Welcome Back To the World Game

Vol 2 Chapter 108: "Witch, please act"

"Welcome back to the world game (

"Save him." Lu Shu nodded without hesitation.

Serena unscrewed the red cork.

"……Wait a moment."

There was a sudden sound from outside the door.

Lu Shu turned his head for a moment.

Su Mingan, who should have died indoors, was standing outside the door in the moonlight, looking at him.

"Wait a minute, travelers from the outside world, at this time, only the prescribed clerics can walk at night... Why are you not affected by the rules?" Serena looked extremely surprised, and the Sanskrit in her hand was glowing: " If the time limit is not reached, it should be impossible to get out of the door..."

"Because, I'm a person outside the rules." Su Mingan spread his hands: "I let the clone go out at the beginning, and the main body consciousness was transferred after the main body died, so... I should be considered an identityless person now? "

"What exactly is this... what kind of rule?" Lu Shu still hasn't figured it out.

"Similar to a real werewolf killing."

Lu Shu looked at him blankly.

"Lu Shu." Selina called Lu Shu's name, the light of Sanskrit on her hand was fading: "As a [Witch], the time to act is almost here, we have to go back."

Lu Shu glanced at the scene in the room and clenched his fists: "Su Ming'an, who killed you?"

"The attackers were very well prepared, their whole bodies were like being trapped in black mist, and they didn't even know who they were before the clones died... But, for sure, there was more than one person." Su Mingan said.

"That's right." Selina said: "[Witch] can only see the dead at night, but can't know who the attacker is... Well, the specific rules will be explained to you by the village chief during the day. Now, Lu Shu, we must go back."

"Let's save it first?" Su Ming'an said, "Anliana told me that the one on the ground was the one who got the status. If he keeps dying, my status will also be voided."

"Anliana? Is your guide called this name?" After receiving Lu Shu's permission, Selina unscrewed the stopper of the antidote: "However, before this, travelers from the outside world, I want to know about you. To judge the value of this rescue... If your identity is not a cleric as precious as me, the only antidote is too wasteful..."

"I understand your concerns." Su Mingan said with a smile: "I am—[Prophet]. Lu Shu, don't show such a puzzled expression. You will know the exact meaning of it in the daytime tomorrow."

"Prophet... that is indeed the most important identity." Serena nodded solemnly.

She squatted down and carefully sprinkled the liquid on the clone's corpse, and then a reddish fluorescent light like a firefly floated up.

[The No. 4 traveler Lu Shu, the identity witch, on the first night, you chose to use the antidote to save the No. 1 traveler Su Mingan. 】

When Lu Shu heard such a system prompt, it only appeared on his own interface, and it seemed to be directed at him.

"The guides don't know each other and can't see each other, like a spirit body... Logically speaking, I won't be seen by anyone. But you, a traveler who has not acquired any identity, is an exception. You can actually see Me." Serena watched the red antidote being exhausted, and then took the empty glass bottle into her arms.

"Then my advantage is unique." Su Mingan said with a smile: "I can see the leader of any of you, can I identify the identity of any player?"

"The premise is that you have to make other players believe you." Selina said lightly: "Also, our guide will only appear at night, and will disappear during the day, unless you can find players who act at night."

She said and pulled Lu Shu up.

"Let's go, Lu Shu." Her movements carried a force that could not be rejected. Lu Shu wanted to say a few words to Su Ming'an, but was involuntarily pulled away by the dim light.

The wooden door was closed in front of him, Su Mingan looked at the clone who had just been resurrected and got up from the ground, showing a subtle smile.


【Day 1 · Daytime】

The morning light slowly poured into the wooden house, and the simple furnishings were plated with a layer of shining gold. The vitality was awakened in an instant, and there were many footsteps of people walking on the road outside.

As early as at night, Su Ming'an relied on being able to go out at will, and walked around the entire village, and found nothing wrong - if not for those environments that were as quiet as everyone died.

All the houses have no windows, only a closed wooden door. He tried to use annihilate to open the door, but he got a system prompt of [This building is indestructible].

He also tried to wait on the road to see if any other players came out of the house like Lu Shu, but no. The moment Selina and Lu Shu stepped out of their house, their figures disappeared instantly. He chased out of the house, but saw an empty, dead road.

"Sure enough, even if it's a bit convenient, I still can't see other people's nighttime activities..." Su Mingan thought about this, and looked around the village, and found that the edges of the village were blocked by invisible air walls, and he couldn't walk. go out.

