Welcome Back To the World Game

Vol 2 Chapter 136: · Formal period · Those in power

【What is TE (TRUEEND)? 】

It seems to be doing a bunch of useless things, but it plays a key role. It seems that I am insignificant in it, but it is very great.

In the end, people found that this journey down the road was both meaningless...and very meaningful.

The ending is not good, but let people start over, and people may still choose this way.

...This is what Su Mingan understands as TE.

And for Terry, those who survived—

This is forever HE (HAPPYEND).

They looked quite happy.

Su Ming'an pushed open the door in front of him—perhaps it could no longer be called a door, but was like a dark and mutilated wooden board. Due to a fire that had been set before, the wooden ancestral hall was burnt to black, and there was a smell of scorched flames everywhere.

"Lord Traveler, why do you want to watch this? I don't know why this place caught fire, and we have to renovate it later..."

The voice of the townspeople's dissuasion came from behind, and the title was also changed to "adult". They were preparing for today's celebratory dinner. Just as they were about to invite the hero who rescued their town of Terry, they suddenly heard Su Ming'an saying that he was going to see the ancestral hall, and hurriedly brought him.

"Lord Traveler, why don't you come to our Terry's celebration, it's very lively, and there will be beautiful girls dancing..."

The townspeople were talking, and he shouldered the task of inviting this great hero to the celebration.

But his talk was interrupted by the traveler's sudden glance, he subconsciously took a half step back, and immediately closed his mouth.

...Somehow, this traveler, the gaze he just looked at made him deeply startled.

Su Mingan turned around and entered the door, followed by Jasmine.

He stepped on the blackened stone slab, and in the middle of the ancestral hall was a coffin that was burnt to pitch black.

He raised his head and saw the tablets placed inside the ancestral hall—the tablets were still blurred, and each one represented the passing of a person.


Jasmine turned her head sideways, her eyes were filled with deathly silence.

"This is not the end." Su Ming'an said, "It's just what people think."

Jasmine did not speak.

"People are very good at deceiving themselves... and always motivate themselves with a forward-looking attitude." Su Ming'an looked at the countless tablets: "The ghost has left, and no one will die inexplicably at night - but it's all true finished?"

He remembered the werewolf fluff that once appeared on the backs of the townspeople's hands.

Faith may have changed, and now their hearts are free.

However, some things did not stop just because of a short-lived peace.

The townspeople who have been assimilated... will they really get the happiness and tranquility they expect?

"Brother Lighthouse."

Su Ming'an felt that his sleeve was being pulled.

The girl seemed to like to tug at his clothes very much, as if she would not lose them if she pinched them. She always grabbed him subconsciously, like a child who could get lost at any time.

"...Take me away and leave Terry." Jasmine whispered.

Her gods, her beliefs, her everything... all died.

After saying goodbye to the ghost she loved and holding the righteousness of expelling evil spirits in her hand, she has nothing left.

She wants to get out of here, follow the travelers from the outside world, go somewhere else, or in another world—anywhere.

For Su Ming'an, his mission was over.

He looked at his taskbar.


[(The ruler) The task of this world has been completed. 】

[You have been rewarded: (powerful official status)]

[The Powerful Official Period:

1. NPCs from the same faction have a favorable opinion of "friendly" and above, and NPCs of the enemy camp have a goodwill of "cold" and above.

2. All NPC's base favorability is increased by 20 points, and the speed of gaining favorability is increased by 200%.

3. (Active Skill · Free): (Limited to use once per world copy) You can choose any NPC (unlimited faction) to make it mandatory for you to have the highest favorability. 】


This active skill... It should be said that he did not live up to his dedication to complete this task.

If you can arbitrarily designate an NPC with the highest favorability, subsequent tasks will be easier.

But there are also limitations. Some people have things they can't say even if they have the highest favorability. Just like Mayor Mitchell, he identified himself as Poli at first, and his favorability has reached the highest level, but he still behaves hesitantly.

But if it is used on some specific copies, it may also have unexpected effects...

He thought about it and looked at Jasmine beside him.

