Welcome Back To the World Game

Vol 2 Chapter 109: · "Miss Beacon"

Iris has always been a confident woman.

As the eldest lady from a hereditary aristocratic family, with her artistic taste and witty conversation, she has successfully become a qualified "aristocrat" in the eyes of everyone. Even though Yu Kingdom's monarchy has been abolished, her words and deeds still reveal the elegance and self-confidence of the old nobility, with an irresistible charm.

She seems to be tolerant and decent to the audience, but the superiority in her bones has always existed. When facing Edward and Aini, her attitude is natural, while facing those who were not visible in the original Zhai Xing, they only flew in the game. The grasshoppers soaring to the sky, the feeling of repression hidden in her heart made her a little impatient.

Her respect for surnames, family titles, and titles is far more important than her respect for "persons" themselves.

Squeeze squeak. … but it was well hidden.

Including, the "first player" who was praised by people in front of him was also.

This person is a student from the lowest level of the Dragon Kingdom. She has seen his video clips, and he has come all the way to life and death. He has broken arms and sneak attacks. He has no basic elegance at all. Including his overconfident tone, inexplicable words, especially his ignorant and humble attitude towards Edward and the others, made her extremely contemptuous.

"Hello, No. 1 player." Iris curled her lips into a smile-although her heart was full of rejection and disdain for this person, her delicate face was full of affinity, and she was in a square where the eyes of the world gathered at this time. On, she is doing her best to show her ultimate charm.

She noticed that the young man in front of her was staring at her all the time, with naked and undisguised eyes, and she was used to seeing such people - she was simply attracted by her appearance and temperament. She had already learned how to deal with it, but it was just It will lower her evaluation of the person in front of her by another level... Although it is not a good evaluation in itself.

However, it is undeniable that his strength is very strong, maybe she can use this admiration to push herself to a higher position, or even... replace.

No one does not want the title of "First Player".

As soon as she made a sound, her voice had a magical charm, causing the powerful players next to her to appear confused for a moment. She was also paying attention to the person in front of her, but he seemed to be unaffected, just that look. It has always been in the hands of myself... with a strong desire.

...is that horny? Can you be in heat with one hand?

Iris felt a layer of goose bumps on the back of her hand, and there was a hint of disgust in her eyes, but in the next moment, the person in front of her who was "fascinated by her" finally spoke up.

"What a shining beacon..."

Iris was still waiting for his request, such as kissing the back of her hand, asking to go with her, or using his poor vocabulary as a student to describe her beauty. She waited with drooping eyelids, and the corners of her mouth were slightly hooked. .

"...The tattoo on the back of your hand is so beautiful." The person in front of you was praising...


She looked at the back of her hand for a moment, and there was a white mark representing three perfect clearances, but she always felt that the organizer's aesthetics were extremely bad, and she wished to cover the ugly tattoo. But...but this person actually stepped on her as soon as she came up, and what else did she say...beautiful?

...He walked in front of him, walked in front of the person who is known as the most beautiful goddess in the world, and had the opportunity to get in touch ... but just to praise this Laoshizi tattoo? ?

"May you succeed, Miss Beacon."

Iris was still waiting for his next compliment and invitation, but Su Mingan had already turned around and went back directly to Lu Shu, who was standing stunned and stupid, like a piece of wood.

She unconsciously touched the back of her hand, showing a little surprise on her face.

Su Mingan was already laughing in the live broadcast room:

Hu Huo chase yo literature zhuiyo.com Hu Huo. When Su Mingan walked back, he discovered the twelfth player.

Because the player is hidden in the shadow under the eaves, and he is not even close to the edge of the square, it is not obvious at all. As he got closer, he saw her tutu with creamy lace on the exposed corner, like a Lolita.

"Cough, okay, travelers from the outside world." The mayor saw that the twelve people were quiet, and walked forward tremblingly on crutches: "First of all, welcome to Terry Town, you will be in Terry Town. It took about four days..."

…started reading the rules?

