Welcome Back To the World Game

Vol 2 Chapter 144: "Don't Die Here"

Su Mingan knew that at this time, Edward should have made an appointment with Lu Shu.

But as long as he detained Edward here and prevented him from going out, the plan could not succeed.

"Su Ming'an... No, the first player, you..." Minister Liu was stunned for a while, and then quickly adjusted, he forced a smile, but the scar on his face became more and more hideous: "The first player, very I'm glad you came here... May I ask what is... a clone over there in the square?"

"Yes, I'm the main body, and now I want to chat with Edward." Su Mingan pressed Edward's shoulder and pulled him in: "Come on, I've wanted to see you for a long time, now let's have a good chat..."

Ming's state of strength was very strong, Edward couldn't break free from a legal profession for a while, and while he was angry with Lu Shu's private chat, he looked at Minister Liu with a cry for help.

"Hey, hey, the first player, there is still a meeting inside, you wait..." Minister Liu was also at a loss. He was quickly notifying other high-level officials while trying to stop Su Mingan.

But when he saw Su Ming'an's eyes, he didn't dare.

...that look, as if he was really going to kill him.

Perhaps in the live broadcast room, in the major recording screens, he has seen the eyes of the first player countless times, and he thinks this child is just a child, but when people really stand in front of him, he seems to stop. dare not step forward.

"Don't get in the way." Su Ming'an said, grabbing Edward's shoulder all the way and dragging him inside.

"What are you doing here, what are you doing!" Edward shouted, his shoulders hurt so badly, he thought about using the time skill, but the Lord God Space wouldn't take the initiative to attack, he had no strength, so he could only let him pull:

"—What kind of grievances and grievances are resolved in the dungeon world, you..."

"You also know that there are grievances that should be resolved in the dungeon world."

He heard Su Ming'an's reply.

It was light, but inexplicably made him feel a chill.

He saw the other side's side face, his eyes were deep, as if he had accumulated emotions for a long time.

There were also other members of the alliance in the corridor. They wanted to take action when they saw the situation, but after finding that it was Su Ming'an who was dragging Edward, they timidly withdrew their hands and began to notify their superiors.

"Come here, come in, let's have a good chat." Su Mingan said, pushing him into the lounge and pressing him on the sofa.


The door of the lounge was closed by Su Ming'an, blocking all the shock or curiosity outside.

Yang Changxu hurried to the door and wanted to knock on the door, but his hand stopped again.

He could only put his face on the door, and the ministers of other organizations gradually walked beside him, also looking curious.

"It's okay." Someone whispered.

"...It should be fine, the main **** space cannot be directly attacked."

"The two still need to talk, but they didn't fight when they met..."

"I don't know, in short, hurry up and inform the above..."

They looked at each other in dismay, and then, all of them were in unison, pressing their faces to the door, trying to hear what was going on inside.


"Sit down."

After pressing the person on the sofa, Su Mingan sat on the other side.

"You... Lu Shu's side, what do you mean?"

Edward gritted his teeth while rubbing his aching shoulders. There were Lu Shu's provocative words on the panel in front of him. Every sentence, like a needle pierced, each sentence was pierced in his heart.

...How come I didn't realize that this wood-like No. 4 could curse people so much.

He really wanted to rush out and slap the man, but now there's something he hates even more.

"Come on, don't worry, Edward, I've been wanting to chat with you for a long time." Su Ming'an didn't seem to be in a hurry, he was still looking for tea on the table like a master, but after seeing if there was any, he could only start working. Chat: "After the incident in the third world, you don't seem to understand it yet."

He was referring to the one-on-one "conversation" with Edward in the realm of time.

"What?" Edward raised his eyebrows: "You think you're in the main God's space now, and I can't do anything to you, so you're proud? Indeed, you are bold enough to rush into the United Regiment alone, but... …in other words……"

"You don't want to say that no one will know about locking me up here, right?" Su Mingan said with a smile, "I used to be a guild station, and I was too naive to believe you, so I came to the guild station by myself. Now ...I have probably understood that there are very few things I can trust. So, I came here with such a big fanfare, presumably those high-level people who want to win me over have gathered at the door by now, right?"

