Welcome Back To the World Game

Vol 2 Chapter 112: "Referendum out"

"Welcome back to the world game (

After the voting ended, Su Mingan waited in the white space for a while, and after a while, he was teleported back by a force.

He opened his eyes and saw that he was still sitting on the No. 1 position, and the other players had also returned. However, unlike before, a voting panel appeared on the mahogany long table.

【(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(9)(10)(11)(12) Players vote (8) Players]

[Player (8) voted for player (4)]

[Player (7) abstains from voting]

[Voting is over, player (8) has the most votes, and player (8) is out. 】

[(8) Player Andre, please post your last words, which should not exceed 90 seconds. 】

"Wh...what?" Andre put his hand on the table, still a little disbelieving: "Wait, wait, I'm not a werewolf! My identity is an ordinary good person! I'm really just an ordinary good person!"

Several players lowered their heads, and Lin Jiang sank his entire head, as if he was afraid to meet his eyes.

"I, I just jumped the guard just to live, I just wanted to live, I'm really not a werewolf..."

When a player made his last words, other players could not speak, so in the huge square, only Andre was almost roaring.

In fact, Andre has never experienced death until now.

Because of his strength and daring to fight, he has always been like a duck to water in the world game. Although he was just an ordinary fitness instructor before the game started, his hobby for survival in the wild has kept him alive.

But now... when he really came to death, even if it wasn't real death, he was afraid.

There was still dark blood on the gallows. The body of the townsman had just been dragged away, and the shoes that had fallen from the struggle were still in place, empty.

"Wait, did something go wrong, why suddenly..."

He wanted to say something else, but the mayor's ghostly figure gradually appeared in front of the twelve people.

"You still have forty seconds to say your last words, travelers from the outside world." The mayor looked at him with a smile: "Please say something useful, to your compatriots."

"Damn it!" Andre gritted his teeth: "Why are you laughing, you old man, do you think you are great? Let us kill each other to bring light to your town? Why do we do this?"

"This is the will of Lord God..." The mayor shook his head: "I can't help it... But I admire your sacrifice, no matter what your identity is, Traveler No. 8."

"—!" Andre clenched his fist: "I thought it was some kind of game, but this kind of discussion is actually a play, it's boring! You, you can play by yourself, and Su Mingan and Lu Shu will play it. I don’t even know if I’m dead! If I’m a werewolf, my whole family will die—!”

"You stick it to your face, stick it, try it, and stick it all over?" Su Mingan glanced at him.

"Travelers from the outside world, please don't speak when others are saying their last words." The mayor said to him, "But we have a good relationship. I can forgive you this time."

Su Mingan smiled lightly and turned his head.

And at this moment, the 90-second last words ended.

Andre instantly found that he couldn't make a sound when he opened his mouth. The next moment, an invisible force dragged his body and suddenly pulled him away from his seat, towards the central gallows.

He seemed to want to roar and shout, but his mouth couldn't make a sound. He seemed to want to break free from the force that bound him, but it was useless. The burly body still moved towards the hanging in an unstoppable manner Pull the rack away.


Finally, he reluctantly twisted his neck and glanced back.

On the bloodstained gallows, a rough noose was slowly wrapping around his neck.

There was clear fear in his eyes, bloodshots spread instantly, and he soon found a stool under his feet, with blood-stained shoes on the stool.

The townspeople appeared out of nowhere. They bowed their heads, chanted words in their mouths, and spoke in a language that others could not understand. They folded their hands and seemed to be praying.

With a very pitiful look, the mayor slowly walked in front of him, and then the dragon head crutches slowly touched the corner of the stool.

"...You were exiled, poor traveler." The mayor sighed slightly, but he did not hesitate in the movement of his hands.


The stool was swung away by a stick, and it made a vibrating sound in the square.

Several unbearable players closed their eyes.

The rope made a sour pulling sound, and the next moment, on the side of Andre's head, who was hanged on the gallows, the force of the fall was suddenly restrained by the rope, and the force it brought out broke his cervical vertebra in an instant!

