Welcome Back To the World Game

Vol 2 Chapter 142: · "Love this world"

Lu Shu's reverence for him is also a stubborn, even distorted reverence.

And for such unstable factors, Su Mingan can only do this.

"Brother Lighthouse." Jasmine said, "It's alright, let's go to sleep first. If you really can't find it, you might as well trust the other party... I think my brother is really anxious, but it's useless just to be anxious..."

What Jasmine said made sense.

Seeing Lu Shu's confident appearance, maybe he was really prepared.

...Su Ming'an really couldn't take it anymore.

He didn't even have time to help Jasmine find a house, so he set the alarm clock and fell on the bed.

"Don't go out, stay here and wait for me to wake up..."

He put a pile of food beside the table, and after instructing Jasmine, he quickly closed his eyes.

Maybe it was because he was too tired. After closing his eyes, he felt like his body was sinking into the bed, and his consciousness quickly became hazy.

As if stepping in the clouds, he closed his eyes, his eyelids cut off everything from the outside world.

...but he heard a piano sound.

It is crisp and beautiful, like seeing a deep blue sea, in which white dolphins jumped up and the water was sparkling.

The calmed emotions surged again in an instant.

A strange feeling of condensation rose in his heart, and he opened his eyes suddenly and saw a room that seemed a little hazy in his vision.

The room is not big, the breeze blows the spring breeze and dyes it along the curtains, a piano, bathed in the waterfall of light.

The black and white keys were quietly interlaced and stopped, and the brilliance lit up the dust floating in the air.

…Dreaming? Clear dream?

He fixedly looked at the piano. It looked familiar to him, but it shouldn't look like this alone...

As soon as his thought appeared, he saw a person suddenly appearing on the piano bench.

Fingers appeared on the keys that had been pressed by themselves. The woman with long black hair, half-faced close to the halo, her cheeks were dyed in the light, and her hair was like flowing mercury.

Her face was smeared with mist, she couldn't see clearly, and the fingers of the blind shot were extremely agile. Like a school of silver fish flowing around her, the sun dapples mottled light and shadow.

Her piano sound is very good, and every key is struck accurately, whether it is slow or fast, it can be connected, and her cross-domain skills are vividly displayed.

A layman might praise her skills, but Su Mingan could see that there was a lack of "spirituality" in her piano sound.

Like the walking dead who lost their souls, the silent black-and-white silent films, the artificial puppets that can only be imitated mechanically.

Su Ming'an looked at it for a while, only to find it ironic, then turned and left without any hesitation.

He knows that this is a lucid dream, a dream that can be controlled by his own consciousness, but he hasn't done it for a long time since he entered the world game. Every day is very tight, and there is no time to do such a waste of energy dream.

He must go to sleep as soon as possible to prevent further deterioration of his mental state.

As for this kind of dream similar to memory, it is meaningless, and he does not need these psychological comforts now.

Su Mingan moved his thoughts, he wanted this scene to disappear.

He saw bloodstains appearing on the woman's body, and her fingers were broken at every root, which was a precursor to the collapse of the dream.

But Su Mingan saw that a self appeared beside her.

childhood self.

The woman's dry posture of playing the violin changed instantly. She became alive like a withered flower, and her tone was extremely gentle:

"You are loving the world."

Su Ming'an heard the voice of the woman teaching "myself".

"...Anyway, love the world."

She continued.

The hazy look on the woman's face dissipated voluntarily, and Su Mingan saw that the eyes she looked over at that moment were all silent and bright, like a willing drowned person.

He snorted coldly, then turned and walked away without stopping.

"—Ming An, you are different from me. Your eyes are real... Your feelings are mother's most precious treasure."

A woman's prayer-like voice came from behind.

The music of the piano is getting faster and faster, and the notes are quickly chasing from behind, accompanied by the woman's persistent voice:

"—Ming An, your eyes, you have such strong emotional eyes, are really beautiful."

He kept walking.

The sound of the piano came in waves, chasing his pace.

"—The warm wind in winter, the snow lotus on the top of the mountain, the pearl in the deep sea... You are everything I can imagine, you are the brightest treasure of mother, eternal pride..."

His steps stopped suddenly.