But it was very strange that when the operation was about to end, he noticed a house that was a circle larger than the other houses. When he wanted to enter, he was not prompted that he could not enter, but:

[This building is currently unavailable, please come at a different time slot. 】

"Unusable state... What is it used for?" Su Mingan pondered, looking at the tasks on his system panel by the way:

【World Name: Terry Town】

[Basic mission for all players: Win the faction. 】

[Perfect clearance (Note: The perfect clearance of this world does not affect the acquisition of the source of the world): Infer the secret of Terry Town. 】

In addition, due to the status of "powerful", there is an additional task on his interface:

[Powerholder: Banish the evil NPC Jasmine, and let her be revealed and expelled in front of all the townspeople. 】

[Task reward: The status of "powerful person" has been turned positive. 】

[Punishment for mission failure: Take back the status of "powerful person". 】

Because of the status of the person in power, even if the world's perfect customs clearance does not affect the source of the world, maybe he needs to fight for it.

...As for this NPC "Jasmine", let's look for it during the day.

Su Ming'an has already adjusted the perspective of the live broadcast room to himself. The audience can't see all the actions on the avatar side. They can only see himself wandering in the village with a horrible environment all night. clues.

[I want to see the perspective of the clone! ! ! 】

[Brother Ming An is really a prophet? ? Why do I think he's lying to me...]

[Of course a prophet! If he was a bad guy, would he die at night? Use your brain, okay? 】

[What is a prophet? What is a witch? Why do you all seem to understand the rules very well...]

[Why didn't Brother Ming An let us see the avatar's perspective... I don't want to see this dark village, it's so scary...]

[Brother Lu Shu really rushed to the rescue immediately, he really didn't consider any other factors...]

[Lu Shu's eyes when he saw the first player's death was too terrifying. At that time, I suspected that he was about to turn black.jpg]

[At least it can be confirmed that Brother Lu Shu is a witch. I feel that no matter what Su Mingan's identity is, with the support of the witch, he will win half of the battle...]

[It's hard to say... I feel that apart from Lu Shu's support for Su Ming'an, the other players are a little overwhelmed...]


The morning light shone into the village, and it was daytime.

One night, Su Ming'an, who had nothing to gain, was standing at the foot of the back mountain in the town and was about to go up the mountain to see. He felt movement on the other side of the clone, and quickly shifted the control and the angle of the live broadcast.


"Dong dong dong."

There was a gentle knock on the wooden door, and the clone opened the door with no cracks, opening his eyes that he hadn't slept all night.

There was a creaking groan from the wooden door. Outside the door stood a bowed, kind-hearted old man. He was wearing an ochre red robe and leaning on a crutch with a dragon's head carved.

Seeing Su Mingan open the door, his friendly eyes slowly looked over:

"Travelers from the outside world, hello, I'm the mayor of the town... The day is here, I wonder if you're resting at night... Huh? Wait, you seem to be a little different from the other eleven travelers... The mayor stared at him for a while, and then the smile became more real: "...Although I don't know why, I think you are very trustworthy, a traveler from the outside world, your eyebrows really look like my child. Perry..."

Su Ming'an understood, this is because the NPC's favorability improvement as the [Powerholder] worked.

"I'd love to tell you the story of the village...but now is not the time to chat, dear traveller...every day, there is a meeting in the village, and several other players have already notified you that you should have left it yourself. I'm looking for a place, but for now, I'll take you there first."

The mayor walked away tremblingly, leaning on the crutch, and Su Mingan hurriedly followed.

As soon as he went out, he saw that the door to the house had been opened... Not only the house, but the houses that were dead silent at night like tombstones, their doors were all open, and the bright sunlight poured in, turning the originally dead and dilapidated houses. The village is dyed golden.

This seems to be the edge of the town, like a separate area with twelve separate houses. He noticed that his house had a 1 on it, while the other houses were marked 2 to 12.

The doors of those houses were all open, and there was no one inside. Su Mingan seemed to be the last one to be notified. When the mayor took him slowly to the central square, the other eleven players were already in the square. side waiting.

He noticed that there was a long, mahogany table in the square with a candlestick and twelve identification cards numbered 1-12.

However, the identity card looks like hell, just like a tablet, and there are even dried bloodstains on the edge.

Next to the long table was an extremely eye-catching, tall ochre-red pole with a noose hanging on it. The size of the noose was just about the size of a person's neck, which made Su Mingan vaguely guess what it was for.

