Welcome Back To the World Game

Vol 2 Chapter 120: · Day 2 · Daytime

"Welcome back to the world game (

"...I saw your so-called exiles during the day, and I know that there must be innocent souls among those people. But just to satisfy the prayers of the vast majority of people, to satisfy the advancement of the entire town, they were suddenly sacrificed, and this Sacrifice does not require their own consent." Su Ming'an tilted his head, his tone suddenly increased: "...Do you think such a system is reasonable?"

"I, I..." Jasmine bit her lip, her hand nervously grabbed the red veil on her body, her lips smeared all over her mouth in a mess: "...This, this is all arranged by the townspeople, I don't Clear... I, I seem to have forgotten a lot of things, but as soon as I wake up at night, I'll show up in the coffin in this dress... I don't know about the rest... I'm really, really nothing knowledge……"

Su Mingan stood up slowly, and he saw faint sunlight streaming in through the crack of the door, it was the color of Chenhui.

...is it almost morning?

It's time for exile again.

He had already confirmed that there were no additional clues in this ancestral hall, only this suddenly appeared Jasmine. Now that he finally raised his favorability, he had to get something from her.

"Night? What are you doing during the day?" he asked cautiously.

"..." Jasmine lowered her head.

The morning light poured in little by little, and the circle around her neck was shining brightly, a little dazzling.

"I don't remember," she said very softly.

"..." Su Ming'an vaguely sensed whether his favorability was still not up to the standard.

The light of the morning light poured in, and Jasmine raised her head.

"You, hurry up." She suddenly came over and pushed him, in a posture that could not be refused.

With a "squeak", the tightly locked wooden door suddenly opened. At the same time, Su Ming'an also heard the distant ringing of a bell in the square.


It's almost time for exile.

He glanced at Jasmine, wanting to ask something more, but after being pushed out of the door by her, he saw that her hands started to get hot and red when they touched Chenhui, as if they were about to ignite spontaneously.

"I can't leave here." Her eyes were wet, with wet red blood streaks in them. She looked at herself with clear eyes, with a little urgent desire: "Your story is very interesting. Come find me tonight... okay?"

"..." Before Su Mingan could answer, he saw the wooden door suddenly closed in front of him.


The bells of the square came lingeringly, and the time for exile was almost here.

He turned around and walked towards the square, thoughtfully.


The long table in the square is already full of ten players.

Su Ming'an became the last person to take a seat, and the moment he arrived at the square, several secretive glances came over.

"...Su Ming'an." He heard Lu Shu's voice next to him, and when he raised his head, he saw that Lu Shu's face was a little solemn.

"Look over there." Lu Shu said.

Su Ming'an turned his head and looked to the right. He saw that there was only a pool of blood left on the cross that was supposed to hang Andre's body.

"Someone even stole corpses..." Iris snorted softly: "There shouldn't be such a bad taste among us."

"If it's cute Noel, I may still be interested." Mizushima Chuanqing giggled with a smile: "Andre, that stupid big guy, who would want it, it's just adding garbage to his room - or non-recyclable garbage. You are right, big sister~"

Mizushima Chuankong turned her head away, she didn't seem to want to speak.

She has been paying attention to Su Ming'an's eyes... She exposed herself in the attack last night, this guy... I will definitely try my best to expose her today, I don't know if their plan will be successful today...

But today...how does this person look a little dumb?

"...Su Ming'an, did you rest last night?" Nuoer, who was next to him, asked in a low voice, but his voice was very clear on the long table.

It seemed like a thoughtful greeting, but there was a hint of temptation on the long table of exile.

"Well..." Su Mingan rubbed his eyes, raised his eyes, saw Mizushima Chuankong's nervous appearance, and smiled: "...Indeed, I am quite worried that I will die at night, after all, I am a witch who uses an antidote. Ah, can't save myself. But it looks like it's Christmas Eve and no one's dying...that's great."

Mizushima Chuankong was slightly stunned.

...Why didn't this person expose her?

He has revealed his identity since last night. He is also a recognized witch. There is a high probability that others will believe what he said. Why is he letting her go like he is taking it lightly?

"Okay, there are still twenty-seven minutes before the voting time." Adolf said, the mercenary has always been mature and stable: "Two prophets, first report your inspection last night."

All eyes were focused on the two people on the long table.

"—First let me explain, I'm not a prophet." Edward shrugged: "I originally wanted to try to get this guy Su Mingan out first, but he's already a recognized witch... I won't bother. It's muddy water."

"You, you are not a prophet, why did you make trouble yesterday!" Iris frowned: "Edward, we don't care about your personal grievances with Su Ming'an, but if you belong to the good people camp, you shouldn't do this kind of random investigation. murder."

