Welcome Back To the World Game

Vol 2 Chapter 121: · "Kidnapping"

"Welcome back to the world game (

...the clones died too many times.

Too many deaths.

Recently, his mental state has been getting worse and worse... From the third world, he felt a dizziness that almost engulfed him. Although it was relieved during the discussion with Jasmine last night, but This discomfort was always there, almost pulling him to indulge.

As if he was about to pull himself down, the drowsiness that swept over made it difficult for him to concentrate these days... But fortunately, he could still think normally.

He was panting, his field of vision was red, and the barrage scrolling in the upper right corner was going crazy, even if he didn't need to look at it, he knew that the content was either caring or gloating.

He leaned against the wall and stood up slowly.

...there is no way out.

After all, he didn't know if he was still on the right path.

Whether... the result will give him a blow to the head, tell him that your wish has already been set, and this self-righteous effort is just a good stage effect.

However, if, in the end, that goal cannot be achieved, if I become the "agent" of the organizer, and become someone who can control Zhai Xing...?


He suddenly took out the knife and slashed **** his arm. The pain made him wake up from the fog in an instant, and it seemed that the dizziness had also receded a lot.

His eyes were instantly clear, and when he stood up from the ground, cold sweat slowly fell from his forehead.

...how could I have such a thought?

It's inexplicable, it's really inexplicable... This kind of thinking makes him extremely disgusting, it runs counter to his original intention, and just thinking about it makes him extremely hate himself like this.

He didn't even know himself—why would such a thought arise from the bottom of his mind.

...Maybe he's about to lose his mind, he has to settle down quickly.

Perhaps, in later levels, he needs to find some props that can stabilize his mental state...

His arm was dripping with bright red blood, his fingers rubbed the number plate, and then he stared at the bright red number bucket.


The transmitted white light flashed.

Su Mingan returned to the long table, and the referendum was over.

The voting information is completely hung on the long table, showing everyone's voting object clearly.

There was a flash in his eyes.

[Player (2) (5) (9) (11) (12) voted for player (3)]

[Player (3) votes for player (5)]

【(1)(4)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10) Players abstain from voting]

[Voting is over, player (3) has the most votes, and player (3) is out. 】

[Edward, player (3), please post your last words, which should not exceed 90 seconds. 】


Edward's hand rested on the table, and he stood up in an instant.

The eyes of the other players were also full of fear, and only a few had a clear expression on their faces.

It was clearly stated that they would abstain from voting, but some people actually voted, and it seems that there are still quite a few.

...is the werewolves collectively rushing to vote.

They also imagined such a situation, but excluding Andre, who was killed and exiled, there were at most three werewolves. Even if the tickets were charged, they could buy one for one and kill the exposed werewolves at that time.

But... why, there are five votes?

On the long table, several people who voted had different expressions. Mizushima Chuankong tilted her head, her black hair covered her profile, Iris turned her eyes away, and her fingers bent unnaturally. Lin Jiang still lowered her head, but her shoulders No longer trembling so frequently, Mizushima Chuanqing smiled, as if she had expected this ending.

A clear puzzlement finally appeared on Edward's face. He looked at the people who voted and said angrily:

"It's not that you agreed to vote yourself, you, you guys actually—"

Edward is in the good guys camp.

Just yesterday during the day, he threatened Mizushima Chuankong and other werewolves in the background, asking them to give their identity information.

He thought he was in control of the overall situation, knew the identities of the vast majority of people, and could freely control the voting process.

The scene of the counter-attack appeared clearly in front of him.

The werewolves didn't take him to the top as he said.

Instead...without hesitation, and even pulling the votes of other good people, collectively voted Edward out.

They wanted him to lose...even combined, and today, they wanted him to die.

"Edward, figure it out." Noel straightened his body, his sea-blue eyes were still deep, as if they were clear from beginning to end, and his smile was pure, as if he was happy for this interesting game: " This is no longer your Zhai Xing who was controlled by the group, this is a brand new world. Don't think that your threat method is still effective against us - the werewolves have already kidnapped the ticket, my dear, you... have lost."

The player's last words time, originally other people could not intervene.

But the current situation is already obvious... werewolves kidnapped tickets, the number of werewolves is greater than or equal to good people, so no one stopped Noel's words.