The neck was suddenly restrained by the rough hemp rope, and the man's body suddenly lost strength, dangling on the rope loop and struggling unconsciously, like a dehydrated fish.

But soon, his figure was completely quiet, and the sky light slowly covered his somewhat dark figure, and the whole person was hanging down like a black crow dying on the hanging platform.

The warm spring wind blew the rope that gradually calmed down.

"Yeah!" Lin Jiang held his head, and was so frightened that he fainted on the table.

The other players finally found that they could leave their seats. They stood up without looking at them, moving as if they had been sitting for a long time.

The barrage in Su Ming'an's live broadcast room has exploded.

In fact, from the moment he said that he was a witch and that Lu Shu was a prophet, the barrage had been in chaos:

【I, rely on... 】

【Really? Really hanged? Woc, this is the top 12 player in the world after all, it's too embarrassing to die...]

[Since entering the world game, my bottom line and three views have been completely refreshed...]

【As an adult, I almost didn't catch my breath... 】

【What is Su Ming'an's identity? ? What a mess this situation is! 】

[Is Andre really a werewolf? I don't think it's really like... He's about to turn over the eighteenth generation of his ancestors. 】

[People play games with their household registration books. They often polish their ancestral graves and stick to their faces. They can't do it, they can't do it. 】

[Lu Shu must be a witch, everyone has seen it, what identity is Brother Ming An... It's hard to say, it's hard to say. 】

[Brother Ming An's smile in the voting booth is too villainous, I feel that this wave is a wolf stepping on a wolf...]

[The witch stands by unconditionally, the advantage is quite large, I think this wave has hope. 】

[Edward should be the real one, Lu Shu is obviously not! Isn't Su Ming'an a wolf? What is there to argue about? 】

[Maybe the true prophet didn't come out, shhh...]


Su Ming'an left his seat without even looking at Andre, who was hanged. He heard the prompt from the system:

[The first day, the daytime referendum session has ended]

[Now enter the free exploration time, you can conduct free actions in the small town of Terry, and look for clues about the opponent's camp and the town's secrets. 】

And the next moment after hearing the system prompt that you can move freely, some familiar fluctuations unfolded in an instant.

...the realm of time.

Su Mingan had long expected that this person would definitely do it, and it was most likely at this time.

He looked opposite.

Edward was walking over from his seat, and beside him, the other top players, who could be called top players, all stopped at the moment when the azure blue field was unfolding.

As soon as the azure blue field spread, only Su Mingan and him were left.

"...You really have no brains, Edward." Su Mingan said.

...It is undeniable that Edward was really shaped quite successfully by those people.

At the end of the first world and the second world, there are still many players on the list who have real materials. But when the original group gradually gathered, Zhai Xingshang's original power gradually gathered.

... and then gradually appeared artificial "top players" like Edward.

Although people realize that once the one-year world game is over, Zhai Xing's pattern will change greatly, and some of the original status and wealth will gradually lose value.

However, as far as the player's current combat effectiveness is concerned, it is still limited to the strength of the individual, far from being able to resist guns and nuclear bombs.

...This means that people still have confidence in the original Zhai Xing power.

After the initial period of chaos, once the assembly in the world of the Lord God is completed, the group can choose those who were lucky enough to have never failed and who were originally under their control, and gather resources to make the strong stronger.

Instead of looking up to face the organizers who seem to be unable to resist, it is better to take advantage of this opportunity to grab the big ones and seize the opportunity to re-rank all the forces on Zhai Xing.

...Edward is such a product.

As a young man in his twenties, he is not outrageously strong.

It's just that behind the players on the list... there are many people behind the scenes.

Although there are still concerns about whether players will be out of control, there are still variables in reality.

But it is undeniable that it seems to be a success now.

Edward's desire for the position of "First Player" seems to have far exceeded the consideration of the overall situation.

He was fascinated by words, halos and flowers. He thought he was born noble and had a group of fans attracted by his power.

...but he did not recover from the sudden change in the world.

The young man's pursuit of Xeon's blood is a good catalyst for him to think that he is righteous and bright, but he gradually falls.