The few gathered players who were chatting in a low voice instantly became quiet, and at the same time, everyone also heard the sound of the system prompting in their ears:

嘘戅 chase yo literature 嘘戅.

Squeeze squeak.

"Sit first, everyone..." The mayor enthusiastically led a dozen people to sit at the long table in the square.

But they clearly smelled an obvious, dry **** smell from the long table, as if blood had penetrated into the wooden table, and it was completely integrated with it.

After the twelve people sat down, many townspeople gradually came to the side of the square. They had simple faces, slightly dark skin, and wore patched clothes. But the smiles on that face were real. They held bamboo baskets in which dew-stained fruits were placed one by one. They all looked like hardworking farmers.

"In order to welcome travelers from the outside world, the townspeople got up early to pick the freshest fruit for everyone. Please don't be too polite." The town mayor smiled, and the big men and women also stepped forward and put the piles of fruit. Fruits that look fresh and delicious are served in front of the players.

"What a beautiful girl, try the strawberries grown by Aunt Ruth." The bloated woman placed the red and bright strawberries in front of Iris and Lin Jiang.

"Welcome, come and try the apples from Terry Town. These are good products to be sent to the city!" Several big men with simple and honest smiles put the apples on top of each other.

"And my little tomato!"

"Travelers, try Terry's freshly picked oranges, it's sweet!"

"..." The shy girl put a stack of fruits in front of Edward, who looked the most handsome among the others, and left with an affectionate expression.

Several dark-skinned young men scratched their heads and blushed, each squinting at the beautiful female players.

The well-behaved and sensible child handed the fruit to the silent Lu Shu, calling him "big brother".

Su Ming'an was still looking at the system panel when he suddenly saw a stack of the most abundant fruit bowl placed in front of him. When he raised his eyes, he saw the mayor who smiled kindly. , the freshest fruit, put in front of yourself.

Several other players saw his special treatment and showed suspicious expressions.

"Dear Traveler No. 1, when the meeting is over, you can come to my house. I have some stories that I want to tell you." The mayor said with a smile.

The bonus of favorability was too obvious, the mayor turned around with a smile, and Su Mingan also felt a few eyes fall over.

The townspeople withdrew after delivering the fruit, and did not stop in the square. Only the mayor remained in place.

The people present here are all the big guys who have rolled and crawled out of the various underworld dungeons, which one is not at all vigilant.

These fruits should belong to different seasons, but at this time they were brought up together, and each one was like freshly picked, so the ghost would believe that there was no problem.

No matter how simple and kind the townspeople looked, they didn't move, only Mizushima Chuanqing seemed to eat a small tomato nonchalantly.

"Everyone is a traveler from afar. Can you introduce yourself first? After the self-introduction, I will tell you the specific rules for moving in the town..." The mayor looked at the twelve people sitting on the long table. Player, his eyes narrowed on No. 1 Su Mingan, showing a hint of friendliness, and then said slowly:

"Then... let's start with Traveler No. 12, in reverse order."

Several people were stunned at the same time. Logically speaking, it should have started from No. 1, but the mayor seemed to be deliberately partial, and let No. 12 speak first.

Hu Huo Pinshu Network vodtw.org Hu Huo. "Then I'll come first?" The girl who was almost identical to Mizushima Kawasora waved her hand with a smile: "Well, although the boring self-introduction is boring, it's not a class team building, but think about it... It seems to be with everyone. It's fun to play together! Of course, except for some people who deliberately want to be close to my sister and don't know what to do..."

Her eyes turned on Su Ming'an, and then she put away the haze that was aimed at him, and said again with a hippie smile:

"I am Mizushima Chuanqing No. 12, Zhai Xing's strongest and most beautiful girl, Kong Kong's best helper, the only existence Kong Kong trusts most, and Kong Kong's perfect, beautiful, good, affection, and human!"

At the same time, several people looked at Mizushima Kawasora, who lowered his head slightly and did not speak, and was a little surprised that she had such a lively and off-line sister.

"...I will never let anyone who dares to approach my sister casually! I will definitely help my sister in this game, and work together to achieve the ultimate and perfect victory! Above!"

