Welcome Back To the World Game

Vol 2 Chapter 121: · "Clear camp"

"Welcome back to the world game (

Su Mingan did not choose to go back.

As early as after Yueyue's death, he was accustomed to turning back immediately when something went wrong, but this time, he found a good result for him.

Edward was eliminated, and Noel was eliminated, and the werewolves were all on the bright side.

Compared to reverting back to the situation where he pushed down a werewolf during the day and was still being targeted by Edward all the time, he would rather Edward die now under the rules of exile—in this way, at least he doesn’t have to be **** in his actions, and when Edward and Noel are swept away, After the elimination, he was in the position with the highest force value in the audience.

He should really be thankful that this person still has a bit of a big picture in his mind, thinking of taking away the strongest player in the werewolf camp, rather than being angry and wanting to die with him.

Edward stared at Su Ming'an, with obvious unwillingness in his eyes.

But he finally looked at Nuoer, and the gun in his hand made a "click" sound.


The sub pops out of the chamber.

A sea-blue protective cover instantly appeared in front of Noel. He stared at the bullet that was shot. The bullet seemed to have the blessing of the rules, and without any hindrance, it directly penetrated the mask he held out.

"Ah ah... Okay." Nuoer sighed jokingly, and Hai Lan's eyes were filled with regret: "Then I'll leave first... See you later, everyone. By the way, if you want to join the new world For those of the guild, please contact the guild's vice-guild ID Wenxing..."

He seems to be really "playing" the game, still promoting his guild, and doesn't care about the bullets that come in.

At the moment when the bullet was about to be added, his figure flashed and suddenly disappeared from everyone's eyes.

The broken stone on the second seat told everyone that the second had been eliminated.

The phantom behind Edward gradually dimmed, and the hunter's priesthood skills were used up.

...and the moment the hunter fired this shot, it was time for the hunter's trial.

"You wait." Edward looked at Su Ming'an: "Live until the moment I defeat you."

... He saw the **** Su Ming'an waving at him leisurely, as if saying goodbye to him.

Edward regretted not shooting the guy.

The invisible force immediately got on his body, trying to pull him to the cross, Edward gritted his teeth, and a turbulent mental wave was released around him——


Under the rules, the mental fluctuations bounced back and did not affect other players. He endured the severe blow, and then closed his eyes and fell down.

In order to avoid the tragic and shameless death of being hanged, he chose to commit suicide before being added by the rules.

His figure naturally slid down, the whole person fell on the mahogany chair, the golden hair scattered all over his face, and his complexion lost its freshness in an instant.

With a "cluster" sound, the red candle went out, and the invisible confinement in the air dissipated.

...but that doesn't mean it's over.

On the contrary, the truly tragic battle has only just begun.

Su Mingan stood up from his seat, his eyes swept across Mizushima Chuankong, Iris, Lin Jiang and Mizushima Chuanqing.

Beside him, some Adolf's fists who couldn't control his temper creaked, and red flames began to linger around Aini.

When all the rules of the game recede and the difference between the identities and camps is revealed, the two sides are faced with a direct and unavoidable fight like the arena.

"...Run." Mizushima Chuankong made a decisive decision - there was no need for them to fight head-to-head with the good people camp. As early as yesterday's daytime session, they began to discuss this tactic. Push, Nuoer is taken away, then hide separately, as long as they are not killed during the day, the night is their world.

"Stop for me!" Adolph immediately overturned the table and threw himself on it. There was a roar of steel on his body, and several gun barrels emerged from behind him. The silvery sheen flashed, and his arms also grew out. A thin-barreled gun.

"Boom boom-"

The light flickered, the gun barrel roared, and the blue laser shot straight out, shooting out a few small bumpy pieces on the ground of the square, but Mizushima Chuanqing seemed to light up, and then, several other figures seemed to be born on the soles of their feet. Like the wind, it rushed out slippery.

Su Mingan noticed the blood-red lines on Lin Jiang's body.

...a very familiar pattern that was clearly lit up in the room last night.

"It's really... not easy for everyone." He sneered in a low voice.

