Welcome Back To the World Game

Vol 2 Chapter 129: "The Prophet's Clue"

The battle in the center of the square was forcibly terminated by the townspeople. Lu Shu frowned as he looked at the mayor who suddenly intervened.

"Mayor." Lu Shu said, "How is Su Ming'an?"

Lu Shu had seen the World Forum, and it said that he was a world-class dog licking dog, but he had the strength to follow behind others.

——But sometimes he just feels that many people other than him have too little knowledge.

People have already started to deduce what to expect from all the perfect clearances.

Some people threatened to win to the end, they said that their last wish was to end the game completely and keep Zhai Xing away from these meaningless disputes. Others say their wish is to drive the aliens out and not let the hateful host contaminate their homeland.

Although he has lost the qualification to win to the end, he has no regrets about it, after all, he has no pursuit of rights.

He just always likes to follow people with bright hearts, so he decided from the beginning that Su Mingan is a good person. Good people have bright hearts, even if Su Mingan is suspected by many people, he still thinks he is a good person.

His paranoia was simple and firm, and his life was a one-way line.

From the beginning to the end, it is determined that it will not change.

And all those who stand in the way of good people...

His eyes are a little gloomy. He has long thought about what he will do after this world ends-he wants to get rid of the garbage that stands in front of good people. He doesn't care what points are or not, even if he is hunted down, it doesn't matter. .

For example, that person who is very strong, but whose heart is in a mess.

Also, the twelfth who always speaks badly.

They are strong, but he also has a way to get rid of people without using direct force.

What Su Mingan doesn't want to do, he will do it - the first player should be the first player with integrity, and he is willing to be a light chaser with blood on his hands.

"Traveler No. 4?" The mayor turned his head, and the crutches in his hand were shaking with red light, completely separating the two opposing camps: "Traveler No. 1? I didn't see him, if you want to ask us why Help you... that's because my dear son, Perry, is back."

Lu Shu noticed that the werewolf players on the opposite side were whispering. They seemed to give up the idea of ​​fighting against them. They guessed where Su Mingan went alone, and they were going to the ancestral hall to intercept him.

"—Okay, my dear travelers." The mayor's crutches tapped the ground: "I promised Poli that I won't let you fight again today, and now you can disperse. If you find someone fighting again, I'll stop it too."

He said, combined with the townspeople with various weapons behind their backs, looking quite deterrent.

Lu Shu left first, and he wanted to go back to his room.

The safest place might be his own house. He walked towards the house, but Xiaobi on his shoulder seemed to notice something and jumped down.

He saw a small roll of paper that Xiaobi picked up.

The note was tied with a rubber band, like a very precious thing, and the edges were not damaged at all.

He took out the note, and before he untied the rubber band, he first received a system prompt:

【Get level clues · Prophet clues】

His heart "squeaked".

There seems to be a premonition rising.

He immediately turned off the live broadcast, his eyes flashed hesitantly.

... He knew that this was probably a note describing Su Ming'an.

He didn't intend to probe other people's past, the best way should be to not open it and hand it to Su Mingan directly.

...but he couldn't control his hand at this time.

He watched his hands trembling and loosened the rubber band, slowly unfolding the paper.

His movements were solemn like a pilgrimage.

He took a deep breath and cast his eyes down.

His eyes froze for more than ten seconds on that description.


Incomparably complicated emotions flashed in his eyes.

Then, shaking his hands, he rolled up the note again, restored it to the previous appearance with a very careful attitude, and put it into the grid of the backpack.


Su Mingan opened his eyes.

He saw the snow falling everywhere.

He was standing in the alley, and the cold wind was blowing endlessly.

... at the same time.

He has never quite understood the mechanism of death rollback.

Obviously died at different time points, but the time point of the rollback is exactly the same.

He vaguely thought of something - does this mean that during a certain period of time, if he chooses to roll back, he will return to the same point in time?

He put these thoughts aside first and stared at the option of "going to the ancestral hall".

It seemed that following the mayor's route all the time would not work. That old man was also an accomplice to let Jasmine die. As long as he appeared in the mayor's line of sight, the mayor would be on guard, so much so that he restricted himself from saving people with a crutch.

Then, if you go to the ancestral hall to prepare in advance...

Instead of going to the street to buy clothes, he walked directly towards the ancestral hall.

——If the dawn refers to the point in time.

This time, he must let her live at least until the next morning.


As night falls, gongs and drums are blaring.

The girl in the red wedding dress boarded the wedding sedan chair, accompanied by the high-pitched sound of the suona.