The mayor stood at the very edge of the square with his head bowed, and Jasmine's eyes also looked a little gloomy.

The sun shines on the dragon-headed cane in his hand, and it glows with golden red light.

"Well...that's the case." Su Mingan looked at this scene and nodded: "So, the werewolves are Nuoer, Mizushima Chuankong, Iris, Lin Jiang, and ... Mizushima Chuanqing? Five werewolves? I remember Shui Shimagawa Haru is a good person I checked, are you being coerced?"

"No—you're wrong, Su Ming'an."

Mizushima Kawaharu suddenly interrupted him.

She bent her brows, her eyes were full of starlight, and her smile was extremely bright: "There has never been any coercion - in this game, in fact, there is still an extremely beautiful love - that is how you love dear sister so much. me!"

She spread her hands and looked a little crazy: "The faction that my elder sister is in... I must follow forever! Even if I am a good person, my elder sister is a werewolf, wherever my elder sister is, I will follow wherever—"

"...So you have to vote with her, doesn't it matter if you lose?" Su Mingan looked at her.

Mizushima Chuanqing's eyes suddenly darkened, and she licked her lips, as if she couldn't wait: "A self-centered person like you won't understand at all...Su Ming'an, you damned person who dares to spy on your sister, I I've been eyeing you for a long time... You are really dead, and you couldn't die for two consecutive nights... But it doesn't matter, we have already seen through your tricks, even if you and Lu Shu exchange identities, it doesn't matter... The werewolf has already kidnapped the ticket. , the so-called No. 1 player... it's nothing more than that - an unbelievable prophet."

"Ah." Lu Shu finally spoke, his voice seemed a little dull: "Su Ming'an...So you are really a prophet."

"I said it long ago, I have always been." Su Ming'an pointed at the table: "If that guy Edward hadn't sent me a kill on the first day, I wouldn't have to be so tired."

And just as the two of them were talking, Adolf on the side clenched his fists slowly.

"Andre...not a werewolf?"

He murmured, looked at him suddenly, stood up like a mountain, knocked over the chair and rushed over, as if he was about to punch Su Mingan, his eyes surging with strong hatred: "—You, what kind of player are you! As a prophet, you actually sent a murder to a good man, you wronged Andrei for letting him out-you're damned-!"

Lu Shu immediately stepped forward, blocked Adolf's fist, and punched the opponent's chest with an elbow, forcibly knocking him back half a step.

The mantis flicked on his shoulder with the cold wind, and he firmly guarded Su Ming'an like a solid city wall.


The swords were drawn, but Su Mingan was still looking at Lin Jiang on the opposite side: "...I didn't expect that you are actually in the werewolf camp... Should we say that paddling is the king of victory? It's really not a real person..."

Having said this, he smiled lightly: "...Forget it, it's not important."

...His identity is actually not much wrong, Mizushima Chuankong, Iris and Nuoer are in his speculation, but Lin Jiang really did not expect, he thought that this timid girl would be a guard.

The red candle on the table was about to go out.

Edward recovered from the rage of being deceived, realizing that the time for the last words was coming to an end.

There was a slight tick on his body, as if a clock was starting to turn, but an invisible force instantly restrained him.

"Mizushima Chuankong, you are fine, you are fine." He gritted his teeth and said, "I see, you don't care..."

He didn't finish his words, but Mizushima Kawakura understood his unfinished meaning.

But for the time being... she doesn't want to think about things outside the game.

She didn't want those things... to cloud her judgment.

"Don't talk about it." Mizushima Chuankong tilted his head: "I will talk about it later. In the game, this is my choice. I only respect the winning or losing of the game."

"Very good... Then what about you, Lin Jiang?" Edward turned his head and looked coldly at the girl who shrank in place like a little rabbit.

In the face of such a situation, he didn't seem as gaffe as Andre did. His back was still straight, and there was only hatred and anger in his eyes: "...Pretend innocent, look like you, eh? When this dungeon is over - you all wait for me."

Lin Jiang shrank even harder, she almost squeezed her entire head on the table, and did not dare to raise her eyes at all.

