Welcome Back To the World Game

Vol 2 Chapter 128: ·BE Seven·Embers

He went back to the beginning of the copy, and everything was going according to the original process.

He felt as if he had overlooked something. When he was walking across the square and saw the market, he looked into the distance and saw a sedan chair, bright red and wrapped in red silk.

- Hi sedan.

What a happy event today.

He came to the mayor's house and stared at the three options that appeared.

[Go to the ancestral hall] This option seems to have always existed. Back then, at night, he also met Jasmine at the ancestral hall.

But he always felt that it would be dangerous to blindly go to the place where Jasmine was last.

He chose to follow the mayor.


He got up, followed the mayor, and supported him: "I'll come with you."

The mayor glanced at him and seemed a little hesitant.

But in the end he nodded.

They walked all the way out and saw beaming people.

The sunset is thick like blood, and people's faces are also covered in blood.

The night fell little by little, and the original snow got bigger and bigger, and it fell on the surface of a cold water.

They came to the square, where there was a banquet. Big fish and meat were placed on a long table, a dozen benches were sitting in rows, and people were holding wine glasses, as if they were celebrating something.

The eyes are full of red, and the lanterns on the snowy night are as red as blood.

"Boli, you just came back, let's have a meal here." The mayor took him to a seat and sat down, and then told him: "After starting right away, don't run around."

Su Mingan vaguely thought of something.

The mayor left on crutches, and the options appeared in front of him again:

[——I am a wandering boy who returned home from a long journey. 】

[I was brought here to attend this banquet. 】

[People look very happy, and their faces are warm. 】

[The atmosphere is very festive, and my father also asked me not to leave. 】

[…But should I stay here? Witness it all happen? 】


Options emerge:

【A. Keep up with the mayor. 】

【B. Hold your troops and use up the banquet. 】

【C. Go to the ancestral hall. 】


Su Ming'an was ready to pass the customs with a few lives, and he wanted to try the first way to get to the black.

He left the banquet and followed the mayor.

Mitchell also noticed him, the old man sighed slightly, did not stop him, but let him continue to follow.

——He saw the destination of the mayor's trip.

a house.

A blood-red lantern hangs in front of the house, and a sedan chair stands. When he pushed the door and entered, he saw a woman in a wedding dress sitting across the curtain and covered with a red hijab.


He heard a clear female voice, it was Jasmine's voice.

...Today, is Jasmine going to get married?

Su Ming'an felt that something was wrong. Jasmine in Terry Town was clearly single, otherwise, she wouldn't have been asking Po Li to marry her.

"It's me. Jasmine, Bo Li came back today, just in time to see you get married." The mayor said in a distant voice.

Su Mingan saw Jasmine raise her hand up, as if she wanted to lift the red hijab, but she hesitated.

"Isn't it, I'm about to get married, so I can't look at others casually anymore?" Jasmine said in a low voice.

"The gods also don't want you to see others." The mayor said, "However, Jasmine, you can talk to Poli... Didn't you keep telling me that you wanted to talk to your peers?"

The town mayor patted Su Ming'an's shoulder and whispered, "Jasmine is getting married today... You haven't seen her yet, so let's talk to her first. When the auspicious time arrives, your brother will just carry her to the sedan chair. ."

Then, the mayor turned around and went out.

Su Mingan stood there, looking at Jasmine through the curtain.

"...Brother Perry?"

she asked softly.

"Jasmine, it's me." Su Mingan said, just as he was about to ask some questions, the scene in front of him suddenly froze again.

[——I am a wandering boy who returned home from a long journey. 】

[I followed my father here, where Jasmine married. 】

[Jasmine is her father's adopted daughter, she is getting married today. 】

[Today's happy event...it's actually her. 】

[How can I persuade her to let her leave here? 】

[If I am powerless and cannot change the overall situation, can at least one person be saved and let her see the dawn? 】

The options gradually emerged.

【A. "Jasmine, you are very beautiful today."】

[B. "Jasmine, is it your will to marry someone?"]

【C. "Jasmine, run away with me."】


Su Ming'an originally wanted to choose A, which is a topic suitable for exporting and narrowing the distance.

But the performance of "Jasmine" before entering the dungeon reminded him that the word "will" seemed to be quite important to her.

He chose option B.

"Jasmine." He raised his eyes and looked at the slender figure whose whole body was covered in festive red. He saw her expression completely covered by the red hijab, and his tone was slightly dark: "Marriage... Is it your will?"

Jasmine's body trembled slightly.

