Welcome Back To the World Game

Vol 2 Chapter 134: · "Her God"

【Twenty minutes ago】

"Jasmine" kept struggling, she seemed to be extremely depressed, and her tears kept flowing.

Seeing her refusal to cooperate, Su Mingan could only knock her unconscious and go to Mayor Mitchell.

When he arrived, Mitchell was making tea, and he was still half-baked, but Lu Shu didn't know how much tea.

There was a scent of incense in the room, and the two tablets on the stage had long since disappeared, as if they had never appeared.

"The mayor." Su Mingan walked in with the unconscious Jasmine in his arms, and met the old man's cloudy eyes, "...No, Poli."

Perry Mitchell's body trembled slightly. He looked at the girl wrapped in a blood-colored wedding gown, his pupils vibrating constantly, as if dusty memories were gradually being awakened.

"Poli... Mayor." Su Ming'an called out his name slowly, a sense of absurdity of causal reincarnation in his heart: "Do you remember it now? Your past that was bewitched by this ghost?"

The white-haired old man slowly turned around.

Su Mingan saw a tear in his eyes.

"Who am I?" Mitchell muttered. "I'm...Perry?"

He walked forward slowly, as if he wanted to touch the girl who seemed to be asleep, but the hand suddenly retracted.

He looked at Jasmine, at the **** wedding dress on her body, and watched slowly, as if looking at a treasure.

She is still young.

He is already old...even in the day-to-day life, he has lost his faith unknowingly.

"...I remember." He muttered to himself.

Su Ming'an was very familiar with that tone. He had heard this person say this in his ear several times:

"—I am, a wanderer who returned home from a long journey."


[Dawn Line · Perfect Clearance Process 80%]


On the modified timeline, Po Li has the memory of that single-player copy.

"I remember, that day, I wanted to find the lost **** and imprison the innocent Jasmine—" Mitchell looked panicked: "But, why did I bring her with me, what am I...believing in? ? When did my beliefs... be changed...?"

Su Mingan put Jasmine aside, took out the dragon head crutch, and handed it to him.

Mitchell took it slowly, his bark-like hands slowly stroking the cane, like touching the skin of a lover.

Su Mingan silently waited in place, waiting for his next words.

"I..." Mitchell sighed slightly, then raised his head and looked at him: "Traveler from the outside world, I want to thank you for your help. You reminded me of the time when I was buried - it turned out that I was locking Jasmine away. After the ancestral hall, I still failed to live up to Selina's expectations. I forgot who was waiting for her, and even forgot my own beliefs... I was bewitched by the ghost in her body, and even my entire town believed in an evil god... "

He held the dragon head crutches in both hands, his eyes filled with eager anticipation:

"—Now, I will communicate with the god-sama and free Terry from the eternal curse..."

Su Ming'an didn't speak.

He knew that Terry's gods had long since disappeared.

The faucet cane in Mitchell's hand lit up, and then as expected, nothing happened.

- There will be no more gods to answer him.

His expression seemed a little lost, but his eyes were calm, as if he had expected this ending.

"It turns out...that's the case." Mitchell said, "I should have thought, God, He will not forgive again and again, our group of children who have betrayed their faith."

"You don't have to worry too much." Su Ming'an said, "People die every night in the town. It is this ghost who is the ghost. If you drive it away, even if there is no god's blessing in the future, Terry can still be freed from the curse - needless to say, for Whoever fights, you are enough to save yourselves."

Mitchell glanced at him.

This look is very deep.

"Expelling ghosts, I used to think about doing so." Mitchell said, "But it's useless... Even if Jasmine is killed, ghosts will still choose someone else to possess, so we can only continue to lock Jasmine in the ancestral hall... …”

"And then usher in the next reincarnation?" Su Mingan laughed softly.

...he's mourning the townspeople's self-deception.

The ghost will not die, it will gradually regain its strength.

Even if Jasmine is permanently locked in the ancestral hall, the ghost will continue to bewitch the townspeople.

Even if Perry is awake now, his next [Mayor Mitchell] will still be bewitched, and then he will only repeat the process of today.