The barrage has exploded at this moment:

[Edward was so pitted? ? ? ? 】

[He was too confident...and believed too much in the power behind him, I didn't expect that Mizushimagawa wouldn't listen to him at all. 】

[I'm starting to worry about Mizushimagawa. Listening to Edward's tone, is there any reason for her to be pinched...]

[Whatever, anyway, I only believe in Brother Ming An, neither Edward nor Mizushima Chuan deserve to be the first player. 】

[Uuuuu my Noel... I really didn't even say a word this time...]

[This is going to the New World Guild, changing jobs, and loving it. 】

[The werewolf camp is really gambling, but it's better to push Edward away, his combat power is simply a bug...]

[The werewolves have no choice, they can only find opportunities to throw Edward out during the daytime, and they can only rush at him, otherwise they will not be able to beat him at night...]

[Su Ming'an, Edward, and Lu Shu are all priests, and werewolves are inherently disadvantaged... Now they are not bad. 】

[But I don't think it's that simple... Both sides seem to have backing hands...]


"Are you chasing?" Lu Shu asked from the side.

His red butterfly was released early in the morning, and he followed the group firmly, not afraid of losing it.

Su Mingan glanced at Adolf, who had already rushed out, and Aini, who obviously didn't want to communicate with him.

"Are you sure you want to go?" Su Mingan glanced at Lu Shu.

"...This, isn't it?"

"Counting the rounds, now on the bright side, a good man is five to four against a werewolf." Su Ming'an said: "A good man can exile a werewolf during the day, and a werewolf can kill a good man every night. Moreover, the witch has a bottle of Poison, the guards are still there, the werewolves are behind in rounds - now it is clear that we have the advantage, there is no need to chase."

"But, but..."

"But there are idiots catching up, I know." Su Mingan looked at the figure of Adolf gradually receding: "The werewolf pretended to be fleeing, just trying to attract good people to chase, and then took the opportunity to let good people downsize during the day... This is already It's not a werewolf killing game anymore. With all the identities already known, this is actually a game of... a number of people. Adolf didn't want to understand this. He thought he had the upper hand and wanted to avenge Andrei... But it was clear that , he was the one who wanted to push Andre out of the game..."

Lu Shu had a hunch that Su Mingan was about to start philosophizing again. Although he was willing to listen to his theories, now was not the time to talk about it. He immediately brought the topic to reality: "Then what should we do now?"

"Idiots can't be pulled back. He is very self-righteous." Su Ming'an said: "But the two left can still be saved. Except for Adolf, we are now tied four to four..."

He noticed Lu Shu's approval, but he knew that his words concealed a lot.

...to keep up with Adolf collectively and kill werewolves while there are too many people, this is actually the best solution.

But he has another mission, a... A mission that is still very important besides the faction.

He needed the investigation time during the day to investigate Jasmine, and he couldn't spend all his time chasing down werewolves with the large army.

This group of people must have been prepared for a long time, and the skill is also very hard to guard against. If there is a slight accidental reduction of personnel, the loss will be even greater.

And... he's also considering a werewolf's possible back-up...

In the huge square, the mayor and Jasmine also disappeared unknowingly, leaving only a mahogany table that was overturned and a chair that fell in a mess.

...and Aini who didn't want to look this way, and the Lolita girl who shrank aside and lowered her head.

Su Mingan looked at Yamada Choichi.

She looked very timid, and some did not dare to look at him. Even in this situation, the vigilance around her seemed to have never been let down.

"Now, it's your time to repay your kindness, guard."

Su Mingan told her.


[Main God Space, server 24873]

"I'm painting again, Su-style... People are watching the live broadcast around the big screen, but you keep your head down... You have to get up more, walk more, go out to breathe fresh air when you have nothing to do, don't stare at it all the time. Looking at the screen is not good for the eyes..."

There was the sound of wine bottles colliding beside him, mixed with the slightly tired voice of his mother.

The pressure-sensitive pen in his hand stopped for a moment, Su Shi rubbed his dark circles, and raised his head numbly from the afternoon sun. He saw a high-end computer and an extremely comfortable living room environment, with green plants on the side. Extremely soft sunlight.

