Welcome Back To the World Game

Vol 2 Chapter 127: ·NE·Incomplete

【You have reached the target mission location. 】

[You have completed the S-level prerequisite quest Pilgrim]

[Get pre-points: 50]

Su Mingan received a series of system prompts.

It stands to reason... After the pre-task, there will be a chain of tasks that follow.

But he didn't hear any more prompts, as if the mission was suddenly interrupted.

In front of him, the girl with simple braids was still staring at him, but her eyes had a hint of Ling Ran.

"...Are you going to marry me?"

Seeing that Su Ming didn't answer, Jasmine asked again patiently.

Her tone was a little low, and her eyes were very deep, like coercion.

"Wait a minute." Su Ming'an tapped the table with his finger: "Are you sure you want to marry me? Just because I'm Poli?"

His question made Jasmine pause for a moment, and then, her body that was close to her moved slightly away.

"Traveler No. 1." Jasmine's words proved that she saw through his identity, her hands curled up the ends of her hair, and she looked a little relaxed when she was away: "...Tell me your answer first."

Su Mingan sat up straight. He saw a wave of "Promise her!" "Promise her!" "Congratulations to the male and female guests!" All kinds of useless words were mixed into a mess, and none of them were useful suggestions. .

...or rather, very little useful.

The audience...looked quite happy.

"I need to understand your thoughts." Su Mingan still avoided answering directly, he realized that this might be a fork in the badending, and once the answer is wrong, there may be irreversible changes.

He stared into her eyes, trying to guide her emotions with his previous experience: "...Jasmine, do you hope that the person in front of you will marry you?"

The girl still had her hair curled.

There was something more in her eyes when she looked over.

Under Su Ming'an's caution, he suddenly felt that the overwhelming sense of power on the girl in front of him gradually subsided.

...It's like, some defenses have been removed from him.

But he never heard the favorability prompt from her.

"You really care about how Jasmine feels." She said, then got up, walked over to the two tablets, and dangling her hands on them:

"...It's a very difficult thing to live in such an environment... I'm glad, although it looks hypocritical, I still hope that someone can feel the same way about her."

She said, turning around.

The hands began to glow blood red.

That color... the same color as the werewolf's eyes.

Su Ming'an saw the fine fluff on the back of her hand again.

"Traveler No. 1, you passed my test." "Jasmine" looked at him, and the tablet began to glow.

Her eyes, condensed like ice grains, are extremely focused:


"...Go to that night and respond to her."


"Ding dong!"

A system prompt sounded in Su Ming'an's ear.

[Trigger S-rank single copy: "Before Dawn"]

[Task description: She was driven to a dead end without knowing anything, but she still embraced her incomplete nostalgia and prayed for the dawn.

- Please see the dawn for her. 】

[The time flow rate of the single-player dungeon is synchronized with the outside world. Please do not miss the night action session and arrive at the house corresponding to the traveler's number on time. 】


The white light was released, and "Jasmine" in front of him was looking at him, with a little hope in his eyes.

Su Ming'an realized that either agreeing or refusing may not be the correct answer.

... This Daytime Jasmine, who looks exactly like the Nighttime Jasmine, just wanted to see his attitude.

Now, he seems to have passed the assessment and successfully entered the follow-up tasks.

The transmitted white light gradually dissipated.

First of all, he was frozen by the sudden drop in temperature, and the cold water felt sliding down his cheeks. The clothes on his body were extremely thin, and he couldn't resist the extremely low temperature at all.

When he looked up again, he saw the white snow in his eyes.

...and the snow-covered town of Terry.

Even though the houses in the town were covered with snow, he could still make out that it was the town of Terry in winter. There were still pedestrians walking on the street, and he was standing in the alley in extremely thin clothes.

...so cold.

Since the age of ten, Su Ming'an has never felt this cold again, as if the cold of the whole world is rushing into his clothes, and everything he sees is monotonous white.

He quickly opened the backpack bar and put a piece of clothes on his body. After feeling a little relieved, he began to think about the task.

——As he expected, this is a single-player dungeon like a small space.

When he completes the task, he will return to the original place.

And the background of this small copy seems to be the town of Terry in winter time. That is, a selected period of time in the town of Terry.

He glanced at it, and it was almost dusk now.

The mission requires "her" to see the dawn.