"Edward is not necessarily a good person." Mizushima Chuankong said indifferently: "If he is a werewolf who is about to jump into the prophet, and the killing is sent to the head of the real witch and stepped on the steel plate, it is possible to find an opportunity to withdraw now. "

"Also, even if Edward voluntarily withdraws, Lu Shu may not be a true prophet." Aini said, "A true prophet...may still not dare to jump out..."

"Yes, or...let Lu Shu report for the inspection first, whether he is a true prophet or not." Lin Jiang shrank and said in a low voice, not daring to raise his eyes at all.

"Last night I checked... it was Aini No. 10." Lu Shu paid attention to Su Ming'an's gestures, sat up straight and said, "He is a good man."

"?? What do I do?" Aini looked puzzled, "Do I look like a bad guy": "The most you should test are those two people who don't speak and paddle! They look better than anyone else. suspicious!"

Lin Jiang was suddenly cued, and the whole person seemed to be shrinking under the table, but Yamada Machi was still silent, holding the corner of his skirt with both hands, his eyes darkened.

"So no matter whether Lu Shu is a real prediction or not, is there still no other prophet who jumped out?" Adolf rubbed his temples, looking helpless: "Then we can only trust Lu Shu for the time being..."

"I care more about this than this..."

At this moment, Edward's eyes were firmly locked on Su Ming'an, who had been silent for a while, with a deep exploration.

"...You are a witch on the bright side, and you can't save yourself. Su Ming'an." Edward's eyes were cold, with strong suspicion: "Why...you didn't die last night?"

Everyone immediately turned their attention to it. It stands to reason that if there were no accidents, it should have been Su Mingan who died last night, but now everyone has come to the long table safely...

Mizushima Kawasora clenched her fists, she was a little nervous.

"It's time to ask the guard." Su Mingan said with a smile: "Perhaps, last night, a dear guard guarded me and let me be safe?"

"But you are a witch, a witch with a bottle of poison." Iris said, "Yesterday Edward and Lu Shu fought each other, shouldn't you use the poison to kill Edward who is a werewolf in your eyes?"

"Why should I kill Edward with poison?" Su Ming'an said strangely, "I won't die at night anyway, so leave a bottle of poison and use it when the situation becomes clearer, isn't it good?"

"...I don't understand what you're thinking, I think there's a good chance of you dying last night..."

"So, can you find a new witch and dance with me?" Su Mingan looked at him with a smile: "I'm the only witch on the field, do you want someone to expose me? If there is no one else Oppose me, then I am a real witch. Miss Iris, why are you targeting me like this?"

Iris' voice choked, her fingers hooked on the table unnaturally, and then turned her face away.

"...Okay, let's put my current status on this for now. Su Ming'an is a real witch, and Lu Shu is a real prophet. Then Andre, who was exiled yesterday, is a real werewolf, and Aini, who was checked by the prophet as a good man, is a real werewolf. What a nice person." Noel smiled and made a conclusion. He didn't seem to be worried at any time, and treated the game like a real board game. He spread his hands and smiled innocently: "—Then, we Today, who should be exiled?"

The long table fell silent.

People looked at each other, but no one made a sound.

At this moment, a footstep sounded from the edge of the square.

The mayor, carrying a basket of fruits, walked slowly on crutches, and behind him, a beautiful girl with braided hair bowed her head slightly.

"Outside travelers, have we discussed the result?" Looking at the players who didn't pay attention to him for a while, the mayor was not annoyed, but motioned for the girl to put the fruit in front of the players and said with a smile: "Don't worry everyone, evil can't be hidden. We always believe that you will be able to find the hateful monsters from the hidden shadows and drive them out..."

The person who placed the fruit was Jasmine, but at this time she was not wearing the gorgeous red gauze at night, but the rustic apron that was the first day during the day. She smiled shyly and acted as if she didn't know Su Mingan. When she put the fruit in front of him, Su Mingan paid attention to her expression.

The barrage is also rolling:

【Jasmine! It's Jasmine! 】

[It's weird, didn't she say she couldn't leave the ancestral hall...]

【Could it be that there are two Jasmine? ? Twins? 】

[I feel that the difference is quite big...]

[This mayor is so annoying, kidnapping morally with a smile on his face, why should our bosses help you die! 】

[So why does Su Mingan say that he is a witch? The witch is obviously Lu Shu? What is he? ? ? 】


"...Jasmine?" Su Mingan called out softly and met Jasmine's somewhat shy look.

The moment he saw this look, he understood that this was not the Jasmine of the night.

