Welcome Back To the World Game

Vol 2 Chapter 145: ·"you guess?"

In the brightly lit living room, there was a low-pitched humming sound.

The high-level people outside the door put their ears to the door one after another, and at this time they began to regret - why the sub-professional did not develop something similar to a camera.

"What on earth are you trying to do?" Edward looked at this guy with extreme vigilance.

He never seemed to understand this person... Even though the World Forum was full of analysis posts about the No. 1 player, he didn't think a single post was useful.

He only sees competition and becoming stronger in his own eyes, but the person in front of him... seems to have never been more than that in his eyes.

"Lu Shu blocked me."

Su Ming'an's tone was very soft...almost to the level of kindness.

"Edward, you are his friend. Please send him a video communication. Since you should not fight here, I want to persuade him first."

"..." Edward didn't want to help, he was silent for a while.

At this moment, he suddenly saw a "Didi Di" thing appearing in Su Ming'an's hand, silver-white, emitting a beautiful light under the light.

Mechanical explosives.

This thing, he watched the forum recording screen after his return, and almost wiped out the three werewolves.

"It's useless to threaten me." Edward said: "The deputy profession has developed a safety circle, which is placed under the key buildings, and the explosives cannot be ignited here."

"...There is such a thing." Su Mingan suddenly realized that the sub-professional might actually be useful.

As he spoke, he moved his palms down to press Edward's shoulders.

It was still sore there.

"Wait, I'll help you." Edward immediately dialed Lu Shu's video communication, and quickly turned the panel to Su Mingan.


While waiting to be connected, Edward leaned on the sofa, waiting for Su Ming'an's movement. He wanted to see how this person tried to persuade that guy Lu Shu.


The video is through.

Lu Shu's face appeared in the picture, next to him was a big bag of cabbage, Xiaobi was eating it with great joy, as if she hadn't eaten vegetables in eight hundred years.


When he saw Su Ming'an, Lu Shu's wary expression instantly softened.

He opened his mouth, as if trying to explain something, but quickly swallowed it again.

"Go to your personal space and wait." Su Mingan looked at him: "Wait until the fifth world, we will form a team together."

"wait for me…"

"Your approach is meaningless, I will teach you how to do it." Su Mingan interrupted his meaningless explanation.

Lu Shu choked for a moment. He looked at the camera, and then at Xiao Bi who was eating happily. He was silent for a moment, and then nodded very lightly.

He pinched the mantis he was eating and threw it behind him, and the blue color drew an arc. He opened his hand, grabbed the plastic bag, and left the forest with Fei Die parked beside him.

Edward looked at this scene dumbfounded.

...is this the end?

He did not expect that the "persuasion" in Su Ming'an's mouth would be in such a neat and tidy way.

...clearly different from when talking to him.

"It's over, I understand, he just wanted to change it for a while." Su Mingan looked at him: "Then I should go too - as for my words, Edward, my conversation with you ends here, and I won't wake up again. It's your second time."

"Wait a minute." Hearing Su Ming'an's contemptuous words, Edward was not angry this time.

He stood up from the sofa and approached, his eyes became extremely serious for a moment, as if eager to confirm something:

"Su Ming'an." Edward's expression was serious: "Have you ever regarded me as an opponent... Or, do you hate this behavior of the United Regiment?"

Outside the door, the people who were watching the end wanted to rush in, but when they heard such a question, they stopped eagerly.

Their ears were pressed against the door, eager to know an answer.

Su Ming looked at him steadily.

"…you guess?"

Edward got an answer that broke him.

The next moment, the door of the lounge was slammed open, and a group of high-level executives with various badges, golden stars, silver five-pointed stars, and navy uniforms and sky blue regulations rushed in hurriedly, but saw a wave of space fluctuations.

The object they wanted to fight for has long since moved away in space.

The first player...Su Ming'an, didn't want to contact them at all.

It seems that he came here this time just to have a heart-to-heart with Edward.

Su Mingan returned to his personal space.

He found a new house on the forum's housing section.

Due to the privacy settings, he went to see the house according to the location of the map smoothly, and then automatically paid 40 points on the system to buy it.

Because to house Jasmine and three followers, a larger house was necessary.

And just after Su Ming'an decided on where to stay, the clone who had been politely invited to the guest room by the people of the United Group also stood up.

The top level of the United Group opposite him was still a little stunned. He was just "talking to each other" with the clone of the first player, promising a lot of benefits. Seeing that the person at the table was about to agree, the opposite side suddenly stood up with a "swoosh". Woke up.

"Let's go, let's go to the house." Yingshun drank the extremely precious tea that the United Group used to entertain the distinguished guests, and commented that "it's terrible to drink to death", so he took the three tin men and bumped them away. out.

Because of the fear of these three NPCs who dared to act in the main **** space, no one dared to stop them all the way. Even if someone extended an olive branch, Ying continued to rush towards the teleportation formation as if he hadn't heard it.

The people who came out looked at the figure that disappeared on the teleportation array and looked at each other in dismay.

"…what to do."

"It seems that he doesn't like our United Group at all..."

"Why didn't you keep people? How about hiring a good lighthouse theory researcher in advance??"

"...he said "this theory is none of his business" and then kicked people out..."

"...It is so."

"Actually, I personally think that the first player is good as it is now. Joe, the purpose of our alliance is not to focus on one person, but for the vast majority of human beings. Edward's failure also proves this."

"...Go and call Su Shi first."

16589 District, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com Longguo Pension Area.

There are some casual players who don't want to play here.

Since it was still nighttime, no one was walking on the street, but under one or two street lamps, many middle-aged people gathered around and played chess.

—Maybe these people were old people before they recovered to this age.

These people were selected into the world game, but they were able to continue living their lives as if nothing had happened, seemingly completely cut off from the outside world and indifferent to the world.

Su Mingan passed by them, and he didn't even see a place similar to a movie viewing platform here - because the top players in the fourth world compete on the same stage, and there is still a point game, almost every district server will have business-minded people to open movie theaters and teahouses same place.

But not here.

These middle-aged people who used to be old people... don't seem to watch live broadcasts or pay attention to the World Forum. They keep flowers and birds as usual, as if nothing happened.

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