Welcome Back To the World Game

Vol 2 Chapter 141: "You're laughing at me too?"

[Main God Space No. 12]


Between the steaming heat, the wine glasses touched each other, and the crystal wine swayed under the light.

The main **** space also has nights, but there is no time zone distinction on Zhai Xing, all servers have the same day and night time.

At this time, it was night. The red and white soup of the hot pot was boiling hot, and under the warm light, even the night was moistened with a little warmth.

Yang Changxu looked at the two foreigners who were sitting at the same table, and drank the white wine in the glass.

They wore uniform grey and white urban camouflage with silver stars on their chests - the Union logo.

Although Yang Changxu had participated in the stability maintenance work in the Northwest before entering the game world, he was considered an elite force who had seen actual combat in the peaceful era, but in the game copy, he still suffered a lot of impact.

The experience of the first world told him that the world was different, but he still maintained that small shelter, sheltering people until the fifteenth day.

After the end, he tried to find his parents and relatives. At that time, the World Forum was full of family-seeking posts, and he was just looking for a needle in a haystack. A large-scale organization has not been established. He has been in the shelter for fifteen days, and his points are extremely limited. He can only end up again with a pistol.

He is just an ordinary person. Although he has some courage, he also knows the truth of not being afraid of death but not having to send it to death.

He wandered near the shelter in the last days, worked as an outer city explorer who searched the slums in the floating city, and only saved his life in Mingxi Middle School.

For the perfect clearance, for the truth, he can only see the shallowest part - maybe he is like most of the courageous people, they have only achieved this point, but it has been very smooth.

At least, he has been alive.

He felt that this was enough, it was not easy to survive in such a chaotic dungeon world.

...but when he was just happy for surviving again and saw that "ordinary student" uncovering the truth of floating corpses on the top of the world time and time again, he suddenly realized that the world has really changed. .

All the establishments in the past were completely shattered the moment everyone appeared on the square.

Those who can go to the top, to the front...maybe a whole new group of characters.

He knew that he was not as good as a character like the first player, and that kind of will and foresight really made him look up. He changed the first world's definition of Su Ming'an's "selfishness". He always felt that people with such a will would not be so shortsighted.

[But... since you can't make a towering tree, why not make a grass? 】

He joined the United Regiment because of the military's mission.

What he has to do is to protect the people, let more people live, and at the same time get as many points as possible. This is the only hope for mankind to survive.

The three ate hot pot, drank wine, and chatted happily. The hot pot restaurant is full of camouflaged commanders and fighters. The 12th suit is the base uniform of the United Regiment, and they are all members of the United Regiment.

The hot pot was steaming hot, and the smoke lingered.

Suddenly, Yang Changxu, who was stretching his chopsticks to the mutton roll, keenly heard the footsteps outside the door. The five sense enhancement skills gave him excellent hearing. He heard a series of footsteps approaching, and it seemed that a group of people were approaching this hot pot. shop.

... This is an internal hot pot restaurant. Logically speaking, no outsiders should come here at this time.

The two foreign comrades also put down their chopsticks. They looked out the door and heard the jingling of the wind chimes in front of the door.

A middle-aged man wearing a high-level military uniform of the United Regiment walked in first. There was a scar on his face - this may be a player who deliberately did not choose to remove the scar. The long scar spread across his face like a proof. superior.

Behind him followed a few people who were driving to hide the black mist, so he couldn't see his face clearly, but this behavior made Yang Changxu frown slightly - it was obviously his own server base, but he had to hide it, obviously it was not him home characters.

"Yang Changxu."

He was suddenly called by name and stood at attention with a "swoosh".

"Emergency meeting, come with me."

The middle-aged man glanced at him, then said to the others, "You guys continue."

He turned around and left, and those who were shrouded in the black mist also left without a word.

"Yang, it's actually an emergency meeting involving Minister Liu..." The blond foreign comrade in arms raised his glass to him in surprise: "Go ahead, I will ask Zhu to keep the dishes for you... Although it may be at that time. It's cold."

"It's okay, don't wait for me." Yang Changxu put the coat on the hanger over his body, he followed the footsteps of those people, and plunged into the cold wind of the night.

The inside and outside of the store are completely two worlds. The heat inside the store is warm, but the cool breeze outside the store is pervasive. He quickly put on his coat, buttoned every button, and followed Minister Liu silently.

...He probably guessed the content of the emergency meeting.

A few times before, he also had the experience of being suddenly called in for a meeting like this. Originally, with his qualifications and status, he should not have been called to participate in this high-level meeting.

Without exception, just because it is related to the first player.

...just because he had two encounters with people. First world, third world.

He knew that Su Shi was exonerated, and even got all the equipment, just because she had a brief relationship with Su Ming'an.

And he was also promoted exceptionally and became one of the three flag bearers, and a large part of it was because of this person.

Today's meeting...

He remembered the general performance of the number one player in the fourth world in control of the overall situation. Such an overwhelming victory really shocked him.

The trust of the NPC and the appreciation of the boss rabbit made him have many guesses in his heart.

As he thought, this meeting should also be related to that person.

He walked all the way to the lounge and rested here first. The bosses in the conference room were still holding other meetings, and they would only let him in when there were issues related to him.

When entering the lounge, the black fog on those few people disappeared - this is a necessary means, because no one knows if other people will mix in, and no one can recognize it when the black fog covers.

Yang Changxu recognized it, and among those people, there was an obvious figure.


The originally dazzling figure seemed to be silent now. When approaching the conference room, Edward was not qualified to enter, but followed him into the lounge.

Yang Changxu had heard the analysis of Edward on the forum and knew that this might also be a man-made chess piece, but this could not change the fact that the opponent was really strong. The combat power of more than 1,000 is real, and it will not change because Edward loses so badly.

