Welcome Back To the World Game

Vol 2 Chapter 130: ·Dawn Line TE·Meet Tomorrow

"Jasmine" suddenly waved the dragon head crutch in her hand again, Su Mingan felt an invisible pressure shrouded from the top of her head.

There was a tingling sensation in his heart, as if countless invisible thorns had fallen. But the next moment the pain disappeared suddenly, as if a hand was suddenly swept away.

He heard a prompt from the system:

[(Hidden·Rose Hat) The skill effect is triggered. 】

[Due to the instant death resistance, the enemy instant death skills are automatically invalidated. 】

"Why, why is it ineffective?" "Jasmine" looked at him blankly, the crutch in her hand was glowing with red light, as if the attack had already been issued, but it was ineffective.

Su Ming'an understood - his equipment skills were able to resist the instant death of a curse-like effect, so that he should have died and the end of becoming a puppet of "Jasmine" did not come true.

The ending has changed.

What he's in now... a whole new process perhaps.

"Jasmine" looked at him gloomily. After a while, she suddenly said:

"You are a good townsman, and I am willing to forgive you for leaving.

As long as you are willing to become my followers, I can let you go and let you inherit your father's business and control Terry..."

"—Forgive my rejection." Su Mingan interrupted her, he looked at "Jasmine" with a firm expression.

He didn't know if it was right or not, but promising the other party was definitely not a perfect ending.

What he wants is [perfect], never a simple [pass].

Jasmine should not have died, it was this so-called "god" who occupied her body—he still had a chance.

He didn't know if it was right for him to chase out and kill the mayor, but since the ending prompt didn't appear, it wouldn't be directly badend.

"Jasmine" squinted at him, the danger in it did not arise.

"You are not a god, you are just a collection of desires gathered by the townspeople." Su Mingan looked at her: "You let the townspeople kill each other, you let innocent girls die in pain, you The sanctuary seems like a joke to me - you claim to be a god, but you do what the devil is supposed to do, the whole town is bewitched by you, they live like a lunatic, and you are complacent..."

His words were not finished.

"Jasmine" seemed to understand that her curse had no effect. She stepped forward suddenly, her eyes flashed, and a blood-red light shone through.

Her palms turned into claws, and the fine fluff on her body grew wildly, and the whole person rushed towards him like a wolf!

The fiery red wedding dress fluttered like bird feathers, and the girl's eyes were like ghosts.

"—Is this what you call a **** in Terry?"

Su Mingan looked at the hideous werewolf in front of him and laughed in a low voice, with some mockery in his smile.

In the face of "Jasmine" who rushed over, he was not afraid at all, as long as it wasn't an unreasonable skill to control his body, he would have the opportunity to fight back.

He stared at the direction where Jasmine was pounced, and the spatial vibration was ready to be emitted at any time.

Suddenly, he heard a crisp sound.


It was the sound of glass bottles shattering to the ground.

"Jasmine"'s expression changed, her expression was extremely painful, and she quickly covered her chest.

A bottle of green liquid swaying was thrown from the window and hit her right on top.

The green liquid flowed down her body, making a melting sound like "Zizzizi". "Jasmine" looked to the side suddenly, but she could only see the white snow outside the window.


There was the sound of glass bottles crashing from outside the door.

Su Mingan turned his head to the side and saw a woman in a cloak, with a silver dagger pinned to her waist, holding a bottle of reagent with red liquid dangling in her hand. Slightly dry blond hair leaked from the opening, the color approaching the fading sunlight.

She approached slowly, still carrying the wind and snow on her body. When she passed the corpses of the townspeople on the ground, her footsteps didn't stop for a second, as if she didn't care about these people at all.

"Jasmine" was trembling all over. She seemed to be afraid of this medicine. When she saw the woman approaching, she gritted her teeth, and the dragon head crutch in her hand quickly pointed at her—


【HP-1250! (Weak Suppression! Break!)]

"Jasmine"'s attack was interrupted.

Her figure shook violently in the violent space tremor, and then she closed her eyes and fainted.

