Welcome Back To the World Game

Vol 2 Chapter 113: · "Self-knife?"

"Welcome back to the world game (

Su Mingan stretched out his hand.

He is now in "Shadow State", with 85 mental points and 1700 mana.

Coupled with the spirit point bonus from the "Aurora Ring", he can temporarily expand his spirit points to 123 points.


[The Ring of Aurora (Purple): This is the brightest future and the gentlest curse.

Lucky + Level 3 (the highest must not exceed A)

Spirit +5

Durability: 45

Equipment requirements: none

Special Skill (Morning Light): Every 5% of your HP can be temporarily converted into 2 Spirit, and the minimum HP cannot be lower than 5%. The conversion ratio will change as the level increases. 】


The original introduction of the Aurora Ring is to convert 1 point of spirit for every 5% of HP. When I look at it now, it has become a 2 o'clock spirit.

He guessed that this might have something to do with his own level. In the first order, the conversion is 1 point of spirit, and in the second order, it is 2 points.

If 95% of the blood volume is completely converted, 123 mental points... He may not have the power to fight.

It's really not good, leaving some mana, he can use three medium-distance spatial displacements, enough to get rid of Edward.

...he never worried about being killed during the day.

Facing the stabbing blade, the fluctuation of space appeared in an instant.


【HP-1170! (Mind suppression! Spell resistance! Special spell shield resistance!)]

With this blow, Su Ming'an injected a full 1,400 spirit points, and the rest was left for him to move.

He thought that this blow would at least make the opponent incapacitated, but at the moment when the spatial fluctuations passed, a milky white shield appeared on the opponent.

... It turns out that the opponent has more than one set of equipment.

For physical defense and legal defense, this person really has both hands ready.

"It's really extravagant." Su Mingan sighed with emotion - the equipment he has now is still standard, and Edward actually used it.

But at the same time, he also had some ideas in his mind.

...someone will support Edward and prepare equipment for him.

So what if you, as the "first player", also need equipment?

...will someone provide it for themselves?

The price to pay is too high, at least you need to buy a copy positioning device, and you can give yourself the equipment after you arrive at your side... He is not sure that there are people who really like him so much, and they like him until they pay all the points.

... Those viewers, aren't they just talking?

Su Mingxin has some ideas in his mind, and when the fourth world is over, maybe he can try it.

He noticed that Edward stopped his original movements even though he was not knocked unconscious by this blow.

He immediately prepared to activate the spatial displacement, and waited until the mana returned to find a way.

...Can't beat a wave, you can go to the A stream.

If the time domain can be maintained, then he will have no problem entanglement with Edward here. After all, the other party is not a useful person, it is a trouble, and the trouble needs to be dealt with appropriately.

"You..." Edward was a little speechless by the momentary spatial tremor, but this did not prevent him from being shocked by the strength of the blow.

He looked at his blood bar with some fear - there were only more than 300 points of blood left.

Although if the opponent attacks again, he also has props to use, but if the opponent also leaves behind... It's hard to say in the end. Maintaining the time domain requires continuous mana consumption... He can't wait.

Just when he was in a dilemma, he suddenly felt a little fluctuation in his time domain.


A small blond head that seemed to be dazzling by the sun's rays came in, and his hands tore open a blue field, as if leaning over from the outside world. When he saw the two facing each other, his smile remained unchanged, as warm as the rising sun:

"...So you all came here."

"Noel?" Su Mingan glanced at him.

"You want to meddle in your own business?" Edward looked at Nuoer vigilantly - this person is also one of the odds among the top players on the list, at least the person standing behind Nuoer, he hasn't figured it out yet, the purpose shown by Nuoer, also It has always been unknown, as if she was simply taking an adventure.

...but he didn't believe there would be such an optimist.

"Edward, this is not a nosy." Noel made a "shush" gesture with his finger, and said softly, as if telling a fairy tale to a child: "--For the final victory of the good people camp, you still don't want to be intimidated. Dou, let's find clues and push the werewolf together!"

"You are hypocritical enough." Edward said coldly: "You have no idea about the first position?"

As "the second child of ten thousand years", Nuoer, who has firmly occupied the second position from the beginning, has always been talked about by players.