Jasmine became a 【Follower】.

Duoduo's doll gradually disappeared from her hands, and after that, he received a system prompt.

[Props take effect. 】

[(Terry Town·Key NPC·Jasmine) has become a player (follower)]

[Followers can follow the player to any dungeon, can follow back to the main **** space, and can form a team. 】

[The death of a follower is true death and cannot be resurrected. 】

[Please note: If the follower's favorability is too low, they may betray at any time, please stay tuned. 】

[Current favorability: 70 (dependency)]

[Follower Jasmine (does not acquire combat skills)

Weapon: none

Skill: Priest Talent (Red Level)

Formation talent (red level)

Health: 200

Combat Strength: 5]


Jasmine's panel is also indescribable. However, the talent of the Red Rank is somewhat beyond expectation. This is a potential stock that can be immediately put on the field after a certain training.

But Su Ming'an didn't plan to bring her in other dungeons.

I always die, I always rush to the most dangerous place, and sometimes I can't help my teammates, let alone a fuel bottle.

He walked out of the ancestral hall with Jasmine and saw Lu Shu standing there.

Lu Shu seemed to have been very silent today, and there seemed to be no emotion in the eyes of the dead fish.

"What's wrong?" Su Mingan asked him.

"I can't kill those three, I'm missing you." Lu Shu said.

Now the good people are three to three against the werewolf, and the three are extremely capable of running. Maybe they are still dreaming of dragging the knife man into the night, and have been hiding in Terry.

"……follow me."

Su Mingan led the two of them to the small square next to the mayor's house, where a dinner party was being prepared - similar to the one he had seen, the one that Jasmine prepared when she got married that day. It only gave him a strong sense of irony.

Mitchell noticed this, and first met Jasmine's eyes for a moment, and then he looked away unnaturally.

"A traveler from the outside world, do you need help?" He hunched over, the old man looked like a shrimp that couldn't straighten his back.

"Tell me the movements of the other three travelers." Su Ming'an said.

"Okay." Mitchell nodded without hesitation.

Then, Lu Shu saw that the townspeople who were still preparing the dinner party immediately put down their work at Mitchell's order, and rushed out like a stream of water, and distributed them to Terry's. Every corner, look for the three hiding players.

They are countless pairs of eyes, familiar with the corners of alleys that are easy to hide, and they can easily find two of them.

The first to be discovered was Mizushima Chuanqing. This sister, who had lost her love sister, seemed to want to go crazy for the last time. She used the wind blade to chop up the townspeople. The full mana space shock instantly kills her.

The second is Iris. Her ability to charm people seems to have lost its effect in front of the townspeople. When the townspeople found her, she just stood there and looked very relaxed.

"You are the guard who defected? Why?" Aini raised his head. He followed the movement here to find Su Ming'an and Lu Shu's team. When he saw Iris, he was a little unbelievable.

It was hard for him to imagine that this woman who was always elegant and bright, with a sense of aristocratic restraint and self-confidence, would join the enemy camp.

Iris met everyone's gaze, and she seemed to be able to see the barrages in other live broadcast rooms accusing her of ignoring the faction and the overall outcome, but her expression remained the same. She is still confident and elegant, with a silky independent beauty, her fingers are curled with golden hair, and her temperament is still like a blooming tulip.

"It seems that I lost this game?" Iris said softly.

She knows that her defection is something that will be pointed out by thousands of people, but for her live broadcast room, she can forcefully suppress it with her own charm and make them willing.

For this elegant noble living in the spotlight, she has long been accustomed to properly ignoring some useless information.

...like those who don't support her.

There are many people in the world who dislike each other, and she doesn't need to explain it to everyone.

The werewolf camp promises benefits, and she will help. If you lose, there will be benefits, and if you win, there will be no losses. She never cares about the justice of the camp, and some only have benefits.

"Are you out, or am I sending you?" Su Mingan looked at her.

"Huh?" Iris snorted from her nose: "Didn't you say dear Miss Beacon? Why is this..."

The hand she held was curling the ends of her hair, and the clear three-striped road on the back of her hand was extremely obvious.

