Welcome Back To the World Game

Vol 2 Chapter 146: · The 5th world begins

Su Mingan passed by these people all the way under the dark fog of privacy and came to the house of his choice.

He did not choose the front server, nor did he choose a room with a good view. In front of him was an ordinary house that could live in several people, with guardrails and an attached small garden outside.

Even in the old-age service, the house is in the most remote area, and there are not even any residents nearby.

On entering the garden, he asked Jasmine to come out of her personal space.

The half-year-old girl looked very happy. She walked to the flowers and chased the butterflies. The braids behind her fluttered briskly.


Shadow pushed open the door and walked in, followed by three followers.

"You just let him go? Are you so kind?" Shadow was referring to Edward.

"No." Su Ming'an looked at Jasmine who was chasing butterflies in the garden: "I can't let go of this statement... It depends on whether I take him seriously."

"You're not called humility, you're called arrogance."

"Then do I have the capital to be proud of?" Su Mingan looked at him with a smile.

"..." Shadow paused: "If I meet him in the game copy, I will not let it go."

"Of course, if it really gets in my way." Su Ming'an said: "I just don't want to open the head of this [fighting with each other in the main **** space]. All grievances will be resolved in the game copy."

"I thought you wanted to create a perpetual motion machine... It would be a pity for a player like Edward with a little brain to die in the main god's space. It is the most suitable for him to die repeatedly in the game copy." Ying laughed.

"..." Su Mingan glanced at him: "Ying, where did you and Ming come from?"

He had this question a long time ago.

Although these two clones are said to be a variant of their own personality... It should be an NPC who has been given a personality. But he always had a sense of disobedience.

"Me?" Shadow shrugged: "You can treat me as an NPC. Subject to the rules, I can't say anything... Just treat me as a creation of your skills."


Something that has been unavoidable since the beginning of the game.

Su Mingan was still thinking, and watched Jasmine run back again.

"Can I go upstairs and have a look?" she asked.

"Go, I'll take them to another room." Ying led the three followers back.

Su Mingan glanced at him, then took Jasmine and went upstairs along the stairs.

The first floor is a hall, as well as the living room and dining room, with a long table, and the second floor is a room, which is completely dark. He turned on the light and saw the closed door beside the long corridor.

"Brother Lighthouse, where do you live?" Jasmine turned to ask him.

"I live in personal space."

"Don't you live here?" Jasmine was a little disappointed, "It's obviously such a big house...and a small garden."

"I'm used to it." Su Mingan pushed open the door next to her: "And it's safer."

There was a pause in his words.

The lights were turned on, and he saw a piano room.

The house in the main **** space comes with its own hardcover. If players have a hobby of dressing up themselves, they can also go to the main **** store to buy furniture and wallpapers. The decoration is like a decoration mini-game, just drag it with your fingers, without too much trouble.

Su Ming'an only valued the location and size of the house, but didn't notice that there was a piano room on the second floor.

Looking at the soft light, he stood quietly in the corner, like a piano that was not stained with dust, and slowly closed the door he just pushed open.

He felt that his thoughts were a little empty, and at the same time a sense of dizziness suddenly rose, followed by a fatigue that almost engulfed him.

He stared at the closed door and suddenly closed his eyes.


When I opened my eyes, it was an unfamiliar ceiling.

Small dust floated under the light, and a scorching heat came from his chest.

Su Mingan got up from the bed and saw Jasmine sitting on the edge of the bed with her palms on her chest, and noticed that her hands were glowing red.

It was this burst of red light that gradually passed in, giving him a soothing feeling.

It seems... the spirit that has been tense is gradually relaxing.

...is this a healing talent?

Su Mingan suddenly remembered the red-level talent written on Jasmine's panel, but he didn't expect it to be really useful.

He raised his eyes and saw a wooden stake-like figure standing behind Jasmine.

"It's 3:28 pm on November 10th." Lu Shu saw him awake: "A day ago, Ying found me and told me that you suddenly passed out. So I went to invite a strong healing player to come find me. You... did not expect that this Jasmine's talent is very powerful, so she entrusted her with the task of rescue."

"Healing player?"

"A friend of the hidden family is trustworthy." Lu Shu said, "If you don't mind, I think we can add her to our five-member team."