A hand grabbed his arm violently from below, and he turned his head to see that the grabbed hand was covered in blood.

The woman suddenly appeared next to him at some point, and the haze on her face completely disappeared. It was a beautiful, almond-eyed woman's face, very similar to him.

Her face was covered in blood, and it was dripping down her cheeks little by little.

The sound of the piano was still floating, like waves of waves coming towards him.

The woman's eyes stared at him tightly, as if locking him with her eyes, which reflected the way he looked at her. She seemed to be afraid that he would suddenly disappear.

She opened her mouth with some effort, and then said:

"...Ming An, you are the only one in my world."


Her eyes were heavy, but her hands were getting weaker and weaker.

Su Ming'an put her hand on hers, and then a little bit, ripped her fingers apart.

"—Love the world."

She said it like a declaration, and then let go of her hand.

The sound of the piano suddenly stopped.

There was a sound like glass breaking. In the afternoon, the room turned into pieces and scattered little by little, and the dark gap gradually appeared.

Under the influence of Su Ming'an's thoughts, this dream came to an end.

He looked at the gradually dimming room, at the quiet piano bathed in the waterfall of light.

The woman is gone.

He saw himself playing.

"You should feel sad." Su Mingan said to the pool of blood left by the woman on the ground:

"Eight years later, what you have left in my memory and what you have shown in my dreams is still such a ridiculous appearance."

"You should be thankful that my father raised me into who I am now."

"I will love the world, but not because of you."

"...Don't appear in my dreams again."

He said, and then stopped looking at the scene, but closed his eyes, let himself go, and let himself enter a deeper dream.

In sleep, he dreamed of nothing.

In this dream, I slept very deeply and deeply, as if my body was stuck in a white cloud.

He couldn't feel anything, and he couldn't feel any troubles... It was like countless dreamless nights on Zhai Xing, in a silent night, with no stars and no moon in front of him.

...so that when he just opened his eyes and greeted the morning light on the clock in his personal space, there was still confusion in his eyes.

He sat up and opened the forum with soft hands while rubbing his eyes.

[—The main **** space reproduces the terrifying murder case! The third-ranked Edward and the fourth-ranked Lu Shu both died - the infighting of human beings is endless, do we still have a tomorrow? 】

"..." He stared at the top of the line, his eyes were hazy, as if he had not yet seen clearly.

The morning light simulated by the personal space fell into his eyes, so bright that it was hot, and he squinted his sour eyes.

"False news?"

He muttered to himself and clicked on the top thread of the forum.

Then... he saw the corpse of a butterfly that was bombed to the point where only a piece of butterfly wing was left beside the green forest in the zone 12 server.

little red.

He continued to scroll down.

Lying on the edge of the flower bush was a broken knife of a praying mantis. It was blue in color and gleamed in the morning when the morning light just lit up.

Little Bi.

He looked down silently, and finally saw the corner of the clothes.

Black, with emblem patterns, is the style of Hanfu that Lu Shu wore that day.

The mutilated corners of the clothes were scorched, and the owner of the clothes was nowhere to be seen.

... death in the main **** space is true death.

He closed the forum post, and his whole body seemed to be frozen, but he didn't recover. He stared at the panel for a long time, his eyes were out of focus.

Jasmine, who was sitting on a chair for a nap, woke up, her clear eyes looked here, like a lamp breaking through the fog.

"...Brother Lighthouse?"

She asked, and found that Su Ming'an's state was obviously wrong.


Su Mingan lowered his head.

When he opened his hand again, he saw the crescent moon mark in his palm, and bright red blood seeped out.

"Ding dong!"

He suddenly heard a system prompt.

[Player (Lu Shu) requests video communication. 】

Su Mingan looked at this communication request and was stunned for a while.

He chose to accept it, and the picture was displayed. Lu Shu, dressed in black Hanfu, was sitting at the tea table. Behind him was the scenery behind the mahogany panes. The sky looked very good.

In front of him was a purple clay pot on a small stove, with a crimson butterfly parked on his shoulder, and even the mantis, who was always jumping up and down, stopped quietly at this moment.

"Su Ming'an." Lu Shu was looking at him:

"This is a timed video recording."

Su Mingan stared at the screen.

