Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 995: Nightfall Mutation

who is lying

Obviously, the masked man is more likely to lie.

"Why did the masked man lie?" Shen Jing asked in confusion.

"I guess it's either that he wants to give their organization a stronger reputation or that he is not a member of the Masked People Organization. He has a grudge against the Masked People Organization." Zhou Fan gave his speculation.

Huang Bujue knocked on the table and said, "It makes sense, but what is certain now is that in addition to the force behind Mr. Bai, there may be another force no less than them in Gaoxiang City."

Bai Tianhua said that someone attacked the caravan, and it is natural to make such an inference.

"If the masked man does not belong to either of the two forces, then there are three different forces." Wen Ho continued.

Eunuch Zhang said with a gloomy face: "It seems that the situation in the city is more complicated than we thought."

"They may not be still in Gaoxiang City, but we have to guard against them." Huang Bujue frowned.

Just how to prevent

"Why don't we send a letter to Dean Zhong and Mrs. Zhang Li to see when the two of them will come back. When the two bosses are not there, I always feel uneasy." Shen Jing said with some worry, "If those three forces With the existence of Taoist monks, the strength of our Yiluan Division may not be able to handle it."

"It may be very small that there are multiple Taoist monks." Huang Bujue shook his head and said, "We can still handle it now, and with Master Yuanhai here, President Zhong and the others will probably just arrive at Qianhuan Snow Mountain soon."

The Secretary of Yiluan naturally has the responsibility of the Secretary of Yiluan. It is impossible to ask outsiders to do everything. Only if it is really impossible to handle, will they ask the academy for help.

After discussing for a few more words, everyone ended the discussion and told the Fu Shi, the academy, and the White Elephant Temple in the Sifu about the strange characteristics, and asked them to go to the classics to find out the origins of the three strange animals.

Even if they understand, those three monsters may be monsters that have never appeared in human history.

But you can only do your best, and it's up to people to make things happen.

Today, no one fled out of the city anymore, and many people even came back from outside the city.

All of this was naturally because of the accident in the three villages last night, which made them understand that eighteen villages are not guaranteed to be safe. In this case, it is better to stay outside the city than to return to the city.

Of course, there are also a small number of people who choose to stay away from Gaoxiang City during the day.

But there are still very few such people. After all, in the vast wilderness, if you don't have enough strength to cross and reach a safe place, the journey is full of risks.

And even in a safe place, how to survive

In a city of one million people, less than 200 people die every night. People weigh left and right, and it may not be their turn. This is much better than going to the wilderness to gamble on luck.

The night gradually fell, covering the whole city.

Zhou Fan came to the third square in the southeast, and he looked up at the sky.

There are no stars tonight, and under the dark night sky are the lights of thousands of homes.

They have experienced a lot of things today, and it is not without gain. At least they know some information about their enemies.

The three monsters are not a terrifyingly large group of monsters.

With the efforts of the Yiluan Division and the assistance of various forces, they finally completed the basic arrangement before nightfall. Not to mention that every household has a defense talisman and a message talisman, but most households have them.

Families who don't have them try their best to arrange for people to go in to protect them. If it's really impossible, let two or even three families come together. It can be said that it is very good to be able to do this in one day.

But Zhou Fan still has no idea in his heart. Even if he came up with the solution, he doesn't know how effective it will be.

I can only hope that everything goes well.

Gaoxiang City is shrouded in darkness, but it is daytime in Gaoxiang City again, and the scorching sun hangs high in the sky.

The city is stable and peaceful. Pedestrians, carriages, street vendors, and shops are noisy and peaceful.

In the sky above the city, nine vine-like rays of light were still intertwined as before, emitting a low chirping sound.

The low chirping sound spread into the city, reaching everyone's ears.

The chirping grew louder and louder, and finally turned into three sharp chants.

The entangled rattan suddenly retracted, retracting into their respective blue-green light clusters.

The three blue-green light clusters suspended in mid-air are not exactly the same size, and their light is soft.

The light of the three blue-green light groups was originally soft and unchanged, but after the three beams of each were retracted, the light groups became bright and dazzling.

The people in the city were still living their lives as usual, and they didn't seem to notice the changes in the three blue-green light groups.

The size of the dazzling light group is changing violently, and it continues to emit harsh screams.

With a swish, they disappeared in the daytime of Gaoxiang City and appeared under the night sky of Gaoxiang City.

The volume of the three blue-green light clusters is getting bigger and bigger, like the blue-green sun suddenly appearing in three rounds.

at the moment they appear.

The people in the city discovered their existence immediately.

Everyone was stunned.

Even the eighteen affiliated villages can see the three-wheeled blue-green sun.

"It's them." Zhou Fan's face was slightly condensed, and he recognized it at first sight. It was exactly the same as what Mrs. Bai said before his death.

There were loud noises and chaotic sounds from many places in the city.

The talisman wall is lit up with golden interweaving a network of light with a thick wrist in the air.

The three groups of blue-green rays of light were far above the talisman formation in Gaoxiang City, and the talisman wall did not automatically react. This talisman wall was activated by the Yiluan government office, obviously trying to isolate the three strange and monstrous rays of light from the Gaoxiang City. Process slowly.

No one thought that these three groups of light would appear so suddenly.

The size of the three groups of rays of light is too large. Each group is as large as a square of Gaoxiang City, and it is high in the sky. Few long-range weapons can reach that height.

Some warriors in Yiluan's office received orders and ran back to the office, preparing to move out the attacking talisman crossbow in the office.

This kind of crossbow is huge and difficult to carry, but it is a big killer for flying monsters.

Each rune crossbow requires five horses to pull, and three warriors work together to quickly fire crossbow arrows.

Everything is unfolding in chaos and order, and in the chaotic dark place, there are many people watching all this silently.

On the wall in the west of the city, stood two figures. Under the blue-green light, one could see that one of them was wearing a black and red two-color mask, and the other was wearing a blue-red two-color mask.

"It finally appeared." The black and red masked man looked up at the light ball in the sky and smiled.

"It's only been a few days, it's become so big, be careful." The blue-red masked man said solemnly: "They are probably also staring at the three monsters, ready to recover."

The black-red masked man nodded slightly and said, "No matter what, this is a good opportunity."

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