"The healing system... It's really useful, so let's add it." Su Ming'an said: "It's unnecessary to have more people. The more people in the team, the better."

"Do you want to meet?"

"It's not too late to see you when the game starts."

"She told me that she has a small guild that focuses on the healing element, and she really wants to bring Jasmine to join in to make good use of Jasmine's healing talent," Lu Shu said.

Su Mingan glanced at Jasmine, she pinched her sleeve, her eyes a little helpless.

"Let's wait until the fifth world is over." Su Ming'an said.

In less than a day, the new world was about to start again, and now he needed to browse the forums he hadn’t read for a long time, and he didn’t have the heart to take Jasmine to any guild.

"Then I... leave?" Lu Shu said, "There is speculation on the forum that the fifth world may be an interstellar, wasteland or fantasy world. You can make a reference."

"Okay, let's start the game bye."

Su Mingan watched Lu Shu leave.

Then, he quickly set the house permission to himself and his avatar to operate.

He clicked on the World Forum, ready to collect one last wave of information.

The first thing he saw was still the top post [(fine) brief analysis on how players can save themselves].

As early as a few days after the world game started, this post was pinned to the top.

I also want to know that the person responsible for Jiajing and pinning this post must not be human.

In this post, the most sought-after and most criticized "draw a circle within the range given by the organizer" has become the content of many people's online matches.

The content of this post has not changed since it was posted, it has always been the same as it was originally.

At the beginning, "I don't know who is the first player to give a speech, but I think he can go very far" was praised by the majority of forum people as "True Prophet Post".

And the sentence at the end of the post [human history has never lacked heroes] [I hope to have more players and become heroes at all levels] has become the motto of many people.

At this time, the number of replies to this post had already exceeded 100 million, and Su Mingan just glanced at each other and saw many trolls who were fighting each other.

A month after the start of the world game, the original order had already collapsed.

A post from a month ago still looks forward-looking.

Su Ming'an really wanted to know the person who posted the post, but the person's ID was hidden anonymously from the beginning, so no one knows who this player who died very early but saw far away is.

He closed the post and briefly browsed the recent hot posts.

The sub-professional has begun to develop, and many viewers who can only chat and blow water seem to have found new fun. They are immersed in the research and development of the new system. Many original Zhai Xing researchers seem to have discovered a new world and are eager to invest in it.

Su Mingan has seen a lot of academic analysis posts that look impressive. Combined with a lot of formulas that are not understandable, many academic posts require points to be charged, and the price is quite high.

Next is a large number of fourth world analysis posts. Many people have boldly predicted the identity of each player, but their faces were slapped and swollen, but Su Mingan was not interested in watching these tragic face-slaps.

He looked at the fifth world analysis post. Many people predicted that this wave should be the future wind, which may be a future world more advanced than Baicheng, and some people predicted that it should be a fantasy world with a magical wind. Due to the enthusiasm mobilized by the live broadcast of the Fourth World, many people claimed that they would also "go off to play" and experience the "legendary different world".

Su Mingan also saw a lot of interesting guide posts. The familiar name "Hubert" has become a big hit. This person is very good at making comparison tables. He listed many cost-effective equipment combinations and Props ratio - The price of equipment in the auction room is obviously inflated, and it is not as cost-effective as directly clicking on the four-dimensional attribute point.

At this stage, the development of sub-professionals has not yet reached the level of cutting-edge players, resulting in a large shortage of high-end equipment. This situation may be improved in the future.

Su Mingan continued to watch. After collecting recent information, he saw an interesting new section.

【Peak Players Section】

He clicked on it and found that this was a new section that was recently opened. Only players with a combat power of 700 or more could speak in it.

He glanced at the current player rankings.


