Welcome Back To the World Game

Vol 2 Chapter 101: · "Higher games, waiting for you to play!"

"Welcome back to the world game (

Su Mingan put away the black card, put it away, and then heard the slight sound of the armor colliding.

He looked up and saw three "people" who suddenly appeared, kneeling on one knee.

Now, these NPCs are the few he relies on.

They all wore armor and held long swords with special imprints. Their faces were hidden under the iron helmets, and a heavy shadow was cast on their faces, like the ruthless assassins who only followed silently in ancient times.

Su Ming'an noticed the mark on their equipment. The pattern he had seen on Boss Rabbit's body was a blood-red scale pattern.

[Added npc followers*3 (the organizer allocates "powerful people")]

[Note: Followers can only act in the main **** space and cannot be brought into the game world. Followers obey the master's orders and cannot attack freely in the main **** space, but can only passively counterattack, and cannot be resurrected after death. 】

【Add follower information】

【Follower Luke

Weapon: Long Sword

Skill: Swordsmanship Specialization lv.6

Heavenly Sword (full level): The object cut by the blade will suffer a lot of true damage

Health: 800

Combat Strength: 1000]

[Follower: Lin Xiao

Weapon: Sword and Shield

Skill: Blade and Shield Specialization lv.6

Guard (full level) (20 seconds cooldown): Forcibly guard a player, blocking all damage within 1 second

Health: 1500

Combat Strength: 1000]

[Followers: Nina

Weapon: Dagger

Skill: Dagger Specialization lv.6

Assassination (full level): When attacking the enemy's fatal point from behind, the critical strike rate is tripled.

Health: 600

Combat Strength: 1000]

"Tsk." Su Mingan tutted softly - he expected the organizer's thoughts.

After revealing the secret that "the main **** space is not an absolutely safe place", the organizer seems to be keen to provoke infighting among players. After knowing that he was in a situation of being targeted, he directly allocated three extremely powerful NPCs to himself.

But the organizers didn't do anything. They didn't allow these extremely powerful followers to take the initiative to attack, they could only passively counterattack and act as his guards.

In this way, the "Master God Space" can at least maintain basic peace, and will not allow these followers to act recklessly.

But it is clear that the organizer wants to put himself in the "game organizer" side, forcing himself against all players.

The organizers knew that if they were alone, it would be impossible to fight against Edlang's strong team.

They like to watch this kind of drama of betrayal and separation, and enemies of the world.

It is impossible for Su Mingan to refuse.

If he chooses not to be the "in power" and goes directly back to that room, then what awaits him may be another rollback...and, it may be repeated rollbacks again and again...until he collapses.

He was not sure of escaping that kind of explosion, or in a situation where the spatial displacement was sealed.

He has no choice.

"Master." The three followers in armor knelt down on one knee, and the armor made a crisp collision sound.

The teleportation white light lit up on Su Mingan's body, and he was about to be teleported back.

His eyes became a little stagnant, and then he saw the dark room.

He smelled a very clear smell of gunpowder.

"—He's out!"

The 61 spirit points made him hear the excited shouts of people in the distance.

Next, three white lights appeared around his body at the same time.

Luke and Nina rushed out like sword lights, broke open the iron gate and rushed outside, and Lin Xiao also held a shield instantly, and a milky white light blessed him.

Su Ming'an looked at the explosives on the ground with a sad look in his eyes - he once thought for a moment that this scene was just a scene made up by the organizer in order to make him "the one in power".

He didn't want to speculate on his compatriots with the worst thoughts, only to find that it was all true.

...The people he wants to save, the people he has always loved... These people really want him to die.

Not in the joke setting of high-dimensional creatures, not in the dangerous game world, but in what should have become a resting place, the safest and most reassuring place, on the territory of one's own countrymen.

Su Mingan sighed slightly, but he still kept his words.

His hands clenched and let go, and then he slowly put on a pair of dark gloves for himself.

The smell of gunpowder was getting stronger.

Lin Xiao's guarding skills were instantly blessed. He was like a mountain guarding in front of Su Ming'an, and the pattern of the sponsor on the armor was blood red, which was particularly bright in the darkness.


The explosion roared instantly.

The first guild residence has been planned at this time. There are shops along the road, and there are residential houses of various styles in the back. The fountain in the square is ding-dong, and the light is shining white in the sky.

A dark figure passed by like the wind, and a blue mantis was beating on his shoulders.

His fists were pinched, and his dark eyes were full of anger.

Lu Shu wanted to lead Su Mingan away first, but he didn't expect Su Mingan to return so slowly this time, so he could only leave first.

But he didn't expect,

Those from the first guild, UU reading www.uukanshu. com Those people he thought were not bad, Edron and the others, turned out to be...

Lu Shu once thought that they at least had a certain perspective on the overall situation, at least, at least they should not attack good people.

But he heard through his little red that they were going to kill Su Ming'an.

He immediately rushed to the place where Su Mingan was imprisoned.

- He wants to save him, Su Ming'an is the good person he has identified, and what he has determined will not change, he will not allow a good person to die there.

Then, before rushing to the hall, he heard a violent explosion.


His pace stopped for a moment.

In the center of the hall, Edward and the others were standing there, holding a screen that had turned into a flower screen.

"Killed?" Someone said.

"Probably, the space barrier didn't respond, and Su Mingan probably didn't have time to release the displacement." The scholar pinched his chin and said.

"But I'm very concerned about why he came back so much later than other players..."

"Regardless of this, even if it doesn't get killed, it shouldn't be much worse. If we stay here, he won't be able to rush out of his blood." Edward glanced at a few people beside him: "Although I don't think I can't stop it. That guy, but, Adolf, Andre, Aini, if he releases that clone to escape, it's up to you to stop him."

"Where are Mizushimachuan and Lu Shu?"

"There is no need to tell them that they are not of the same faction as us, and Mizushimagawa's recent state is not right, so there is no need to cause more trouble. In short, Su Ming'an must not walk out of here alive, he has too many variables, and we have no way to go back. …”

"—You guys are going too far." Lu Shu clenched his fists and walked quickly. He appeared in front of everyone.

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