"I think you've figured it out, because you've always been smart." Lu Shu's fingers rubbed the teacup: "My attitude changed suddenly because I saw a note describing your past."

"You are very smart, and you should be able to guess that I believe this note so much because I also saw a note describing my past."

"The world game is omnipotent, and it pays too much attention to the rules... If you give me a fake note about you just to distract us, I don't think so."

"So." Lu Shu stared at him: "I believe everything on that note."

Su Ming'an waited for his follow-up.

"...I once thought about why I believe in you so zealously. I didn't think it was blind, nor did I read the World Forum." Lu Shu said lightly, "But after watching Jasmine's performance, I suddenly I found out... that I was also lost."

"I didn't see your whole picture clearly, I just believed what I wanted to believe."

"I came from a hidden family since I was a child, and I have never seen the size of the world."

"I'm very similar to Jasmine... We stubbornly and madly believe in a person we have identified with. We won't let go, we won't change, we don't even know it when we're broken."

"...Just when I wanted to obliterate my past self, I suddenly understood again." A note appeared in Lu Shu's hand.

"If, just because of a note, I decide that you are not a good person again... Then it is no different from the previous self, the same shortness, the same paranoia."


His fingers picked up the rubber band on the note, then slowly pulled it away.

"...I don't believe your love is just a disguise. Or rather..."

He slowly unfolded the note, flattened it, and then slowly moved it in front of the camera.

"...Su Ming'an, you just pretended."

Su Mingan looked at the contents of the note on the screen.

[(Prophet Clue): Absurdity is rampant in reality, and he was born in absurdity. Love is the disguise of art, ideal is the ladder of desire. The world he watched was once bleak, and he became the most special person by the river - he was ordinary, because he was new, because he had no expectations. 】

Lu Shu hovered the note in front of the camera for ten seconds, then slowly retracted it, carefully rolled it up again like a treasure, and tucked it into his arms.

"You can actually understand this?" Su Mingan was talking to the recording screen.

"...I understand." Lu Shu over there continued:

"After this judgment - I still think you are a good person. I am sure of you, maybe the note says about your past, but now you must be bright and just."

He said, turned around suddenly, and took out a huge plastic bag from behind.

"...Player number one, Su Ming'an, I will clear all obstacles for you."

"I will kill that guy Edward... Let those organizations that think about cultivating their minds understand that the leader of the world is never the kind of [bad guy] that can serve."

"Su Ming'an, you are a good person, you should keep going."

"This is a video recording. I recorded it before I left, and I set a time. If I come back successfully, I will cancel it and send it as if nothing happened."

"That is—if you managed to see the video."

Lu Shu looked at the camera, his eyes were unprecedentedly clear.

"...that means I'm dead."

"But Edward will also die. I thought about it. The best outcome is that I return safely, and the worst outcome is that I die with him - but no matter what, no one can target your way anymore."

"Don't care what the audience says, don't care what those people think."

"Go on, keep going. UU reading www.uukanshu.com"

【You have received a deposit message. (It will be sent regularly by my friend Lu Shu)]

[Open the package, you will get a plastic bag of cabbage*1 (due to the low value, the amount of points will not be calculated)]

[Open the package, you will get a little mantis*1 (50 points of transaction points will be automatically deducted)]

[Little mantis (growth: red) (unnamed)

Level: lv.1

HP: 400

MP: 0

Direction: Physical, Velocity

Note: Please pay attention to the huge amount of food in the initial stage! Please keep feeding the cabbage to keep alive!

Note: The inheritance insect of the mantis "Xiaobi", awakened after the death of the previous generation. 】

Su Ming'an stared at the black screen in front of him, and the little mantis jumped beside him, as if he was hungry.

"Brother Lighthouse..."

Jasmine seemed to understand what had happened, she clutched his sleeve tightly, not knowing what to say.

"Jasmine." Su Ming'an suddenly said, he opened the World Forum, quickly browsed the history of this incident, and then locked the location of the battle.


Jasmine looked at him ignorantly.

"Some people are still worth saving." Su Ming'an said, raising his hand.

"...even if they don't all pass the level perfectly."

His hand touched his temple.

"—Sometimes I should be thankful that it was me who got this ability."

he said.

Destroy launch.

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