Welcome Back To the World Game

Vol 2 Chapter 1: Version Zero is officially updated!

"Ding dong! Players, please pay attention!"

[The official version of the world game, the version is updated!]

1. The third world "Will Alice become a school cherub" is over, the fourth world "Will the lost traveler become a determined pilgrim?", the fifth world "Will the dragon slayer become the ultimate evil dragon", the sixth world The world "..." etc will open.

The top 12 strongest players in the world gather in the same world, and the peak life-and-death confrontation is about to start.

2. Newly added the Human Organization of the Lord God World: United Regiment, Peacekeeping Force. Take "Let more people live" as the action plan to maintain the tranquility of the last habitat. The "large-scale census" will be launched in the main **** space, and small group leaders will appear. (Thanks to the crowdfunding of "Red Sky")

3. The United Group sent a letter to the top 100 players in the world, and expressed understanding and respect for the behavior and theories of the first player.

"——Those who hold wages for the masses should not be frozen to death in the wind and snow; those who open the way for freedom should not be made to suffer from thorns."

4. Various honor lines have been added, a large number of BE, NE and TE have been added, and the source of the "perfect customs clearance" world has been added. The world rankings will continue to change, and a large number of discussion posts will erupt in the world forum, and a large number of followers of the lighthouse system will appear.

"—The number one player who lives up to expectations, bless you and move on."

5. Various roles have been added, and various identities have been added: "Monitor", "Powerholder", "Observer", "Sniper" and "Hunter". The organizer's purpose is a mystery, and the ability to revert to death may be suspected.

"—You don't deserve to be the number one player, Zhai Xing's low-level student, your shameless theory makes me laugh."

6. New system essay: declaration of war from the first player.

"—Light chasers who don't need to understand, do everything you can to stop me?"

7. Added a dangerous trend of fewer players: casual viewers who indulge in pleasure, sleepers who indulge in world dungeons - people who stay away from adventure "carefree" and pin their hopes on a few people, really Can you successfully save yourself?

8. The confusion of the lighthouse system: the most selfish and selfless, the most rational madman, the eternal beacon of "redemption of the earth" - is it "assimilated" by the so-called gaze, or continues to move forward with conservative goals?

9. The current date node of the world game: October 30, 2020.

World game time remaining: 11 months.

10. All the remaining players in the world game who have completed the game perfectly: 13 people.


The new version has been updated.

In the discussion with the book friends group Hongtian, he said that Ming An is like the "Wallfacer" of "Three-Body Problem" and Xiao Tu of "Hidden".

——Although the height of this book is far from that, they all have similarities. Their obsessions are unknown, their selflessness is not understood, they have self and stubborn beliefs, but in the eyes of others it is only a complete derailment.

Ming An treats others as pawns, but his original intention is for these pawns.

Preference is weakness. On the stage where his actions are magnified countlessly, he is looking for his own way.

Regarding Ming An's character, many conflicts broke out among you. Some people think that he is inexplicably high above the others, and he talks about the middle two. Some people like his self-confidence and admire his dedication.

Regarding these, many bigwigs in the book circle have their own opinions. The benevolent sees benevolence, and the wise sees wisdom.

As a recorder, all I have to do is present the world.


Before it goes on sale at 12:00 noon, I will give you a free 9,000-character chapter. Thank you for your company along the way. (By the way, I'm not short, don't say it.)

The rules for adding updates to this book: There are two conservative updates on the shelves, and one update is added for every 250 orders for the first order. The rudder master adds one more watch, and the alliance master adds five more changes [if any].

Immediately I will upload the first chapter VIP chapter, I hope everyone will support. The data will be updated as soon as it arrives, and the manuscript is always ahead by 50 chapters. Please rest assured that it will not be exhausted.

Subscriptions are the lifeblood of a book.

One cent per chapter, two chapters a day, about 6 yuan a month, and a cup of milk tea.

Yangwen people can also click on the automatic subscription, the book will be fat, I hope to get your support in the process... 6 yuan per month for support.

The book was released relatively late, and it's no longer upside down. It happened to be a hundred chapters on the shelves, so that the free chapters that were previously free were suddenly charged and everyone felt uncomfortable.

Here I would like to thank the book friends who have supported me all the way. I remember the familiar IDs, as well as the editor Penglai. The recommendation has never been interrupted. Thank you very much.

The quality of my performance is related to my coding process. I will continue to update it daily to the end, but the level of detail may change with the number of readers of this book.

But in any case, the world game version will continue to be updated,

About the world, about the new dungeon, about the main **** space and human nature, about players and audiences, about the future of Zhai Xing, there are many exciting things.

If you have the type of world you want to see (original world), you can also tell me.

You are my shining star,

——Thank you for the light you have given me, or are about to give me.

Your little support may be all I have about that world.


There are thousands of BE roads and only one HE road.

——I wish everyone a happy game.


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