The higher-ups outside the door looked at each other unnaturally, but no one entered.

They also wanted to hear what Su Mingan wanted to talk to Edward.

"..." Edward tapped his finger on the sofa: "...you rushed in like this, what are you trying to say, just say it."

"Lu Shu just sent me a message saying that he wanted to [clear all obstacles], and I guessed that he probably came to ask you for a fight... His behavior is too naive, you are not fooled."

Edward said coldly, "Lu Shu is so provocative of me...Isn't there any advice from you?"

"Sure enough, that's what you think, that's why I said... From the beginning to the end, he didn't understand anything." Su Ming'an was a little helpless.

Even if Lu Shu dragged Edward to death, for these organizations, it would only be one less artifact.

With the support of points, these organizations can create a new, or even many new artificial players... but the cost of investment may be very high, and these new "artificial products" may not have all the marks of perfect customs clearance, It looks a bit low-level.

However, if Lu Shu died, it would be really troublesome.

Lu Shu regarded himself too low, he thought that he was useless, as long as dragging Edward to death was the greatest value. But Su Ming'an clearly felt that a companion who didn't hold back was far more useful than Edward's death.

Moreover, even if Lu Shuzhen dragged Edward to death, he would not be able to cut off contact with Su Mingan, and it was easy to think that he had inspired him after this.

So he had to step back and stop this behavior.

As for Edward... In his eyes, he never regarded this person as a serious enemy.

Edward and Aini are similar. In his eyes, they are just pawns used by the high-ranking people, lost travelers, the difference is only the amount of trouble they bring to him.

One of them woke up, while the other was still immersed in conceit, thinking that he had never been brainwashed.

However, as a point supply for all human beings, they are still qualified.

"—Su Ming'an, you came here specially, do you want to join the alliance?"

Even in such a safe environment, Edward's whole body was full of hostility, and he seemed to be wearing ice when he spoke.

When he said this, he noticed that the partition wall had ears, so he typed on his panel and showed it to Su Mingan:

[Today's meeting has many high-level figures from other organizations. You specifically rushed in at this time to let them all see you... What are you trying to do? Do you want to join one of these organizations? 】

Su Mingan looked at what he wrote and smiled.

"Your vision turned out to be at this level." He nodded: "I know it."

He could see that Edward was afraid.

Edward was also awakened to a part... After realizing that his strength was entirely built up by the organization, he began to think of a way to turn around and tighten the organization, use the organization, and think of ways to counter the customers.

But all this will be changed after Su Ming'an joins the joint regiment.

Cultivating Su Mingan... is far better than nurturing him. Everyone knows how to choose.

In the past, it was only before the United Regiment was formed that Edlang found an opportunity to kill him in advance and put Edward on the throne.

But after Edward also lost...everything was turned upside down.

Before finding the right, new artifact, Su Mingan became the go-to in all organizations.

People in some organizations have never done anything before, and are they afraid to train a lackey of the organizer?

As long as they can get their status, they don't care if they join the organizer.

...Not everyone is so selfless and insists on sticking to the bottom line of human beings.

Therefore, Edward was afraid - once the United Regiment chose Su Ming'an and started to do everything in his power to train him, what would happen to him.

To follow in Aini's footsteps?

For the time being, he hasn't grasped the chance to strike back.

"What do you mean?" Edward heard the obvious sarcasm in Su Ming'an's words.

"Wait...I'll write it for you. There's no camera here, right?" Su Mingan looked around.

The people listening outside the door were even more anxious. At this time, Minister Liu also came up and put his eyes on the crack of the door, wishing that the whole person would be squeezed in.

Su Mingan opened the panel, blocked it with his hand, and began to write.

"And." Edward continued to ask when he saw what he was writing: "You don't admit that Lu Shu was instructed by you, but you came to me at the same time as him, and said something or something—what do you mean? "

He saw that Lu Shu's private chat was still provoking him, making him angry enough, but Su Mingan in front of him was still writing leisurely and not letting him leave.