And at the moment she fainted, the fluff and claws on her body also shrank back instantly.

Su Mingan retracted the space to shake, stepped forward, and supported the unconscious girl, preventing her head from hitting the coffin.

He leaned her against the coffin, brushing the broken hair in front of her.

"...You are very considerate." The man in the cloak said.

Her voice was hoarse, different from the voice in Su Ming'an's memory, as if she had experienced many years.

"No, I just wanted to confirm whether she was feigning dizziness." Su Mingan stood up and looked at the cloaked man who suddenly appeared:

"—Salina, I think I'm qualified to know everything about Terry."

The woman laughed softly.

She stretched out her hand - it was a withered hand like an old man. After showing her face, Su Mingan saw the wrinkles carved by the years on her face, one after another, her skin wrinkled like paper.

...This is the old Serena, the one who was not blessed by time, and the one who is still alive.

The witch Selina, who was the leader, has long since died, and at a past time node, Su Mingan met her who was still alive.

"Boli back home, when you left Terry and threatened to change the beliefs of the people in the town, I never thought you had such courage." Selina smiled and said, "You seem to be back now. It's different, you can kill the puppet-like Mitchell with your own hands, and kill the crazy townspeople, which is enough to prove that you may already have the qualifications to know everything."

She sighed slightly: "Mitchell once told me not to reveal this, but I didn't want to bring all the secrets into the coffin. Now you are very different - you may really be able to change such a Terry."

Su Ming'an looked at her, waiting for her next words.

Serena slowly approached, she seemed to be observing Jasmine's situation, and after crouching down behind her, she unscrewed the bottle with the red liquid in her hand, then pinched Jasmine's chin and poured it into her little by little. mouth.

"I've seen it for a long time that the belief in the town has been quietly changed." She said, "In the beginning, there really was a great **** who protected Terry. Although since the wolf child was discovered, there have always been Hateful werewolves are haunted, but we can always turn the tide... But that all changed after the gods' protection disappeared."

She stood up and looked at him with a pair of frosty eyes, her expression as bright as when she was young: "The townspeople, every year, a young girl will be chosen, and she will be nailed in a coffin to obtain protection—they are beautiful. It is called marrying a god. At first, I thought it was an excellent way, but I later realized that the so-called **** is no longer there. He is replaced by a ghost wandering in the dark night."

"The townspeople are all bewitched." Su Ming'an said, "If I'm not mistaken, the ghost you mentioned is the existence that occupied Jasmine's body just now."

"...That's right." Serena lowered her head slightly: "That abominable existence bewitched the townspeople, made them self-exile, and chose young girls to worship it. I have seen through all of this, but my potion, even if You can temporarily suppress ghosts, but you are still helpless against a permanent curse..."

She looked over with admiration in her eyes: "Poli, it's all thanks to you this time. If you didn't stop that ghost in time and let it leave before absorbing Jasmine's soul, my potion wouldn't have hit this guy— This time, it must have been hit hard."

Su Ming'an didn't speak.

He is thinking about something.

After Serena said this, she turned around.

"Are you going?"

"Pori, maybe you haven't discovered it yet, but this ancestral hall has long been contaminated by the breath of that ghost." Selina's breath was a little uneven: "If you stay here all the time, even me will be polluted. You will After Jasmine's affairs are settled, let's seal this place as soon as possible. The ancestral hall—it's better to be a forbidden place in the future. If someone breaks in at will, it may wake up the ghost that was hit hard by my potion."

"What's the matter?" Su Mingan didn't know what to do with the girl.

Serena turned her head and looked at him with a playful look.

"Jasmine has become the residence of that ghost. The ghost cannot be killed, it can only be healed in Jasmine's body. If you want to trap it, the only way is to trap Jasmine."

Su Ming'an's eyebrows raised slightly.

He seemed to sense a connection between the front and back timelines.

But he noticed a nuanced difference, and the route he took might be deviated from reality.

