Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 976: tianluodiwang

Bingbaisui seems to never finish killing him.

There are too many.

Zhou Fan rushed out of the encirclement, but would soon be besieged by the rushing Bing Baisui. He was also a little frightened. On the Qianhuan Snow Mountain, he had encountered a **** ice-blooded ape, but the same level of ice-blooded Ape and Bai Sui are fundamentally different.

If it is a single martial artist below the Qi Gang segment, it is difficult to escape when encountering an ice-blooded ape, but when encountering Bai Sui, he can easily escape.

But Bai Sui's method of constantly growing soldiers, Bai Sui, is even more terrifying to the destruction of human settlements.

Even Zhou Fan can't help Bai Sui, unless he can find Sui Men, but under the interference of soldiers like locust swarms, Bai Sui, trying to find Sui Men is a fool's errand.

There was no interference from Bing Baisui before, and they couldn't find Suimen.

Zhou Fan frowned and tried to think of a way, but Huang Bujue and the others were gradually unable to support them. Under the attack of so many soldiers and Baisui, the speed of talisman and infuriating consumption was unimaginable.

"Master Huang."

"Sir Shen."

The warriors began to have the intention to retreat. If they didn't retreat, they might really die here. The warriors made a ghost oath with Yiluan Si, but they didn't want to die like this.

Now it seems that the growth of Bingbaisui is faster than the speed of their killing, and all the soldiers who come into view are white Bingbaisui.

They felt that their eyes were blurry, and they couldn't tell the hands and feet of Bing Baisui, but they were just mechanically using weapons to defend against Bing Baisui's piercing claws.

This can't be killed at all.

"Don't worry." Huang Bujue calmly said.

Shen Jing also didn't open his mouth to say that he wanted to retire.

Without the consent of Huang Bujue and the two, the warriors wanted to retreat in the wave of soldiers at this time, which was simply a delusion.

Zhou Fan also came back at this time, but he came back with more soldiers Bai Sui.

The warriors also didn't know whether Zhou Fan's return was a good thing, so they could only grit their teeth to support it.

At this moment, the talisman formation emitting cyan light not far away flickered for a while, and returned to normal.

Then hundreds of warriors rushed in. Among them were warriors from the Yiluan Division, but more were non-official warriors. These warriors came from noble families, merchants, and even more from academies and White Elephant Temple.

The Yiluan Sectarians who were originally surrounded by them showed joy on their faces. Only then did they know why Huang Bujue and several adults were not in a hurry. In danger, they almost forgot that this was Gaoxiang City.

Gaoxiang City is the place with the most warriors in the county.

When Yiluan Si couldn't support it, of course they would come to support him.

More warriors poured into the battlefield, which allowed Huang Bujue, who was surrounded, to escape from the siege.

The warriors who followed Huang Bujue and the others were all strong, but now they are all paralyzed on the ground.

"Master Huang, I'm late." Zhang Gong said openly.

After confirming that it was Bai Sui, Secretary of Yiluan had already made two preparations. One was Zhou Fan and the others who brought the martial artist of Secretary of Yiluan to find Bai Sui's Suimen.

But Suimen was hard to find, so the Yiluan Division asked Eunuch Zhang and Wenti to organize as many people as possible in the city to deal with the countless soldiers Bai Sui that might appear.

At this time, when faced with the orders of the Yiluan Division, the great merchants of the aristocratic family did not dare to shirk, and sent their own warriors to support them.

As for the support of the White Elephant Temple and the Academy, it is reasonable.

The strength of the non-official warriors from the organization is mixed, but the number is large, and they still have some advantages over the soldier Bai Sui.

Their help gave Zhou Fan and the others time to look at Bai Sui's huge body.

There are still sarcomas falling on the flesh.

"We must find out Baisui's Suimen, or Gaoxiang City will be destroyed by it." Huang Bujue said anxiously.

It is impossible to eliminate Baisui, the source of Bingbaisui, so it is useless to kill how many soldiers Baisui is.

One of the horrors of Baisui is that no one knows where the limit of its growth is. As long as it feels threatened, it will continue to grow until the threat is eliminated.

According to records, Bai Suisheng gave birth to 100,000 soldiers Bai Sui! This does not include Bingbaisui, who was born by its son Baisui. At that time, the nearby human settlements were destroyed and countless people died.

Bai Sui appearing in the wilderness and human settlements are two completely different concepts.

"Master Huang, don't worry too much." A voice suddenly sounded from behind Zhou Fan and the others.

Zhou Fan and the others looked back quickly, only to realize that it was Zhong Tian, ​​Yuan Hai, and Mrs. Zhang Li, and it was Zhong Tian who spoke just now.

Zhou Fan and the four showed joy on their faces and hurriedly saluted.

Huang Bujue said ashamed: "I didn't expect this to disturb the three adults."

"Amitabha, you don't have to look outside like this." Yuan Hai said with a slight smile.

"Let's talk less, wait until we clean up Bai Sui." Mrs. Zhang Li said slowly, looking at the battlefield where the warriors and soldiers were fighting against Bai Sui, "Is there anything you can do?"

For the three of them, Bai Sui is still a little tricky to deal with.

Because even if the Taoist cultivator can penetrate its body, if it doesn't hurt its age, the injury on its body will soon recover.

Unless the Taoist cultivator can wipe out Bai Sui's body all at once, then Suimen will definitely be included.

But it is not difficult to do this.

Zhongtian glanced at the huge white body and said, "Actually, I knew about it immediately, but since I was Bai Sui, I found a ghost weapon from the academy, which wasted some time. Let me come."

Zhongtian jumped, and he volleyed towards Baisui.

Bing Baisui found Zhongtian coming from the sky, they stepped on the shoulders of their companions one by one and jumped towards Zhongtian in the air.

Zhongtian's face was There were light silver ripples escaping from his body, and the soldiers who tried to approach him turned into dust particles and drifted away in the wind.

He just took a few dozen steps in the air, and arrived in front of Bai Sui.

"Heavenly nets." Zhongtian waved his sleeves gently, and a crimson net flew out from his cuffs.

The flame-like net grew bigger and bigger, stuck to Bai Sui's body, and continued to spread until it enveloped the huge Bai Sui.

There are also tiny lines crawling on the grid.

The dense lines are cutting Bai Sui's body.

Then Zhou Fan and the others saw that Bai Sui's flesh-like body was cut into a thin black line. The thin line was so tough that even Zhongtian's net could not cut it.

This is the door of the year that Zhou Fan and the others have been unable to find.

Suimen emits a faint black light, and it is desperately drilling into the flesh.

"You still want to run away?" Zhongtian stretched out his finger and lightly tapped.

A silver energy hit the thin black thread and shattered it completely.

Bai Sui's huge body trembled for a while, and then rolled down, and countless oils spilled out of it, like a greasy rain.

Zhongtian put away his net and flew backwards.

Not only Bai Sui, the soldier Bai Sui who fought with the warriors is also collapsing into white grease.

The grease is like a river, making the **** of the ruins float up.

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