"You are still very young, don't force yourself because of your father's words." Su Mingan looked at her: "Can you clearly understand what love is like and what it's like to like someone? Who is the other party and what does the other party look like? , what kind of feelings do you have for him... do you know these things in your heart?"

"I..." Jasmine's voice trembled a little: "I, I'm very happy... I love her very much... I don't think there's anything wrong with this marriage..."

Su Mingan was slightly startled.

He originally thought it was a forced marriage.

But looking at Jasmine's attitude, she was still willing?

There is no one else here. Facing him, is it necessary for Jasmine to hide at such a young age? Not to mention... her voice sounded really happy.

...are you confused? still is……

"Jasmine." He emphasized his tone: "Sometimes people can't distinguish their feelings. You are born and shaped by the environment around you, so that you may not know what is suitable and what is blind love. You need Go out and see what's right for you - the world is still big, you're still young, and getting married and having a family isn't all you have."

Jasmine raised her head slightly.

Su Ming'an felt that she was watching him.

"Brother Poli." Jasmine seemed to chuckle softly, "...you're not very old."

"I'm different." Su Ming'an said, "I'm just asking you."

"...I won't regret it." Jasmine's voice was low, but firm: "I will dedicate all my feelings to her, this is my belief. I will always love her passionately, like everyone in this town. People like that - although, this is what my father told me, but I think so too - I don't regret it, never."

Su Mingan looked at Jasmine, who was so obsessed.

He suddenly remembered that his mission was to expose Jasmine's sins.

So, isn't this innocent looking girl in front of her that simple?

He hesitated, then heard the bell from outside the door.

"The auspicious time has come—"

He heard the call of the mayor, who was urging him.

The night was a little thicker, and the red candles flickered in the room.

Jasmine stood up, the jewelry on her body rattled, and the gold ring around her wrist was glowing with light.

"Poli...Brother." Jasmine approached: "Send me on the wedding sedan."

Her voice was very soft and glassy:

"—I really love him."

She said it almost religiously.

Su Ming'an suddenly found that he couldn't control his body again, he was stepping forward, turned around, and carried her on his back.

Jasmine's body was thin and small, and the fingers on her shoulders were extremely white, as if she had been locked up and had not experienced much sunlight. When he picked her up, he felt like he was picking up a skeleton.

[——I am a wandering boy who returned home from a long journey. 】

The system's voice sounded like a narration.

This time, time did not stand still.

[I want to take her away. 】

[But all of this requires her cooperation. 】

[Father is waiting outside the door, and the townspeople are waiting in the square. 】

[I can't escape alone, let alone help her escape. 】

[It seems too late tonight, I think so. 】

[Perhaps, I will stay here first and find a way to change the townspeople, and there will be opportunities in the future...]


Then, no options appeared.

Su Mingan watched as he carried the thin little Jasmine on his back and walked out step by step. Then, he walked down the steps covered with bright red carpets and walked towards the wedding sedan waiting at the door under the blood-red lanterns.

He looked at the happy sedan chair with the curtain lifted, and the dark inside looked like a fierce beast with a big mouth.

He walked on the road, like carrying a **** his back and sending her to the mouth of the beast.

He sent Jasmine into the sedan chair and saw the curtains close.

At the last moment, he saw Jasmine lift her hijab, and those eyes that were as pure and clear as the sea of ​​heaven were looking at him.

She is laughing.

Smile happily.

She may be really happy about the marriage, but maybe she doesn't know what she's going to face.

"Get up from the sedan—!"

The bearer picked up the happy sedan chair, and the red silk sedan chair gradually drifted away from him in the snowy night. He immediately wanted to follow, but his body refused to obey.

The mayor on the side looked at him, the dragon-headed crutch was plated with a layer of crimson light under the blood-colored lantern.

"Pori." The mayor's eyes were deep: "Don't obstruct her happiness."

The mayor's dragon head crutch was stuck in front of him, which seemed to be a rule, and he couldn't control his body.

Su Ming'an stood there, his eyes were extremely gloomy.

... He had probably guessed everything about what Jasmine was going to experience.

"Mitchell." Su Mingan said, he no longer called him "father", and didn't even want to hide the slightest intimacy:

"—your town, it really disgusts me."

He waited for a moment, but did not wait for the mayor's response.

Time seemed to have passed for a long time, until the snow loosened and the upright dragon head crutch fell to the ground, and he was finally able to move.

He turned his head quickly, and sure enough, he saw that the mayor's figure had completely disappeared.

The cold wind of the winter night blew across his face, and he felt the long-lost cold.

He immediately stepped forward and ran towards the ancestral hall in memory against the cold wind on his face.