"Okay." Su Mingan raised the panel: "See for yourself."

Edward immediately looked at it intently—

【Say you are stupid. 】


Edward got it--this man had come all the way to **** him off.

"If you really go to have an appointment with Lu Shu, your situation is really small." Su Ming'an said: "Edward, since you understand your status, you should be honest with yourself. Positioning yourself is very important, your There are a lot of people's expectations on your back, even if it's distorted, you have to understand that you can't just throw it away anytime, anywhere."

Edward was about to get angry when he saw this man's gaze.

Unprecedented dignified.

"Many people sort out the strategy, and many people work hard for the deputy position - they may not know where their points have gone, but since they actually converge on you, you have to understand where you came from..." Su Mingan aside said, while writing on the panel, and held it up:

[If you want to resist the United Group, you must learn to be calm. 】

[Maybe most of the people in the alliance are good, but there are always a few rat poops, you have to distinguish these existences. 】

[Most people, they thought, their points went to the right place. 】

[The hard work on you is not only for those worms, but also for many ordinary people. 】

"You just walked away casually, and when you were in a hurry, you would go to any battle, provoked an internal fight, and once you died, it would be worthless. You attacked hard in the main **** space, but in the game dungeon, you only agreed..." Su Mingan quickly Put down the panel and look at him: "If you are as stupid as Lu Shu, just rush out, I can't control you for a whole year."

Edward looked at him.


He was still very angry, Lu Shu's private chat on the panel in front of him was still beating, and he was still angry.

But he looked at the person in front of him, and he was speechless.

The person in front of him wasn't actually mad at him.

On the contrary, Su Mingan was... specially here to calm him down.

He felt very strange - the relationship between the two was clearly in dire straits in everyone's eyes, and it was the kind of tense when they met.

Edward was ready to fight when Su Mingan approached him... Just like the challenge letter from Mizushima Chuan Kong of the third world, a face-to-face fight, how good, simple and rude. Who would have thought that this man had to make a fool of himself, so that everyone couldn't get off the stage because of his neurotic suicide.

But when Su Mingan really pulled him to sit face to face and started talking to him, he realized that maybe he really thought less.

Su Mingan seemed to have never hated him.

In other words, the first player in front of him has never regarded him as a serious opponent.

...actually he was persuading him like he was preaching to a child.

[Don't die in the main **** space].

"The total points of all mankind will not be wiped out when they reach a certain height." Su Ming'an continued, speaking earnestly: "Edward, if you want to accumulate more points and take more weight, just live with me. As for the perfect customs clearance, the final winner will be Who, I am waiting for you to challenge me in the game copy - before all selfish interests, we must ensure that we are alive. Do you really want to die with those useless audiences?"

"Of course not." Edward stared at him: "Of course I will win to the end. Don't act like a preacher, don't forget, you are suspected of being a running dog of the organizer, I will definitely, never put the last The opportunity is in your hands."

He didn't believe the people in front of him were so kind.

All the performances proved that Su Mingan was different from ordinary players. He was too trusted by the organizer, and his relationship with the NPC was as good as it was from the beginning. There are too many doubts in him~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Edward will not hand over the benefits he has obtained.

"There will only be a few leaders in the end." Su Mingan laughed suddenly, he looked at Edward's fighting spirit, his eyes were bright, as if he was really happy: "I will be one of them... Of course. , I'm also waiting for you to challenge me. After all, that guy Mizushimagawa doesn't seem to be competitive now, and it's not interesting to win her."

"You really look down on people." Edward sneered.

"...I hope you can make me look up."

Su Ming'an said, came over, stretched out his hand, and seemed to press his shoulder again.

Edward shrank back immediately, the place on his shoulder that was just pressed still hurts:

"...What the **** are you here for, provocation?"

Su Mingan could only change his position and pressed it on the sofa:


"Do me a favor."

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