Welcome Back To the World Game

Vol 2 Chapter 102: · "Host's lackey"

"Welcome back to the world game (

"Lu Shu?" Edward turned his eyes away and looked at him indifferently: "We haven't held you accountable for arbitrarily transferring the position of guild leader. Although the guild meeting hadn't been established at that time, you were so willful that you just gave the guild to the guild. A dangerous guy..."

"He's not a dangerous guy!" Lu Shu looked at them angrily: "He's a good man - what's wrong with him! I want to see him!"

"...It's obviously a good fighting force, but I want to be a licking dog." Jolia on the side curled her hair, her eyelashes trembling like butterflies: "If you have to become a light chaser, then go? With you Will the lighthouses that have been turned to ashes die together?"

The mantis on Lu Shu's shoulder trembled.

The blue color flashed by, and he directly attacked Edward in the center!

"Ignorance." A trace of disdain flashed in Edward's eyes. Facing the most powerful assassin who was rumored to be in the limelight, his expression was a little lazy.

He stretched out his hand, as if an invisible wave had been blown up.

Then, Lu Shu discovered that he had completely lost control of Xiaobi.

"People like you don't understand at all." Edward smiled, and he adjusted his cuffs slowly, with three clear marks of perfect clearance on the back of his hand. The strongest ability is always..."

Lu Shu noticed that his movements became extremely slow.

Not to mention the attack, even moving a bullet is difficult.

He raised his head, looked at the figure that looked extremely relaxed, and realized what kind of skills this second-generation "first player" who had been cultivated had mastered.


A power that transcends the elemental swordsmanship and comes from the rules.

A sword appeared in Edward's hand.

The sword edge pointed directly at Lu Shu.

"Another poor man who was bewitched by Su Ming'an's words." Edward looked at him: "You chased him frantically, but you can't even see your own situation, and you don't look like someone who can keep secrets, so , or take your ideals and die together."

Lu Shu gritted his teeth and stared at him.

The others watched with some shaking, Aini's hand raised a little, but finally put it down.

Edward's figure moved slightly——

The next moment, an extremely flat voice came from the depths of the corridor:


Lu Shu instantly heard who was coming, and several people stopped at the same time. Edward, as if he had expected it, immediately deflected the sword and threw it straight towards the corridor!

The body of the sword ignited a brilliant white light, illuminating the entire hall brightly. The figure in the depths of the corridor swayed for a moment, and then there was a sound of gold and iron colliding with the sword.

"...You're still alive, just right." Edward smiled: "I don't want to win the title of the first player without a fight. Beating you like this can just prove that I'm the strongest..."

Su Mingan stepped out of the shadows.

But not just him.

In front of him stood a man covered in armor, holding a dark shield to block the flying sword.

"...How can there be other players?" Several people looked at the armored man for a while - they remembered that they didn't keep anyone inside.

"No, that person... the equipment is too sophisticated." Hubert said aside.

Players' equipment comes from different dungeons. It is difficult to put together such a complete set of standard suits, and few people actually wrap themselves in armor. Most of them choose to drag them directly into the equipment bar instead of wearing them directly.


"This person's equipment has exactly the same lines as the boss rabbit! This is an NPC!" Edlang said in a sad tone: "Su Ming'an, you are indeed the lackey of the organizer. In order to pull you out of this predicament, you finally expose yourself..."

Before he could finish his words, he looked at the "host dog" in front of him and waved to him.


Su Mingan said.

Two white lights flashed past at the same time, and slammed out of the corridor like arrows!

"Wait... there are people..."

Edron only had time to say such a sentence.

Follower Luke slashed with a knife, and he fell unconscious in an instant.

Follower Nina's poisonous dagger swiped on the skin of several people, bringing a burst of anesthesia that spread to several people in an instant.

"Stop him—!" Frost spread on Jolia's hand, but she was stunned by the sudden appearance of a clone. Hubert quietly withdrew from the battle circle, and when he wanted to take the opportunity to take a screenshot, Luke's figure quickly arrived, and the extreme combat force suppression directly knocked him down.

The destructive power brought about by three followers with a combat power of 1,000 was devastating. Even if Su Ming'an instructed not to kill people in advance, the blood gradually spread out, staining the white ground with bright red.

"Kill Su Ming'an first!" Andre's figure made a dash, and the ground was instantly turbulent. He seemed to be walking on a wave, and he violently slammed Lin Xiao away, and the big sword slashed directly at Su Ming'an!

Su Mingan looked at him coldly.

The light of the space flickered for a moment.

【HP-890! (Mind suppression! Stun!)】

Invisible light waves flooded out~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Andre's figure froze in place as soon as he arrived in front of him, and then, he fainted directly in the fluctuation of the space.

With a spirit of up to 61 points and an extremely extreme bonus in the shadow state, it is difficult for anyone to block this blow that injected a full 500 mana points.

A strong wind came from behind, and Adolf's palm wind approached in an instant. With a sharpness, Su Mingan instantly felt that he was locked, and he couldn't even release the spatial displacement. If it is an ordinary situation, Adolf's blow must be completely intact. accept.

...similar to a must hit judgment?

A light flashed in his eyes, and he used the spiritual shock of the skill on the equipment heart of machinery.

【HP-200! (Mind suppression! Stun!)】

The next moment, he quickly turned his palm and slapped it on Adolf's heart, disappearing in a flash at his fingertips, and a **** mouth opened directly.

If it wasn't for not wanting to kill, this blow would have killed Adolf.

But the next moment, he felt that his movements were sluggish.

An invisible wave swept across this area.

"...You are very powerful, you are really strong, Su Mingan."

Edward walked slowly among the fallen bodies, with a very leisurely pace.

Aniton, who hesitated and didn't make a move, stayed where he was, and Lu Shuton stayed where he was. Even a few scholars with little combat power were instantly stagnant.

"...But." Edward raised his hand and smiled.

He walked over on the blood, but he looked like a noble boy walking in the banquet hall.

"In the face of time... any skill is in vain." His tone was extremely confident for a moment. Looking at the person in front of him, a belligerent flame burned in his eyes.

"Did they only train your second year?" Su Ming'an asked.

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