Whether it is Zhai Xing or World Games, he is just a marionette in the hands of some people.

"I should have persuaded you long ago." Su Ming'an said.

As early as in his essays in the third world, he used words to persuade the other party... but obviously, they didn't see it, but thought it was a declaration of war.

A person who only has "Xeon" in his mind and has no overall situation becomes the sharpest knife.

So now... he doesn't want to give in because the other party is a perfect clearance.

...the other party is worthless.

"It's inexplicable." Edward didn't want to talk to this strange person, so he stepped on the mahogany table and rushed over.

The barrage in the live room is fluid. Su Mingan noticed that there were still many people posting bullet screens.

This means that Edward's time-stop is not a real time-stop, and it cannot affect the main **** space. It may be just an isolated area in essence. Within a certain range, the time of the two of them has been slowed down.

This means...the other party is not that invincible.

"Did you forget that I still have a bottle of poison in my hand." Su Mingan didn't move, looking up at him.

"Are you a witch?" Edward pointed at him with a questioning expression.

"At least you shouldn't be a werewolf." Su Ming'an said: "Edward, I know you want to defeat me, but regardless of the overall situation of the faction, will it really help you to rise to the top - hunter."

Edward's expression froze slightly.

Although he wasn't stupid enough to shout "How do you know I'm a hunter?", the shock of his identity being revealed suddenly surged up.

... Players will clearly only know their own identity.

But the other party...

"No one understands the jumping prophet with you. You know yourself that you are a false prophet, and I am a real witch. Lu Shu was killed on the first day, and he is a true prophet." Su Mingan said: "You can Kill me here, my avatar will act as well at night, sprinkle poison on you, Lu Shu will be stabbed again - are you really confident that you can win the final victory of the good people's camp?"

Edward's hand holding the sword tightened slightly.

There was a smile on his face, with a hint of unspeakable sarcasm in the smile: "...You will disregard the overall situation and sprinkle poison on me?"

He admitted that he was a hunter, although he didn't know how the other party guessed his identity.

Edward knew that Su Mingan was an extremely fanatical person for overall victory, so he could use this threat to exchange the big picture for small profits... He never thought that one day Su Mingan would destroy the overall situation for pure revenge.

...because of the opponent's tolerance, so he has no fear.

Edward knew that killing the opponent with combat power could not completely take over the title of "Number One Player", so he had to rule out this unstable factor first - after all, Su Ming'an still had a hand in finding clues.

He needs to rule out the possibility of this person rushing to clear the level before him, and then lead the camp to clear the level with pure single-handedness.

...because Edward was a latecomer.

So he had to prove - this world game~www.wuxiaspot.com~ can do without Su Mingan.

"Who knows." Su Ming'an said in an almost joking tone: "Don't force me, or I'll be "blackened" too - especially for players who are worthless like you."

The barrage is both worried and funny at this time:

【ohhhhh! Congratulations to Comrade Edward, in Mingxin, he has been downgraded from a "lighthouse" to a "player of little value"!!]

[It’s really miserable, it’s okay to lose value completely. 】

[This is disheartening, da no! 】

[I'm so panicked... Why do I feel that there is a problem with this wave...]

【Su Mingan is definitely a wolf! Otherwise, why would he wear witch clothes and say he was a prophet at night... and how did he know that Edward was a hunter... It was inexplicable. 】

[No matter what his identity is, he can't beat Edward? ! 】

[Su Ming'an has too much information, he must have a special identity...]

[Why can't it be someone who has a strong identity? 】

【What's the use? Died here now. 800 to 1200, I can't do it. 】


"Kill you first, then go find your clone." Edward said lightly, "You can't lie to me, you are not a real witch, Lu Shu, this dead dog, insists on following you and becomes a dazed witch. Nothing to say."

"Kill me first, then kill Lu Shu?" Su Mingan nodded: "Very good, congratulations, Edward. As a good player, you have to kill two good players in a row. I would like to call you the No. Five wolves."

Edward doesn't want to talk nonsense anymore, this person can really talk.

However, just before swinging the sword, he heard the other party say:


"...If that's the case, then I'll do my best."

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