... Dawn, what is the concept of Dawn?

Is it simply morning time?

He was a little puzzled, but the first task now should be to find "she", this "she" should refer to Jasmine, maybe he should go to the mayor's house to try.

He was determined to go out, and just as he stepped forward, he suddenly felt that he was still.

It was as if the time around him was completely frozen, leaving only his thinking going on. He saw the people walking before freezing for a moment, and a panel suddenly appeared in front of him.

[——I am a wandering boy who returned home from a long journey. 】

The first line is such a white word that jumps out.

[I left because I was dissatisfied with the absurd behavior of the town, but now I regret it. 】

[I went back to my hometown through mountains and mountains, and the cold and hunger made me exhausted. I was in desperation, and the only thought on my mind was to go home. 】

[But now, I really got to Terry. 】

[My father is nearby, but I am close to nostalgia. 】

Su Ming'an watched the white words keep beating out, and he realized that this should be Po Li's self-report.

And looking at this description... It seems that he is playing, is Po Li?

The white text continues:

[Terry Town doesn't seem to have changed from when I left, and today happens to be a happy day. 】

[My father... is probably preparing for a happy event. 】

[They still haven't changed. 】


The white words stopped slowly for a moment.

Then it jumps faster than before:

【...Do I really want to go back? 】

[——My return home looks like a young man bowing his head to the older generation, I failed, so I came back. 】

[—I should have died outside, even if I was hungry and cold, I should have died. 】

[—I shouldn’t have come back, I can’t change anything. 】

【——I want to leave. 】

The panel disappears in front of you.

Time resumes, and the pedestrians continue to walk, as if nothing had happened.

But Su Ming'an suddenly felt himself moving.

Instead of following his own wishes, he acted like a puppet, and he took a step toward the outside of the town—but he clearly had to go to the mayor's house to find Jasmine!

This is the first time he has encountered such a situation where his body is acting against himself. He tried to reverse the pace, but it was useless. The pace became more and more brisk, and he rushed out of the town as if he was very happy!

He didn't know what would happen if he continued like this, but if he really let it go out like this, he would definitely not be able to find Jasmine before the mission time was over.

Whether it was useful or not, he immediately spoke:


The pace did not stop for a moment, still walking out briskly.

"...Will you really be happy if you leave like this?" Su Mingan said towards the air, speaking fast: "You left because you couldn't change anything, and now you are back. If you still Once you're gone, you're just repeating your useless behavior... Poli, from beginning to end, your escape is like a joke! If you want to change something, don't always try to escape!"

The steps stopped slightly.

Su Mingan suddenly felt that he had more control over his body.

"—Do you want to die?" Su Mingan continued: "If you want to die, it is worthless to die. No one knows about dying in this icy world, so just rush out—that's your real bow, you surrender to It's fate, you don't want to struggle, death is the easiest thing. You know there is a silver lining but you still die, but who are you dying for? What can you change, who can you save?"

His pace finally came to a complete stop.

Next, a panel unfolded in front of him.

[——I am a wandering boy who returned home from a long journey. 】

[My heart is a little shaken, maybe I shouldn't just leave like this. 】

[Today's events... I may be able to change something. I can't repeat useless actions anymore...]

【——Then, what should I do? 】

[Where should I go to change this **** fate? 】

Then, Su Mingan discovered that there were three more options under the panel.

【A. Go home and reunite with your long-lost father. 】

[B. Go to the ancestral hall to worship the deceased mother. 】

[C. Go shopping on the street, maybe there is something useful. 】

[Note: The options are risky, the choice should be cautious, and the choice is not responsible. 】


Su Mingan's head flashed a hint of enlightenment.

So...it's actually a, choice-options game?

Jasmine is the adopted daughter of the mayor Mitchell. After she ran away in Poli, she appeared at the mayor's house.

His primary purpose should be to find Jasmine, so he should go to the mayor's house first.

But years of gaming experience tell him that things are not that simple.

He pointed to C.

Option C began to fade, and then he found that he couldn't control his body again.

As if watching himself in action, the body took to the street, heading straight for a ready-to-wear store.

"Pori?" The female clerk saw him and seemed to recognize him, and immediately packed him a thick coat for free: "You're back! It's really great news... Go and find your father, he'll wait. It's been a long time since you. God bless... Today is a good day..."

