Welcome Back To the World Game

Vol 2 Chapter 123: "I'm the Light Chaser, Su-style"

"Welcome back to the world game (

...Sure enough, she was still spoiled. She should not have agreed to let her daughter take risks in the first place, and her daughter began to become more and more strange, not like the well-behaved and sensible child before.

"...Forget it, you are old and your wings are hard, but you like to have a degree, don't become more and more introverted every day, and even refuse to communicate with others... Mom can't control you, and she won't stop you. chasing stars..."

"Mom, he's not a star." Su Shi looked at his mother, who seemed a little strange in his own eyes: "...he's a hero."

"—Boss, I want a dozen beers!"

The guests' shouts came from below.


Mother Su turned her head and shouted downstairs, looked at her daughter with hateful eyes, then sighed helplessly, and went downstairs with the beer that the guests downstairs wanted to order. .

Su Shi retracted his eyes.

She looked at the screen downstairs with tired eyes, and she saw the "artwork" that she had always held in her heart

As the strongest player in the Dragon Kingdom and the strongest player in the world, it is only natural that on this occasion, his live broadcast should be broadcast.

Even if the barrage was reduced to a small piece in the upper right corner, it continued to refresh like a tide.

The people downstairs were sipping melon seeds and peanuts, drinking small wine, talking and laughing and watching him on the screen trying his best to win a level.

"Art" is standing in the square now, and he seems to be saying something to Lu Shu next to him.

Su Shi heard his voice, it was his voice amplified by the sound, and he was watched like a character in a movie.

But she had seen the sea in his heart.

Her eyes couldn't help glancing at her pocket, and then she squeezed the pocket with her left hand, which contained something like a rope.

"Wait, wait..." She said something inexplicable to herself.

She felt that her sedentary body was a little stiff, but she still twisted and listened to the voice from him, a world away, and picked up her own pen.

The screen in front of me, the unfinished painting.

"...Why does this Lu Shu listen to Su Ming'an? It's too unassertive." Arguments came from downstairs.

These discussions are common and exist all the time.

"I don't know how to think. I remember Xiao Wang, you were like licking a dog when you were in college."

"Brother nm, keep your voice down, don't expose your brother Wang's relationship history!"

"Damn it, Edward was eliminated just like that, and I even bet on him, it's a shame!"

"Hey, fortunately, I have my own opinion to suppress Su Mingan. I feel that the situation should be stable, and the blood will not lose money. Learn it, you know?"

Downstairs, the crash of wine bottles continued.

Just like a night market festival, it is peaceful.

Su Shi couldn't help but move his gaze downstairs. On the screen, the cross was still stained with blood.

The young man collapsed on the chair, his golden hair dazzled in the sunlight. The pit marks left by the light cannon were obvious on the ground, the chairs were messy on the ground, and both sides of the camp were in extreme crisis.

Another wave of laughter poured out, and people seemed to be a little bit drunk after drinking, and they seemed to be intoxicated.

Su Shi felt that her vision was a little blurry. After adding a shining lighthouse behind the "artwork" in the painting, she touched her face and felt a piece of crystal water.

She bowed her head low, clenched her pen, and sobbed in the warmth of the indoor heater.

There was a sudden burst of laughter from below. It seemed that someone's color joke had an effect, and it seemed that someone had recalled the lush years. At the moment when tears wet his cuffs, at the moment when he was surrounded by laughter, Su Shi felt that he In an instant, it became an isolated island that was sunk deep into the sea and was drained away. Only the distant, unreachable sunlight still existed.

It was like a closed valley suddenly opened wide, and the people below laughed without any scruples, and the endless gust of wind broke in in an instant. She opened her eyes as if facing the wind, and what she saw was a world blurred by tears.

...Absurdity is rampant in reality, but it runs through the theme of life all the time, and the world is already chaotic enough.

The far-travelers looked across the boat, their lights pierced through the fog, and the people on the shore lay at ease, complacent about their safety.

Su Shi opened the diary, and she wrote a paragraph.