【World Ranking (Comprehensive Evaluation)】

1. Su Ming'an (combat power: 1100) (first player) (perfect clearance*3) / occupation: white trial

2. Noel Aginny (combat power: 950) (perfect clearance*2) / occupation: puppet master

3. Edward (combat power: 1350) (perfect clearance *3) / occupation: time stopper

4. Lu Shu (combat power: 900) (perfect clearance*1)/occupation: animal controller

5. Mizushima Chuankong (combat power: 800) (perfect clearance *3) / occupation: magic

6. Yamada Choichi (combat power: 750) (perfect clearance *1) / occupation: dark chaser

7. Alger (combat power: 850) (perfect clearance *1) / occupation: mad sword

8. Aiden (combat power: 750) (perfect clearance *3) / occupation: dark animal husbandry

9. Iris (combat power: 750) (perfect clearance*3)/occupation: Miyin

10. Aini (combat power: 700) (perfect clearance *1) / occupation: fire method


The top ranks of the rankings have not changed much, and there have been some minor changes in the back, and the situation will only become more and more fixed in the future.

The stronger the stronger, the weaker the weak. Without the help of the forces, it would be difficult for the weak to catch up once they fail once... Su Mingan continued to pull down the leaderboard and counted all the people who had completed the top 100 in the leaderboard—including himself, a total of 10 people.

There may be others after the hundred, but he can't think about it.

He looked at the forum, and the posts in the Peak Players section were all from familiar people. Since there were very few players with a combat power of more than 700 at this stage, he saw a post aimed at him at a glance.

[Su Ming'an, come to me... I really have something very important. 】

【Posted by: Mizushima Chuankong】

Su Mingan remembered that when the award ceremony was about to end, this person did make a 24-hour appointment without authorization, but he never thought of saying anything to her.

He looked down again and saw some declarations of war.

The people who posted the posts were all notorious figures. These people may have just risen to 700 combat power, and they are still a little inflated. They want to use this to promote themselves.

In the past, Su Mingan could see a lot of posts challenging himself in other places, but now these seem to have disappeared - perhaps this group of people realized the gap.

These declarations of war are now targeting people on the list other than themselves.

Su Mingan felt that he had almost finished reading, and glanced at the closed grid, but saw the [Super Talk] column.

...and the top one is the super talk about myself.

Above the column, there is a bright picture of a lighthouse, which seems to want to attract his attention.

He didn't want to open it.

The last time he clicked on this, he was brainwashed by the spam in it.

——There is no serious stuff in it, either a confession post or a forced CP post, as well as various accurately captured live broadcast screenshots, various clips and emoticons... and some fanfiction.

These people are good at capturing the meaning they want in various nonsense places, and they all put on the hat called "love", and write themselves in the article as they want.

Even his own theory has been changed by magic and turned into a declaration of love brain, and all the plots about him are giving way to the so-called "love".

Including a desperate adventure, they were also edited into a "love story with xx"... Although some of the content was indeed made to increase his popularity and express their love, he did not approve of some entertainment that forcibly distorted his image .

However, there are good and bad ones, and he has also seen a lot of interesting entertainment posts, such as drawing fanarts of players at the top of the list to progress together, and exciting clips that inspire people to end up participating in the game... He also thinks these are very good.

But he doesn't approve of those posts that are very popular but contrary to his own philosophy, but he won't say anything more - this is the way of life and entertainment for these people, and it is driven by the malicious promotion of the organizers who have added live broadcast elements. made.

He just won't click in again.

He closed the forum, and also missed Su Shi's post in Chaohua that he wanted to trade with him. He clicked on the personal information column, bought 18 points of four-dimensional attribute points with 183 points, and distributed them according to the original plan.

He hung the [Nata's Legacy Ring] and the [Bone Tooth Necklace] that he had dropped on the web auction site, and he could receive the sales points after his return this time.

Then, after feeling that his mental state is still acceptable, he began to choose to extract skills...


【November 11 at 12 noon】

"Ding dong!"

【Break time is over - dear players, welcome back to the world game! 】

[The Fifth World: Magical World~www.wuxiaspot.com~Global copy decryption/role-playing game. 】

【Participating players: 302982937 people!】

[The magic world will be copied into 30,000 identical copies, and each copy will invest about 10,000 players to play! 】

[Because the player enters the game for the fifth time, he will no longer automatically learn the common language of communication, and automatically deduct 10 points to learn the common language of the fifth world! 】

【——The world begins! 】


Su Ming'an heard the system prompt, and also felt that the transmitted white light was gradually dissipating.

But before he opened his eyes to see what the fifth world was like, he heard an extremely cold male voice next to him:

"...Take care of him."

"I will not allow any mistakes or omissions until the final time."

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