Mizushima Kawasora covered his face and let out a sigh from between his fingers.

"It's here, is it my time..." Lin Jiangse on the 11th shrank, her thick bangs almost covered half of her face, the rustic clothes and extremely inferior temperament made her look like a ten-year-old girl The outsider of the two.

"I, I'm number eleven, Lin Jiang..."

As soon as she blurted out, she suddenly called out "ah".

At the same time, the barrage also exploded and brushed up:

scrambling scrambling.

The twelve people moved their gazes towards the edge of the square at the same time, and saw a few townspeople dressed in shabby clothes. They were carrying a bloody, corpse-like "person" coming from the edge of the square. Not yet dead, even though the skin was almost invisible, he could still make a faint moan.

"Exile him! Banish this bastard—!"

"Damn, he's definitely a nasty monster, he killed my White in the night..."

The townspeople, who were originally amiable and amiable, seemed to have changed their appearance at this time, and their eyes seemed to be burning with fervent flames. Those big men and aunts raised their hands and followed behind, forming a long queue, marching towards the central pole like a parade.

They looked at the **** man who was carried by a few men with extremely hateful eyes, as if they were not satisfied with his miserable scene, and they had to cut him with a thousand cuts before giving up.

"What is this... doing?" Noel said. **** snatch

"Ah, did you scare you? I'm sorry, travelers." Facing the terrifying scene of a religious parade, the old town elder actually smiled kindly: "Presumably your guide at night is also with you. Did you say it? Terry is a cursed town... Some of us have been alienated into monsters. They are no different from ordinary townspeople during the day, but every night, they will start to act and choose a townsman Kill... So, every day, we'll hold a rally in the square to push out the person that everyone thinks is the most suspicious and hang that person..."

"But, what reason do you use to deduce the most suspicious person?" Andre asked: "I remember, you can't go out at night, how did you find out who the attacker was?"

"So... it created a dilemma." The mayor sighed in a low voice: "... Because of the curse, we can't go out at night to observe who the alienated monster is. Therefore, we can only guess based on intuition..."

"How can this be so!" Adolf patted the table and stood up with a swoosh, the mercenary-born player still has a sense of justice that does not match his profession: "If it is purely intuitive to judge people Hanging, isn't it that many townspeople are innocent?"

"We can't do anything..." The mayor tapped the ground with his crutches, and helplessness flashed across his wrinkled old face: "...But at least it seems that this is effective, at least the panic of the townspeople has been reduced a lot. "

The players looked towards the square.

The townspeople who were raised high, like a blood-colored flag, let out a faint whimper, while those fanatical townspeople cheered as if they had found a beacon, as if they could return after hanging the man to death. A peaceful life in general. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

"Hang him, hang him!"

With such repeated shouts, the shabby-clad people seemed to see hope in an instant. After hanging the man on the gallows, they looked up with incomparable anticipation as if raising a flag, and then a woman volunteered to kick Open the stool.


"Yeah—" Lin Jiang was trembling with fright, she buried her head between her hands, and didn't dare to lift her head up.

Aini frowned and clenched their fists slightly.

Su Mingan raised his eyelids.

The townsman who was hung up and bloody, his neck was suddenly pulled by the ferrule after falling, and his cervical vertebra was torn off. He turned his head sideways and was paralyzed, but the whole person was still dangling and struggling unconsciously at the end of the rope, like a dying animal.嘘戅Miaoshuyuan

At the moment when he was hanged, the townspeople cheered like an explosion, and the frenzied emotions burned throughout the square. People raised their hands and cheered, hugging each other, as if they had performed some incomparably great ceremony. Hu Hu Miao Shu Yuanmiaoshuyuan.com Hu Hu

"Okay, travelers from the outside world. I'm sorry, I interrupted you because of the unique ritual in the town." The mayor's faint voice called back their attention. His turbid eyes stared at the mahogany table. The shrunken body leaned on the short dragon-headed staff, and the voice was low:

"...Now, you can go ahead and introduce yourself."

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