Welcome Back To the World Game

Vol 2 Chapter 135: · Dawn Line TE · The Widow

The flames were burning.

Gloomy Soul looked at the flames burning in front of her—she could have stopped without making a sound, as long as Jasmine was burned to death, she would be able to find the next possessed body, and then continue to maintain her "believers".

She looked at the young man holding a torch in front of her, and the young man was also looking at her with extremely dull eyes.

——He clearly has the same desire as himself, the same will. He wanted to save Jasmine, and he wanted Jasmine to live, so why should she be subject to his words?

"A group of blind believers and a sincere fanatic." Su Mingan looked at her: "You choose."

"What do you want?" Ghost couldn't understand what this person wanted to say.

"I want to make a deal with you." Su Ming'an said, "I have a tool that can take a dying person away. If you voluntarily leave Jasmine's body and Terry, I will save Jasmine. , so that she can continue to live."

"Why should I believe you." Ghost sneered: "How great do you think I am? For a small believer, I have to sacrifice myself?"

"It doesn't matter." Su Ming'an continued, "It doesn't matter to me whether you leave or not. It's just a matter of me to save Terry and Jasmine. I don't like this town, just destroy it. My mission has been completed. ."

The ghost first showed full anger, and then she calmed down slightly and fell silent.

She looked at the angry townspeople around her, and then said softly:

"...you put me down first."

Su Mingan immediately went to untie her rope without any hesitation.

"Hey, he..."

Some townspeople tried to stop him, but were stopped by Mitchell's cane. Mitchell's expression was a little dignified, and he seemed to be struggling inside.

The ghost was put down, she rubbed her sore arm, and then looked at Su Mingan.

"This is her body," she said. "Go ask her."

Saying that, she closed her eyes.

The next moment, Su Ming'an saw that extraordinarily pure look - it was Jasmine's look.


She didn't seem to expect that she would wake up here. Jasmine was still a little flustered when she saw the sunlight pouring down from the sky, but soon she saw Su Mingan in front of her and calmed down slightly.

"Brother Lighthouse, this is..." She noticed the townsman holding a torch beside him, and subconsciously clenched his sleeves in fear, as she often did at night.


She heard an old shout, turned her head, and saw Perry Mitchell.

"Mayor?" she called blankly.

She didn't recognize Perry.

Even though her former **** stood in front of her, when his face was getting old, the person in her eyes was just an old man with white hair.

"Jasmine, Jasmine—now, the life of the entire town is in your hands."

The white-haired old man jumped up tremblingly. Jasmine was a little scared, but she was kind-hearted and didn't just push away an old man who couldn't stand still. She looked at this pleading old man, feeling a little overwhelmed.

"Please, please, let that ghost leave... Our town really can't stand the successive exiles and deaths. If this continues, Terry will become a ghost town..."

The old man clutched her red wedding dress, and there was deep sadness in the old man's eyes.

Jasmine didn't know the situation, she only knew that she should wake up in the ancestral hall at night, waiting for someone day after day, but she couldn't remember more.

but don't know why,

When this old man, this old man she didn't know at all, rushed up with a humble prayer on his face, a sense of loss rose up in her chest.

"Old man, you wait..." She called out subconsciously, but for some reason, as soon as the name was spoken, she felt a little ridiculous, and it felt like a tide, and it almost drowned her.

...It seems that she shouldn't call each other that.

The other party, who should be her?

"Jasmine, there is a ghost parasitizing your body." Su Mingan said slowly: "You have no memory during the day because it took over your body. Because it is there, a town resident will die every day in the town. "

"...Yes, is that so?" Jasmine was stunned. Suddenly, she hugged her head, as if some memory was being awakened:

"I, I remembered, there seems to be someone... She sometimes talks to me, and sometimes, she also tells me stories from the outside world..."

She said, suddenly her body froze, and then her eyes trembled violently:

"No," she murmured to herself, "she's not someone."

Su Ming looked at her quietly.

"She is, my god." Jasmine's eyes were dull, "I seemed to have been waiting for someone, and then she came... She accompanies me to talk and let me persist in living, she knows everything, and has supreme power. - She is my god."

Su Mingan don't look away.

From the looks of it, it was impossible for Jasmine to make the ghosts sacrifice.