——And at that time, will they welcome a new batch of travelers?

Su Ming'an has tried his best to get to this point, and he can't save these people yet. If Jasmine continued to be permanently locked in the ancestral hall, waiting for the bewitched by the ghost—what was the difference between the situation and before he arrived?

"We have no choice." Mitchell shook his head: "The ghost is immortal, we can't drive it away..."

Su Ming'an has traveled all over Terry, and he has not found any other clues.

According to the progress of the mission, he was already close to completion. As long as he dragged Jasmine to the square to expose the true face of the ghost, his mission this time was successfully completed.

He doesn't need to worry about Terry's business anymore, the faction and special missions are blooming, and this time the world copy has been carried out quite perfectly.

...he doesn't need to do anything else.

He turned his head and looked at the girl lying on the sofa with her brows stretched.

She seemed to have fallen asleep, with a relaxed expression, much better than the one he had seen before, leaning against the coffin and crying silently.

He instantly remembered the girl's bright eyes at dawn, and the bright golden yellow in her pupils was very beautiful.

She is still waiting for the follow-up story.

"..." He was silent for a while.

He always felt that if it ended like this, it seemed that there was a slight deviation from the word [Dawn Line].

"Pori, I have a way." He said, "...I don't understand Molly's feelings, and I don't even know who is better for it. This way...sounds pretty bad too. But if you want to save Terry's words, you can try."

Mitchell's eyes narrowed slightly.


On the exile square, Aini watched as Su Mingan walked towards the middle with a girl in his arms.

"...What are you doing?" He stared at this scene dumbfoundedly: "That's right, that's the mayor's daughter, why did you let him soak in... What is this going to do? Today, these nt townspeople are again Are you going to start exile?"

The tit-for-tat of several players also seemed to be suspended. They watched everything that was happening in the square, and watched Su Mingan hand the dragon head crutches into the hands of the mayor.

"Are you a clone?" Aini glanced at the silent clone next to him: "What do you want to do with your main body, do you know?"

"Don't be noisy." He got a very bad attitude from the clone.

...Didn't you say that the avatar is very gentle!

Aini turned his head in an instant, so he wouldn't have a hot face and a cold butt.

Immediately afterwards, he saw that the mayor's daughter was tied directly to the cross.

There are firewood piled under the cross, as if to be executed.

"What is this... doing," he murmured.

"Today's exile object is my daughter... No, it's the ghost stored in my daughter Jasmine's body." The mayor suddenly spoke, his voice deep.

His expression seemed to be very sad, like a righteous extermination.

He looked at the indignant townspeople and said: "—This **** ghost, it bewitched us, made us abandon our previous beliefs, and made the great gods abandon us—it is so sinful that only flames can Burn up its sins!"

...it started again.

Aini has seen the fanaticism of this group of townspeople since he first entered the town. They exiled their own people like a bag in their brains, and their attitude was like a group of hopeless cultists.

Anyone who doubts will be sent to death, regardless of past feelings.

Family, friendship, love, in their view, are things that can be discarded at will. As long as they can obey the will of the gods, then they can even let themselves die.

And now, the suspected person has become the mayor's daughter, so the mayor pushed his daughter to the rack again...

This Terry is a pot of porridge that has been messed up by all kinds of evil beliefs. He doesn't even know what to communicate with this group of people.

He watched this scene with some boredom, then looked at the girl who was tied to the stake, and slowly opened his eyes.

Her eyes are like heavenly lakes, pure and beautiful, which can make those who watch her feel as if their minds have been purified. Aini felt a little pity - he felt that this girl should be as innocent as most people, but because of the anger of the crowd, she was pushed to a dead end.

Suddenly, he saw Su Ming'an's expression.

This guy seems to have always had a good relationship with the NPC, and he can participate even in this mess.

He saw this man's expression—his expression was quite solemn.

"So, is this what you are advocating?" Aini remembered the scene where this person was walking in the forefront:

"...What are you thinking about?"


"Jasmine" opened her eyes.

She saw the firewood below and the mayor with a sad face.