After all the procedures, the girl was led into the ancestral hall. She stood for a while, but did not wait for her groom for a long time.

She felt a little chills and tried to seek some security from her father, but got no response.


As soon as her call came out, she suddenly felt that her shoulder was pressed by two strong forces, causing her pain. She couldn't help pulling off the red hijab and turned around, only to see that the kind-hearted old man had disappeared.

Instead, there are several townspeople with five big and three rough.

They pressed her shoulders, as if trying to force her to kneel, and they had a sharp wooden thorn in their other hand, which vaguely gave her a bad premonition.

"Wait, wait..." She originally thought that she would be able to meet my dear God-sama here - this is what her father told her. Marrying a god, the **** can bless the town for at least a year, the **** werewolves will no longer appear, and she will get her own happiness.

... But she never thought about what kind of process "marrying" would be like.

Why, in the place of her wedding night, there will be someone else.

[A mortal man cannot marry a god. 】

- unless it is outside the scope of "people".

send her to die.


She heard the high-pitched sound of a suona from outside the door.

The weight on her shoulders was suddenly heavy, and her dear townspeople seemed to be trying to force her to bow down.

At this moment, her mind was clearer than ever.

"—Worship heaven and earth!"

Her weak body couldn't hold the strength on her shoulders at all, so she was forced to press down, kneeling down on both knees. The hijab on her head had already fallen to the ground, and her delicate bun was also torn. Compared to her who had been carefully dressed up and wanted to show the most beautiful side to the gods, it was really bad.

... She had thought about going to church with the other party, but she had never thought of it this way.

A strong force came from her head, her forehead slammed on the icy ground, and in the cold winter night, her whole body was trembling.

"Wait, wait—!" she shouted. "I want to see my father! I want to see my father, and that's not what my father said—"

It was her will to marry a god.

...but now, she feels a little confused. The mayor said that as long as you believe in gods and love each other fervently, everyone can be happy. But the marriage you love and I want, why should it be carried out in this way?

"—Two worship to the high hall!"

She was turned around and bowed to the outside. It was supposed to be a situation where the husband and wife were worshiping together, and she was only accompanied by a tablet held by the townspeople.

"—Husband and wife, bye bye!"

The high-pitched suona sound resounded in the night.

She saw the cold tablet that corresponded to her.

She could see the writing on the tablet.


The one who worshipped her was the tablet with her own name on it.

...she is clearly still alive.

How can it be like dead?

She felt like she was being picked up like a powerless straw, and dragged her towards the center of the ancestral hall. She struggled and looked in that direction with her somewhat stiff eyes——

She saw a closed coffin.

Prepared for her wedding night, a coffin.

She immediately began to struggle frantically, and the people next to her didn't seem to expect her sudden burst of strength to be so strong, and she was thrown away by the blown-up girl in an instant. She herself did not expect the tendency to rush forward so fiercely, with a **** red silk, she rushed towards the coffin in front of her, her forehead was facing the hard corner of the coffin, like a blood feather, going to die flamingo.

She closed her eyes in despair.

——Then she felt that her head was gently propped up by a hand.

"This scene is a bit familiar." She heard a male voice.

Just as she was about to struggle to stand up, she suddenly heard a loud roar behind her—


She raised her eyes slightly and saw at the edge of her field of vision, the blood-red coffin had been removed.

Behind them, the shouts of the townspeople were gone, and they had returned to silence.

There was some unreal feeling in her heart. The moment she propped up her body and looked up, she saw the young man in the coffin in front of her eyes.

She had a little sigh in her heart.

【...Ah, Lord God】

[As expected, you still came to save me. 】


Su Mingan stopped the space vibration and saw a series of system experience prompts:

[You killed the townsman Wu Dun, Exp+1000]

[You killed the townsman Bao Xia, Exp+1000]


For these people in front of him, he did not spare any of them and killed them all.

Since he came to the ancestral hall in the afternoon, he has been hiding in the coffin, and the option has not been triggered.

He thought that at least someone would check the coffin, and then he would move out in space and move in again when he had the opportunity, but he didn't expect that this coffin had never been opened, as if it was specially used to wait for the "bride".

At present, he still can't control the space vibration very effectively, and the range is still a bit large. He can only choose to attack when Jasmine is close to the coffin and can enter the range of his body.

After killing all the townspeople in the ancestral hall, he glanced at the more than half of the mana, and prepared to kill all those guarding outside.

The only thing that threatened him was the mayor's dragon head crutches, which seemed to be the same as the rules. Last week, he was trapped by that crutch and didn't get to Jasmine in time.