"Jasmine is actually a dead person. If she hadn't been a dead person, the ghost wouldn't be trapped in her body and could not continue to absorb anger." Sarina said: "Also, according to the deceased prophet An Lian Na said that she saw a trace of connection with the people in the town from that ghost. If you want Terry to continue to exist, the best way is to…”

After Selina left, the wind and snow gradually stopped.


A girl's weak voice came from the side, and Su Mingan, who was squatting on the ground, turned her head to the side, and saw Jasmine covering her head and slowly opening her eyes.

He saw a pure blue ocean in her eyes.

"I'm..." She was a little stunned, looked at the green liquid flowing on her body, and then looked at Su Mingan who was watching her, a little timid, and a little surprised and softly called out:

"God... my lord?"

"I'm not your god." Su Mingan said: "The **** is dead, and your belief is yourself."

Jasmine's body shrank slightly. She didn't understand the meaning of his words, but she knew that the person in front of her appeared in the ancestral hall on her wedding night. He touched her and saved her.

Father said that the gods possessed extremely powerful powers and could easily save anyone.

The father also said that the gods would appear in the ancestral hall that night to take her away and lead a happy life.

The existence in front of him is exactly the same as the **** described by his father.

Married to a god.

She didn't see anyone except the person in front of her.

-Then he is his own god.

Jasmine thought so.

Su Mingan looked at this pious girl.

He sees through her—she's a superstitious man whose beliefs have been imposed by his father, Mitchell.

She didn't know why she believed, and she didn't know how to love someone. Just because her father said it, she did it, and always believed that his words were right, even out of context.

Because of her simplicity, she is shockingly stubborn.

Su Mingan looked at the pure and bright eyes of the person in front of her, and remembered what Serena said before she left:

[Pori - You need to stabilize her, Jasmine can't die, and can't leave this ancestral hall. 】

[She herself is no longer an ordinary girl, she does not need food and water, and can live in a coffin. But she can kill herself. 】

[Once she is dead, the ghost will look for another, living body, absorb his soul, restore its power, and continue to be its god. It will send a will to keep Terry in eternal terror. 】

[Jasmine cannot die, even if she lives like a ghost, she must live. 】

[What you have to do is to give her hope and prevent her from committing suicide. 】

[After dealing with her affairs, seal off the ancestral hall and do not allow anyone to break in. You need to take away that dragon head crutch, become the next mayor of Terry, and find the real **** we lost. 】

[I am old, old enough to have gray hair. 】

[Even the familiar smell of the potion gradually fades in my perception...]

[Perhaps because of my devout belief, I will be fortunate to be able to leave behind a spirit body that can continue to bless Terry, like other great people in Terry. 】

[But I am about to die, even if I do all this, I will be tortured by ghosts day and night. 】

[I know that it is too heavy to entrust everything to you who just returned home. 】

[However, please - accept this responsibility. 】

[Lord God once told me that there will be twelve travelers who will change our destiny and come to save us...]

【Please, stick to that time, and then,】

[Release Terry, from eternal damnation-. 】

Su Mingan looked at the girl.

She was looking at herself with a desire for love and reverence for the gods in her eyes.

Jasmine seemed to want to speak, but her face was gradually flushed with a girl's blush, her fingers were clutching at the somewhat tattered wedding dress, and the golden jewelry dazzled her eyes.

Su Ming'an remembered Serena's words.

[Give her hope and keep her alive]

[—Even if it’s just like a ghost, alone in the ancestral hall without seeing the sun, until it rots completely].

This is the most important and cruel thing he will do.

He got up, and the girl gripped his trousers tightly, like she was holding on to hope.

"—Where are you going?" Jasmine asked.

"I'm going to town to deal with Terry's affairs." Su Ming'an touched her head.

"will you come back?"

"Yes." Su Ming'an nodded: "I'll come back to you when I'm done with Terry's business—before that, don't step out of the ancestral hall and live well, you know?"

Jasmine's hand gradually tightened.

Su Mingan felt that Jasmine was approaching, and when he turned away, he saw the girl in the blood-red wedding dress and hugged his arm tightly.

