Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 975: Stage 2

The huge meatball with a radius of three feet is uneven, and people appear a little smaller in front of it.

Not only Hiraifang, but the people of Xiaotaofang and Yezongfang, which are adjacent to Hiraifang, have already fled the Southwest Third Square.

Sanfang was shrouded in a huge talisman formation arranged by the talisman master who came from Yiluansi.

The array of cyan rays of light isolates the Southwest Third Square from the rest of the Gaoxiang City.

Everyone in the city could see the talisman formation emitting blue light and the ugly white flesh mass that could not be completely covered by the talisman formation.

Zhou Fan and the others are still trying.

But everyone felt a little hopeless, the age gate was too hard to find.

The white flesh on the surface of Bai Sui, who stopped growing, squirmed and gathered into sarcomas that were as tall as people.

"Be careful, it has entered the second stage." Even if Huang Bujue didn't want to admit it, he had to admit that Baisui had entered the second stage.

The sarcomas fell one after another like rain. Some warriors who were running with their bodies like mountains in Baisui were also hit by some sarcomas, and the sarcomas slid toward the ground.

The smashed sarcoid also stretched out its arms, trying to tie the warrior.

In an instant, the warriors of Yiluan Division were in a hurry.

"It's all scattered." Seeing this, Huang Bujue took a deep breath and shouted again.

The warriors of Yiluan Division jumped off Baisui one after another to stay away from these sarcomas.

The mass of sarcoma that fell from above stretched out his arm towards Zhou Fan, and he just slashed it.

The knife that was too fast to be seen cut off the sarcoid's arm, and Zhou Fan landed smoothly and gathered with Huang Bujue, Shen Jing and the others.

The sarcoma continued to spill from Bai Sui's body, and once the sarcoma fell off, Bai Sui's body soon grew new white flesh, so Bai Sui did not get smaller because of it.

Affected by Bai Sui, the surrounding buildings have long since collapsed, and clumps of sarcomas fell on the ruins and took shape.

The warriors shot to kill the sarcomas that had not yet formed.

But there are thousands of sarcomas that have landed, and Bai Sui is still growing sarcomas.

The sword with the talisman slashed on the sarcoma, it was difficult to split the sarcoma in half with a single knife, and only a deep scar could be cut from their body.

There are constantly sarcomas that transform into human form, and Bingbaisui who transform into human form has no human facial features. In addition to human limbs, they also grow five long, sharp claws like spiders on their backs.

Bing Baisui silently charged towards the warriors of Yiluan Division.

The warriors of Yiluan Division fought with Bing Baisui.

Huang Bujue shouted angrily. The folding fan in his hand was a dozen or so white blades that shattered Bing Baisui's body into countless pieces of white flesh.

Shen Jing threw away the weapon in his hand, he slapped it out with one palm, and the cyan palm swept out, and each palm could smash one or several soldiers into pieces.

Zhou Fan had already taken off the German character sword, and slashed out with both swords. His blade was like a whirlwind, constantly reaping Bing Baisui's life.

But even so, Bingbaisui was still too many, overwhelming the sky like a swarm of locusts and like a sea tide, attacking Zhou Fan and the others, covering their figures.

Bing Baisui is not difficult to kill, but the number is too terrifying.

Especially the sarcoma continued to fall off Bai Sui's body.

If it wasn't for Zhou Fan, Huang Bujue, and Shen Jing occupying a corner and bearing most of the pressure, the warriors of the Yiluan Division would have been slaughtered by Bing Baisui.

Under such a fight, there were still three regiments of flesh that were twice as tall as Bing Baisui fell off Baisui.

As soon as these three special pieces of meat landed on the ground, Bing Baisui carried them up around them, and then divided into three paths and ran towards the outside.

This is the age of Zibai

Zi Baisui is looking for a suitable growth spot.

"Master Huang, we must stop Zibaisui." Zhou Fan kept slashing with the knife in his hand, and when he saw Bing Baisui leaving with Zibaisui, he shouted loudly.

Even if there is a talisman formation that isolates the three southwest corners, but under the impact of Bing Baisui, the talisman formation may not be able to play a role.

Huang Bujue certainly understands this, but they are too busy to take care of themselves, how can they prevent Bing Baisui from leaving with Zibaisui?

"Master Huang, I can leave for a while and kill Zi Baisui, but can you support it?" Zhou Fan asked loudly again.

"Just go." Huang Bujue hesitated and gritted his teeth.

Seeing that Huang didn't agree, Zhou Fan gave a cold drink and rushed out.

Under the defense of the purple-gold armor and his body's infuriating qi, he rampaged in Bing Baisui. Bing Baisui was either knocked away by him, or torn apart by his large and small pair of knives.

Forcibly, he fought his way out of the tidal wave of soldiers.

Zhou Fan is getting closer and closer to his first child, Bai Sui.

Bing Baisui found that Zhou Fan's target was Zi Baisui, and more Bing Baisui rushed towards Zhou Fan, even stacking one after another, forming a mountain of meat.

The warriors who saw this scene all had their scalps numb. If they were, they would definitely be finished.

It was just that Zhou Fan rushed out of the Baishan-like soldier Baisui and rushed in front of Zibaisui.

He swept across with the German character knife, splitting the rushing Bing Baisui in half, and the rusty knife in his hand, mixed with cold blue flames, green and black ghosts, and empty sound ghost thunder, slashed at Zibaisui.

With a bang, countless energy shattered, and a shallow knife mark appeared on Zi Baisui's body.

Zhou Fan's eyes narrowed, Zi Baisui's body was harder than he thought.

After this delay, Bing Baisui came again, and the five curved claws behind them stabbed towards Zhou Fan, trying to kill Zhou Fan.

Zhou Fan swept across with the German character sword again, slapping or hacking the soldiers who were surrounded by them. His face sank, and the rusty sword fell again.

The unique martial force spread towards Zibaisui.

dead wood

The withering potential sank into Zi Baisui's Zi Baisui began to wither until it became a cloud of dust.

Bing Baisui let out a whimper and madly attacked Zhou Fan.

Zhou Fan was under the siege of Bai Sui, but he was relieved. Just now, he tried to attack Bai Sui with force, but it didn't work. Fortunately, it worked for Bai Sui.

Zhou Fan used the strong defense of his body's infuriating qi to ignore the attacks of these soldiers, Bai Sui, on him, and rushed towards the second child, Bai Sui.

It's not that Bing Baisui's attacks have no effect on him. Every attack that hits his body's qi defense will deplete his qi.

But to Zhou Fan, this loss is nothing at all.

Bing Baisui's movement speed is not very fast, even with Bing Baisui's desperate blocking, Zhou Fan still rushed to the second child Baisui and killed this child with dead wood.

Then the third child, Bai Sui, remained the same.

After Zhou Fan finished his third son, Bai Sui, he rushed in the direction where Huang Bujue and the others were.

Without him, Huang Bujue and the others didn't have the defense collapse, but they could only defend themselves.

Because Bai Sui's body continued to have sarcomas falling down and turned into a soldier Bai Sui.

It's like it doesn't need to consume energy at all when it grows old.

But the death of the three sons, Baisui, made these soldiers, Baisui, rush towards Zhou Fan like crazy, and instantly hide his figure.

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