The blade was as fast as the moonlight, and it split Wang Shisan into two halves.

Zhou Fan is good at using two-handed knives. There is no difference between left-handed knives and right-handed knives, so he did not change hands and continued to chop with his left hand.

His enormous strength made him like chopping melons and vegetables, and every time he slashed, either the weapon was cut off or the human life was harvested.

The knife in Zhou Fan's hand was not a good weapon in the first place. After the weapon broke, he could grab a hunting knife and continue to fight.

The blood continued to spill, and there were many broken and broken bodies on the ground.

Even if some people are corpse, it is difficult to resist Zhou Fan's powerful strength.

In the end, Wang Yi, who was retreating, and Wang Ba, who was walking slowly because of his leg injury, remained alive.

"How is that possible?" Wang looked stunned, "Why are you able to break through the limit?"

"You can bully the less with more and turn into corpses, why can't I be more aggressive?" Zhou Fan said with a sneer.

Wang Ba turned around and fled without hesitation.

The same is true for Wang Yi, and the two run for their lives frantically.

They meditated, the dream was over soon, and they might be able to escape.

Zhou Fan propped up his feet and chased after Wang Ba. Because of his enormous strength, when he ran, it was as if the ground was shaking, and the speed was frighteningly fast, and he caught up with Wang Ba at once.

Wang Ba turned his head with a look of panic, but before he could even say a word, Zhou Fan chopped off his head with a knife.

Zhou Fan killed Wang Ba, and then turned to chase Wang Yi.

Of course, he couldn't recognize Wang Yi. From his point of view, these eighteen people looked exactly the same, and he didn't need to distinguish them.

No matter how fast Wang Yi ran, compared to Zhou Fan, he was as slow as a turtle.

As soon as Wang saw Zhou Fan, he was about to catch up with He turned around in despair, threw the weapon in his hand, and shouted loudly: "Please don't kill me, I can tell you the secret of the dream."

Wang Yi shouted like this to delay the time. When the time came, Zhou Fan had to leave the dream so that he could survive.

Just Zhou Fan sneered, and the hunting knife in his hand threw out, like an arrow going through Wang Yi's forehead.

Wang Yi's eyes widened, he was not reconciled, and seemed to be asking if you didn't want to know?

After Zhou Fan killed Wang Yi, he sat down on the snow and gasped: "I want to know, but I can't tell if what you said is true or not, and the time is almost up, where do I have the time? Listen to you blind? The most important thing is that my strength is constantly draining..."

"Now I can't even stand up. If I don't kill you, maybe I will die..."

Zhou Fan didn't lie, he really couldn't move a finger, and the silver-grey rune engraved on his forehead was quickly dissipating, as if the rune had squeezed out his physical potential.

But he didn't care, he looked at the grey sky and laughed.

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