"Okay, Edward." Mizushima Chuanqing tilted her head, her bizarre earrings jingled, she spread her hands with a smile: "To be honest, we can't beat you together - but fortunately you are stupid, so stupid Give us a chance to flush the vote... Now, five to five, don't think that you good guys still have a chance...

During the daytime session, the game - it's over. "

The werewolves wanted to kill all the good guys.

during the day.

After the exile of Edward.

Losing Edward's good camp, losing Mizushima Chuanhar's good camp... In their eyes, there is almost no threat.

Even if you can't beat it, hide and hide until the next day's night session... The good guys will still lose.

In the night session, werewolves are invincible, but there are not enough tickets for good people.

...not to mention, they also have a backer...

"You guys, wait for me, I'll remember you..." Edward moved his eyes and looked at them one by one, remembering the figure of each werewolf player in his heart.

"But don't think...you just won..."

Edward's voice was cold to the bone, as if he had to pull people's backs before dying, making everyone who came into contact with his eyes felt a sense of wanting to retreat.

Those eyes, strong and cold, seemed to penetrate people.

Like a smoldering firewood, the residual temperature remains even if the ashes are attached,

After he put down his words, everyone in the seat heard a cold reminder:

[The last word time is over. 】

There seemed to be an invisible wind sound, and the square was filled with a faint smell of blood.

Su Mingan rubbed his bloodshot eyes, and his hand gradually approached his temple.

...Okay, everyone who already knows the identity of the werewolf.

Go back to the previous file... take them out one by one.

He closed his eyes, ready to die.

"—Su Ming'an."

Suddenly, he was about to go back and heard Edward's low voice next to him.

He turned his head and saw those eyes that were still full of energy, like a traveler looking at each other across a boat, and the warm light of the lamp came across through the mist.

"I now believe that you are a good person for the time being." Edward said, "I temporarily lost to these despicable existences, and I will leave it to you."

Su Ming'an smiled: "Actually, you are no better than them - as long as it is a means of victory, there is nothing despicable."

Edward's eyes were slightly cold, but he did not refute.

"At least...I still have something to do," he said.

Candles go out.

It was obviously time for exile, but Edward was not directly dragged away.

Behind him, a transparent figure gradually appeared. The figure was wearing a cowboy hat, a burlap cloak, a thick scarf wrapped around his body, and a shiny gun in his hand.

The black hole's muzzle was as dangerous as a black hole, and Edward stretched out his hand and took the gun from that spirit body's hand.

"Flop." He raised his muzzle, his voice cold.

[Edward the No. 3 traveler flops and is a hunter. 】

One of the four priesthoods, the hunter.

Ta's skill is to kill any player on the field before he dies.

It is a priestly identity that can function only before death. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

TA is not like a prophet, who knows the root cause, not like a witch, who controls life and death with only one hand, and TA is not a guard, who can guard innocent people who will be attacked at night.

The hunter's skills are strong, straightforward, and irresistible, with the aloofness that belongs to the priesthood.

Even if a hunter is banished from the game, he can pull a pad before dying.

TA let the other party know... Letting the hunter out is not something that can be taken lightly and relax.

- to pay the price of life.

[—Hunter, you are out, please choose the target of the shooting. 】

Everyone on the field was silent.

Mizushima Chuankong clenched his fists tightly, Lin Jiang shrank in his seat, Iris turned her head away from her sight, and even Mizushima Chuanqing, who had been giggling all the time, restrained her smile.

Like a trial, no one can stop the bullet from the hunter's muzzle.

Like being in a Russian turntable, someone hit by that real bullet... is bound to die.

There is no room to escape.

"I choose." Edward said, his eyes locked on a person who was also watching him:

"—Take Number Two, Noel."

Take away the most powerful player in the werewolf camp, and give the good people a moment of breathing space... This is the path he chooses.

The smile on Noel's face did not change. Facing the dark muzzle that was turned, he sighed slightly, then turned his head and looked at Mizushima Chuankong.

"Next, I'll give it to you?" He tilted his head and smiled childishly.

"…I will."

Mizushima Chuankong nodded with a solemn expression.


Fourth World · Currently identified:

Edward No. 3 (Hunter)

No. 4 Lu Shu (Witch)

No. 5 Mizushima Chuankong (Wolfman)

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