"I'll wait for you and wait for you to come back," she said.

She didn't seem to ask a lot of things, and she didn't seem to care about her situation. When she looked at him, her eyes were as bright as stars.

"But before that, you can admit, you can tell me, can you promise me one thing?"


"—Are you my god?"

Her pupils were dyed with eagerness, and her eyes were always pure.

Because she was too simple, she was looking for his answer as if she was looking for a truth. She was a fanatic and not a fanatic.

She was looking at him with renewed eagerness in her eyes.

...she was no longer born for her father's words.

But live for your own heart.

She identified the young man in front of her as her god, and for this reason, she would become a ghost wandering in the ancestral hall and get lost forever.

- But, perhaps, she will also become the most determined and most devout pilgrim.

Su Mingan looked at her.

Just as he was about to speak, his eyes were swayed by a splendor.

His eyes were slightly slanted, and in the gloomy darkness, he saw a touch of golden color.

- It is the rising sun.

Light but warm, poured in from the window, leaving a dazzling golden yellow in the girl's pupils, dyeing the cold coffin and countless tablets with warmth.

Night has faded.

- She had seen the dawn as she wished.

Su Ming'an failed to speak the words.

The next moment, the picture in front of him freezes.

Some leisurely voices sounded in Bo Li.

This voice, he had heard before, carried the vicissitudes of years.

—Like the mayor Mitchell who greeted them.

[—I am a wandering boy who returned home from a long journey. Polly Mitchell. 】

【I became her god. 】

[Perhaps, she will be permanently imprisoned in this ancestral hall, like a ghost in eternal darkness. 】

[But I don't have to send new girls away, and I don't have to watch them die. 】

[—Even though, it will come at the expense of the girl in front of me. 】

[The minority obeys the majority, and the little righteousness obeys the great righteousness. What my father said was right. 】

[I'm just a naive child. I should obey my father's beliefs. 】

[I am the rebellious child Poli, and I will make atonement to the gods. I will take my father's cane and continue to protect dear Terry. 】

[We are pilgrims with firm beliefs and ghosts who are reluctant to leave our homeland. 】

[We burn ourselves like fire, burning our lives and emotions... In this hot land surrounded by faith, the warmth comes from the burning ourselves. 】

[And in that ember. 】

[—I felt an unprecedented light. 】

The corpse of the ancestral hall has been cleaned up by Selina, and a large swathe of the morning sun has fallen down, plating the ground with gold.

The girl was looking at him, she didn't fully understand her future destiny.

But she knew that she would wait here - waiting for the **** in front of her to come back and marry her.

【Are you my god? 】

The girl asked him that.

Su Ming'an looked at her, and her eyes were filled with the brilliance she wore. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

He covered his heart, where some unspeakable emotions were transpiring.

[You have completed the S-level task, before dawn, reached a personal copy of TE and met tomorrow]

[Task evaluation: SSS (perfect)! 】

[(TE·Meet Tomorrow): Survival is the carrier of tragedy, and we will struggle endlessly in the days to come.

The girl who fell into the coffin successfully saw the dawn.

She stayed there day and night, in pursuit of her self-identified beliefs.

I learned to sacrifice properly and became what my father wanted me to be.

I'm the next mayor, taking the Mitchell name, and I'm ashamed that I've turned my back on my homeland in search of someone else.

I embrace the incomplete nostalgia, and rejoice for the arrival of tomorrow.

But suddenly, I saw her eyes.

Her clear eyes, like interrogating me.

—The heir to the town, Polly Mitchell.

Returning from travel, just to live the next [Mayor Mitchell] who he hates the most.

Claiming to marry her, but only to make her live like an imprisoned ghost, her "god" who keeps her waiting forever for the rest of her life.

Such us, in such a world,

- Do you really need such a "tomorrow"? 】

[Personal copy · TE has been achieved, get hidden rewards · time line · meet tomorrow]

【Get 80 mission points】

[The ending has been included and will be included in the final evaluation]

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