He took the clothes, put them on his body, and walked in the direction of the mayor's house.

Su Mingan noticed that there were strange patterns on the clothes, like Sanskrit.

He reacted - if he did not choose this option, did not wear this dress, and went directly to the mayor's house, there might be a crisis of death.

"Hee hee hee, come after me, come after me—"

"Hey, slow down, don't fall..."

Behind him came the screeching sounds of children and the worried voices of parents.

The town of Terry seemed to be on a happy occasion at this time, the town was full of joy, and everyone was living in a festive atmosphere.

"Hurry up, hurry up, don't miss the hour!"

The girls who made the cloth were laughing and playing, and the red cloth was dazzling. It seemed that there was a pair of good people who got married on the auspicious day.

"The big cows at the entrance of the village, the first ones got engaged to my family."

They chatted among themselves, like little magpies.

"Ah, that relationship is good, you two childhood sweethearts are finally here!"

"Where are you going? There are still many days before the wedding, and I haven't even sewed the wedding dress... Hey, it's not as good as the daughter of the mayor's family..."

Needle and thread shuttled, and the girls making clothes piled up red cloth.

Fresh fruit is on the streets, seemingly free for anyone to eat.

The red lanterns were hung at the door one by one, and they were bright red in the heavy snow.

...Su Ming'an noticed that the town of Terry at this time was completely different from what he had seen before.

The less alive, somewhat stiff townspeople came to life again in an instant.

...this is like a normal town.

He watched as he walked through the square and saw the lively market in the square - there was no cross to hang people, and no mahogany tables to exile each other, it was peaceful.

When I walked to the mayor's house, there was no change from what it looked like before.

It was still the high wall that surrounded the house, and the two red lanterns. The old man on crutches, waiting at the door, seemed to be waiting for someone.

As if he didn't wait, the old man sighed and was about to turn around and go back, but suddenly his eyes lit up.

"..." Su Mingan walked up to him: "Father."


The mayor looked a little complicated.

He welcomed the person in and didn't say much, but prepared tea for him.

The tea leaves wandered around on the water, but Su Mingan didn't see Jasmine, who was supposed to be at home.

The mayor seemed to have something to do, so he made a cup of tea and left in a hurry without saying a word.

Su Mingan observed the decoration of the house, but suddenly saw that the two tablets were gone.

Options suddenly appeared in front of him.

[——I am a wandering boy who returned home from a long journey. 】

[I went home, and my father didn't look very happy. 】

[He seems to be busy with something, is it really for the **** thing tonight? 】

【What should I do now? 】

【I... can I really change anything? 】

The options gradually appear below:

【A. Keep up with your father. 】

[B. Searching for clues at home. 】

【C. Go to the ancestral hall. 】


Su Mingan needs to find Jasmine.

What happened tonight might have something to do with her.

He chose B. In any case, there must be some clues in this room.

Option B began to fade, and then, actually began to turn red.

The blood-like red, extremely deep red, instantly dyed the entire panel blood red.

Su Ming'an regained control of his body.

He immediately got up, went to Jasmine's room in his memory, and pushed open the door—

In the room, the blood-red pattern was smeared on the wall, like a blood.

He felt that someone was watching him.

He felt a little stiff in his body, as if he had returned to the endless heavy snow, the thick sunset outside the window began to fade, and the ink-like night was seeping in little by little.

He seemed to hear a sound of music that shook his soul, high-pitched and loud, like a suona, and like a person's sharp cry.

The red in front of him was bright and dazzling.

He heard the faint sigh of a person, as if a pair of arms were wrapped around him.

The next moment, he saw the text appearing in front of him.

【Here, you can get out of the predicament with a strength value of more than 50 points, and the judgment is in progress...】

[The judgment failed. 】


After the text paused for a moment, it emerged again:

[——I am a wandering boy who returned home from a long journey. 】

[The person she was staring at was me. 】

[I shouldn't have come to her room~www.wuxiaspot.com~ She was cornered without knowing anything. 】

[I can't save her. 】

[I will live with my broken attachment. 】

[This may be more important than anything else. 】

[—Even though I haven’t come into contact with even the slightest bit of truth. 】


[You have completed the S-level task, before dawn, achieve NE and incomplete]

[Task evaluation: B]



Su Ming'an raised his annihilated hand,

Without hesitation, he touched his temple.

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