Just as he was about to go out, he felt his sleeves being pulled.

"Lord God." The girl in the wedding dress looked at him with clear eyes: "You are the one who came to marry me, Lord God, right?"

"I'm not." Su Mingan immediately shook her off. The townspeople in front of her had just been killed by him, but this girl continued to believe that he was a **** as if she hadn't seen it. He didn't think this Jasmine was so normal.

He immediately moved out of space, and first saw the shocked Mayor Mitchell.


The white-haired old man looked up at him, with joy in his eyes when he saw the wanderer returning home.

"Child, you're finally back. I'm afraid you can't find a home. I've been waiting for you at the town entrance. I always believe you'll come back..."


What greeted him was the huge spatial vibration that shattered his heart and lungs.

Mitchell's mouth was bleeding, and he slowly fell down with a look of disbelief.

From the beginning to the end, he could not understand, he has always been very obedient, but occasionally some rebellious child Bo Li, how can he shoot at him.


He murmured and fell down.

The dragon-headed cane fell to the ground, and a layer of blood-red light was plated in the white snow.

[You killed (Terry Mayor Turn Mitchell), Exp+8000! 】

[*You get the key item (Dragon Head Crutches)]

[Dragon head crutches: This is a symbol of the powerful people in Triri, and it is also a tool for devout people to communicate with the gods.

With this item, you can communicate with the **** Triri for a short time. (This item can be brought out of a single copy)]


【Ding dong! You have been upgraded to a (second-order second) player]

[Get 3 free attribute points]

[Combat Strength: 800+60]

【You get equipment (Pendant of Dawn)】

Su Mingan stood on the eaves and distributed points according to the original distribution plan.

He didn't expect that the mayor didn't do anything to him. If the faucet crutches worked again, it would definitely be a little troublesome.

Before he could see the attributes of the dropped equipment, he immediately opened the door and went to find Jasmine.

If the mission was to keep her alive and see the dawn of the next day, now just wait.

He walked in with the dragon head crutches, and then met a pair of eagle-like eyes.

Jasmine was looking at him.

The clarity in her eyes disappeared, replaced by a sharp determination like a knife.

The next moment, the dragon head crutches in Su Ming'an's hands let go and automatically came into her hands.

"Terry, my dearest believers. They shouldn't have died like this." "Jasmine" leaned on a cane and said coldly:

"—You killed Mitchell, killed my dear believers."

On the back of her hand, a layer of fine fluff gradually appeared.

Su Mingan stood still.

"...Have you been taken advantage of?" He looked at this completely different Jasmine from before, and realized that this completely different Jasmine might be the **** that the townspeople believed in.

He heard a narration from Perry:

[——I am a wandering boy who returned home from a long journey. 】

[I killed my own father. 】

[…To save a girl. 】

[The girl's eyes are very pure, she said she wants to marry me. 】

[The girl said I was her god, she was so innocent. 】

[But when I removed everything to protect her, I found that she was no longer there. 】


"—You violated the rules, the betrayed believer Poli." "Jasmine" raised her chin and smiled coldly:

"However, you are a good townsman."

she says:

"Compared to Mitchell, you may be better than him."

"—Stay here and become my puppet." She opened her arms, and a fine layer of fluff grew on the back of her hands:

"Let the whole town die under the curse~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Or, stay, be my followers, worship me, believe in me, and—

worship me. "

She smiled warmly, not like a dignified god.

But a powerful lunatic who controls power and desire.

The narration continues:

[—The girl eventually married her god. 】

[And I'm just one after all, I've done nothing, I'm just trash. 】

【——I lost everything. 】

[I will take my father's crutches and inherit the entire Terry. 】

[The minority obeys the majority, and the little righteousness obeys the great righteousness. 】

[Terry's absolute justice, maybe I should learn to obey. 】

【In order to protect my dear townspeople, I am looking for a new girl. 】


[—and sent them to a dead end without knowing anything. 】

[You have completed the S-level mission, before dawn, achieve...]


[Instant death resistance takes effect! 】

[The player is not dead! 】

[Unknown changes have taken place in the ending process, and the balance process is in progress...]

[The game process continues, and the new route has been planned. 】

[——You have entered the Perfect Clearance Line, Hidden Line and Dawn Line, and the Perfect Clearance Process is 40. 】

He suddenly heard such a voice.

The "Jasmine" who was holding a cane in front of him and seemed to be attacking had a look of astonishment in his eyes.

"Why..." she muttered to herself, "Can you resist my curse?"

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