He didn't have any emotion for this, he just did it with ease, he could save him if he could, and maybe there were some hidden rewards. If it doesn't work, let this Terry Town continue like this. All this is the choice of Jasmine and Gloomy Soul, and they are just a passing traveler after all.

"But, no, it's not right." Jasmine's eyes suddenly fell on Su Mingan.

There was something more than pure simplicity in her eyes.

"Brother Lighthouse, you told me, you told me other stories..." She said in a low voice, like a narrative, whispering what he had said:

"[...I saw your so-called exiles during the day, and I know that there must be innocent souls among those people. But just to satisfy the wishes of the vast majority of people, to satisfy the advancement of the entire town, they were suddenly sacrificed, and This sacrifice does not require their own consent.”

She raised her head: "Before, you asked me whether such a system is reasonable... Now I think such a system is unreasonable."

Su Ming'an looked at her with a new look.

"[Because she couldn't accept the truth, she spread the absurd and turned it into what she called the truth]." Jasmine whispered and repeated what he had said before:

"Brother Lighthouse, the current Terry is morbid and absurd. I know all of this in my heart... and my ideal god, absolutely, absolutely, will not let innocent townspeople, for whatever reason, for whatever reason. He's going to die..."

"So." She raised her head, with a rare firmness in her eyes.

"I may have always believed in her before, but now, I understand - she is not my god."

Su Mingan laughed.

He smiled genuinely.

The next moment, he saw that a dark ghost floated up from Jasmine's body.

It gradually condensed and turned into the appearance of a woman. Since it was only pitch black, her face could not be clearly seen.

"Is this your answer, Jasmine." The ghost looked at her.

"I remember." Jasmine said firmly: "My **** is named Boli. I'm sorry... but I won't go to have a second faith."

Mitchell's body trembled fiercely, and he seemed to want to cry too.

But in the end, he just sighed deeply.


The ghost disappeared.

After hearing Jasmine's answer, it rose up from Jasmine and disappeared suddenly.

Jasmine didn't know where it had gone, but the sudden heavier weight on her body was telling her that when the ghost left, her lingering existence would also die.

Her vision was blurry, and even her breathing became slower and slower.

In a trance, she seemed to see a dark presence coming up, and then gently pressed against her lips.

【Live. 】

She faintly heard such a voice.

【I am leaving. 】

【——Go and pursue your true belief. 】

She wanted to keep the voice, but everything was gradually drifting away from her.

- She heard cheers.

The cheers of the townspeople.

They looked really happy, high-fives and cheers, the women's shrill laughter, the old man's hoarse laughter, and she heard it all as if it were pouring into her ears.

She felt her mind clearer than ever, and when she heard all this, she knew that she too should be happy for Terry's safety.

She raised her eyes slightly, wanting to show a happy smile for the victory of justice over evil, but in the end she only felt that her tears were hot, and her figure seemed to be slowly disappearing.

The next moment, she saw Su Mingan approaching.

This traveler has always told a lot of interesting stories, and it was he who made her make up her final resolution—the faith that justice drives out evil.

She watched him stuff a doll into her hands, and then her almost transparent figure gradually stabilized.


[Blossoming Doll (Red Level): A one-time item, after giving it to a dying person, ta will become your "forever" companion]


"You did it, Jasmine."

She saw that the mayor was also smiling at her. The white-haired old man was kind and kind, like a father who had vague memories of her.

...but she always felt that something was missing in her heart.

Later, she touched her heart and understood—because her **** had completely disappeared.

The mayor in front of him is called Poli.

The ghost that left, it said it was also called Jasmine.

Whether it was before or now, her gods have completely disappeared from her life.

But it's all a joy.

Because of [justice].

"Brother Lighthouse, I remembered." Jasmine muttered to herself: "She once told me that she did all this to wait for the **** Terry used to be."

Su Mingan looked sideways at her.

"Whether it's a ghost or a god, they have all left." Su Ming'an said: "Your current belief is your own."

"..." Jasmine was silent for a while, then suddenly covered her face: "Brother Lighthouse."

She tried to put on a smile, like the group of people in Terry who started to revel behind her, but in the end she couldn't even hold back the inexplicable tears.

The doll fell to the ground, and her figure began to become transparent again.

"...Should I be happy?" she asked blankly.