Along the way, he saw all the fireworks that had been set off and the feast with only leftovers.

He saw snow all over the sky along the way... Snowflakes fell on him like goose feathers, and the ice water almost covered his whole body.

He even saw the red silk cloth discarded in front of the door, the weaving girls disappeared, the magpie-like chirping disappeared, and in the night there was only the sound of him running on the snow.

In the square, only the red lanterns in front of the houses were still lit, shaking like a pair of wolf eyes.

"—Worship heaven and earth!"

Out of nowhere came such a cry, accompanied by a chorus of prayers.

It was like hearing the prayers of the townspeople when they were exiled when they first arrived in Terry Town. It had a dark tone. While running in the snowy night, he heard the prayers of the people on both sides connected together and passed from house to house.

The whole Terry was shrouded in this prayer.

"—Two worship, Gaotang!"

The voice continued.

The setting sun has completely subsided.

Night shrouded the town like a pot lid.

He suddenly heard a suona, a high-pitched and melodious suona with extremely strong penetrating power. It lifted half of the town, and the mottled past buried in this town was melodious, like playing joy, and like a shrill sound wailing.

- Like joy or sadness.

"—Husband and wife, bye bye!"

The voice continued.

He ran all the way and rushed to the ancestral hall in his memory. The moment he stepped into the street, he heard a hoarse shout from the townspeople:


"—May Terry be reborn!"


Su Mingan rushed to the front of the ancestral hall. He saw some big and three rough townspeople around the door, and seemed to want to stop him.

He immediately moved in space, broke into the ancestral hall, and saw the scene in front of him——

The gorgeous, bright red wedding dress was completely lifted, and the streamer at the end of the skirt was swaying, like a flamingo dragging the tail feathers of a fire, like a spark that shook off the full wedding dress in an instant.

The murmurs of everyone in the village seemed to penetrate the cold and wet walls, and the snow outside the window slapped his face like a slap.

——He saw Jasmine.

——Jasmine was lying in the coffin.

Her wedding dress was like fire, her jewelry was precious, and the golden ring around her neck was dazzling with a beautiful golden light.

Four wooden thorns pierced through her limbs, and there was a smile on her face.

This smile looked a bit bitter under the swaying red candle.

There was writing on her hand, dipped in her blood, vermilion, which was particularly bright on the dark coffin:

【Is this really my belief? 】

Below, there is a line of small characters, and the bloodstains are getting lighter and lighter, as if she has no strength:


[Perry. 】

【I regret. 】


Su Ming'an stood there, looking at the line, the door behind him was kicked open.

"Boy Boy! Come out quickly! Don't disturb the bride of Lord God!" The townspeople came to pull him.

Su Ming'an didn't speak, he turned his head and looked at these crazy townspeople.

- Jasmine is dead.

She died thoroughly, without the slightest weight.

She was crucified on her wedding night because she was the bride to be married to what Terry called "My Lord God".

Jasmine regretted it. She had been looking forward to marrying the goddess she loved so much, but it wasn't until she died that she realized that this might not be love.

But this ridiculous god...he hasn't seen it once until now.

Is he really God? It is the omnipotent God who blesses the world and saves all people from fire and water. Or... the evil **** who tempted the townspeople, led them to kill each other, exiled themselves, and took the lives of innocent girls?

Su Ming'an stood where he was, facing the crazy townspeople.

He again heard Perry's narration-like voice:

[——I am a wandering boy who returned home from a long journey. 】

[She died~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I still couldn't save her. 】

[She died ridiculously... She died so heavy and so light. 】

[The townspeople repeat this behavior, thinking that the werewolves will not appear. 】

[—God, what are you thinking about? 】

[The people you protect are killing each other. 】

[The girl who blindly loves you, her life withered like a flower. 】

【Your town of Terry, live like a tomb. Your believers are like a group of blindly struggling gravekeepers. 】


[I shouldn't come back, I can't save anyone, I can't change anything. 】

【We are not pilgrims with firm beliefs. 】

【We are just ghosts who are reluctant to leave our homeland. 】

[We burn ourselves like fire, burning up our lives and emotions, just for that little bit of warmth given by the gods. 】

[…In this hot land surrounded by faith, the warmth comes from our own burning. 】

[But in that ember. 】


【——Is there really the light we are looking for? 】


The system prompt sounds:

[You have completed the S-level mission ·Before dawn, reach BE ·Embers】

[Task evaluation: B+]



Su Mingan sighed slightly as she looked at the girl who died in the coffin, her wedding dress red as blood.

- Still a step too late.

He raised his hand,

back file.

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