After all... Su Ming'an can be said to be the "No. 1 player" in the official certification. There is no problem with ranking the first in the list with low combat power. Then Noel... A player who has not even completed all the perfect customs clearance, why is he ranked in front of Edward?

Edward is also very confused, so he has not acted rashly.

"Naturally... I have no idea!" Noel smiled and spread out his hands: "I just want to enjoy the adventure and enjoy the game, and I want to use my mind to solve the puzzle. Whoever thinks of it will suddenly reach this position. However, there is one thing I am very confused. ——Why do you always keep staring at other people's positions? Edward. Pressing people with pure combat power can't solve any problems. Everyone has seen Su Ming'an all the way. It is officially certified and recognized by players... You want to replace him, Unless you can prove that you are more aggressive than the first player."

"Courage?" Edward snorted coldly, "He has it too?"

"At least...for me, he has." Noel tore open the time domain and stepped in, surrounded by pale golden light: "Look, the two of you are facing each other, won't I come to help him? "

"Are you the same as Lu Shu's licking dog?"

"...No." A transparent light cannon appeared in Noel's hand, and he looked at Edward seriously: "...I'm just fighting for my own preferences."

The light cannon in Noel's hand gradually condensed into a halo.

Edward's brows wrinkled, he quickly raised his hand, the blue light flashed, and the time domain was withdrawn.

... He wasn't sure he could play against the two at the same time.

Although he didn't know what Noel was thinking, he could only back down for the time being.

The surrounding blue dimmed for a moment, returning to the original color of the world. Those who were still there reappeared, and they noticed the scene here for a moment.

"Hey, hey? The bad guys are fighting! Good!" Mizushima Chuanqing was the first to exclaim excitedly, and she slapped the table top like a drum: "Congratulations! The great elder sister will win the final victory...uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..."

Mizushima Chuankong covered her mouth with a solemn expression: "...Noel?"

Although I don't know why the three suddenly fought, but looking at this position... It's obvious that Nuoer is on Su Ming'an's side.

"Good luck for you." Edward didn't mean to stay here at all. He knew that in the public, he couldn't openly kill a "witch" who was recognized by everyone. After taking back the time domain, he looked at it coldly. Su Mingan glanced at it, and immediately walked towards the other side of the square.

"It's nothing, it's Edward who has to disregard the overall situation and attack the first player." Noel said with a smile: "Su Ming'an is a witch, how could I let the priesthood die, so I shot - of course, it doesn't rule me out. personal wishes.”

He looked at Su Ming'an who was beside him, and happened to see that the other party was also looking at the back of his hand.

"I know, I know, I have no value, right, it doesn't matter, I just don't want this fun game to be destroyed by Edward..." Noel retracted the hand with the perfect clearance stripe.


He met the very serious eyes of the first player.

"...You guys are very valuable." Su Mingan looked at him: "Thank you."

The next moment, Su Ming'an turned around and immediately headed towards the town.

"Hey...?" Nuoer and a few others were a little surprised. He scratched his face and noticed that the barrage was frantically brushing the content of "Yao Shou, the first player feels like a human being!" and smiled. , vaguely aware of something.

"That's... not bad," he whispered, suddenly feeling the watch on his wrist vibrate.

【(99, 109, 2)】

A line of numbers appeared on his own watch.

【Here comes. 】

After entering this line of words, he glanced at the others who were still wandering in the square, gathered into a few small gangs, and walked towards the town by himself.


The doors and windows of the house in front of him were tightly closed, and even the cracks in the door were tightly covered.

Su Mingan tried to move in space, but it seemed like there was an isolated space inside, so he couldn't move in.

...an inaccessible house, an indestructible building.

Terry Town seems to have stipulated a range where players can move, and they are not allowed to enter many places.

"--Wait a moment."

He suddenly heard a familiar voice behind him.

Lu Shu followed.

There was a little doubt in his eyes.

"...Su Ming'an, what is your identity?"

After the sudden exchange of identities during the referendum, Lu Shu already felt unusual.

"Didn't you say it?" Su Mingan retracted his gaze from observing the wooden door and looked at him: "I am a prophet."