She lived for her faith, and she once wanted to die for her faith.

But she now has nothing left by her side.

"Yeah." Su Mingan answered her.

"—Thank you, thank you, a traveler from the outside world!" Mitchell approached with crutches, he grinned and smiled happily: "Terry will hold a celebration tonight, thank you—"

He looked at the girl beside him: "Ah, and Jasmine."

Jasmine's memory gradually recovered, and she recognized the old man.

Po Li still has the shadow of his youth, his facial features have not changed much, but the wrinkles of the years have changed his appearance.

But she didn't open her mouth to recognize it.

He was no longer the **** she was waiting for.

She now has nothing but justice in her hands.


【Dawn Line·Perfect Clearance Process 100%】


Ernie returns from exile space, and he sees a three-to-three vote on the table.

Since there are three people in both camps, this referendum has no one out.

He also wanted to see the execution process over there, hoping that the girl hadn't died. But when he turned his head, he saw the empty stake.

And those townspeople are gone, they seem to be going to hold some kind of celebration party, and laughter is floating on the other side.

That girl named Jasmine was shaking uncontrollably.

All he could see was that her whole body was bent, like a drawn, stiff bow.

Beside her, stood Su Mingan.

Aini heard the girl's cry.

A black mist was clutching in her palm, but soon the mist passed between her fingers, and she grabbed the air, but didn't catch anything.

"This is, what's wrong?" Aini came up: "You made people cry?"

Su Ming'an didn't speak.

Aini realizes that the other person's mood may not be too good.

"Ani." The clone patted him on the shoulder: "Don't stand still, come with me, the werewolf player is not over yet."

"Hey, wait..." Aini wanted to ask something, and was pulled away.

The moment he was pulled away, he heard Su Ming'an's faint voice floating in the wind:


"This ending should be considered a happy ending."


[—People only care about themselves, they don’t understand what price I paid. 】


Su Mingan looked at Jasmine with her head down, and watched her squeeze the doll tightly into her arms.

He heard a beep from the system.

However, it is not cold.

As the girl said, the narration ringing in his ear.

[People look happy, for their happy tomorrow, for the dawn they can see every day. 】

She hunched over, the black mist in her hands was completely dissipated, and between the choked sobbing, he heard her wolf-like howl.

[No one remembers the dead girl, and the names of the tablets in the ancestral hall are vague. 】

[I don't know if there will be ghosts coming to Terry, whether they will become their beliefs. 】

The girl hugged herself vigorously, trembling all over, as if hugging a non-existent person.

[——I only know that I, who should have died long ago, was loved so much by her, and then was carried to "tomorrow". 】

[I am Jasmine, and I love her, not just faith. 】

The smoke from the kitchen rose, the townspeople prepared a dinner party, and the town was peaceful.

Perry leaned on crutches and turned his head.

There was a little confusion in his eyes.

[I am a lost traveler and a pilgrim with firm belief.

I am a ghost watching in the dark~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and a sinner who knows how to return. 】

[I don't understand what I want to pursue in my heart, but I understand that it is not easy to live in such a world. 】

[——I will embrace my incomplete nostalgia, hold my justice in my hand, and live with nothing. 】

[Until the dawn of every day. 】


"Ding dong!"

A crisp prompt sounded.

Su Mingan stepped forward, put her hand on her shoulder, and raised her head.

"A traveler from the outside world." She looked at him with tears in her eyes: "My gods are dead, what else do I have left?"

Her eyes lost focus and bloodshot spread on it.

Su Mingan grabbed her hand and put it on her chest.

He didn't say anything, but his eyes were deeper than ever before.

Jasmine suddenly burst into tears. She sank her head into her arms, her hands tightly grasping Su Ming'an's arm, like a drowning person struggling to grab the last straw.

Su Ming'an's arm was in pain from her grasp. He didn't break free, but silently watched the barrage that swept past quickly, as if he were looking at another world.


"Ding dong!"

【Achieve the Perfect Clearance Route·Dawn Line·(TE) Widowmaker】

[Line evaluation: SSS (perfect)! 】

[(TE · Widow): "She has nothing now except the justice she holds in her hand."

- Tomorrow is more important than anything else. 】


[The ending has been included and will be included in the final evaluation]

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