He also saw the players on the World Ranking. Their faces were all regulars in the World Forum, and the moment they saw him, a few of them changed their faces slightly.

Edward is the center of the group of people. He is standing in the middle of them. On the left is a man with thick eyebrows and big eyes, a bearded man, and a man with various small cloth bags tied all over his body. List six Adolf.

"..." They seem to want to discuss in a low voice, but Su Ming'an's eyes have been firmly focused on this side.

The barrage began to discuss:

[Andre and Adolf, are these two bad identities? 】

[One thing to say, it's too obvious, I'm so surprised to see that people didn't die, they must have done it at night...]

【Pay attention to your facial expressions, you two!】

[Damn it, the world-class bosses meet, what are you doing, screenshots! 】

[Once in a thousand years, once in a thousand years, a few people are in the same frame! 】

[Wow, there are nice sisters, is that Mizushimagawa? 】

[I saw Nuoer and Wuwu, although I chose Su Ming'an's live broadcast room to watch World Story, but Nuoer is really cute...]


Next to Edward and the others stood Noel, the second in the European-style aristocratic clothes, and Aini, who was in the tenth. When Noel saw Su Mingan coming over, he smiled and said hello. face.

Next to it was Chuankong, standing in silence, with a pair of calm eyes like a lake, as if he hadn't seen Su Mingan approaching. But beside her, there was a girl who was almost carved out of a mold. Unlike the silent Mizushimagawa, she was shaking as if she couldn't stand up straight. A pair of dark eyes were staring at Su Mingan who came over. There is real hostility in his eyes.

On the edge, there were three people Su Mingan had never really met.

The Iris on the list has been well-known for a long time. This Yuguo woman, who has always been hailed as the "Goddess of the West" by the players, has extremely beautiful long golden hair. When he came over, he was full of self-confidence, elegance, laziness and delicacy, with a silky and transparent independent beauty.

Next to her is a woman from the Dragon Kingdom, with long bangs covering her eyes, looking a little gloomy. Different from the confident and elegant Iris, her body shrank like a shrimp that couldn't straighten her body, her fists with some scars clenched unconsciously, like a schoolgirl who was often bullied in school, when she saw Su Mingan approaching. At that time, she directly took a half step back, and the somewhat cloudy eyes that leaked from her hair were filled with fear, as if she didn't want to approach him at all.

... This is Lin Jiang from the eleventh list. She is also one of the few top players on the list who has never started live broadcasts, so most people are extremely lacking in her information.

Lin Jiang took the initiative to step back, but Iris didn't take a half step back. Her beautiful eyes were looking at Su Ming'an with a bit of laziness, and the corners of her lips evoked a very charming smile.

[God, when I saw it up close, I completely felt the charm of Miss Iris. 】

[She is so **** beautiful, beautiful and confident. 】

[Iris's profession is a charming voice that can charm all beings~www.wuxiaspot.com~ She has such great attraction before she even opens her mouth, I really can't imagine what this game will become in the future...]

[Brother Ming An was attracted hhh, he was not Edward nor Lu Shu, he was the most beautiful Miss Iris as expected~]

【what? Is Brother Ming An also attracted? No, come back soon! A woman like Iris will only use you, and Miss Yu Ruohe, who never leaves you, is the most fragrant—! 】

[…Are you sure that what attracted Brother Ming An was Iris’ appearance? 】

[Why do I feel that Ming An is not good? If it is a world of individual competition, it seems to be a world of faction competition. Except for Noel who said hello and Lu Shu he brought with him, other players seem to be very wary of him...]


"It actually made him stay in the Fourth World... he is lucky." Edward said in a low voice.

"There is really no way to have a clone skill." Andre on the side said: "However, as long as you return to the main **** space and find an opportunity to kill again. Now everyone knows that he is suspected of being the organizer's lackey. We are not going against public opinion when we look for opportunities.”

"No, you don't understand, Andre." Edward's eyes flashed fiercely: "The best... is never physical destruction. I want to be in this world, let him lose badly, to the world The best player is to let him admit it... I'm the first player in the right place."

"It's a bit difficult."

"No." Edward sneered: "Although the rules of this world dungeon are not very clear, it is definitely a faction system. No matter if he and I are in the same faction or the opposite faction, as long as he wants to win, I can take advantage of this... "


Fourth World Current status:

No. 4 Lu Shu (Witch)

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