"Tell me, tell the truth." Lu Shu looked earnestly: "I don't care whether you are a good person or a werewolf, I just want to help you, you tell me your true identity, so that I can better cooperate with you."

"I'll say it again, Lu Shu." Su Mingan looked at him seriously: "I am a prophet."

"Okay, I believe you." Lu Shu nodded and stopped asking: "Then what should I do next? Andre No. 8...is it really the werewolf you investigated?"

Su Mingan glanced back and saw that the other players had already scattered towards the town to explore. At this time, the street was only a branch near the southeast corner of Terry Town, which seemed to have been in ruins for a long time, and there was no one inhabited.

Su Mingan retracted his gaze.

"No," he said.

"Ah? Could it be that Andre is a good person? In this case, we are very likely to kill a good player...?" Lu Shu remembered the look in Su Ming'an's eyes during the referendum at that time.

At that time, Su Ming'an was watching Andre shaking his head gently, which led him to think that Su Ming'an meant - "Andre is a werewolf".

"Maybe." Su Ming'an said: "Last night, I chose to check No. 12, Mizushima Chuanqing. The leader, Anliana, told me that she is a good person."

"In this way, Edward No. 3, he also said that he is a prophet, then he must be a werewolf..."

"Neither." Su Ming'an said, "He is like a hunter."

"Hunter, hunter?" Lu Shu was stunned.

"I'm the player who died on the first night. Have you ever seen a werewolf pretending to be a prophet, claiming that the person who was killed was a werewolf? If so, it would be difficult to win the witch's trust." Su Ming'an said: "Edward is like a A good man of status, that is, one of the four [clerics]. He doesn't know who died on the first night, but he is confident that he will not be out, and he hates me, so he wants to do everything he can to get me out - whatever Whether I am in the same camp as him, no matter what identity I will be.

Combined with this confidence, he is more like a hunter than a guard who has no ability to prove his identity. "

"So that's the case... So you told me not to expose him..." Lu Shu understood.

"The high probability of death tonight will be you or Edward, because you two good people are fighting each other's prophets, and the werewolf may choose to kill one of you, so that the other will be out of the game in the daytime tomorrow." Su Mingan said: " So I asked you to dance the prophet for me just now... Because at least, I can't die tonight, I still have things to do, I can only wrong you. "

"It's okay, as long as it's not you who died, I'm fine."

Lu Shu felt that there was nothing wrong with what Su Mingan said, but he vaguely felt that he had let go of some mistakes.

"Then since I'm likely to die tonight, am I going to use the poison..."

"No, you can't die." Su Mingan led him to the corner of the town: "...because ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I have already pinpointed who the guard is. Let her guard you, and you will be safe tonight. ."

The two walked, but the discussion on the barrage didn't stop:

[It's not right, Brother Ming An is wrong. 】

[There is something wrong with his logic. Werewolves know the edge of the knife, and witches can't save themselves. They must know that he is not a witch. 】

[Not necessarily, Su Mingan has clone skills! In a sense, it can replace the antidote for witches. 】

[Only I think that he is just lying to Brother Lu Shu... Although it seems that he did not pay much attention to the deception. 】

[Do you think Su Mingan is lying, he is a wolf? So he killed himself? Blindly kill yourself on the first night? Is Su Ming'an the kind of person who entrusts the opportunity to others? are you kidding me? 】

[Not necessarily... Maybe the other three werewolves wanted to kill him regardless of the faction...? The werewolves jointly decide who to kill at night, and the one with the most votes wins... If the other three werewolves want to kill Su Mingan...]

【What are you doing! What are you doing! Not so annoying! 】

[I think the first player is pretty good now, and I even think he is more suitable than Edward in all aspects...]

[Wait a minute, did the real prophet dive because he was afraid of death and didn't come out yet? I feel the first player is the wolf! 】

[Impossible, any of the top twelve players are afraid of death... Oh, it seems that there are. 】


Lu Shu raised his head.

He saw the girl from the Dragon Kingdom shrinking in front of him, her eyes almost hidden in the thick bangs, and she was looking at the two of them cautiously in a state of wanting to shrink her body into the wall.

"Player number one, you, you came to me, what are you doing..." Lin Jiang folded his arms and bowed like a shrimp, his calves trembling.

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