That jasmine in the night, her eyes are also pure white and clear, but the emotions that leaked out are like a clear spring that has never been polluted. She is like a piece of white paper, not smeared with any color, so whatever he said. She believed everything, and she accepted any idea he said, as if she had never touched anything, with the purity of birth.

... However, the Jasmine in front of him, he did not see the clarity of spring water in her eyes.

His call was stopped, and he watched her pass him with a smile, without saying a word.

That's right, the mayor's daughter, how could she lie in a cold coffin at night?

...is it a stand-in? Let an innocent girl die for her?

Su Ming'an was not afraid to speculate about everything in this small town with the greatest malicious intent.

"By the way, travelers." The mayor seemed to mention this sentence inadvertently: "...If there is no result in the discussion during the day, you can also choose to abstain from voting and no one will be out."

"Is this...is this okay?" Lin Jiang raised his head, and there was some brilliance in his eyes.

"Yes, in this way, there will be no innocent people who may be wronged out of the game..." The mayor smiled, the wrinkles twisted into one piece: "But... the monsters at night will not be kind, and there will still be innocent people at night. Those who die. But, travelers... the choice is yours, you must understand that if you want to win the final victory of the camp, you must let innocent people "learn" to sacrifice..."

He said, turned around slowly, and the dragon head crutches made a dull tapping sound on the ground. After delivering the fruit, Jasmine bowed deeply to the people on the table, and then walked out of the square with the help of the hunched old man.

"...What do you think?" Iris looked back and said aloud.

"Right now, the only good people are Su Ming'an, Lu Shu, and Aini." Nuoer tapped the table with his fingers: "There are four werewolves... In addition to Andre on the first day, there are three... good people against werewolves. , eight to three, it seems, is still an acceptable number..."

"Noel, do you mean to abstain from voting?" Aini looked somewhat disapproving.

"Otherwise, who do you want to suspect? Ani." Noel's voice was very light.

Aini's voice was stagnant, he had already had suspicions, but he couldn't say it.

...In fact, no matter how you look at it, it must have been Edward who jumped the prophet yesterday, and suddenly said no today, more suspicious.

But... Ernie couldn't say he doubted Edward.

Before the game started, he and Edward were on the same front and had nothing to do with the faction. The people above even told him that even if he failed, he must support Edward to succeed...

In fact, many of the people present were inextricably linked with Edward.

Even if everyone doubts Edward today... Edward probably won't get out of the game.

In this game... the difference between camps doesn't seem to be that important.

Because the real camp... was decided long before the game started.


"...Then abstain from voting." Aini let go of his fists and said such words as if he was relieved.

He felt a sense of relief for a moment.

It seems that at this moment... the sense of victory and defeat is not so strong.

He suddenly realized that the self who had been chasing the title of "Number One Player" feverishly before was still too naive and thought too little.

Some things are simply not accessible to the forward-looking self like this.

"Abstain from voting, alright..." Lin Jiang lowered his head and twitched his fingers, trembling with fear.

"Abstaining from the vote is really good. Once someone secretly votes, we will directly make him a wolf." Iris agreed.

"However, abstention is just a slow death, and there will be people dying at night..." Adolph seemed to disagree.

"Then what to do~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Who do you suspect? You say?" Edward gave him a cold look.

Adolf clenched his hands and lowered his head silently.

No one asked the true prophet's opinion.

Lu Shu seemed to be isolated, and remained silent until the time of the voting, and no one suggested that the true prophet be returned to the vote.

"Let's do it for now. There are quite a lot of good people. We will see who dies tomorrow, narrow the scope of the investigation, and then go to vote." Noel said, setting the tone for abstention today.

"Hmph, you are not allowed to vote! Whoever votes to be killed by a wolf!" Mizushima Chuanqing blinked, gearing up, as if she really wanted to find someone to fight.

Looking at this scene, the barrage is very puzzled:

【...Abstain from voting? Can this work? Why do I feel weird? 】

[It's not like what these great gods can do... I smell a conspiracy. 】

[Why is Brother Ming An so quiet? 】

【Have these big guys discussed it in advance? I feel that Su Mingan and Lu Shu have no room to speak at all...]

【You must not abstain from voting! If the werewolf rushes out one more time, and then slashes another one at night, they will be kidnapped! 】

[It's not right, it's really not right... Will Su Mingan also choose to abstain from voting? This obviously doesn't work...]


The red candle on the table gradually burned to the bottom.


[Now is the first day, daytime, and referendum]

【Please select the number of your suspect】

Su Ming'an looked at the small space in front of him, the red number barrel was bloody, and it gave people the illusion of being hot.

His fingers fumbled on the number plate number five, and then he suddenly felt a dizziness in his vision.


The number plate rolled to the ground, and Su Mingan squatted down slowly while supporting the edge of the small space.

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