"I haven't finished painting yet." Su Shi's voice was a little stagnant.

"Mom knows that you are very famous in the world forum now... A painting has a lot of points, but you can't sit still, you have to combine work and rest, move more..." Mother whispered to her: " Look, it's so lively down there, there are a lot of boys and girls around your age, don't be bored by yourself, go down more and chat with people?"

Su Shi did not answer.

Sedentary body is a little weak.

She looked away from the painting on the screen. She was now on the second floor, and through the low railing, she could see the hall below.

But at this time, the scene in the hall was completely different from the quiet second floor. A huge screen is standing in the front of the hall, and the people drinking and drinking melon seeds and drinking wine are like watching a game world game like lol. There was a thud, mixed with the occasional foul language of the lads.

This is a gathering place in the main **** space of Longguo District. The first floor is the place for screenings, selling all kinds of melon seed drinks and playing cards for a living, while the second floor is her and her mother's room.

Su-style doesn't like this kind of place.

In the past, there were a lot of idlers who were unwilling to end the game. They chatted here and there, from all over the world. They thought they could see through the world, and they would not join forces with the organizers, and they wanted to give pointers to the world. After the start of the fourth world, it was like a wave of people watching the game, and it was so lively that it was almost too crowded, and almost all the people nearby came to this kind of place.

Su Shi doesn't like this kind of place. She feels that the players who end up are not the reality show hosts who entertain these people. These people... shouldn't be eating barbecue and drinking beer while casually witnessing the death of adventure players. The attitude of the people downstairs is too relaxed and too frivolous... They are not in awe of the heroes who dare to end the battle, but are complacent that they occupy the tower and stay away from disputes.

But she couldn't bear her family here, her mother found a business opportunity, so she opened a shop like a teahouse to earn points.

She hated it here, but she couldn't change the ethos.

Now I run into the street, and what I see are basically players staring at their small screen.

Anyway, watching the live broadcast is immersive and exciting, and there are people who accompany you to discuss and chat. The most important thing is that you can earn points.

Who wants to be alone at home doing work? Everyone must be running over and making a lot of fun.

The main **** square, under the catalysis of the forum gambling market, is now like a new year. The live broadcast in the live broadcast room is like an exciting Spring Festival Gala.

"Don't blame Mom for stopping you, Mom really doesn't want you to go to that kind of dungeon to work hard... You had to go before, but Mom was frightened by the whole process. I don't know how worried you are..." Beside, Mother is still babbling: "Thanks to your dad not being selected, you don't have to suffer like this. It's too painful to die once. Mom doesn't want you to suffer like this..."

Su Shi survived the second dungeon. She was led by Su Mingan to clear the customs, but died in the third dungeon~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The students in the cafeteria rushed up and tore her body apart. Blood spilled all over the place, the pain... She can't forget it until now.

After the return, the first person who rushed up was the tearful mother.

After being hugged by her mother and almost crying and kneeling begging her to stop taking risks, Su Shi vaguely understood with some sadness that perhaps there was a thick barrier between her and her player status.

"...Don't take risks, those worlds are so strange and strange, and they are treated like monkeys. You will stay here in the future, learn how to draw, meet new friends, and wait for a year to pass... Anyway, the world doesn't need you, a young girl, to earn those points, and after all this is over, life will continue, we are just an ordinary family, there is no need to fight for such things, just follow the masses..." The mother said bitterly. Continuing to speak, looking at Su Shi's appearance that he didn't listen, he sighed and said:

"Look at those young people who are at the top of the list. One by one, they lied to others, killed people, and behaved like criminals. That French star girl, what is the name of Iris, a little girl who confronts each other every day. This kind of man laughs, he doesn't love himself at all. That Lu Shu is also a young man with autism who deals with all kinds of bugs all day long. And the one you like... That Su Mingan, although look at some forums and say he is very powerful , but you are still a child, and you commit suicide inexplicably if you don't set a good example. Mom doesn't want you to be like that..."


Su Shi suddenly said this very coldly.

Mother Su closed her mouth. She had long known that when her daughter mentioned this person's name, something was wrong, and her eyes looked like two knives.

The unfamiliarity shocked her.

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