【——Are they the ones you want to save? my lighthouse? 】

[No, it can't be. 】

[Endeavouring heroes, you are not saving these people at all. All the saving actions you have done to others, you have saved yourself. 】

[In this process of despair and decay, what has been saved is not assimilated - yourselves. 】

[Don't say who you are fighting for. 】

[Everything about you is independent and free, you have nothing to bear, you save yourself. 】

Her mind was unprecedentedly clear, and in a festive atmosphere, she threw away the pen, suddenly opened her arms, and hugged herself hard, as if hugging another non-existent person, as if she was trying to convey her emotions.

Her tears suddenly fell uncontrollably, like a flood bursting a dike, but the corners of her mouth rose, and she finally couldn't hold back the burst of free laughter and laughed out loud.

Like the laughter squeezed out of her throat, she felt her throat choked and some crying, and the laughter also had a hoarse end sound like it was soaked in water.

Her laughter was so loud that it reached the first floor and overwhelmed people's laughter. People raised their heads suspiciously, and Mother Su also walked up, seeing her frantic appearance, and hurriedly dragged her to find a psychiatrist for her.

"Su-style! What's the matter with you... Stop laughing, stop laughing! Let outsiders see the jokes! Don't be afraid, Mom will take you to see a doctor, there is a private clinic next door, we can just walk..."

The mother's words were very clear, very clear in her ears, and the strength of her mother's pulling her was also very strong, with a meaning that could not be rejected.

But she is not sick. Su Shi was very clear in his heart.

... It is clear that the world is sick.

The terminally ill, incurable, the moths are endless, and those who are desperate become the spectators.

"The world is becoming more and more ridiculous. The speeches and appeals on the forum are meaningless. There are no laws, no systems, and no proper rules in the main **** space..." Su Shi muttered to himself.

The mother pulled her hard, trying to make this shameful daughter laugh inexplicably out of sight.

"...Those who are derailed, those who are derailed, those who don't know how to respect...why don't they get the punishment they deserve?"

She pushed her mother away suddenly, and her emotions could no longer be contained.

"Su Ming'an is right, I must learn [grading]!"

She laughed like fireworks, as if she had found a firm belief. After running up the stairs to face everyone's suspicious eyes, a bright red lead appeared on her hand, which made everyone change instantly. Face.

"Su-style - what are you doing!"

The mother was calling her in a hurried voice.

"I didn't want to do anything." She smiled and spoke calmly, like a sacred oath: "It's just—people who don't deserve to be saved should not be left in this world. I want to help him get rid of these [wastes]."

"—Are you crazy too? Was it taken by that guy named Su Ming'an? Mom should have forbidden you to see his things! Now be good... Be obedient, come back quickly, and put down what you are holding..." Su The mother was about to rush over immediately, she felt that her daughter was threatening her, just like those children who said they would go on a hunger strike but only to get their parents to agree to the request, she regretted it - just as some people on the forum said, prohibiting her daughter Looking at those strange remarks, the whole person is not normal.

...but she saw suddenly.

A flash of fire suddenly appeared on his daughter's hand, bright red and dazzling.

... it's true.

"Crazy, really crazy..." Mother Su softened her legs for a moment, and her tears couldn't stop falling.

Everyone's faces changed in an instant, and they rushed up like crazy, trying to stop this girl who suddenly went crazy.

"I'm not crazy, it's you who are crazy, I'm the most sane person. I followed in his footsteps and he was always right."

Su Shi opened his arms and raised his eyebrows.

"Now, remember my name."

She laughed like a burning fire, which complemented the firelight on the lead wire in her hand.

"—I am the Light Chaser, Su Shi."


"Now, it's your time to repay your kindness, guard."

The girl in front of her lowered her head and clenched her skirt tightly.

"From now on, every one of your guards is extremely important." Su Ming'an said, "I need to know your guard information for the previous two nights in order to arrange your work and report it to me."

"I, I..." As soon as Yamada raised his head, Su Mingan saw that her eyes were dim.

"The first night...I, I guarded myself, and the second night was guarded by Lu Shu..."

Su Mingan thought for a while: "Then you are going to guard Aini tonight, do you understand?"

"Well, um..." The girl nodded as if she would not resist at all.