She has long known that this person is too humble towards the perfect customs clearance person, so she has no fear and is not worried about what this person will do to her.

There are too many followers around her, so she has long been accustomed to being treated humbly like this.

"That guy Yamada is the last wolf, you just need to find her. Whatever I do, you don't want to have more enemies."

Iris said with a smile.

There is absolutely no need to do anything to her now.

The good people camp is destined to win, and her death will not change the situation. It is better to let her live, so as not to push her large group of fanatical followers to the opposite side.

She thought so too, so she didn't panic at all.

But the next moment, her mind changed.

Blue flashed by.

She saw that on the back of her hand, the revered white lines were stained with a large bright blood red.

She covered her neck and opened her eyes, looking at the beating mantis, her own blood stained on the back of the knife.

She fell down.

The blood spread to the beautiful blonde hair, and the scene of her death was also very poignant, like a failed tulip.

Su Ming'an noticed Lu Shu's movements, and his preemptive shots became more and more proficient.

But he didn't stop in place, he stepped forward immediately, and the sword of Yarman appeared in his hand.

Iris hadn't completely died, and her blurred vision saw Su Ming'an walking in front of her with the blade raised high.

...Did she read it wrong?

... This guy, this guy who used to show so much respect for himself... actually wants to make up for it in the end?

This is the last thought of Iris.

The blade fell in an instant, and Su Mingan, who grabbed the head, successfully heard the prompt to upgrade his core skills.

Killing a player who also has red-level skills, his skills can also be upgraded. Counting Mizushima Kawaharu, who was killed by the clone before, his skills have been upgraded two levels in a row.

Through the barrage, he learned that the death of this dungeon would not clear his strength, and that guy Edward began to jump up and down in the main **** space again, so he showed no mercy to the people in front of him.

A head is an opportunity to upgrade your skills.

He doesn't care whether she is a guard or not, whether she has passed the level perfectly.

He put away his sword, and beside him was Aini, who was a little stiff.

"You, you won't kill me too." Aini's tone was a little stiff.

"So run, don't let me find you before Yamada dies."

Su Ming'an's words confirmed his guess - even if Aini was a player of the good people camp and had not caused much trouble, Su Ming'an still wanted to kill him.

From the beginning to the end, Su Ming'an's idea was to not let anyone go. In the massacre bureau, as long as he is left alone in the end, it is also a victory.

Regardless of identity, regardless of faction.

[This is the real pvp copy].

Aini looked around, and the townspeople looked at him eagerly. They had already surrounded the whole place. He was not vigilant until now, only to find that the most dangerous person was beside him.

"...I'm not running." He turned back forcefully, and a golden flame suddenly ignited on his body: "—You want to kill me~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Then come, I won't be afraid of you !"

He stared at Su Ming'an's every move, and the flames around him tightly surrounded him, guarding against possible attacks from those in front of him.

"Early after the first world, I have been precipitating and accumulating all the time, just to defeat you one day." He said slowly, looking for an opportunity to strike first.

He had been waiting for a one-on-one battle with Su Ming'an for a long time, although it came a little suddenly.

Although he once lost to him, he has been scouring the forum for each other's information, looking for each other's weaknesses, carefully formulating plans, and has long been prepared for revenge.

——He must win it back dignifiedly!

"I admit that I was too naive before, and looked at myself too much." Aini pointed at him, his eyes were extremely bright, and the flames on his body skyrocketed:

"—But now I am completely different. I, who have already understood the profound meaning of flames, must be ashamed and defeat you in the eyes of the whole world! Come on, Su Mingan, use everything you have to defeat me. , come and have this final showdown with me—"

He met Su Ming'an's childlike eyes.


The space vibration started without warning.

【HP-1250! (Combat power suppression!)]


There was only a spark of sparks left in the flaming golden flame.

Aini tilted his head slightly, and at the last moment he was emptied of the health bar, and only saw the right hand raised by the clone who suddenly arrived behind him, still with space fluctuations.

——Shameless old thief, you sneak attack...!

He lost consciousness.

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