There was a steady light in the lounge, Yang Changxu habitually chose a hard chair to sit on, while the other party completely sank into the soft sofa.

The light hit Edward's dazzling blond hair, dazzling with a circle of golden light.

Yang Changxu didn't look sideways, just thinking about the meeting later.

Unexpectedly, the other party took the initiative to speak.

"Yang Changxu." Edward lowered his head slightly, obviously the height of the two sides was lower than him, but when he spoke, he had a tone of looking down:

"...You're also mocking me in your heart, right?"

Yang Changxu glanced at him inexplicably.

Although he had just disapproved of this person's loss of the battle, it did not mean that he had to despise others... This person snapped his hat when he came up, which really made it difficult for him to respond.

Seeing that he did not answer, Edward smiled again.

"You are all laughing at me, laughing at me being artificial... You are laughing at me for not living up to my name, laughing at me being a paper tiger."

He clenched his fingers, one by one, bending a huge arc, as if it would not hurt:

"...I lost badly, lost worthless, and made people laugh. He won, won so gloriously. Everyone said that I was strong but brainless, and had nothing but the equipment I was put on. On the forum How easy it is for the people here, they only need to point the country, but I am like a clown, defined and stamped in a few words."

He suddenly raised his head, his eyes darkened:

"...So, you also think that I am very self-sufficient, and I am not as good as him, right?"

Yang Changxu opened his mouth, he didn't know how to answer.

He felt that there was nothing wrong with what Edward said. In his opinion, Edward was indeed far inferior to Su Ming'an, and even lacked the basic overall situation, and the battle between the camps had to be fought within.

Organizing and training Edward is only because he has completed three perfect customs clearances. To launch a peak player, he must at least have all the conditions for perfect customs clearance.

... But after this time, Edward's resources may not be as rich as before.

Under the organization, Edward is not only a player who has completed all the customs clearance perfectly.

It's just that he has the best control.

Yang Changxu was still thinking about how to comfort this, after all, it was the help of the organization, when he heard Edward continue to say:

"...Actually, I myself know that I'm not as good as him, but, why, why...why can those viewers who are useless, they can accuse me at will? They're just sitting there waiting for the game to end..."

He was silent for a while.

Perhaps this person who had an extraordinary position on Zhai Xing had already realized the answer to his own question.

It's just that he has been holding back for a long time before complaining in front of this Dragon Kingdom soldier who is recognized by everyone.

"Keep an eye on it." Yang Changxu held back for a long time, only to say this.

He basically doesn't look at the forums, he also looks at the strategy area, and he doesn't know what others think of him.

However, he could imagine what the audience's evaluation of Edward was.

Edward lowered his head.

His hair is still brilliant, and it seems to be dazzling all the time.

Yang Changxu felt a little irritable. He stood up and moved his body. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed that Edward seemed to be chatting privately.

...just stop chatting with him, he really doesn't know what to say.

He was thinking about the meeting later--the organization would not put Baoquan on Su Shi alone. As someone who had contacted Su Ming'an before, he must be one of the candidates for contact. For the first player to win, any organization is very hard.

As he was thinking, he suddenly felt a gust of wind passing by.

Looking up again, he saw the blond young man, rushing out like a sharp arrow, his fists clenched.

"—Edward, the meeting is about to start, where are you going!"

He shouted loudly, but saw that the man kept walking, disappeared from his field of vision in an instant, never to be seen again.

Yang Changxu suddenly thought of Edward's performance just now.

He seemed to be chatting privately with someone.

And after the private chat, Edward's mood also went up and down like a roller coaster.

...Who the **** is talking to him? Who led him out?

Yang Changxu immediately rushed to the office aside, he needed to report Edward's behavior.


"Isn't it? Okay... Got it." Su Mingan turned off the video communication and sat on the head of the bed.

Beside him, Jasmine was looking up from a pile of fairy tales, her eyes filled with confusion.

...Since the afternoon, Brother Lighthouse seems to have been anxious to find someone.

She saw that he had dialed many communications and received many private chats, but his mood was always fluctuating and he did not calm down.

She didn't make a sound to disturb him, just huddled aside and read a book.

But looking at the posture of my brother...it seems that it will not stop for a while.

"Brother Lighthouse." Jasmine raised her head, "Are you looking for someone?"

"...Find a messy guy~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Su Mingan feels a little headache.

Originally, his mental state was not good, and he didn't go through the routine sleep supplementation, and he was struck by Lu Shu's sudden private chat.

Now the tiredness is surging up like a tide, and behind him is the soft bed, and he really wants to go straight down and stop worrying about it.

Just this afternoon and evening, he finally opened the long-lost private message and received friend requests from several high-end organizations.

And when the boss of the other party was full of joy, he said, "If you have any conditions, just mention it!" "We can meet any needs!" When he looked like he was about to pluck the stars from the sky, he asked Lu Shu's whereabouts. .

In the main **** space, it is really very difficult to find someone.

When the privacy mode is turned on, people are like a drop of water, and it is very easy to mix into the sea of ​​people.

He even turned on the conditional search mode to find a force that had been left behind by him for a long time and had contact with him in Zhai Xing. But unfortunately, they also regretfully told him that Lu Shu could not be found.

Su Ming'an was really tired. For Lu Shu, this is probably what he can do.

He could probably guess what was written on the note. Lu Shu's trust was stubborn and paranoid. Perhaps its content deviates greatly from what Lu Shu expected.

Although the other party has been following him and helping him all the time, when Lu Shu suddenly wants to go solo and do the outrageous and stubborn thing of "clearing all obstacles for him", he can't stop it.

...but Lu Shu didn't understand that his enemies were never Edward.

In his opinion, Lu Shu was just a [lost traveler].

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