On one side, the townspeople were numb, with sickles and dung forks in their hands, and surrounded her like crazy believers.

They were waiting for her to die - sentenced just because of a word from the mayor.

"...you really want to kill me."

She muttered to herself.

She is a ghost, a ghost that bewitches the whole town.

In the eyes of everyone, she was a heinous crime and deserved to be sentenced to capital punishment.

She looked at the townspeople with such zealous expressions on their faces that she wished she would die, bit by bit, recognizing their faces.

These people are still her fanatics.

She can control them, and naturally she can control them to save her and kill the suddenly sober Poli... She can still control the entire Terry like a god.

However, the balance in her heart tilted slightly.

She looked at the dragon-headed crutch in Porie's hand—the crutch was dull.

"..." She was slightly silent, and then her fists clenched slightly.

The cross trembled slightly, and her whole body was trembling.

As if she was making an extremely difficult decision, when she saw Su Ming'an holding a torch approaching her little by little, her eyes gradually became filled with extremely complicated emotions.

"—Is this what you think, outsider?" she asked.

Su Ming'an looked up at her who was hung at the stake, the heat of the flame slightly scorched his face.

"—I'm asking you, a traveler from the outside world." She repeated: "After seeing the truth of Terry and knowing all this, your idea is to burn Jasmine to death, and then watch me possess a new body. the townspeople?"

"What happened to Terry, it has nothing to do with me." Su Mingan said in a very flat voice. When looking at this ghost, his eyes were extremely stable:

"All I want is a victory in the final line."


【Dawn Line·Perfect Clearance Process 90%】


"—You're lying!" Ghost Jasmine kept repeating, like a lunatic who suddenly lost his mind: "You're lying, you're lying, you're lying—"

Su Ming'an's eyes were always steady, his hand holding the torch did not tremble at all, and the flame rose steadily.

"—You don't care at all, Traveler No. 1, I have analyzed your behavior, and you are lying now!" Ghost Jasmine gritted her teeth: "You clearly care, and you care very much. Your current behavior is completely the same as your previous behavior. It's contradictory, you can't burn me for no reason - you know it's useless, it will only make Terry in a deeper darkness - you care about Jasmine, you want to save her!"


Su Mingan responded very lightly.

His hand sank slightly.

The flame burned at the end of the stick with scorching heat.

"...I just did it." Su Ming'an said, "But it is undeniable that you want to too."

After he said this, the ghostly madman-like behavior suddenly stopped.

Her hair was messy, her eyes were red and swollen, and she looked like a pagan witch about to be burned to death.

She opened her mouth slightly, and then tears welled up in her sea-like eyes that day.

"..." Her eyelashes trembled slightly~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and then a teardrop rolled down her cheek uncontrollably.

"Kill Jasmine, the ghost will find a new body, and Jasmine will really die." Su Ming'an said: "Ghost, I have seen your performance in the daytime, and I have also seen you burst into tears because the gods left. In your fusion with Molly, you seem to be infected with her emotions too - you seem to enjoy being with Mitchell, even if he only thinks of you as a daughter. You were also attracted to Edward at the time, like a Just like a normal girl."

Ghost's body trembled slightly.

She seemed to want to escape his gaze, to break free from the damned cross, and for a split second she wanted to call upon those dear townspeople to protect their gods, but it all stopped before the blazing flames in front of her eyes.

"You call yourself a god, but you are no longer a pure god." Su Mingan looked at her: "—Ghost, you need to know one thing, once a **** has a weakness, he is no longer a god."

Gloomy Soul chose to absorb Jasmine's soul, was trapped in her body, and took on her emotions. This was perhaps the worst thing it had ever done.

Ghosts actually have a way to escape this predicament.

As long as it controls Jasmine's body to die during the day, it can find a healthier body, absorb new souls, and restore its strength.

...but it doesn't.

"—You have become Jasmine's god, a wandering ghost." Su Mingan looked at her:


"Of all the people who are forcibly controlled, she is your only sincere fanatic."


【Dawn Line·Perfect Clearance Process 95】

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