Su Ming'an was arranging work when he suddenly saw the barrage bursting like a hurricane.

Although he has long formed the habit of seeing things out of sight, a high mental point can always make him notice some text messages that pass by quickly.

[Su Style] [Light Chaser] [United Group Action Team General Section] [24873 Riot]... Similar words have been passing frequently, and snowflakes generally fly in the field of vision.

Su Mingan looked at the barrage.

[...24873 Is that thing true? ! I saw a post on the forum! There are pictures and pictures! 】

[I don't know if anyone died... The world of the Lord God is really unsafe. I haven't taken this too seriously. After all, I can't attack directly. I didn't expect that someone would actually blow up with a bomb...]

[There is no one on the street, this time everyone is really hiding in their personal space. 】

[Isn’t it said that the joint group has formed an action team like the security team on each server? It feels useless. 】

[The security team can't stop you from putting bombs in your backpack...]

[Thanks for the invitation, the incident has just happened, and the official newspaper of the United League has not made a sound yet, please wait for a statement. 】

[It is said that the attacker is related to Brother Ming An, who seems to be a girl named Su Shi. 】

【Su style? Isn't that the free one from the second world? 】

【I'm still in the teahouse! Damn it, it's so dangerous, I'll take my mother back to my personal space immediately! 】

[Wait for a wave of forum announcements. 】


Su Ming'an knew about the United Group of the Lord God World, as well as the action teams.

When the first few dungeons were in progress, human beings were still in a state of confusion, the functions of friends were limited, the social system similar to QQ groups had not been fully explored, and coupled with the limit on the number of humans drawn from seven, it took time for some team organizations to gather. .

But over time, some organizations, new or old, began to be assembled.

Because the foundation of this world is completely different from the original world, for the purpose of maintaining human survival, some people have formed a new organization through contact, and the largest and most authoritative organization is the [United Group].

But in fact, in a new "small world" like the world of the Lord God, people have personal space, all interests are disrupted and rearranged, and the original role of power and status is rapidly declining. The relationship advocacy plays a greater role - the coalition does not have real power, and a series of declarations and initiatives issued are not mandatory, it is only a symbolic power existence, and its influence is based on support and consent.

It has an official account on the World Forum and often publishes guides and statements with practical reference.

——For a considerable number of ordinary people, it is a life-saving straw.

Su Ming'an had already closed private messages from non-friends and had not received invitations from similar organizations, but he heard about these organizations as early as the end of the third world... and their invitations to cutting-edge players.

Edward, the middle-aged man next to Edward, seemed to be a figure in the United Regiment.

...I just don't know if Edlang's series of actions are approved~www.wuxiaspot.com~Su Mingan. "Lu Shu came over and said, "Have you heard the news?" "


Su Mingan probably learned what happened from the chatter of the barrage.

And...if he guessed right.

This may be an imitation similar to "the bear child watched a violent cartoon and set fire to it".

And this "cartoon" that was wrongly imitated... may be himself.

"Don't worry about it." Su Ming'an said.

He knew that as long as he opened the private message, a lot of invitation-like messages would pop up, just like those guild invitations.

He had never watched it before, and returning to the main **** space was also collecting information in his personal space.

He didn't want to participate in the kind of fights in the human den, and he didn't want to join a certain force to negotiate with those political and business leaders... He was just a college student who had just finished the college entrance examination. He didn't understand this. I don't know, and I don't even know which country's president and prime minister are. In terms of the situation, only a few nearby countries are known, and in terms of economy, only the Fortune 500 is known...

His vision is still shallow, and he can't tell whether the olive branch or poison will be handed over. He doesn't want to be the knife in someone's hand like Edward.

...but now he feels the block and the urgency.

...the sense of urgency to fight alone.

"You plan to..." Lu Shu looked over with some worry.

"I'm going to go to the mayor's house first and find someone." Su Ming'an answered the question.

...but he is now in the world copy.

Right now, a person who can become a [powerful person], who can gradually break away from these chaos, is in the midst of a crucial task.

He was walking with his back to these people.


In his eyes now.

——Only the Jasmine whose sins were to be exposed.

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